54. Remorse

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Hellooo dear busy busy yet lovely readers..

Back with ur tuesday update..

Rakesh pov.

That night vikranth call made me shiver with fear.. How is vaishali..? Thats the only thing that came into my mind.. I immediately started to go to the accident area.. Which is few kilometers away from bangalore..

I cant leave swetha alone leaving her like that.. I know it hurts her but i know she understands me.. I know she is afraid of living alone in dark.. So i dropped her at priya's house where vaishali was. I didnt went inside because i couldnt see her while sobbing.. I went to accident area..

Looking at the dead bodies which were taken out, their faces were damaged alot.. Very difficult to recognise them..

We took back those bodies to abhinav's house at hubli.

After reaching there, Varun went to take vaishu here..

All of his far relatives and friends near by to bangalore came by the time we reached there.

Vaishali came.. I couldnt see her.. Her face was pink and her eyes were red and swollen with all the continuous crying.. She ran and fell near the deadbodies.. My heart pained looking at her like that.. She is about to open the sheet covering them but i stopped her as she cant see them like that..

She lost all those whom she loves at once.. I cant imagine her pain. Because she is the one who is effected.

Priya never left her hand.. Even swetha too stood by her side always.. But we cant replace their place.. Most of the relatives left after visiting her and saying few words like

' Sorry to hear that.. I dont know how you are able to bear that pain. But be strong.. Take care..'

I didnt say anything to her. Iam the last person who can console her. Because i made her cry once.. So she will not listen to me..

She didnt eat food which hurt me even more.. If she cant take care of that baby which is inside her then who will..? All tried to make her eat.. But she didnt even looked at anyone.. But when i said, She looked at me.. When I fed her, she ate.. That made me realise that she respects me still and iam the one who is more closer to her than others.. So i decided to take care of her.

Next day.. Priya got severe vomitings.. So vikranth took her to hospital as she cant even stand. Namitha and swetha looked after her, while i and varun take care of all the things needed.

After all those rituals and all, i wanted to ask her to stay with us because she is pregnant.. She needs some one to take care of her. She cant live individually.. No servant will take care of us like our dear one's do.  But before i ask her, one relative of her asked her to live with them. As she needs elders at that time i too supported her to go and stay with them.

So that evening.. When she is leaving bangalore to some small town near by, i told her "vaishali.. Take care of ur baby.. Feel free to talk with us.. If u need anything call any of us at any time.. We are there for u always.. Okay??". she nodded and said thank you.

We all left to our homes.. I enquired about priya health.. He said she is fine they gave injections to decrease vomitings and gave fluids as her blood pressure fell down..

As we went to bed..

" rakesh..!! " swetha called me.

"Ha swetha" i turned to her side and looked at her.. She lied in supine position with her hands kept on her abdomen.

"Vaishu loves abhinav alot right??" she asked me looking at the roof.

"Hmm" i hummed remembering how happy vaishu was with abhinav.

"Will she be able to cope up with the drastic event?? She didnt even have her parents with her" She asked still looking at the roof.

"she has to.. Life has to move on.. Those relatives of abhinav seems to be sensible.. They might take a good care of her" i said placing my hand on her hand.

"hope so.." saying that she closed her eyes.

"hmm.." i hummed.  There is silence for few minutes. I closed my eyes..

"rakesh!!" swetha again called me.

"what is your first thought when u get to know that abhinav and vaishali parents were dead??" she asked me turning towards me. I removed my hand from her.

"i was shocked.. I really hoped that it was all a dream.. Only thing that came in my mind was how is vaishali.. I was afraid to look at her.. I cant look at her crying.. I avoided her. But when she listened to me i realised that iam more closer to her than others.. She needs some one close to her more.. " i said remembering the past few days.

She hummed.

" The peace that i got after knowing that vaishali is happy with abhinav is lost.. Again she lost her love.. I can feel the pain she is suffering.. But she has to move on with life" i voice became weak due to pain iam feeling that vaishu's loss.

