34. His Care!!

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Helloo.. My dear busy busy but lovely readers..

Here iam updating without checking properly.. So kindly bare the mistakes and please inform me if u find any..

Just now i became free.. So i hope u dont mind for the late update..

I thought of not updating, but looking at your comments and messages i couldnt miss it..

So enjoy the update..

Swetha pov.

After his call.. My thoughts became clumsy..

What did he wanted to say..?

What does he mean by that..?

'Just dont feel bad and dont think too much about what you see.. It may not be the complete truth'

Dont believe what you see.. It may not be the complete truth??

It means his care its all not true?? Do i not believe it..

Yah thats what his hidden meaning.. After all iam just a stranger right..

But he asked me we are friends right?? Like that.. Then it means..

He called after that file incident.. May be he is saying about vaishali?? About that password??

Ohh godd swetha.. Where is your brain.. Do you want to be broken again..

No.. No..

I didnt slept through out the night and next day early in the morning i started doing routine..

He said he is submitting project report today .. So he is coming by tomorrow..

How will he act?? Will he be friendly with me or act just like previously...

At first i thought i can understand him.. But no.. Iam unable to understand what is going in his mind.. Should i be happy or sad.. Dont know.. Have to wait till he comes..

"SWETHA!!! .. What are you doing?? " Maaji came running and took my left hand in his hand.. I looked at what happened..

There was blood along with the vegetables.. I looked at my finger.. Blood is drippling from the index finger of my left hand.

She made me stand and took my hand infront of tap and opened it..

"what is this.. What happened to you?? You seem to be so lost??" she said and closed the tap.. And tore a piece of her saree and kept turmeric powder over wound and tied the wound with the torn piece of saree..

"no band-aids at home.. Let us ask your pithaji to buy some medicines from a local store" she said while tying and then looked at my face.

"what happened beti.. You look sick??" she asked..

"No maaji its just i couldnt get sleep yesterday thats it" i said.

"I shouldn't have stopped you from going along with him.. I know.. you are missing him alot right?? " she asked..

I lowered my eyes.. Tears formed.. Yess i miss him.. I want his care and love.. Iam getting addicted to him more and more which is eating me.. Because he can never be mine forever..

Maaji hugged me.." ohho..!! My poor beti.. Okay shall we go to bangalore?? Do you want me to book tickets..?"

i moved away from her and wiped the tears shaking my head horizantally..

"But we can't see you crying like this.. " she said holding my shoulders..

"No.. Maaji.. Its okay" i said controlling my sobbings..

"are you sure..?" she asked.. I nodded..

"Go.. Take rest.. We will ask your pithaji to get medicines from store" she said.

I nodded and went to our bedroom..

I slept on bed.. I dont know the time..

"Beti..!! Ohh.. You are burning... Bhargav.. Call Bhushan doctor.. Swetha is having fever.." i heard maaji's shouting and opened my eyes..

Her hand is on my forehead checking whether my skin is burning or not.. I felt hot air surrounding me..

"Its okay maaji.. It will go.." I said trying to getup..

"No.. No.. Its okay.. Sleep there.. I will get you something to eat.." she said and left..

"beti" maaji tapped my shoulder.. I opened my eyes.. "doctor came to check on u.." she said.

I was about to get up.. "no its okay.." he said..

"Open your mouth and lift your tongue" he said.. I said as he asked and then he kept thermometer into my mouth..

After one minute, he took it out of my mouth and checked its reading.. "Its 102°F.."

"I will give you an injection and few tablets.. "he said and loaded an injection.. I was so much afraid of injections.. I closed my eyes tightly and he gave injection to me in the arm region.

"Doctorji.. See these medicines i got from medical store.." pithaji showed them to him..

"She got injury while cutting vegetables.. "maaji said showing my finger tied with knot.. "I will write few more. First i will give TT injection".. He said and took one more injection and gave me to my another arm...

Its too painful..

But i tried not to shout and cry like i always used to do.. may be this is what they call as maturity..

"Evening get some tests done to know the type of fever.. Here get these tests done" he said giving a slip to maaji.. She nodded and then he left.

After that.. Maaji gave me bread and milk.. I dont have any appetite but i didnt say no as she might feel bad.. After all she is the one who is taking a good care of me..

