30. Acting!!

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Hello dear busy busy but lovely readers..

Surprise update on occassion of dussera..

Happy dussera to all..

This update is due to special request from jnr.. And also because iam afraid from your deadly glares😰😰😰 haha just kidding..

So guys as i said.. You have to comment rakesh pov in their conversation.. Iam not going to give rakesh pov again.. So u people give it in comments..

Hope you will enjoy it.. And also let me enjoy with your comments on rakesh pov.. Its a long chapter.. So be prepared..

Lets move on to story..

Swetha pov

"Swetha.. Beti.. See your rakesh came.. " ammi said..

He turned to look at me.. I holded the handle tightly to not fall..

Lots of emotions running through me.. Iam so happy that he came.. Anger that he didnt call me till yesterday.. Frustrated that he didnt recalled me.. Sad that he is always the same treating me like a stranger.. Tears fall down through my eyes.. I tried to control the tears.. But couldnt..

I felt so weak and took support of handle of door and my back resting on door..

He is coming nearer to me.. My heart beat raised.. I looked at his eyes.. They are staring at me.. I couldnt meet his eyes.. I looked down..

When he is just infront of me.. I took a deep breath and stood straightly..

He hugged me all of a sudden.. I was shocked.. I widened my eyes..

All the elders smiled and turned.. I felt so embarassed..

What happened to him??

Ohh.. Yes.. This is all an act infront of our family..

I gently pushed him and went inside.. He too came inside.. I closed the door and turned to him..

" i.." he is about to say something but i stopped him..

"i know.. You dont need to explain.. I can understand.. Its all an act infront of our family.. I know my limits... And i know iam just a stranger when we are inside the room" i said  looking down..

Its hurting to recall his words and its paining to say it myself.. But its the fact.. Its what my life is.. I cant expect sudden change from him.

I didnt wait for his answer.. I know which it will be.. Because what i said is what he always say..

I opened the door and went to kitchen to prepare juice for him.

By the time i went inside room.. He is still in the same dress sitting on the bed with his elbows touching knees and his palms closing the face..

I went near to him.. "hmm.." i cleared my throat for him to look at me..

He looked at me.. But the emotions are not ignorance like previously.. Its full of guilty..

May be he is remembering the past coming inside this room.. In His room, he stored lots of memories of vaishali.. May be Guilty of losing vaishali.. I couldnt look at him in such a state.. I want to remove the pain.. But how can i be able to do??

"drink this.. You will feel better" i said and took clothes from his bag and took them to washing area and placed them in a basket.

I came back and opened his shelf of clothes and placed a pair of pale blue jeans and casual shirt of dark blue and pink checks shirt..

He is looking at me through out the time iam running around the room.. I havent looked at him.. But i can feel his eyes on me..

After keeping the dress for him, i kept a fresh towel.

I went out side and waited for him to get ready.

"swetha beti!! I think you need to go to make him get ready.. It seems he is not that interested to come out" suresh uncle said.

"Yah.. Go.. Go.. " prabha aunty pushed me.

I went inside room as no option available for me.

He is still sitting on bed thinking deeply closing his eyes, his forehead showed wrinkles suggesting something is bothering him.

I went near to him and cleared my throat.

He didnt respond..

"All are waiting for you" i said slowly..

Still he didnt respond..

"ra.. kesh.. ji.." i patted his shoulder slightly with fear.

He jerked suddenly opened his eyes to look at me..

They appear slightly red.

Is he crying?? Why??

May be he is missing vaishali.. Yes.. Thats the reason.. Thats the only reason..

"Sorry to disturb you but all are waiting for you.. Can u please control yourself.. Otherwise they might be bothered.." i said.

He looked at me with confusion.

"i know you are missing vaishali.. But they are thinking everything is fine between us.. So please come fast" i said and was about to turn.

"how are you?" he asked..

I was stunned.. This is the first time he asked for my well being.

"I.. I.." i stuttered with his sudden question.

"how can you be able to live in this place even after my mother insulted you that time?" he asked frowning his forehead.

"they are your parents they have the right to scold us.. " i said.

"but they insulted you" he said.

