28. Realisation

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(Guys.. Sorry for the inconvinience yesterday.. Asusual, by mistake an incomplete chapter got published.. So i unpublished it again.. Here how iam updating..)

' Never assume or think bad of someone due to miscommunication.. Major cause of miscommunication is due to mediators..'

Hellooo.. My dear busy busy but lovely readers...

I just said what i experienced recently.. A miscommunication between me and a senior through another person made my senior hurt.. I was hurt because my senior hurt for a silly reason.. But when we talked each other it got clarified. Even if iam in my senior place, i might have hurt when i get to know what the other person said. I felt bad that i hurt my senior even though its unknowingly.. Anyways everything is resolved.. But i learnt one thing..

So lets go to our story..

Rakesh pov

I looked at the flowing river.. With lot of thoughts running in my mind.

'Do you have any sense?? Do you think marriage is a game?? Its life rakesh.. Its life'

'I know you want to love only one women.. But that women is not me.. Rakesh.. Its your wife..'

'Ask yourself whether you love her or not.. I can see the love you have for her.. Why dont you see it??'

'There is no one who is perfect.. Everyone will have their own flaws.. There are no perfect persons in relationship.. They just make their relationship perfect..'

'First love may not be the last love.. Priorities change over time.. It doesnt mean i will stop loving you in future.. Its just i might love our kids.. There is this bond in marriage'

'Cant you see the way she looks at you?? Cant you understand how she feels about you ?? Dont you know how she cares for you??'

'Its doesnt put your male ego down, If you call her before she does..'

'Where ever you want to go.. I wont object. Do what ever you wish to.. But can you call me atleast once in two days or atleast a week.. Please'


Can i call her??

I took my mobile and dailed her..

'Khuda jaanenge mai phida huin' her caller tune.. I smiled.. Its too my favourite song..

It rang but she didnt lift the call.. May be she was busy..

'I dont like you.. I married you just because of force from parents. Nothing else. Dont get high hopes. Because i wont even touch you'


How can i talk to her when i myself treated her so badly.


'I wanted him to make love to me not s*x.. '

How can i face her..??

I made our relation to a stage that i cant even dare to look at her.. Then how can i call her??

I got a call.. Looking at display "arbind calling"

"Hello.. "

"Hello.. Rakesh.. Where did you went?? I searched for you over there.. I came to room still you are not there.. What happened to you man.. "

Alot happened in my life.. I thought..

"Iam coming.." i said

"Where are you exactly?? " he asked

"Thames river.. Near tower bridge.. " i explained looking at tower bridge

"do you want me to come?? " he asked

"No.. Its okay.. I will come through cab" i said.

"Okay.. Come fast.. Johnson and andrew both wanted to take us to a club near.. They said its more fun over there"

"but iam not interested.." i said.

"Ahh.. Party flopper.. First come yaar" he said

"Yah.. K.. Bye"

I took a cab through uber and reached room.

"heyy.. Hi.."


"we are waiting for you to come.."

"I.. "

"join us.. Yaar.. What will you do being alone in the room"


"Yah rakesh.. Come.. You will miss the fun"

They are not even giving a chance to talk..

"Okay fine will come" i said.

Its better to go there than fighting with my train of thoughts..

"Let me change to casuals" i said while opening the bag..

"boss.. Dont try to dominate us by looking more handsome.. " arbind said..

I chuckled and took a plain skyblue t-shirt with full hands paired it with dark blue jeans..

We all started in Andrew's car.

" james street" andrew said while driving his car.

"James street?? " i asked them..

"Yah.. Clubland" johnson laughed.

"See that one is oldest one.. White's club" andrew said pointing to a large building which is like a palace..

"White club?? " i asked them.

" yess.. But We are not going to that.. U know.. Its a not easy to enter into that luxurious club.. You should be lucky enough for that.. Only top most people can enter. We are going to petry's club.. Getting in to that is also difficult.. But thanks to john.. He arranged everything including the money" arbind said

"Heyy.. No man.. Its fine.. I like both of you.. And my dad is super rich.." he said winking his eye..

I didnt like that idea.. I mean that was hard earned money of his father.. He shouldnt waste it on us..

