53. Bad Days!!

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Hellooo dear busy busy yet lovely readers..

So u opted for 2nd option.. Go ahead..

Swetha pov..

We went to priya house..

He asked me to stay with priya till he comes.. I dont know what happened..

He went with out entering inside and drove to somewhere..

I was about to ring the calling bell but saw that the door was open.. As soon as i entered the hall, i heard loud cries..

I ran inside the room to see vaishali who is Sobbing loudly while priya is consoling her with tear filled eyes... Priya hugged her tightly to make her not to move away and rubbing her back with her left hand..

Just looking at her cries, I was afraid.. I didnt understand what happened to her..

I went inside and sat on the bed near vaishali and placed a hand on her shoulder and asked her.. "what happened vaishali?"

She looked at me and held my hands tightly.. "they are telling lies swetha.. They are telling all lies" she shouted sobbing..

Tears formed in my eyes looking at her in such a state..

"vaishu.. Dont be aggressive.. Control" priya tried to stop her

"i dont believe them.. They are saying false.. Its not abhinav.. Its not my abhi.." vaishu shouted closing her both ears with her palms

What about abhi?? What happened..?? What is that lie?? Who said what?? I didnt understood anything..

"swetha.. Please take me there.. I dont want to believe them.. I want to see it myself.." she said pushing priya and held my hands tightly and was about to stand pulling me..

"vaishu.. Please control" priya hugged her enclosing vaishali's both hands with in the hug And made her sit down

"noo.. Leave me.. I want to go.. I dont want to believe those lies.. I only can say that its not true." vaishu said wriggling.

Is abhinav cheating on vaishali like they initially thought??

"vaishu.. Varun, vikranth and rakesh already went there.. Please u cant go at this time to such places" priya is trying hardly to control vaishu.

"priya.. No priya.. You are not understanding me.. U are believing what they said in that call.." vaishu looked at priya and shaked her head..

"My abhi and my parents are on the way to come home.. They are mistaken for some other people. I want to go and see them to prove them that its all a lie.." vaishu said with pleading eyes which have tears.

"Vikranth, varun and rakesh will get their bodies... You can look after that.." priya said crying..


"No.. Priya.. No.. My abhi wont leave me alone.. He promised me.. My parents.. They too cant leave me like this.. With out saying anything.." vaishu said with her muffled voice.. Priya hugged her and patted her shoulder.

"No.. I dont believe them.. They are not dead.. They are not.." vaishu yelled louder


I was shocked.. Tears formed in my eyes looking at her..

"No.. No.. No.." She wriggled alot to move away.. But priya didnt leave her.. After some time she became silent.. Not at all talking.. Not even crying.. She is just looking the roof.. I was still in shock not uttering any word.

After some time, varun came inside..

Priya took hold of vaishu's hand.. Vaishu looked at varun..

"Its not abhi right ?? They are not my parents right" vaishu asked varun eagerly with hopefilled eyes.

Varun looked at her with tears in his eyes and hugged her.." Its okay.. Vaishu.. Come.. "

We all held her.. She came with out saying anything.. We entered in to the car in which varun came.

Car stopped infront of a big house.. Where lot of people are there..

Three dead bodies were laid down with white sheets covering them inside the hall.. Rakesh and vikranth both stood at the side..

Vaishali.. Ran and fell near the bodies.. She is about to open the cover.. But rakesh stopped her from doing so..

We all ran there and held vaishali..

"Its fully injured.. Faces are in a non recognisable state.. " rakesh said holding vaishu's hand.

Police came and gave the belongings to vaishali. "the accident was due to over speed car skid happened. These are the things we got at the accident area.."

She looked at the chains, rings and cards and fell on the bodies crying..

"Its all because of me.. I... I.. shouldnt have asked him to come soon.." she cried

"If i didnt.. asked him.. to come soon.. He might have come slowly.. All this accident happened because of me.. I... I.. killed them.. I killed them.." she sobbed and started hitting her head with both of her hands.

We took hold of her hands and i hugged her..

"Its okay.. Please vaishu.. Dont take over stress.. Its not good for the baby." varun said rubbing her head.

"abhi... Maa.. Dad.. u always faught over each other to hold the baby first right.. Now who will hold our baby..?? Why u all left me and my baby alone? Why??" vaishu said wiping her tears. But the tears are in a continuous flow. Looking at her, we too got tears in our eyes.