"Because they misunderstood me that time.. Now when they want to rectify their mistake, if i dont give a chance.. What is the meaning of relation.. ?" i said.

He looked down with out saying anything for few seconds.

I stood there silent for his responce.

" what if i want to rectify my mistake?? Can i also get a chance?" he asked looking into my eyes.

Mistake?? He wants a chance??

He wants to rectify his mistake of leaving vaishali.. He is asking me whether he can be able to get a chance to be with vaishali...

I felt pain in my heart.. He do really miss her.. Yess.. The love they had in those pictures.. Anyone can say how much they love each other..

I nodded my head.

" time heals everything.. One day you will get that chance..  Vaishali will give you for sure.." i said and went outside unable to stand there..

Tears are forming but i shouldnt cry.. Especially now when all of our family are present.. I swallowed multiple times to decrease the constricting pain.. Took deep breaths..

" when will your son comes to our home.. suresh?" 

"he wants to live in that hostel enjoying with friends"

"He is young suresh.. Let him enjoy"

Everyone in the living room were talking happily..

I took a water bottle from refrigerator and slowly walked out to balcony..

The tears which i controlled came out..

My life isnt for love.. I may not be his love.. But atleast i can be his friend right.. Why cant he atleast consider me as friend..

Is it too much if i ask him to treat me as his friend??

Will he shout at me?

Its not new for you right.. Anyways.. Dont expect anything much.. U know well about him..

But iam not asking him to love me.. I just want him to be my friend atleast.. Is that a big mistake??

"Swetha beti..!!"

I heard someone calling me..

I wiped the falling tears and drank some water and took few more breaths.. Sprinkled some water on to face and dried it with the edge of saree..

I went inside..

"Where are you dear? " ammi asked..

I went to balcony i said looking down..

"What beti?? What happened?? Are you crying??" ammi asked with anxiety..

Hearing that.. All looked at me.. I shaked my head horizantally and gave fake smile to them..

"No.. Its just.. Hmm" i dont know what to say..

"may be she burst looking at her hubby.. She misses him alot na" kalyani aunty said..

I smiled looking down..

"now.. No need you people will be together.. If u both want to stay at home.. You can.. What do you say supriya" bhargav uncle said.

"No.. No.. I didnt invite anyone to my son's wedding.. Now i want to show my beautiful daughter to all.. Now that rakesh too came.. Its a good thing.. " maaji said smiling.

I smiled.

Door to our room opened revealing rakesh.. He looked a little sad before.. But now he seems to be okay..

" Rakesh.. Look your wife is crying like a child.. Missing you"  prabha aunty said..

All smiled. I couldn't be able to look at him.

"do you think i dont miss her? " i raised my head shocked looking at rakesh.

He is smiling looking at me.

What an act..? Oscar award can be given for him..

Are you any less?? You too are acting right infront of all.. My inner thought yelled at me.

I looked down unable to look at anyone straight in the eye.. Especially him.. My husband.

"Okay.. If you people end your love act.. Lets go.. Its already late.." madhu aunty said irritated.

Smiles on all faces faded in an instant..

How come she got it that its all an act.. She really has great observational skills..

"MADHU!! be in your limits" amit uncle shouted with anger.

"Sorry rakesh.. " amit uncle said looking at rakesh with soft look.

"Its okay uncle.. What she said is true.. Its becoming late.. We need to go" i said fake smiling..

Mean while ammi and appa came near to maaji and pithaji..

"Okay supriya ji and bhargav ji.. I think its time to leave.. Please Take care of my daughter.. Just ignore her if she does anything wrong.. Think of her as your daughter and forgive her" appa said holding hands with tears in his eyes..

"Laxman ji.. Dont say like that.. She is my daughter only.. Infact she is the one who has to forgive us.. We are so lucky to have such a beautiful daughter" maaji said.

Ammi and appa hugged me.. "Take care beti.. You are making us proud.. Thank you" appa said smiling..

I nodded..

