33. Helping!

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"Break the darkness of depression by surrounding yourself with light of hope and wellbeing and also spread the light of hope for others by helping"

HaPpY dIwAlI!!!!


My dear busy busy but lovely readers..




Celebrations 🎉🎊✨are part of diwali..

Ofcourse the Diya..🕯️🕯️🕯️ The most important..

I cant give you sweets, i cant fire crackers🎆🎇 with you.. So..

This is my gift for you all on this diwali.. ️❤️❤️

Hope you all too enjoy diwali  well. 😍😍😍

Diwali is one of my favourite festival.🥰🥰🥰

Lighting diya.. Decorations, sweets, and crackers.. 🤩🤩🤩

Guys please dont give speech on pollution..🙄🙄🙄 If you want to be ecofriendly.. Do all the ways to reduce the pollution.. I too will join.. But not on diwali.. ☹️☹️☹️ I just love it a lot.. 😜😜😜

So.. Lets get back to our story..

Swetha pov:

Its been 3 days since rakesh went to bangalore..

But he called every night without fail.. Even though he just asked for how his parents are?? Had i ate dinner or not.. Still My happiness had no boundaries when ever he called me..

May be that day when we went to temple god heard me.. We lighting that diya made change in him..

Iam really so happy.. I do really hope this happiness lasts forever..

After lunch, i went inside our bed room and looked at my mobile..

There are two missed calls from rakesh 15 minutes back.

I immediately called him return. He lift my call immediately.

"Hello... I saw missed calls now.. I went-" i started saying with out gap but i was cutoff by him.

"heyy.. Its okay.. Its just i forgot my laptop there" he said.

"ohh.." i looked towards the bag he left.

"i thought i can manage with my team mate arbind's laptop.. But there is one file which i forgot to send him.. It has important documents related to project" he said.

"ohh.. Is there anything that i can help you?" i asked him..

" yah actually.. Can you send me the file with name..  Project dextro.. Its in localdisc D." he said

"Yah sure will.." i felt happy that i can be helpful for him.

"I will send you my email id through message.. " he said..

"Okay.. " i said.. Smile occupied my lips..

"Can you send me as fast as possible?? Its a little urgent.. " he said. He seems to be trying alot to complete the project early..

"Yah sure.. Okay bye.. " i said

"Okay bye.. " He said..

I cut the call and went near the bag he left.

I took out the laptop.


I heard message tone and opened my mobile..

My email id.. [email protected]

I smiled and memorised his email id in my brain.

I opened the laptop.. Switchon the power button and Waited for it to open..

There is password which needs to be unlocked..

How to open it?? I dont know the password..

What should i do??

Shall i call him??

What if he yells at me??

Its okay swetha.. Its not new for you right??

Let him yell.. atleast in that way, his frustration of work might decrease.

But he is friendly with me recently right.. So he wont yell right??

Finally i decided to call him.

It rang but it was unanswered.. May be he is busy..

Godd.. Dont he know that there will be password for his laptop?? He should tell me that right??

I pouted looking at the laptop infront of me and the mobile in my hand..

Just that second, call came from him..

I lifted it eagerly..

"hello.." i said in slow voice..

"Hello.. Did you send the copy through email" he said..

"Hmm.. Not yet.. " i said nervously..

"why?? Didnt you find any file by that name?" he asked me.

"no.. Its.. Actually.." i said with hesitation.

"what happened ?" he sounded worried.

"i dont know your password" i said finally gathering courage.

There is no response.. There was silence.. Is he frunstrated..?

May be he doesnt want me to know his personal details like password and all..

I waited for him to say something.. But asusual there he is..

Giving silence..

"hello.." i said. I heard breath sound over phone..

"hello.. Rakeshji.. Are you there?" i said..

"its okay.. No need to open it.." he said cutting the call.

May be he dont want me to know the details..

No one wants to give details to a stranger right.. Iam a stranger to him..

But he said we can be friends right.. He too is calling me daily. He is changing since the past few days..

May be he will think iam taking advantage of his friendship..

But my enthusiasm didnt allow me to stop..

I do really wanted to send him the copy and help him..

He can change his password after he comes here right?? That file must be very important.. Other wise he wont ask me to send the copy..

With that in mind.. I dared to call him..

"hello.." i said.


"that file is very important for you right?" i said..

"Its okay. I will manage.. " he said..

"I know you dont want to share password and all to me.. But u can change the password once you return home .. " i said.

"no.. its nothing like that" he said..

"Its okay.. I know my limits.. But u can change ur password.. I dont want you to loose the project because of me" i said.

"password is.." he stopped saying and exhaled..

"M.. I.. S.. S.. U.."

"Missu" i repeated while typing

" V.. A.. I.." he said with low voice

"v. a. i." i continued

". S.. H.. U" he said.

"V. a. i. s. h. u" i said and typed then press enter button..

It opened revealing vaishali picture..

Then i remembered the password..

Miss u vaishu..

Ofcourse that will be his password.. Do you think your name will be his password??

Dont think too much.. Just because he is a little friendly.. Dont keep high hopes.. You know well.. His heart and soul always is for vaishali..

"hello.. U there??" he asked..

I came out of thoughts..

"Hmm.. Yah.. Its in localdisc D right?" I asked him.

"Yah.. Got it.. Will email you in a minute" i said cutting the call with out waiting for his reply.

I sent the file through email and closed laptop..

May be he is looking at her picture all these days looking at the laptop screen.

Why god is this much cruel..? Breaking those who love each other truly and uniting those who dont like eachother as a pair..

I need to come out of all these thoughts.. I need to concentrate on something to remove these irrelevant thoughts..

