41. One Sided!!

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Helloo.. Dear busy busy yet lovely readers..

Iam back with ur regular tuesday update..

Dedication goes to






Lets move to the story

Swetha pov.

Iam looking at the flowing river while sitting on the sand at the river bank.

The cold air falling on me giving the chills.

I looked at it like that for a long time.. I didnt observe that someone is sitting a little far from me.

I turned to look at that person. He smiled at me. He is the one whom i met at that function.. What is he doing here??

My whole feel of pleasantness was lost.. I stood to move away from him.. He started following me.. I started walking fastly towards the temple.

But i stopped moving.. Upon hearing his voice.

'Dont go.. Swetha..' he said with authority.

I turned to face him. He looked the same just like i met him last time.

'Please swetha.. Dont go..' he repeated again.

'What's ur problem? Dont u know iam married.' i said seriously.

'I know.. But please dont go.. Dont leave me..' he said begging.

'Sorry sriram.. I dont know what happened to u suddenly..' i felt uncomfortable with his words.

'If u leave me.. I will kill myself..' sriram said taking a knife from his back pocket.

'Stop being silly.. ' i said with frustration.

'Iam serious swetha.. ' he said keeping the knife infront of his neck..

'Sriram.. No.. Dont.. ' i said gently. I have this fear that he will cut for sure.. Because he is that stubborn.. But before i say or do anything.. He cut his neck..

"NOOO..." i shouted..

Blood oozing from his neck.. He rubbed his left hand over his neck and looked at the blood stained hand. Then he held my wrist with his blood filled hand and fell on his knees..

I dont know what to do.. I looked back at the riverbank.. But that person is not there..

"Sriram.. " i shouted..

He pulled my wrist and held it tightly..

"swetha.." he said tightening his hold more as he is about to fall on ground..

"why sriram why??" i said crying..

"Swetha.." i heard rakesh's voice.. I turned my head to look at him.. But he is not visible.. Suddenly the whole climate became dark.. Everything became dark..

"look at me.." i heard rakesh voice again..

I struggled to open my eyes and then finally opened to look at rakesh.. I immediately hugged him..

"Please.. Please save him.." i cried loudly..

"okay.. Okay.. Relax.. First just look at me.." he said holding my chin..

I looked at him..

"Take a deep breath and look at the surroundings.. " he said with a calm voice.

I looked at the surroundings then i realised i was in our room.. I looked at him sobbing..

"its okay.." he said rubbing my back..

I wiped my tears and hugged him again.

"i was so afraid" i said..

"everything is going to be fine" he said.

"i hope so" i said. I was just enjoying the warmth of his embrace.. But he moved away suddenly..

"want to drink some water?" he asked.

I nodded and took the bottle from the bedside table and drank few gulps.. Then closed the cap and kept it back in the same place.

"Okay.. Now.. Dont think anything much.. Just sleep. " he said making me lie down on bed.

He too slept on the other end of bed with his back facing me.

Did i shout aloud?? What will he think?? I already said that i loved sriram.. So what's the problem..?

Yes.. You said you loved.. But here u are getting dreams about him when u are married to some other person.

I was looking at his back.. Suddenly he turned to my side.. I instantly closed my eyes..

I semiopened my eyes to look at him.. He is looking at me.. I closed my eyes and turned to other side..

May be he too is thinking about the same.. Will he too doubt my character.. Just like that mallika aunty.. Iam making everyone feel like that..

Why am i getting sriram again?? Am i still in love with sriram??

Dont i love my husband??

Rakesh pov.

I was awakened with sudden sound..

"NOO... "

I looked at swetha..

She is sleeping but her face looked so worry..

What.. Again she is getting that dream that iam forcing on her..

How much bad affect i imprinted on her.. She is psychologically dusturbed alot.

I was struggling whether to touch her or not..

She is sweating alot due to her dream.

"why.. Sriram why??" she said.. Tears started falling on her temples..

Sriram?? Who is he?

"swetha" i said to make her come to reality.

She is turning her head to sides.

"look at me.." i said loudly..

She opened her eyes after struggling and suddenly.. She hugged me..

"Please.. Please save him.." she is crying loudly..

I moved away from her hug and said while holding her chin.. "okay.. Okay.. Relax.. First just look at me.. "

She did just as i said.

"Take a deep breath and look at the surroundings.. " i said as gently as possible..

She looked beside and stood all of sudden and then looked at me.

"its okay.." i said rubbing her back..

