21. Guilty!!

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Hellooo dear busy busy readers.. Before i call u my lovely readers.. I want to tell you one thing..

If you dont like the way the story is moving.. Its okay.. You are free to give your opinion but dont ask me to change the story.. Because iam doing it for my fun.. I will write the way my heart and brain wants it to..

If you dont like it.. Say it.. Its okay.. I dont mind.. Its okay.. You can Stop reading it.. i dont mind.. I dont gain or loose anything whether you read it or not.. Dont pressure me to change the story in the way you like to read.. I do have a lot of work pressures.. Writing is not my profession.. It should be my stress reliever but not stress enhancer..

You can point out and ask me to change if you find gramatic errors.. But the story is mine.. I will continue it the way i want it..

Thanks to those who are reading and liking my story.. Thanks to those who are hating it and want to stop reading..

You are free to do what ever u want.. Except asking me to change the story line..

If i change the story as per reader's request.. Then it can never be mine..

Those who can understand what iam saying and want to continue reading it.. You are free to continue.. Those who want to stop reading it.. You are free to stop.. Iam not sending read requests to anyone.. I wont ever.. I thank those who are adding the story to their reading list, and also those Who are reading, voting and commenting.. Thats it.. As iam not pressuring you to read it.. You are free to stop reading it..

If you want to stop reading the story.. You can stop here.. This story is for my lovely readers..


So my dear lovely readers..

I know.. Its a long speech.. But its not for you all...

Anyways.. Lot of your time got wasted with my long speech.. Let us not waste anymore..

This chapter iam going to dedicate it to.. freya_harsh   Farzana_farzee and aayushi2_5

And also to those who try their maximum to maintain 'swacchbharath'..  You dont need to take a broom stick and start cleaning the roads.. You can do your duty by not throwing wastes on to the clean areas.. Just throw them in dustbin.. Thats more than enough.. Thank you😊😊😊

So.. Lets get back to our story..



Rakesh pov

Abhinav pande.. He is rich and a wellknown player... Vaishali used to say about him.. He used to flirt with her too.. she didnt like him.. I was surprised how she agreed to marry him..

May be its because of her parents pressure.. She wont be happy with him..

I enquired about abhinav more.. I was shocked with the fact that he openly flirted and kissed a model infront of his wife..

How can her parents accepted him instead of me?? Is it all because of money??

Vaishali always used to hate cheating.. Here abhinav always flirts with girls.. Vaishali sure is unhappy with him..

That thought itself made me into depression.. With out vaishali, i felt like iam not rakesh anymore.. I dont deserve happyness.. Because of me vaishali lost happiness in her life..

Office surroundings, the house i lived with vaishali.. Friends everything made me visualise vaishali living unhappy..

I didnt came out of room for a month.. I might have addicted to drugs and alcohol But suresh uncle made sure that iam not addicted to anything..

I started avoiding everything related to vaishali.. So i changed company to infosys.. I changed my living place..

I stopped going home.. My parents made me remember how i lost her. Suresh uncle lived with me till i became normal. He used to visit me frequently to make sure that iam fine.

Once again meghana entered my life demanding marriage.. I was sick of her childish acts.. Why doesnt she understand the fact that i dont have any feeling fer her..

My parents started putting pressure that If vaishali is single they can ask for marriage.. But as she is not.. They wanted me to accept for marriage.. They said vaishali is happily married.. But I know that she is not happy with him..

Finally Mom started her last weapon.. She said she will die if i dont get married.. I hate her for what she have done to vaishali.. But she is my mother.. I love her too..

They said they will get a girl who is more gorgeous than vaishali for me.. I laughed at her joke internally.. Does my love for vaishali is just because of external looks??

I said i will marry the girl of my choice only..But i dont have any feeling to any girl.. I love only vaishali.. My heart belongs to her only.. They started searching for different proposals..

One day as i went to home.. Mom and dad sat on sofa.. Selecting the pictures of girls suresh uncle gave and started watching them and showed me one by one. .

They all are Fair, goodlooking, rich, well educated girls.. But iam not interested in any of them.

Suddenly mom took a pic and said.. " suresh bhayya.. Who is this girl?"

Suresh uncle took that picture and said "she is swetha mehra.. She had completed her bsc 1 year back.."

"But.. She is dark right.. We want a fairer bride for rakesh.. He isnt accepting the pretty girls.. How can you expect him to accept her? She didnt even have a professional degree too.. " mom said

I looked at the dissatisfied look of my mother, i took the picture from her hand " i want to marry this girl that too in 1 week.. " i said with out looking at picture.

I dont need to look at the girl.. I want to marry only for them.. But i will marry the girl whom they dont like..

"But.. Rakesh.. Just look at her picture.. She is not a good match for you" dad said.

"If not this girl.. I will not marry any other girl" i said keeping the pic on the table by turning it to its back side.

I dont even want to look at the girl.. I know iam doing it out of revenge.. If i look at that girl, i might start feeling guilty and say no to this proposal.. But after marriage i will let her decide her life on her own.. I will give complete freedom to her..

Suresh uncle smiled at me.. "she do really is perfect for you.. You will be happy with your decision iam sure about that.." i looked at him and stood up to go.. How can he is so sure about that?? What he dont know is I can never be happy without my vaishali..

"Bhayya.. How can you support him? " i heard my mom asking suresh uncle..

"If my son is elder than her, i sure will make him marry this girl.. She is such a pure angel.. She.." suresh uncle went on talking about her.. I went to my room and locked the door.

How can my life turned this way?? How can i be happy while my vaishali is living dreadful life there..?? Its all because of me.. I dont want to be happy..