I slept for sometime..

I woke up to sounds.. I opened my eyes and looked at the door.. Rakesh came running.. Leaving bag aside..

Rakesh?? Did i slept whole day??

"Heyy.. Are you okay?? "he asked worried..

I just nodded and about to getup..

" Heyy.. Noo.. Just sleep.."  he said.

I tried to getup again.. But he pushed me on to bed..

" Please.. Its urgent"  i said showing my little finger to him..

"Ohh.. Iam sorry.. Yah.. Go.. " he said standing from my side..

I stood but felt little weak.. He supported me by holding my shoulder..

"its okay.. I can go" i said..

"I will accompany you till wash room.. Then you go" he said..

I didnt object.. I just followed what ever he said..

After finishing my nature call.. I came out after washing hands..

He is outside the door waiting for me.. He took my hand and took me towards bed..

"Do you want anything??" he asked me making me lie down on bed

" No.." i shaked my head horizantally.

"Did you went to hospital..?" he asked with worry holding my hand.

"No.. Doctor came to home.." i said memorising the way he is looking at me.

So much worry.. So much care.. So much love..

"Maa.. Which doctor came.." He asked looking at my bandage.. "What happened?" he asked pulling my hand towards his..

"I got a minor injury while cutting vegetables.." i said trying to pull it back.

"Why are you in this unsterile cloth.." he said but he turned his head towards door and started shouting with out giving any chance for me to reply.

"maa.. Where is bandage?" he asked.

"Its there i think.." I said pointing to medicines cover on bedside table... He opened the cover and took bandage..

He went to open a shelf and took a box.. Came back.. He opened it.. Its first aid box i think.. It has cotton, spirit and betadine solution, ointment..

He removed the bandage tied with maaji's saree piece and poured saline over that wound area then cleaned the wound surroundings with spirit then poured betadine solution over the wounded area.. Then took the band - aid and opened its cover and closed the wound by covering with band-aid..

Thankfully bleeding stopped.

I looked at him.. He is busy with cleaning the waste..

Isnt it beautiful.. Your husband taking a great care of you..? I smiled thinking and continuosly looking at him..

He thrown the waste in dustbin and kept the box in closet..

But when did he started doing all these chores like cleaning and keeping everything in its place.. Its me who does it all right??

He came back and sat beside me..

Maaji came with milk again..

"Which doctor came ma?? " he asked her.

"Bhushan doctor.. RMP doctor is there na.. He came immediately when your dad called him.." maaji said.

"here she is suffering from high fever.. And you called an RMP to treat my wife??" rakesh is raging..

"No.. Beta.. Its not like that.. " maaji tried to say..

"I know you dont like her from the start.. But i thought you are changed.. " rakesh said getting irritated..

"don't talk like that.. bhushan doctor only comes home.. No other will reach home.." maaji tried to say.. She seems to be hurt with rakesh words.. Ofcourse who will not get hurt after all she took a great care of me.

"he is just an RMP.. Not doctor.. He is not supposed to treat patients.." he is raging.. I stood and pulled his elbow..

"its okay rakesh ji.. Its not that severe.. He gave injections and prescribed tablets.." i tried to explain.

" why didnt you take her to hospital?" he asked his mother trying to calm down..

"we thought its just a normal fever" maaji said lowering her head..

I couldnt see her like that.. She is not at fault ..

"Lets go.. I will take you to hospital.. " he said..

"No.. Rakeshji.. Its okay.. Now temperature seems to be normal.. See" i said placed backof my hand on my forehead..

"still i want to take you to hospital.. I dont want anything to happen to you.."

I cant say no to him.. When he is looking at me with so much love..


Noway.. I lowered my head and knitted my eyebrows..

"Come lets go.." He said showing his hand forward ..

I took it.. Even if this is out of care, friendship.. Still i want to feel and enjoy his care.. Even if its temporary, still i want to enjoy it till i get it.. Call me selfish, stubborn, cheap.. No selfrespect.. What ever you want to call.. Still i want to enjoy whatever moment i can get with him.. Because he will be my ram forever in this life.

Hope u loved the update..

Dedication goes to




I gave this update because during next tuesday i cant be sure.. But will try to if possible like today..

So.. Bybye..

With love 💖💖💖



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