"No.. John.. Thats not correct.. " i tried to make sense to him

"Dont worry my dad knows well about you coming to the club.. There is nothing to worry.. If you dont come he will feel bad.. " he said.

I didnt say anything.. I dont have any mood to argue.. Let this night pass..

We entered with johnson..

"Sir.. Mobiles and laptops are not allowed inside" the gate man said. I handed over my mobile to him.

When we entered inside..

That was colorful and perfume instilled into my nostrils.. We sat at one corner cabin.. But Iam least interested

A girl who wore bikini.. Came infront of us and moving her hips sensually..

I looked at arband seriously.. He just shrugged his shoulders.

"What arbind?? What is this..?? " i whisper shouted at him.

"Its gentleman's club.. Do what ever fun u want to.. " andrew said.

"What the hell..??" i stood to exit..

"What happened to him? " john asked arbind.

"Just a minute.. " arbind said following me..

"Rakesh.. Wait.. U know.. Its a great oppurtunity anyone can get.. Just enjoy it yaar " he said..

My anger reached peaks..

"You may cheat on your wife.. But i hate cheating.. " i said and left.. Arbind stood rooted.

I went out.. Everyone looking at me like iam wierd..

I took my mobile and about to go but arbind too joined me..

I was all serious.. How will swetha react if at all she gets to know that iam im such a place??

"Sorry rakesh.. I dont know.. You love your wife that much.." he said.

My anger replaced with confusion.

I looked at my mobile..

Switched it on to see a missed call from an unknown number.

I recalled it..

"hello.." i said.

"Hello.. Mr. Rakesh?? " i heard a male voice.

"Yes.. But who is this? "

"its abhinav pande."

" oh.. Hi.." i said.. Unable to say anything..

"Can i meet you? " he asked.

"yes.. Sure" i said..

But what he wants to talk??..

"Stay where you are.. Iam sending you a car" he said.

"But iam not in hotel room. " i said.

"Just stay opposite to white's club" he said and cut the call.

How come he knows about where iam??

Is he too inside?? Cheating on vaishali??

That thought made anger seep through me..

I stayed there and asked arbind to go to hotel and i will come later.

A black ferrari stopped and the one in driving seat showed a placard on which mr. Rakesh patil was written..

I went near the car..

"Sir.. Are you Mr. Rakesh Patil? " driver asked me.

"Ye.. s.. " i said doubtfully..

He moved and opened the door for back seat.. "please get inside sir.. Mr. Pande sir is waiting for you"

I nodded and went inside.

Its a 30 minutes silent journey.. But my mind is not silent.

How did he know where iam?? Why did he want to meet me??

Car stopped infront of a hotel.. We went inside and entered a suite room.

Abhinav was sitting on chair looking at some papers.

I knocked on the door to gain his attention.

"hello.. Yah.. Come inside rakesh.." i went inside looking at him suspiciously..

"Please sit down" he said.

I sat infront of him.. Looking at him questioningly.

"I know.. You do have a lot of doubts running in your mind.. But.. " he stopped looking at his mobile and typed something and kept his mobile aside..

"First i want to say.. Sorry" he said.

"What!! Why?? " i asked with confusion.

"About your trip to petry's club was planned by me.. Its not johnson" he said.

"Whatt!! " i was shocked.

"Yess.. I wanted to test you.. My vaishali once loved you right.. Is that all a mask or u truly not a player even when no one is watching you.. I wanted to check on you.." he said.

I was dumbstruck.. Is it a childs play??

Why the hell my life changed to some rich brute's play game..?

I got frustrated..

" look abhinav.. You might be rich.. But you dont have any right to do such things in my life" i said and stood to move..

"but before leaving just answer one question.." he said.

I turned looking at him.

"you left that club for vaishali or for your wife" he asked.

"I dont know the answer.. But the first picture that i remembered when i got out of the club is swetha.. " i said frankly.

"Well.. Thanks man.. " he stood and hugged me.

" vaishu.. Come here baby.. See.. I said na.. He loves swetha" he said looking beside me.

