35. Sympathy!!!

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Helloo dear busy busy but lovely readers.. I became busy last week.. So i couldnt be able to reply to your lovely comments..

Hope u do understand me..

I thought of not updating.. As iam in journey.. Full busy and mood off.. Alot happened.. And.. Guys that lot is not about exam.. Its over so.. Nothing to say about that..

Any Gujarati's here?

My journey to gujarat is good.. And the people over there also good.. I mBut couldnt be able to go out and have a look at touristic places.. May be next time.. If possible..

So lets go back to our story..

Swetha pov.

I was taken to hospital by rakesh..

I dont like to go to hospital.. But with rakesh by my side.. Even hospital felt like a park..

We waited till our token number out side op in a chair at waiting hall.

Throughout the time he is holding my hand like i might go far away if he leaves my hand..

Do i?? I will not runaway from u rakesh..

I was looking at his face.. He looks a little bit tensed.. I tapped on his shoulder..

He looked at me with concern..

I smiled at him and said "thank you"

He too smiled..

"Token number 27.." receptionist called us..

We stood and went inside an op..

"Good evening doctor.." we wished him.

He is around 50yr old with white hair and spectacles but with gentle smile.

"Good evening... " he looked at the details of op slip.. "mr and mrs. Rakesh" he smiled looking at us..

"so.. Tell me what is your problem??"

"She is having high fever doctor.. My parents took medicine from local pharmacy store and also from RMP" rakesh said with out any break..

Doctor smiled at him and said "seems you love your wife so much mr. Rakesh.. But let me first take history from her"

Rakesh nodded and looked at me to say.

"hmm.. Fever sir" i said..

"since when? Is it associated with any chills and rigors??" he asked..

"Just since morning doctor.. No chills and rigors" i said.

"do you have cold and cough??" doctor asked me writing something on prescription form.

"Yes.. I have cold since 5 days and cough since yesterday" i said

He asked about any disesases in my family and all..

I replied to his all questions..

"Do you have any allergy history?? History of Exposure to dust?"

"Hmm.. No doctor.." i said then i remembered
"i was exposed to dust while cleaning shelves sir.."

He checked with stethoscope and looked at the cut..

"When did this happen??"

"Today morning doctor" i said..

Rakesh took medicines from bag and showed them to doctor..

"doctor.. These are the medicines they gave.. " he said

He smiled and looked at them.

"Did u start using them??" doctor asked me.

"Not yet doctor.. Have to"

"Okay.. Actually these are higher spectrum antibiotics.. No need to use them... Because if you use higher spectrum now for minor infections.. Then resistance can occur and no antibiotic will be available to treat.. "

We listened to him.

"it most probably viral fever.. Iam prescribing basic medicines.. if its not controlled then we will look at it" we nodded.

"and one more thing dont buy medicines with out prescription.. It happens everywhere in india which is illegal" doctor said looking at me with a smile.

I nodded.

"Sir any investigations for malaria, dengue, typhoid?? " rakesh asked.

Doctor smiled and said "for single day fever no need.. If needed i will ask u to undergo tests"

"Thank you doctor " we stood from our seats..

He smiled.

We came back to home..

In the car

"See.. There is nothing to worry.. Even those medicines prescribed by rmp are enough.. You shouldnt have shouted at your mother like that. " I said. I know maaji was hurt. He shouldnt shout at her like that for this simple fever.

"I dont want to take any risk about you." he said looking straight.

His words stuck my throat.. No words came except the happiness upon hearing him. What ever his hidden meaning.. Still his words are like a lake in desert for me.

Through out journey it was silence.. I slept on passenger seat gradually.

I woke up to suddent halt of car.. I looked outside to see my inlaws home. I came out of car and went in to the house.

I was about to go to kitchen..

"where are you going??" rakesh asked..

'To get you water.. " i said.

" you go and take rest.. Leave everything to us" maaji said.

"its okay maaji.. Iam fine" i said and about to go but rakesh held my wrist..

"now you go and take rest or i will take you to bedroom" rakesh said.

I looked at him and then at maaji.. I dont like to get attached to bed all the time.. Why cant they understand..

"i know you wont listen" saying that he lifted me in bridal style and took me to bed room..

"noo.. Put me down.. I will walk.." i said wriggling..

Maaji laughed at us. I looked at maaji through his shoulder.. I looked at rakesh.. He is looking straightly..

His neck is so close to me.. I inhaled His cologne.. If i move my head a little closer my lips will touch his neck..

Can i?? I mean.. He will not know that i kissed him.. Like.. It just happened accidentally..

I slowly moved my head towards his neck.. But before my lips reach his neck.. He placed me on bed..

Hmm.. Failed..

I looked at him with sad face..

"just lie here.. I will get you medicine.." he said strictly and went out of room..