"Please wake up.." She started patting on all the dead bodies.. "Please.. Godd.. Please give my parents and my husband back.. I wont wish anything else.. Please.. Give them back.." She held her both hands and pleaded looking into the sky.

Few of abhi relatives came and held her..

I moved back.. They consoled her..

" where are abhinav parents?? " i asked rakesh..

" they died 5 years back.. " rakesh said.

I felt so bad for vaishali.. Now her parents and her husband left her in this world.. Her inlaws were also dead.. Being a girl.. Living alone in this world.. I felt shivers.. I held rakesh arm tightly.. He looked at me and placed his palm on my hand.. "Its okay.. "

They all started the proceedings for their funeral..

After that.. Relatives started going one by one.. Vaishali is not taking food and medicines..

"vaishu.. Its not good for ur health.. If not for you atleast do it for ur baby.. Please eat" priya said..

"please vaishali.. Eat some thing.. You have to take medicines too.." i said..

She is not at all looking at anyone..

Varun and vikranth left after trying alot to make her eat..

She is just thinking alot.. Not even looking at any of us.. Just staring straightly.

"please vaishu.. Thinking about the people who left us.. Dont ignore the people who are coming in ur way" rakesh said all of a sudden.

"You only said not to regret later by ignoring those who come on your way.. "Vaishali looked at rakesh while he is saying those words.

" u have abhinav's blood with in you.. Dont kill it with ur remorse.. Your pain will decrease later but if you dont eat food.. Your baby will feel bad.. " vaishu had tears in her eyes..

" abhi is there in ur memories.. Ur parents will be happy if u are able to take care of the baby even with out them by ur side.. So take care of ur baby.. " rakesh said while vaishu started crying again.

" please eat some food then u will get the energy to cry again till u are back to normal" rakesh said and took a piece of roti and kept it near her mouth.. She looked at him with tears and opened her mouth.. He fed her.. She started having hiccups.. I ran to get some water and gave it to her.. She drank and sobbed..

I never know rakesh can console like that.. I never know this side of him..

"Take medicines".. Priya said giving the cover containing medicines..

Then after some time abhi 's relative came.. "vaishu beti!! Abhinav friends came to meet you" she said.

I, Rakesh and priya went out to allow them to come inside.

As they went inside, abhi' s relative came outside..

"aunty.. If you dont mind.. Can you be with her till they leave?" rakesh asked her.. She nodded and went inside.

I looked at him questioningly.. "abhinav friends are the reason why he got that name playboy even though he is not.. I dont trust them to leave vaishu alone with them." he said..

There is this protective nature in every guy.. Which makes girls fall for them.. Vaishu might have lost her husband and parents but not these protective friends..

After some time, abhinav friends left and that abhinav's relative came out.

I and priya sat by her side to take care of her.. While rakesh, varun and vikranth were busy in taking care of rituals which are to be done for those who die..

Namitha came from USA and hugged vaishali.. "dont worry vaishu.. We will be there for u.."

"thank u all for being with me.. I am lucky that i met u all in my college days.." vaishu said looking at rakesh who is far away busy talking on phone.

I went out to inform rakesh that namitha came.. He called varun and vikranth.. All came inside room.

" namitha.. Can u send me the pictures of me and abhinav during your marriage.." vaishu asked.. Namitha nodded with tears..

" namitha.. Videos.. Videos too.. I dont want to look at him who is like a statue.. I want to look at him while moving.. By looking at those videos may be i will feel that he is moving infront of me" vaishu said with muffled voice and started crying..

Everyone of us sat there and we too starting having tears looking at vaishali..

"I dont have my parents recent videos.. I have videos of my parents but they are in london.. .. But they were from long ago" she said crying..

"we will make sure that we will get them back.." namitha said.. Vaishu nodded..

After some time she slept..

I dont understand God's plans.. He gives us something.. Just as we feel happy he snatches away another thing from us.. When u start crying for the yhing which was lost.. He gives another thing.. I really hope vaishu gets some good thing in her life.. I wish that her bad days will go soon..

How many of you are angry on me??

I know all of you..

Just as i said.. U cant blame me after choosing option 2 in previous chappie..

I tried my best to get this chapter emotional.. I dont know whether it happened or not..

Road traffic accidents.. The major avoidable cause of death.. Take care while driving..

Take care from 2019-ncov.. I think u all know about it.. Follow protective measures.

See u on next tuesday..

Till then bubye..

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