I turned to look at vaishali with smiling tears. She nodded her head and came near to us.

"i do have a doubt that you might not realise your love for her.. But now i can be at peace" she said smiling.

"Sorry rakesh.. If you are hurt.. He just did that for me.. Dont hate him" she said with sad face looking at my silence.

I stood silent..

"rakesh.. Please talk something" vaishali said shaking me.

"is it that easy to move on?" i asked looking at vaishali.

"huh??" she was confused at my question.

"I thought i can never be able to move on.. But my every thought is concerned or connected to swetha.." i said.

"i wanted her to move on.. But that thought of her moving away from my life is scary.. My life is so much dependent on her." i said realising How this one week, I forgot taking care of my self..

"but now.. After realising that.. Iam afraid.. Iam afraid to call her" i said.

"She loves you rakesh.. You dont need to feel bad. " vaishali said feeling sorry for my situation.

"but i lost the respect.. I hate myself for that." i said looking at vaishali..

"life is all about compromising adjusting and forgiving.." vaishali said holdimg my hand to give support.

"she will forgive you.. You just need to express it" abhinav said.

I looked at him.

"forgiving, forgetting and accepting is the basis for any relation" he said.

I thought about what they said..

I looked at mobile and opened swetha contact..

I cant express what i feel in a phone call.. I dont know what her feelings through phone..

"better if i talk directly to her than through call.." i said.

Yes.. I want to make my disturbed relation to progress to a healthy one.

"then go tomorrow" he adviced.

"What about the project?? " i asked.

"uhoh.. They appointed you both just because we asked them to include you.. Anyways tomorrow is last day.. " abhinav said.

"i will book tickets to bangalore for tomorrow's flight" abhinav said while calling to some one.

"Hello.. Yah.. Book two ticket's to bangalore tomorrow" he said to someone in call.

"Thank you abhinav.." i said.

"Iam thankful to you.. If you dont move on.. Then my vaishu will be in depressed state all the time" he said shaking my hands.

I smiled looking at vaishali..

"sorry vaishali.." i said.

"sorry rakesh" she said with tears forming.

I turned to leave saying bye.. But they stopped me and said they will drop me in the hotel.

We reached the hotel and i started packing my bag.

"What boss.. What happened.. Why are you packing your bag??" arbind asked.

"Iam leaving.. You too are" i said while packing.

"What the hell?? Why am i leaving??" he said frustrated.

"Because the project ended.." I said looking at him.

"How come i dont know..? " he asked with confused look.

"Because i got the call." i lied and took mobile to plug in the charger.

"Ohh.. I dont..-" he is about to say but i cut him off.

"Anyways our tickets are booked. Out flight is tomorrow early in the morning." i said.

"Do we have to leave that early.. " he seems sad.

"Yess indeed.. " i said and went to washroom

"Hmm.. I thought of enjoying the trip.. But its too bad out project ended abruptly.. Bad luck.. "i heard arvind murmuring while closing the door..

I kept alarm but there is no need of that as i didnt have any sleep..

All thoughts about how to start conversation with her? How will she react? How to express? It will be too awkward to tell i love her when i till now i asked her to be a stranger to me.. Time went off like that..

Next day we left to airport and finally landed in bangalore.


did you feel like its an unnecessary chapter??

I searched alot u know to write places in london..

About that white's club... I thought of letting them go into it.. But then thought.. Nope.. That will be so unreal.. I mean abhinav might be rich but not that rich to let 4 people into white's club free.. And the membership into white's club needs a whole lot of money and fame. It needs dress code and all.. Well i dont want to make my book appear so unrealistic.. So i created a petry's club.. But i dont want my hardwork of search to be wasted.. So i included that too.. 🤣🤣🤣..

Do you think abhinav's game is unnecessary?

Rakesh thinks abhinav's plan as rich brute's play game.. Do you think so??

So.. Rakesh didnt talk to our swetha through call.. Our poor swetha there is waiting for his call..

Do you people miss our swetha pov??

Today's random question..

What is your definition of love??

Now dedication part..

Goes To






Thank you all for your votes and sweet comments..

Meet u on next Tuesday..


With love 💞💞💞


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