29. His Things!!

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Hellooo.. My dear busy busy but lovely readers.. Hope you all are enjoying holidays well..

The best camera to take picture of a memorable incident is your eyes and its stored in a great sd card called brain..

U might not be able to show that picture to others.. But u can take with u where ever u want and look at it when ever u want.. Just u need to close your eyes and relive in that moment for few seconds.. The best happiest and loveliest picture is the smile on your face..

Now a days what is happening is.. Every one is busy in taking pictures in camera, not living in that moment.. Those pictures might fade but memories wont..

Welcome back to our story ..

Swetha pov.

I woke up to the falling sunrays.. I opened my eyes to look in a different room..

I remembered that iam in my in laws home.. I remembered whole conversation between suresh uncle, kalyani aunty and prabha aunty..

Finally iam happy that my Inlaws accepted me.

Suddenly i remembered the call from my husband..

I pouted looking at my mobile..

I waited for his call till late night.. I dont even know when sleep occupied me. I looked at my mobile.. But no message or missed call..

May be that call came by mistake.. Its not an intentional call.. Dont hope much swetha you know well about your husband..

Heaving a long breath.. I stood from bed and folded the duvet..

I went to washroom to do my routine..

I took blue and lemon yellow dress.

I looked around and stopped looking at the picture of rakesh.. It might be during his college days. I mesmorised looking at his smiling face.. He is as handsome as now.. But now more manly.. I smiled remembering his musculature..

Shutup swetha.. You are getting pervert thoughts..

I went outside and started praying at prayer room.

After prayer.. I came to living room.. My mother in law just came out taking bath..

"beti.. You wokeup so early.. You even done prayer. I thought you will woke up late.. ??" she said.

"hmm.. That day.. I slept very late that night.. So i didnt wokeup early maaji" i said looking down.

"Sorry beti.. I misunderstood you" she said.

"Its okay maaji.. Who will scold me other than my parents?? You people are the only people who have rights to scold me.." i said smiling.

"if your sorry and consolings are completed, can you people come and take coffee?" kalyani aunty said smiling

"Kalyani..!!" maaji shaked her head horizantally smiling.

"Didi.. I know our daughter in law is super mature than our son" she said.

"Hmm.. Iam very slow to analyse things" she said with sorrowness in her eyes..

"maaji.. Please dont be like that.. Iam happy that you accepted me.. But if you keep on feeling guilty we can never be happy" i said holding her shoulder..

She hugged me and said " iam so thankful to god.. That i got such a pure hearted angel as my daughter"

"do you know.. Iam getting jealous looking at you" prabha aunty said.

"prabha.. She is daughter inlaw to us.. But she is daughter to u" maaji said kissing my forehead.

"yes.. I agree.." prabha aunty said smiling.

My mom came and smiled looking at the love  my husband's family showering.

We all sat and drank coffee..

I asked kalyani aunty about madhu aunty..

"madhu's waking time is not yet over.." kalyani aunty said.

I smiled and started helping in kitchen.

By 9 am madhu aunty came after taking bath and started praying the god.

She sat in living room reading paper.

I gave coffee to her.. She looked at me.. But there is no smile on her face..

"Madhu!! " amit uncle yelled at her..

She looked at him and took coffee from my hand.

I went to kitchen feeling awkward..

Iam so happy till now.. But madhu aunty's looks make me feel like i made a mistake.

What is the mistake i have ever done??

Iam the victim of all this family's revenge plan.. Isnt it so??

I can bear the hatred of my husband or my inlaws. Because they are my family.. Who is she to hate me..?

Because she is family to rakesh.. so to you too.. My inner thought said.

All gathered for breakfast.. I arranged everything.. All males sat first along with my parents.. All females served food to males.. Then they sat beside them and started Eating on the same plate.. They asked me to join them.

"dont think odd about this rupa ji and laxman ji.. This is the rule we follow at breakfast in this house.. Sharing everything between partners starts from food.. During suhagrat they ask the couple to share their milk.. So.. This thing of sharing breakfast early in the morning bonds your love for your partner" maaji said..

"that was nice rule in the family.. We liked it.. Why dont we do it from now on?? After all we are too a part of this family right" appa said.

"Yess... Yes.. " every one said laughing.

I loved watching them. If rakesh is there and he is in love with me.. He too might have shared with me like that right.. But what to do every life is not alike.. Iam not worthy to be loved. He didnt even shared the milk during our suhagrat.. Now.. No way..

After breakfast, maaji said to take rest as we are going to attend a function in near by town.. "we will start by evening.. Lunch will be made by madhu and me" maaji said smiling..

"I will help you maaji" i said..

" no Need beti.. Okay.. Do one thing i havent cleaned rakesh room since along time.. As he wont allow anyone to touch his things.. As you are his wife.. I think you are allowed" she said.

I do wonder that.. Iam the last person in his life allowed to touch his things.. But i cant say it aloud.. So i just nodded and left to his room.

Room overall its clean.. May be they will just clean the surface and change the bedsheet of the room i thought.

Lets start from topmost shelf.. So that Any dust if at all present, will not fall on to lower shelves.

I took a stool and stood on it.

I opened the topmost shelf on right side and moved back and coughed waving my hand infront of my nose to remove the dust entering in to my nostrils.

Its a huge amount of dust.. I dont know how many years it has been since it was last opened.

I started cleaning the shelf with broomstick.. There are lot of books.. Seems to be like books of school days..