Everything went on so fast.. That girl accepted this proposal.. I wanted to tell her about my love for vaishali before marriage while she talks with me.. So that she will leave this match.. But she said okay with out even talking to me.. How can a girl says okay for a life matter with out talking to the guy??

My parents are not happy with this marriage.. But they agreed just for me..

During marriage, while tying the knot.. My hands shaken with guilt and fear.. The girl sat with head up trying to look at me.. But i dont want to look at her.. Iam damaging her life too for my own revenge.. I know iam the bad guy.. But iam helpless..

Her sudden yell of pain made me look at her, her eyes.. They are soothing my pain.. Just looking in to her eyes made me feel at peace.. I dont know.. Why do i feel like that..? I shouldnt be at peace.. I need to be unhappy.. So I diverted my eyes..

During the whole ceremony, she didnt utter a word, she kept on smiling.. Looking at her smile.. I felt more guilty.. Iam going to take that pure smile from her heart..

Days went with all rituals..

During suhagraat.. I decided to say everything to her directly.. I will make sure she will get someone good not like me.

Bed was decorated with flowers.. I Started walking restless.. I waited for her to come.. So that i can say everything to her..

She came inside the room with all shyness..

She stood infront of me looking down.. I stood infront of her.. I dont know how to start telling her..

"Hmm.. Ammi said. We have to share this milk. " she said with hesitation.

"I dont like you.. I married you just because of force from parents. Nothing else. Dont get high hopes. Because i wont even touch you. " i said with out wasting any second.. I dont want her to make hopes about me..
She looked shocked and disappointed.

"Appa said u wanted this marriage despite ur parents unwilling " she asked with fear and shock.

"My parents forced me to marry, so i wanted to marry someone who they dont like. So its u." i said with out any emotion.. I dont want to look weak with her emotional state

"Am i part of revenge?? " she asked with tears forming

"Sorry.. But u have freedom. I mean u can love anyone, i wont bother you. I will make sure that u can marry the one u love. I will give u divorce when ever u want. Till then we are strangers living under one roof" i said.. I know iam a bit harsh.. But i need to make it clear to her.. So that she needs to understand the situation and start moving on with her life like iam no one to her.

I took the pillow and kept it on floor to sleep over there.

"U can sleep there. No need to sleep on floor. I can assure u that i wont touch you." she said pointing to other side of bed.. I know she is trying to stop her tears.

I didnt say anything.. I slept on the bed towards the edge..

She slept on other edge.. She kept on sobbing through out the night.. I want to make her stop crying.. But how can i stop when iam the reason..

Next day we came to bangalore like she wanted..

She indeed is a perfect wife like suresh uncle said.. She will give everything i need before i search for it.. She keeps the house clean and arrange interior in different patterns weekly.. Her cooking.. It really is so tasty.. I always wanted to compliment her food.. But it might give her false hopes which i dont want..

If i havent loved vaishali.. She is the one i always wanted my perfect wife to be.. But i dont want to fall for her.. I always wanted to be a one women man.. That one women will always be vaishali.. Even if she is there or not..

After 1 month, i get to know that meghana is the reason behind my parents sudden outburst at vaishali.. I was devastated knowing that fact.. How can she create rumour regarding her character.. While vaishali is so pure to even think bad about any person.. Meghana made our life upside down..

I get to know that she started saying bad about swetha too.. My parents going to visit our home, they are going to check whether she is taking good care of me or not..

Suresh uncle said that my parents dont like swetha.. Meghana's accusation made them to believe her.. So take care of swetha as in the past also they made vaishali hurt..

I got frustrated with those facts.. I dont even want to meet my parents.. How can they believe meghana instead of their own son? Cant they even ask me once before accusing vaishali and blame her.. I wanted to avoid them..

I came late that night..

I dont have any appetite.. I went on to bed and tried to sleep but sleep was far away from me..

"Can u eat some food before going to sleep.? Its not good for health" she came and asked me.

I didnt gave any reply.. Iam missing vaishali.. I shouldnt have left her.. How can i eat and live happily while vaishali is suffering over there..

"Can i get u milk atleast??" she asked with hesitation..

Why cant she leave me..?? Why does she care about me always when i dont care about her?

" DONT IRRITATE ME.. U ARE NO ONE TO CARE FOR MY HEALTH.. DO U UNDERSTAND.. DO U UNDERSTAND THAT U R NOTHING BUT A STRANGER TO ME" i shouted at her.. She shivered with fear. She will hate me for sure this time..

There is no fault in her.. All fault is mine.. But her caring attitude makes me change my mind.. No.. I dont want to change my mind.. I should not live in peace.. I need to give punishment for myself..

She cried whole night and slept in couch.. I havent slept through out the night. I looked at the sleeping form of her.. Guilt is eating me alive.. She should be happy.. But not with me.. She deserves someone better than me..


So.. Thats it guys..

Iam giving you the story from rakesh side.. I know.. Its like a repeat telecast.. But.. I want you to feel from rakesh side also.. So iam trying to give you in detail from rakesh pov..

What do you think of rakesh in this chapter??

See our swetha came.. 😉😉😉

What do you think of abhinav pande..?

Do you think vaishali deserves all that??

I know you will start getting more frustrated from now on.. But what to do.. Rakesh yelled at me to tell his pov in detail like swetha's as you people are scolding him..

(***(whispering) *** but what he dont know is.. May be You will  hate him more for these chapters 😂😂😂

shhh🤫🤫🤫 its a secret between you and me..


So guys.. Meet u in next update... I.e., as usual on tuesday..

Bybye.. ❤️❤️❤️

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