31. Friends!!

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my dear busy busy but lovely readers..

In the last update i really enjoyed those who ever gave rakesh pov through their comments.. Thank u all.. Hope u continue for this chapter also..


Lets go straight to our story..

Swetha pov

I went to have bath..

I came out of washroom.. I didnt say anything.. I went to keep bindi on my forehead..

He is looking at me..

There is something bizarre about him.. Why do i feel like he wants to say something but couldnt be able to say it??

I looked at him.. He is still looking at me but seems to be in deep thoughts..

I slowly went towards him.

I know he might get irritated if he is in bad mood.. But still i want to clear his thoughts.. I couldnt see him like that.. Its aching to look at him like that..

I took a night wear for him from shelf and gave it to him..

"You will feel better if you fresh up" i said giving the night wear to him..

He took it and went..

Mean while i arranged the bed neatly..

I didnt wait for him to come.. I placed the pillows in the middle of bed and slept to my side of bed.. May be its the journey effect or work effect sleep occupied me instantly..

Next morning.. I woke up.. I looked beside to see rakesh still sleeping..

I covered the windows with curtains so that sunrays wont disturb his sleep.

I went to have bath and done my prayer.. I helped kalyani aunty to make breakfast like yesterday..

I gave coffee to all.. Meanwhile rakesh came.. I gave coffee to him.. He is looking at me as i was taking the used cups into tray..

I dont understand what happened.. Why he is looking at me like that since yesterday..

"swetha.. Can you help me arrange the dining." prabha aunty called for me..

"Haa aunty.. " i said leaving my thoughts..

After arranging everything.. Maaji called for everyone to attend the dinning for breakfast.. 

We ladies served everything.. All males sat alternatively in their seats.. Then all ladies sat beside their husbands..

Rakesh didnt came yet..

May be he didnt like to share food with me.. So to escape it he didnt came..

"rakesh.. Come.. Everyone is waiting for you" pithaji called him.

"its okay pithaji.. You people start" i said..

"But you too are waiting right" maaji said.

"Hmm.. Actually i dont have appetite yet" i said and stood from my seat.

Yess i lost the appetite.. Iam too expecting this relation to work.. Why cant my stupid heart accept this..?

I was about to go.. Maaji held my hand..

"There he is.. " she said.. I looked to see rakesh coming all freshen up

He wore white shirt with shaded blue jeans.. Shirt hugging his musculine body perfectly.. White suits him best.. He is looking awesome..

"Hmm.. hmm.. " some one's clearing throat made me realise that iam checking out my husband that too infront of all family members.. So embarassing..

"he is all yours swetha.." kalyani aunty said which made everyone laugh..

I blushed and lowered my head..

He came and sat on the seat beside me.. I still dont know whether to sit or not..

Iam fighting with my thoughts.. He held my wrist and made me sit beside him..

Everyone started eating..

I was just looking at the plate.. Whether to eat or not..

"Swetha.. Come on eat.. Share with your beloved husband.. " shanmuk uncle said..

"May be she is feeling so shy" kalyani aunty said smiling..

I looked down.. Feeling nervous..

Rakesh took a piece of idly and moved his hand towards my lips.. I was shocked to that act..

I involuntarily opened my mouth.. He is looking at me with.. Care?? Love??

I dont know.. Even it might be just an act infront of the family.. But still that gesture made my eyes filled with happytears..

"Come on swetha.. Why dont you feed him? Its so lovely to look at you both like that.. " prabha aunty said..

"yah.. Come on swetha" kalyani aunty said.. Everyone smiled..

I blushed and looked down.. He placed his left hand on my hand and squeezed it.. I looked at him.. He slowly blinked his eyes signalling me to go on..

I took a piece of idly and dipped it in groundnut chutney and placed my hand near his lip..

He opened the mouth and ate it.. Once As he was closing the mouth, His lips touched my fingers.. I felt goose bumps.. My hand shaked..

"I think we should change the rule a little bit.. Husbands should feed their wifes and vice versa in breakfast.. Not just sharing the plate.." amit uncle said.. Every one laughed and praised him..

Every one started feeding their partners.. Initially i felt embarrassed when we are feeding each other but looking at all of them felt happy..

After breakfast.." are you people really together?? " madhu aunty asked all of a sudden..

We looked at her confused..

"She seems to be too shy  and nervous to look at you or touch you.. Which seems too abnormal" madhu aunty said looking at rakesh..