I looked at the pillow and took it and hugged it..

I loved the way he carried me.. I loved the ways he took care of me.. Isnt it what i wanted.. I looked at his picture..

Rakesh.. My dear husband.. Is that all out of love or friendship?

Let it be.. Iam happy now at present.. I want to enjoy each and every moment..

He came back with tablets and water..

I sat..

He gave the tablets one by one and i gulped down the throat one by one..

"Do you want anything? " he asked..

I nodded my head.

"what??" he asked with soft voice.

"can you stay beside me for some time" i asked him.. He smiled and sat beside me..

I slept looking at him..


I opened my eyes to look at him.. He is with laptop..

Suddenly. The password and picture came in to my mind..

Again he is missing vaishali..

"Ohh.. You got up?? " he asked..

I sat on bed.. He took the water bottle and gave it to me..

I took it and gulped some then closed the cap and returned back.

He kept bottle on the table beside and place his back of hand on my cheek and then on forehead.. "Seems temperature is becoming back to normal.."

I nodded..

"I will get something for you to eat.. Meanwhile u freshenup.." He said and went.

I took my night dress and went to wash room..

By the time i came.. He is doing something in shelves..

I went near and looked at him..

"Do u need anything?" I asked.

"Someone touched my things.." He said with seriousness..

I gulped with fear.. Now he will scold me for sure..

"Maaa... Maa.. " he is shouting..

"Actually.. Sorry.. I cleaned them.. I know.. Iam the last person you allow to touch them" i said lowering my head.

He stopped doing whatever he is came near me and lifted my chin to look at his eyes..

I looked in to his eyes.. There is lot of concern.. Is that all for me??

"Noo.. Dont say like that.. You are the right person to touch mine.. What ever is mine is automatically yours" he said.. I was shocked..

What does he mean??

"That is why i said he will allow you to touch his things" maaji voice came. ..

I tirned back and looked at her..

"See.. I said na.. He wont say anything if you clean" she said smiling and stood beside me..

My happiness faded in an instant.. So his words are just because maaji came.. They are not from his heart..

"how are you feeling beti??" she asked..

"Hmm.. Fine " i said but looking at floor.

"rakesh.. Take care of your wife like she took care of you till now.." with that she left.

I was looking down controlling my sadness.

"What happened suddenly?" he asked.

"no.. nothing.." i said taking deepbreaths but my voice is muffled.

"no.. Something is bothering you.. What is that??" he asked..

"about the words you said.." i stopped.

"what about those words??" he asked confused.

"those were also an act infront of maaji right" i said looking at him.. My eyes had tears..

He is looked at me with guilty and sadness.

I stood there silently.. He went to open the shelve which contains pictures.. He took them and came near me..

I was looking at the pictures with worry visible on my face.

Now he again will change back to that stranger attitude..

He came near me and kept the pictures on my hand..

I held the pictures tightly.. Tears are forming..

"i know.. You have already seen these pictures.." he said.

I nodded.

"why iam showing these is because its all my past.. As i said yesterday on call.. I dont want my past to interrupt our future" he said.

I looked at him with shock..

Our future?? Does he really mean by that..??

Is there any future for us?? .

"i am giving them to you.. Because its all in your hands now.. Do what ever you wish to do with them.. I dont mind.."

No.. Our future is only till friendship.. Havent you saw how he used to always chant vaishali name.. He still had the same password miss u vaishali.. How can u think that he will think about our future suddenly?

He might be doing with sympathy for me.. He will regret it later.. I know.. How he used to feel bad looking at that laptop..

I looked at the pictures and smiled..

" these all are memories.. I might be able to remove them physically.. But i cant remove them from here" i said placing my palm on his chest..

He looked at me sadly..

"its okay rakesh ji.. I dont want to pressure you" i said and about to turn..

He held my wrist and pulled me towards him.

"what do you mean you dont want to pressure me??"

" i know you love vaishali.. But i dont know what happened to you.. Suddenly you are saying all this.. Dont do something out of sympathy for me??"

"No.. Itsnot.. "

"I know.. Rakesh ji.. Real love doesnt need to remove the past.. Accepting the past in its way is what i prefer.. So u dont need to loose all those things.. Keep them safely" i said and gave it to them..

He just looked at me holding the pictures.. Silence is the only thing between us for few seconds..

How many of you are getting angry over swetha??

How many of you are feeling that story seems to be dragging??

Hope you enjoyed it..


Guys.. I already said that u have to identify mistakes.. But u are not identifying seriously.. I want to learn grammar.. Point out the grammar mistakes too.. Not just Spelling mistakes..

About dedication part..

Goes to






Random question..

What is Your biggest weakness??

Love u all guys..

Catch u in next update..

Bybye.. ❤️❤️❤️

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