I opened a small book and laughed looking at the hand writing and spelling mistakes and the corrected ones..

I closed the book and cleaned all the dust from books with a cotton cloth..

I opened another shelf left to that. This time i tied my dupatta around my head in such a way only my eyes are visible.

I cleaned that shelf too.. It had lots of gifts and greetings like broken cars and spiderman doll and playing guns. He seems to preserve everything his heart likes..

I opened another shelf and started taking the books out.. These books are large as they are from his btech time.. As i was taking the huge bunch of books, they slipped from my hands due to imbalance..

"oh.. Shit!!" i went down from the stool..

As I started taking books one by one, few pictures fell from the books.

I took the pictures and looked at them.

One is the picture of trio.. Rakesh, varun and vikranth.. They look a little childish.. The pose is.. Both vikranth and rakesh trying to beat varun, while varun acted like in fear..

I smiled and took another picture.. This picture has namitha, priya included.. All sat on the compound wall.. May be its their college compound wall. All seems to be happy.. May be vikranth and priya both in love already as he is placing his hand on her shoulder and too close to be a friend.

I took another pic.. Its basket ball court.. Varun, vikranth and few others picked him up.. May be he made the team win.. I can see the happyness in the whole team.. His smile is so brave and looks victorious.

I took another picture.. Its his single pic.. Where he is smiling and winking on bike..

I kissed that picture..

I took another picture.. Its a girl.. She is so beautiful.. Her smile seems so genuine.. Her eyes are large and round.. Who is she??

I took another picture.. Its a picture of namitha, priya and that girl..

Is she vaishali??

I took another picture.. Its a picture of rakesh and that girl..  He placed his arm on her right shoulder while she is pulling his right ear with her left hand.. His expression mimics pain..

I took another picture.. He lifted her from behind.. His hand around her waist.. Her hands holding his hands.. Her feet off the ground and she looks a little bended.. Her skirt's cloth was flying.. May he is turning around lifting her.. They are laughing..

I took another picture.. They are looking at each other with so much..

Thats it.. Okay.. Enough.. No need to see and feel bad..

Yes they love each other.. You cant do anything about that right..

You already know.. He is in deep love with her.. You cant make him stop loving her..

Tears flowed.. He might not be able to love me.. But he cant stop me from loving him right ..

Let the fate decide what will happen to our relationship..

I kept all the pictures in a small box and cleaned everything..

"Beti.. Come for lunch its already 2pm.." maaji called me..

"Haa.. Maaji.. Just few minutes" i said.

"you can do that work later you know.. Its not healthy doing work skipping meals" she said coming in to our room..

"Just few minutes maaji.. Its all over.. I cleaned all. I need to clean the floor thats it.." i said cleaning the floor with brromstick..

"Woww.. You are so fast in doing work.. Okay.. Come fast.. All are waiting for you" she said.

"Maaji.. I will come after taking bath.. Please all you start your lunch" i said.

"its okay beti.. We can wait for few more minutes.. No problem.. Just come as early as possible" she said.

I nodded and cleaned the dust and went for bath..

When iam back to dining table.. All are waiting.. Some looks weak because of hunger.. Some sleepy.. Some still active and smiling.. One frustrated look.. No need to say who it is..

"Come.. Let us all start eating.. No need to serve.. Take what ever you want" pithaji said.

Every one ate with out talking anything.. After our lunch i placed all the utensils in sink and started cleaning..

"Beti.. No.. Maid will come..  its just yesterday she is on leave.." kalyani aunty said.

"Oh.. " i said..

"Yes.. Come on.. Do you want to watch any movie?? " she asked.

"hmm.. Not specifically interested." i said.

"you better take rest.." maaji said to me and turned to kalyani aunty " she cleaned rakesh room.."

" Well.. Thats a huge lot of work.. You definitely need rest.. He dont clean anything and he wont allow anyone to touch his things.. I can guess how much difficult it is to clean that age old room" she said laughing..

I smiled and went to my room to sleep.

At 4 pm.. I wokeup to the voice in the living room.. I moved to there.

" haa.. Beti.. Good you woke up.. Come on get ready.. We need to go to first birth anniversary function " maaji said..

I nodded and left to our room..

I took a dark maroon schiffon saree with cream embroidery work along the lower boarder of saree and made an updo to my hair..

By the time i finally done with my makeover.. I heard few voices and a familiar voice..

The voice which iam desperately wanting to hear.. Is it my illusion.. Or he really came??

I ran to open the door and looked at the people.. I can see his back.. Maaji hugged him.. Tears formed looking at him.. I miss his presence.. He dont need to talk to me.. No need of all the lovey dovey which many couples do.. I just want him near to me..

"Swetha.. Beti.. See your rakesh came.. " ammi said..

He turned to look at me.. I holded the handle tightly to not fall..

I know.. I know.. You all people want to murder me with your deadly glares.. As I haven't shown the interaction between swetha and rakesh right..

Okay guys, you will get to know in next chapter..

Till then you have to wait..

One more thing.. Iam not going to give you rakesh pov from now onwards.. As i gave you long long chapters.. I want you to comment rakesh's pov.. That describes how much u understood rakesh pov..

So.. This chapter iam going to dedicate it to...






And also to Alagba..

Do you know who is alagba..??

Oldest tortoise..( 344 yr old) in africa died recently.. 😢

Let its soul rest in peace..

Thats for today.. Meet you on next tuesday..

Bye bye.. 🙋🙋🙋

Love you all💖💖💖

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