She wiped the falling tears on her cheeks and hugged me again saying.. "i was so afraid"

"everything is going to be fine" i said hugging her back.. She felt like my favourate pillow.. She is just perfect in my hands..

"I hope so" she said

Suddenly I remembered that.. I shouldnt take advantage of the situation.. So i moved away.. Then asked her "want to drink some water?"

She took the bottle herself and drank it then kept it back.

"Okay.. Now.. Dont think anything much.. Just sleep." i said pushing her to lie down.

Then i slept turning so that my back facing her.

So.. She is not crying.. Because of that dream in which i force her.. She is saying to help someone..

Who is that someone?? Who is he?

And again.. What is that name??

What is that?? Ahh iam unable to remember it..

I turned to face her.. She is sleeping.. I looked at her sleeling form.. Her eyes looked a little swollen due to all that crying.. Her breathing doesnt look peaceful.. Its like she is thinking and struggling.. Is she awake??

Just as i was in that thought.. She partly opened her eyes and then upon looking at me, she closed her eyes and then She turned to other side.

A little smile came on my face.. She is cute.

I indeed am liking this side of her too..

I want to protect her.. I want to be the person to give her support, peace, love.. Everything.. I want to be her everything.. Just the way iam hers.. She is my one women and iam her's.. Just like sita and ram.. I smiled at that thought ..

Wait.. Ram..!!

Is that name sriram??

Who is sriram??

And who is that person whom she wanted me to save??

Whom she loved?? Sriram or the person in danger??

Are they both same?? I mean.. She is worried that sriram is in danger..?? She had that dream means.. She is thinking about him.. It means..

No.. No.. What nonsense am i thinking..

Its swetha.. My swetha.. She will never do such things.. She loves me .. She loves me only..

I think i need to train my brain to keep my thoughts in a good manner..

How can i get such doubt about swetha?? She is so pure.. I know better than anyone..

I moved closer to her but maintained a liitle gap between us.

I went to slumber but dont know when..

I woke up at the alarm and looked beside..

As usual she wokeup to do everything..

She placed my formal clothes neatly pressed on the table.. I smiled and went to fresh up.

After that, i went to dining to have breakfast along with my wife.

She kept everything on table ready.. I waited for her to come from kitchen.. But she didnt came..

So i went to help her in kitchen.. So that she will eat breakfast with me..

When i went to kitchen, She is looking at the boiling milk.. But the milk is over flowing.

"Hey.. What are you thinking looking like that..? "i said by turning the stove to off.

She looked at me and then to milk.." ohh.. Noo.. " she said and took a cloth and started cleaning the mess.

" Hey u okay??" i asked her.

" hmm" she said and kept on cleaning the stove and kitchen platform.

I waited for her to complete that.. But she kept on cleaning it..

I dont know what happened to her suddenly?? Am i the reason..?

I took the cloth from her hand. She looked at me with wide eyes..

"What happened?? What is bothering you now??" i asked her..

But kept her head low??

"Is it about last night dream.? . "

She looked at me with wide eyes..

"Is he the one you loved?? " i asked her calmly.

But my heart beat started running fastly.

"is it sriram??" i asked her again.

She nodded her head.

So.. Its sriram..

"Can i ask u some thing?? " i looked at her with hopeful eyes.

she is looking at me with unknown emotion.

"why you both didnt marry??" i asked her.. I know how the love of swetha is.. I made her cry all the time.. Still she loved me.. Then that sriram.. If they both loved eachother then why they got seperated?? Why didnt they get married?

"If u are not comfortable to share with me.. Its okay" i said to remove the awkward situation.

She looked down and mumbled something..

"I didnt get u.. "

"its just me.. Who loved him.. He never loved me.. He just thought of me as friend" she said a little louder than whisper.

"so.. Its one side love??" i asked her.

"yes.. Only one sided.." she whispered nodding her head.

I dont know.. I had a mixture of emotions.. Its just one sided, so iam happy.. But at the same time a little sadness, because the one who loved was swetha.. Anyways.. No competition for me.. She is all mine.

" I thould thank him" i murmered.

she looked at me with confusion.

"nothing.. Come for breakfast.. Iam hungry" i said rubbing my upper abdomen.

We both went and had our routine breakfast as per our rule of feeding each other.

Thats for today..

Now rakesh is double happy..

But.. Swetha.. Do u think she still loves sriram??

Random question.

If you are given freedom to do one thing with out worrying about anything.. What will you like to do?? (only one chance for you)

Lets meet you all again..

Till then

Bye.. ♥️♥️♥️

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