42. Appa!!

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Hellooo.. Dear busy busy but lovely readers..

So from what i understood from ur opinion poll is.. Most of u are satisfied with my regular tuesdays and occassional surprises.. But guys.. Do u seriously thought that i will take that much long gap.. I really wanted to complete this story.. As i might get bored of writing in future.. Dont know.. I might get busy in future so.. I wanted to write atleast one story completely.. And I wrote most of the story.. May be i need to  write few more around 6 or 7 chapters more.. So i thought of giving u frequent updates.. But u people choose tuesday updates only.. So.. What to do.. Iam following ur requests..

Two responded to option 3..

As per just-a-reader13 i will give frequent updates once i complete writing story..

And as per desirediaries, i will try to give twice weekly update..

Really u guys are too simple.. I love your simplicity.. 😜😜😜.. So iam trying to complete the story to give u multiple updates.. And for those very few readers who wanted frequent updates.. I will give occassional surprise of three updates in a week.



but u can correct my grammar u know.. I need to make you remember always that please correct my grammar.. Other wise u are forgetting that..

Anyways.. Todays dedication goes to

Third option chooser.. just-a-reader13

Anyways lets get back to our story

Swetha pov.

Stupid mind.. I should say.. How can i question my love for my husband?

The minute i saw him, i made a promise myself that i will love only him.. The minute he tied the knot.. He became my ram..

Lord Ram sent seetha to forest but my ram never doubted me.. He always supports me.. Then how can i get such questions about my love for him?? My heart and soul everything belongs to him only.

That dream.. Its just because of my discussion with avika.. Nothing else.. Nothing.. Nothing else..

"Hey.. What are you thinking looking like that..? " rakesh's voice made me come out of my thoughts..

" ohh.. Noo.. " milk was overflowing.. I tried to switch off the stove but its already off.

I took a cloth to clean the mess i created.

" Hey u okay??" he asked me with worry.

" hmm" i kept on cleaning the stove and kitchen platform.

But its not the first time i had that dream.. Its second time.. But in both dreams.. Its the same.. Sriram killing himself.. Why am i getting those dreams??

Does it have anything to do with reality..?

Noo.. Noo.. I just hope.. No such thing happens.. I just hope its all just a dream which can never be true.. Why do i feel like i want to see sriram once atleast from far..? Is it wrong to wish like that?

Stupid.. Every one is thinking that you already had an affair before marriage.. But your husband accepted you.. Now if u go for him.. Then how can u face him?? What will society call you??

Suddenly rakesh took the cloth from my hands.. I looked at him then lowered my head.

"What happened?? What is bothering you now??" he asked me.

What can i say?? What will he think of me if i say that iam thinking about my past love?

"Is it about last night dream.? . " he asked suddenly

My eyes widened hearing that. I looked at him.

"Is he the one you loved?? " he asked me with gentleness..

How come he know about my dream??

"is it sriram??" he asked again.

I nodded.

Now he will think that.. Iam still in love with sriram.. What else will anyone think.. When after marriage if you get dreams about past love.. That too crying in dreams for him..

"Can i ask u some thing?? " he asked looking directly into my eyes..

I know.. You will ask me.. Whether i still love him or not..

"why you both didnt marry??" he asked me with tense voice.

Because he never wanted it.. Iam not a person for love..

"If u are not comfortable to share with me.. Its okay" he said and waited..

I looked down and whispered "he said its not love"

"I didnt get u.. "

"its just me.. Who loved him.. He never loved me.. He just thought of me as friend" i said a little louder than whisper.

"so.. Its one side love??" he asked. There is a little relief in his voice.

"yes.. Only one sided.." i nodded..

" I thould thank him" he murmered.

I didnt understand why he said like that..

"nothing.. Come for breakfast.. Iam hungry" he said rubbing his stomach. A little smile came on my face at his childish act..

One thing is for sure.. That my love for him is increasing more and more day by day.. Is it wrong to have lots of love for my husband?? No right..

We both went and had our routine breakfast as per our rule of feeding each other.

Now a days.. The uncomfortable feeling between us was decreasing.. Days went like that..

One day i got a call from home that appa is sick.. Rakesh is busy as the date of submission is nearer.. Rakesh asked my parents to come to bangalore as better health facilities will be there.. So i went to my village along with avika to come back with my parents..

Appa disagreed to come to bangalore.. So I took my appa at near by town to underwent checkup.. They ordered ecg, xray and few blood tests..

"2Decho is needed.. Its congestive heartfailure.. We need to know how much does the heart is functioning" doctor said to me after checking the reports..

"iam prescribing medicines for now.. But its better if you get 2Decho done as early as possible..but its not available here in this town" doctor said..

"okay doctor.. Thank you.." i said and left from the cabin..

"what did doctor say?" appa asked me while we are coming back home in auto..

"Nothing.. U need to take tablets regularly.. Its all because u are not taking regular doses.. He asked u to underwent another scan.. But its not available here.. So now u have to come to bangalore for sure appa.. " i said.

"its not like that beti.. It will not be good, if we come and stay at your house.. What will people say?? They will keep on saying that we are eating your inlaws money" appa said with worry

"no.. Appa.. If i dont look after you.. Who will?? You are my parents.. Just like i have to take care of his parents, he will take a good care of you.. Rakesh will never think bad of u appa" i tried to make him understand.

"i know beti.. I know.. About our rakesh.. He is a very good person.. But not this society.." appa said..