They went towards rakesh and said  "rakesh beta..!! We thought she might miss us so much and she will cry to come to our home.. But you know we are wrong.. The love and care you shower on my daughter made her forget us.. We are so much thankful to you"

The smile on his face faded.. He looked at me.. I diverted my eyes to my parents and smiled at my parents "no.. Appa.. How can i not miss you?? I always miss you.."

"Haa beti.. We know.. Okay.. Take care.." saying that my parents went away..

We all too started going in 2 cars..

Rakesh sat in driver seat.. I sat beside him..

In the back seat, suresh uncle and prabha aunty sat..

"What rakesh?? How is your trip??" suresh uncle asked.

"Its an eye opening trip uncle" he said smiling and looking at me through the corner of his eyes while driving..

I immediately turned my head to side window..

Why is he smiling more than usual??

What happened in the trip?

Is it all really just an act??

"You better come to back seat swetha.. These men always talk about work.. So boring" prabha aunty whined.

"Okay aunty... I will come back.. Uncle please come front" i said looking at rakesh to stop the car.

He held steering tightly and stopped the car.

I went back and uncle sat infront..

They were talking about random work related issues and politics..

Prabha aunty and i talked for sometime about bangalore life. I lied to her that iam enjoying alot and i dont like going outside much.

While talking i looked in the middle mirror.. Shocked to see he is looking at me through that mirror..

Stupid mind.. Stupid mind.. He might be watching the back view through that mirror.. Not you..

We stopped in front of a function hall.

Lots of people came.. These people seems to be so influential.. Inviting this many people.. I thought..

We went inside.

Every one seems to be busy.

I am looking around the hall and in aww looking at the beautiful decoration..

Suddenly.. Someone caught my wrist and dragged me to side.. With the sudden force i fell on someone's chest..

"Heyy.. Look below" I looked down.. There was a step.. I might have fallen.. I slowly raised my head and Looked above.. Instantly i moved away from him.

"You.. Here??" he asked me still holding my wrist with surprise on his face...

I have seen him.. I do remember that i have seen him.. But i forgot his name..

I just smiled at him.

"Do you remember me?? " he asked.

Ofcourse how can i forget those faces who came to see me and then rejected me because of my colour.

I tried to remove his hand from holding my wrist..

"hmm.. Actually i dont remember??" i lied.. Ofcourse only partly.

"so.. Finally your are married.. Congratulations.." he said.

I know.. He is mocking me.. Does he think that i wont get any guy?? Do i look like an imperfect material for marriage..

"hmm.. Thank you.. But.. Can you please leave my hand." i said uncomfortably looking around..

"ohh.. Sorry.." he said and left my hand.

"Any problem?? " rakesh came and asked the person infront me giving glares to him..

There came his protectiveness.. Act Infront of all..

"Hmm.. Nothing.. Its just i know her thats it.." he said..

Rakesh looked at me with questioning look.. I lowered my eyes..

Is he thinking that iam cheating on him??

"anyways.. Swetha.. Where is your husband??" he asked looking around..

i looked at him and then at rakesh then at him.

"Iam her husband..  Is there is any problem mister??" he asked with rage..

"what??" he was shocked and looked at both of us alternately.

Ohh.. Yah.. He will be shocked.. Because.. He never might have thought in his dreams that i can get a husband like rakesh..

He is just a legal husband swetha..

But still he is your husband.. Let The whole world die of jealousy..

I felt a sudden tingles run on my waist.. I looked down to see a hand touching bare part of my waist..

I turned to realise that it was rakesh.. He is smiling looking at me.. I felt butterflies in my stomach..

"Yess.. She is my wife.. And iam her husband"  he said pulling me more towards him..

I shivered and straightened my posture..

Control swetha.. Its just an act infront of family..

I looked beside..

Suresh uncle and prabha aunty looked at us and felt so happy looking at both of us.

"If you move aside.. We have to go near my family" he said and moved.. But his hand still on my waist..

I moved along with him..

Maaji started showing us to all her distant relatives..

There is a granny at the first row.. We went near to her and took blessings from her..

"Such a pretty lady.. What is your name beti?" she asked.

"Swetha naaniji" i said smiling..