"Madhu.. Where are your manners?? " shanmuk uncle shouted at her.

"i just expressed my doubt.." she shrugged her shoulders.

I and rakesh looked at each other then i looked down with shame..

"she is feeling shy beacuse you all people are there.." rakesh said..

Everyone seems to agree with his lie..

But i felt sorry for them..

Tears formed in my eyes.. Its easy for him to lie like that.. But its too difficult for me..

I stood and went to our room without looking at anyone..

I know it might look rude to go away like that.. But its better than bursting into tears infront of all..

I fallen onto the bed and cried.

I stopped crying when a hand tapped on my shoulder.. I looked at rakesh who is looking at me with concern..

I sat on bed and wiped my tears..

May be its time to ask him to be a friend.

"Sorry.. Can i ask you something? " i asked him.

He is looking at me..

Iam afraid to ask for friendship.. But it will be good like some one is there right..

He nodded his head and sat on bed beside me..

"I know this is more to ask for.. But still we couldnt maintain the act for long as strangers.. " i said.

He looked confused and worried.

"i know my limits.. I know what's in your heart.. Whom you love.. I wont cross limits.." i took a deep breath.. Can i ask him..?

"But.. can... Can we be friends..?" i asked him closing my eyes tightly..

When he didnt shout at me.. I slowly opened my eyes.. He seems to be thinking about what i said..

Come on swetha.. He seems to be cool at this time.. May be he wont shout at you..

" I think it would be better and then there will not be any problem like acting.. Its just a suggestion and there is no force.. If you.. If you dont like that.. We can be like as usual.. "i said stuttered and looked at him with pouting eyes..

He gave a small smile..

Really.. He smiled at me.. He is okay with being friends.

" Thank you so much" i said and hugged him.

"Ohh.. Noo.. Sorry.. " i realised my mistake and moved away from him.. Just now he accepted to be friendly.. What if he thinks iam taking advantage of him.. No he should not think like that..

I looked at him. . He looked sad..

I know.. Iam always like that.  Ruining everything..

"Iam really sorry.. Its just that i got excited.. " i said..

"Its okay" he said but there is disappointment in his voice.

Wow.. Thank god.. Atleast we can talk..

I felt happy.. I went to wash my face..

I went to kitchen with full of energy..

As i was cutting vegetables.. "Swetha.. We all are leaving today" kalyani aunty said.

"why aunty?? You can stay for few more days na" i felt bad.. They all seem to be very nice people.. I like them alot..

"its okay swetha.. We all will meet soon.. Anyways" she said smiling.  I nodded.. Everyone will be busy with their life.. I cant pressure them to stay long leaving their busy schedule..

At evening every one left.. Only my inlaws, my husband and me left..

During dinner house felt so lonely.. As all those people left..

As rakesh was watching television, i went to our room.. I slept on bed after arranging pillows in the middle.. But sleep was far away from me.. Lot of emotions.. Happy that he agreed to be my friend.. Sad i lost impression in the start only.. And missing all those people..

Coming here made my life turn alot of events.. Iam really thankful to god..

But there is this doubt.. Can this happiness lasts for me like this??

I felt rakesh came inside the room.. I didnt open my eyes.. He stood infront of me.. I felt like he bended towards me.. I wanted to open my eyes but iam afraid..

I felt his hand on my face.. His fingers touched my hair.. Like he moved my hair strands away from falling on to my face.. I didnt move or open my eyes.. I continued my act of sleeping.. After few seconds he moved away and i felt a duvet covering me.. Then after few seconds, i heard sound that he slept on the bed beside me..

What the hell happened now?? Does he care for me..?? Is this too an act??

There is no one inside this room.. So no need to act..

May be he is trying to be friendly.. He is caring me as a friend..

Just as a friend.. Nothing more..

I felt sad suddenly.. If his care as friend is this sweet, his love?? His love.. Unimaginable..


Can i get his love??

Thats for today guys..

Dedication time..

So it goes to





I know u all are so much irritated with rakesh.. But what to do he is afraid how she will react..


Random question

What is your definition of success??

A. Money

B. Fame

C. Love

D. Helping

E. None of the above

If its E, give me ur description.

For me its E.. I will tell u in next update about my definition.. So its ur turn..

So guys..

Are u expecting another surprise update from me??

Dont.. Dont expect..

My another update goes as usual on tuesday..

So till then..



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