Atleast he is being friendly.. You should be thankful for that..

But still there is this sadness.. With His little care and friendship, my heart became so selfish.. It wants more and more..

Dont be heartbroken later.. Prepare yourself..

I was practicing slow and deep breaths to relieve my sadness, thats when I got a call from rakesh..

There is some excitement in me whenever i get a call from him.. No matter how many times i yell at my heart to not waver for him.. Still it acts on its own

"hello.. Didnt you get the email??" i said upon lifting the call..

" i got it.." he said..

"is there anything you want me to help?" i asked.

"no.." he said.. His voice seems to be sad like mine..

" then why did you called me?" i asked..

"Am i not supposed to call you? " he asked.
My heart is pounding.. Its getting hopes which i dont want it to develop..

"thats not what i meant.." i murmered.

"we are friends right??" he asked.. I was in deep thoughts.

I want him to be more than a friend.. But that wont happen..

"yes.." i said.

"so friends can call at anytime right?" he asked

"huh..!! Yess" i said unable to grasp what his mind is thinking.

"so how is your day?" he asked.

"hmm.. Good" i said.. His each word making me feel like he is giving improtance to me. But thats not the case right.

"my project work is almost coming to end.. Iam going to submit it by tomorrow" he said.

"hmm.. Nice" i said.

"dont tell maa and dad about this.." he said

"okay" i said..

"Why does your voice seems so dull"  he asked..

"Hmm.. Nothing.. Nothing like that.." i said trying to improve my mood.

"But i know the reason.. " he said.

Does he??

"What?? " i asked.

"Dont let the past things to get involved in present.." he said like there is hidden meaning in that.

But I didnt understand..

"U will gradually.. " he said.

How come he found that i didnt understood what he said.. What does he mean gradually i will understand..

I dont know what to say..

"Just dont feel bad and dont think too much about what you see.. It may not be the complete truth" he said.

"hmm" i said..


Rakesh pov.

"Hmm.. " she said.. But her voice explaining  her sadness.

"Take care.. Iam not going to call u at night as i might need to work till late.. Dont skip dinner.. Bye" i said.. I know she will skip meals when ever she is sad.. I know she will skip today too thats is why i asked not to skip..

"hmm.. You too take care.. Dont forget to have food by deeply involving in work.. Bye" she said. Even if she is sad, she always takes care about me..

Every time i call her.. There is enthusiasm.. But this time its not there..

She is thinking that i still love vaishali..

I wanted to say that my heart doesnt feel anything towards vaishali now.. What i feel for swetha is something which i cant explain in words..

When i proposed vaishali, i dont have this fear.. I directly asked her .. But with swetha.. I have this fear.. That i might loose her..

When i came to bangalore, i opened messages.. I was shocked that my parents got into an accident.. I directly went to my parents home..

My mom hugged me tightly.. No matter how angry iam at her, still she is my mom..

I was surprised to see swetha there.. I immediately went and hugged her.. But she pushed me..

Her each and every word reflects that she is thinking that iam in deep love with vaishali..

When i asked for second chance.. That time also she thought iam feeling bad that i want a second chance with vaishali.. Then i understood.. Iam losing her..

I dont want to loose her.. The things which i have done, the words which i said are taunting me..

I cant say i love you to her suddenly, she might think that she is a rebound for me.. No.. I dont want her to feel like rebound of vaishali.. Swetha is special.. I want her to understand what iam feeling for her even with out any words..

When she asked me to be friendly, i got this idea to start as fresh.. I want my marriage life to be memorable like all couples have..

So i motivated my self to show the love and care i havent expressed through action till now.. But not with just words.. I wanted to be close to her.. But my parents didnt allow swetha to come along with me..

When ever i called her.. She is too happy.. I can feel her happiness in her voice..

Today when i first called her.. She is too happy to help me to send the file.

I shouldnt have asked her that help..

I forgot that i havent changed the password and wallpaper.. When she asked for password, my fear started. I dont want her to feel bad knowing my password.. I wanted to change the password and wallpaper without her knowing.. But when she thought i dont want to share my password and all, i said my password.. I dont want her to feel like a stranger..

Her voice changed instantly.. She cut the call immediately..

I got the email and asked arbind to look at the file and discussed about the things to be done..

I called swetha to remove her negative thoughts.. I will make her feel special.. It may not be possible in an instant.. But yess i will make sure that to happen.

Till now, iam afraid that she might develop feelings for me.. But now iam afraid that i might loose her..

So.. Guys.. Now this rakesh pov.. Is your special gift.. Do u accept it??

i cut short rakesh pov as per ur wish..

Hope u enjoyed it..

Do u think what rakesh thinking is correct??

He is afraid that swetha might think of her as rebound to him, if he expresses his love to her.

Anyways.. Its his love.. his expression.. we will see how it turns out.. How fate plays..

And... One more thing..

Please dont get angry over me for the thing iam going to say.. 🙄🙄🙄

Sorry guys.. I may not be able to give update on this tuesday.. 🙈🙈🙈🙉🙉🙉🙊🙊🙊

I will try my max to give update.. But iam not sure about that.. As i have a long journey ahead at that time.. And i have an exam too next week.. 🥴🥴🥴

No need to say all the best as i myself prepared to fail.. Last time miracle happened as a result of which i passed the exam.. Now i dont think it will happen and i wont let that happen.. I chose it to fail.. So no all the bests for me.. 🤭🤭🤭


So till next update.. Dont know when it will be.. I mean its on this tuesday or next tuesday.. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

Hope you guys will understand.. 😃😃😃

Bubye.. Love you all.. 😘😘😘

Enjoy diwali once again.. 🤩🤩🤩..

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