"Such a nice name.. Look swetha beti.. If this rakesh does any thing.. Say it to us.. We will beat him till he chants your name to save him" she said squeezing rakesh's ear.

"Naani.. Aah. " rakesh yelped in pain.

I laughed looking at him like that but.. My laugh faded instantly remembering what naani said.

'till he chants your name to save him'

I chuckled.

Its been morethan six months since our marriage.. He didnt utter my name not even once..

I am waiting for him to call me with my name.. But he didnt..

May be he hates uttering my name also..

How can he call my name.. When iam an unknown stranger.. You dont know strangers name right.

"You okay? " he asked concerned.

I looked at him.. Tears forming.. If thats his real concern.. May be i might die with happyness..

I nodded my head sniffing and gulping multipletimes.

We went on to stage and gave blessings to the baby.. Then they asked to pose for pictures..

I looked blankly at the camera.

"Madam.. Please.. Smile.." cameraman asked.

I tried to smile.

"a little more.. " the cameraman said showing the fingers infront of his lips signelling me to smile widely..

I fake smiled.. But that smile didnt reach my eyes.

After dinner, while all are talking.. I sat at corner looking at all.

I looked around and found that guy on whom i accidentally fell constantly looking at me..

I felt so uncomfortable.. I covered myself with the edge of my saree and looked at him.. He is still looking at me..

What is his problem?? Cant he be able to digest the fact that iam married to rakesh?? Or he doesnt want someone whom he rejected to live happily??

I got frustrated and stood to confront him..

"Swetha beti... Call rakesh.. Its getting late.. We need to go" maaji said.

"Haa.. Maaji" i said and left to call rakesh..

May be its better to leave the mud like that than running on it.. Because if you try, that mud will fall on us only..

Rakesh is talking to a guy who is younger than me.

I went near to him and said "ji.. Maaji is Calling you.. They said its getting late.."

"Yah.. Okay.. Pranav.. All the best for your exams.. Bye" he said..

I just nodded at him with smile and went away..

We came back home with me on passanger seat and suresh uncle on back seat.

Suresh uncle and prabha aunty slept instantly just after car started.

I was looking outside through the side window.

"who is he?" rakesh asked..

He?? Who??

I looked at him with confusion.

He is looking straightly driving the car..

"He is looking at you most of the time in the function. " he said.

Now i understood whom he is referring to..

"ohh.. He.." i dont know what should i say  about him..

I dont have any relation with him.. He is  just some one who rejected me because iam not up to his expectations

"he??" he asked still looking straight.

"He is one of those who rejected me to marry me" i said and looked at him.

"Do you hate him? " he asked and looked at me then again looked straightly.

"no.. Why do i hate him..? Its his choice.. He do have his priorities.. Iam not in his priorities thats it" i said.

Yes.. Everyone has their own priority.. If we start hating them just because we didnt reach their expectations, whole world will be with hatred.. Because no two people are alike..

"What are your priorities? " he asked all of a sudden..

"Whatt?? " i asked..

Did i misheard what he asked??

"What are your priorities to look in your life partner? " he looked at me and again looked straightly..

"I.. I.." i dont know the exact answer for that..

I dont have any priorities.. Because.. I never thought of dreaming for someone perfect.. I always wanted someone  who loves me for me.. But unfortunately thats not fulfilled and it wont be fulfilled..

" you what??" he asked..

"what is the use of knowing.. When i can never be able to get" i said.

Car stopped abruptly..

"What rakesh..? What happened?? " uncle and aunty woke up suddenly..

"No.. Its just.. I hallucinated a snake " he said and started car..

There is whole silence.

We reached home and every one went back to their rooms..

We too.. Finally the whole act ended for today..

How do u think about this update??

What do u think about that guy.. Who rejected swetha??

Have you ever observed that rakesh didnt called swetha by her name not even once?

Do u think rakesh is getting insecure?

Random question..

Which pain do u feel is better mental or physical??

So this chapter iam dedicating to






Also to Dreamvinny are you happy for the update dear??

So.. Guys.. Hope you are liking the way story is moving.. Even if not.. Nothing can be done.. 😛😛😛

Thanks for the love


Its a serious bye.. Till next week..

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