"appa.. Let me tell you onething.. I dont care about this society.. Iam not doing anything wrong.. Its my duty to take a good care of you.. Just the way you took care of me when the whole society bullied me of being a dark girl.. If you really care about the society you shouldnt have protected me.. You shouldn't have consoled me.. But u said.. 'Never care for what society says as long as u are not at fault..'.. So.. Now also.. Iam not at fault.. So i dont care.. " i said.

" my beti.. U became a strong women.. " appa said with tears...

" still your lovely daughter appa" i said sidehugging appa..

"Okay.. We will go tomorrow.." appa said. I smiled.

We reached home by evening.. Avika came home asked about what doctor said. I said everything..

"its been a long time since i came to village.. Shall we go to temple.. ?As we are leaving tomorrow.." avika asked me..

"ofcourse.. I will never say no to come to that temple" i said smiling..

"i know.. I know.. Thats why.. I asked you.." she said..

" wait i will get ready.. In few minutes.." i said..

"take your own time.. I will talk to your parents till then" avika said and went to sit with my parents.

I smiled and went to have bath..

After getting ready.. We both went to temple..

The idols are just glowing as always.. I asked god to make my parents healthy.. I wished that my inlaws will accept me.. About rakesh.. I thanked god.. That he gave me what i wanted.. A loving husband..

Priest gave theerdh(holy water) and prasad to us..

"How are you swetha beti and avika beti?? " priest asked..

"we are fine ji.. How are you??" we both said at a time.

"iam fine.." priest smiled.

We took blessings from him then sat at the empty place.

"There is a peace and pleasantness in this temple" i said..

" i know.. Sweth.. I know.. You like this temple very much.. How many times will you tell me the same?" avi said little bored at my constant dialogue.

I smiled and looked at the surroundings..

"swetha.. Is that you? " i heard a feminine voice..

I turned and stood..

"aunty..!!" i said..

"i heard you are married" aunty said coming nearer to me.

"yess aunty.." i said looking at her.. There is sadness at her face..

" i hope atleast you will be happy" she said.

What does it mean??

"okay.. Take care" saying that she turned..

Can i ask her??

Is it wrong to ask??

If i dont ask now.. Then i sure will regret later..

"Aunty!!" i called her with hesitation.

She turned back..

"how are you??" i asked her.

She smiled and said " just as god decided"

I know there is sadness behind her smile..

"sri.. Sriram.. How is he??" i asked..

Her sadness increased.. But she covered it just like she always do with a smile..

"he got a job.. He is living in city.. He is good." she said..

I looked at her.. I dont know.. Whether its correct or not.. But my heart is saying something is wrong..

"we are searching for marriage proposals for him too" she added.

I looked at her shocked..

"ohh!!" i said with a little disturbed  feeling

"I will tell him that you asked about him" she said with a smile.

I tried my best to smile at her.

"Okay.. Bye.." she said and went away..

Someone placed a hand on my shoulder.. I jerked myself..

"Are you okay?? " avika asked me..

"i dont know.. Avi.."

"what happened swetha?"

I explained her about the disturbing dreams..

"do u still love him??" she asked me looking directly in to my eyes

"What are you talking??" I asked her narrowing my eyes.

"No.. I mean.. U were shocked when she said they are searching for marriage proposals to sriram.." avi said knitting her eye brows.

"I.. Its.. " i looked down hearing what she said.

"ask yourself swetha?" avi said holding my hand.

"no.. I mean.. No.. Never.. I love rakesh.. I love my husband.. Iam married" i said with tears..

"then why are you shocked on hearing that..?" avi asked me like iam a culprit.

"its just.. Iam in deep thoughts that she is lying.. And when she said that i was surprised" i said what came in to my mind.

"so.. You dont love sriram anymore" avi said lifting my chin to make me look in to her eyes.

Her words made me stood silent for few seconds.. I took a deep breath and looked at her straightly.

"if i say that.. Then its a lie.. Avi.. My love for him never dies.. Because he is my one and only friend with whom i used to spend in my past.. How can i hate my beautiful memories with him?? I dont hate him.. The love i had for him is just like the love of any relation.. Just like a love between a mother and son.. Brother and sister.. The minute my husband tied a knot around my neck, that minute my husband became everything.. "

"i never doubted you swetha.. I just wanted you to clear yourself.. Because.. If you are in doubt about whom u love.. Then you can never be happy.." avi explained.

" i know.. Avi.." i said nodding.

"may be.. You are overthinking about that dream.. Nothing is there.. Just like i over estimated sriram's affection about you as love.. You too overestimated ur dream.. I think he is living happily in city with his job.. Now in few more months he will get settled happily with a life partner.. " avi said..

" i just hope he will be happy" i said and joined my palms together infront of god.

"shall we go??" avi asked.

"yess" i nodded.

We both went home.. Next day.. We reached bangalore along with my parents..


Swetha is still in love with sriram..

Guys.. I know some of u want to kill me.. But wait.. Wait.. Till many of u want to kill me..

Is it only sons duty to take care of parents?? I know now a days its changed.. But still its existing in rural areas and in some educated families too.. One of the reason people want sons not daughters thinking only sons will take care of them..

What do u think about laxman mehra's thoughts.. I hope u dont ask me, who  laxman mehra is.. Its easy to guess even if u dont remember him..

Time for random question..

Which life do u think is best and why? Ypu hae to reason it..

A. Single.

B. Committed.

C. Married.

D. None.

E. All the above.

Catch u guys

--- in ur comments with those who comment..

---in next update.. i. e, on tuesday with all the readers.

Wait.. It may not be till next tuesday.. If one of the reader wins the game.. The game between only me and that reader. Lets see if that reader win or not..

So.. Till then


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