There was silence..

" Swetha!! Are you okay?? " i asked her. She seems to be in deep thoughts since that night.. I dont know what is running in her mind.. May be she too is unable to come out from that shock. Even iam too unable to forget abhinav with whom we enjoyed just 2 weeks back.. He is no more in this world.

" hmm.. " she responded after few seconds and again turned to supine position and continued staring at the roof.

" swetha.. Dont think too much.. We cant get those whom we lost.. But we need to protect those who are with us.. Feeling bad for those people who can never be with us can never make us live at peace.. Life is to move on.. Hope vaishu will move on with her life once the baby is born. Till then she needs to be taken care " i said.

She nodded still looking at the roof.

" Sleep swetha.. Dont think too much.. " i said holding her hand.

She nodded and closed her eyes.. I know she didnt sleep.. But i too closed my eyes eventhough iam too struggling to sleep..

Next few days were the same.. No happiness with any of us.. I called vaishu once in everyday to make sure that she is fine and she is eating properly and taking her medicines.. Not only me.. Varun, vikranth and priya too..

Swetha daily enquired me about how vaishali was. I said that she is a little better than previous..

The rule which we used to do for breakfast.. It was broken.. Because we all are in such a remorseful state. Swetha is not that close but still she being a soft and sensitive person, also is unable to come out from that shock.

It became a duty for me to console swetha that vaishu will be fine.. No need to worry about her.. Because i cant deal with anything that effects swetha..

One day at evening.. After i came back home..  After removing my shirt, I remembered that i havent saw my mobile since morning.. As soon i opened the screen lock.. I saw that I got lot of missed calls from priya, varun and vikranth.. I was busy in meeting at that time, so i kept mobile in silent mode.. Due to all tensions i postponed my work.. Having a lot of work pending.. I started doing work keeping mobile in silent mode.. But When i saw those many calls.. Tension started.

I immediately called priya.


"hello.. Rakesh"  her voice is full of tension and fear.

"what priya what happened??" her voice made me tense because i am afraid to hear another bad news..

"vaishu called me.. Its urgent.. Come to our house." priya said

As soon as she said vaishu's name.. I just dont know what is happening around me.. I immediately wore the shirt which i just removed. Swetha came to me with a plate of friuts and water..

But upon looking at me she asked." what happened? "she kept the plate and glass on table and came near me.

I dont want to disturb her again.. So i said "nothing" i continued buttoning my shirt haphazardly..

"But ur face itself saying that something is wrong.. What happened rakesh!?? " she asked holding my hands with worried face.

"priya asked me to come to their home urgently. So iam going" i said because i felt its better to say truth to swetha than letting her think of me as a liar.

"i too will come rakesh." she said

"no swetha. U will be disturbed again.. I dont want you to suffer" i said remembering how swetha was during these past few days.

"it will disturb me more if you dont allow me to come.." swetha said.

May be.. She might over think the problem. So its better if i take her along with me. So that atleast i will be there beside her to support her.

" okay.. Lets go" i said and took keys.

We both went to priya house and asked her what happened.

Priya said " vaishu called me afternoon and she kept on crying.. I too dont know the exact reason.. But she said that she doesnt want to live.. I was afraid that she might do something harmful to herself"

"do u know where is she??" i asked her.

"no.. I asked her to come here without doing any stupid act.. By this time she should be here if she starts by that time.. But she is not yet here.." priya said with worried voice.

"relax priya.. Its evening time.. So delay might be due to traffic.. Dont think negatively" vikranth said holding priya.

"yess priya.. Dont stress ur self.. Its not healthy for the baby" i said.

We all tried calling vaishu.. But she is not lifting any one's call.

After about 1 hr, her mobile went in to switch off mode.. Iam getting all the negative thoughts.. Every one is getting tensed about what they are going to hear..

"varun.. Iam going to her aunt's house.. I need to know where vaishu is.. She is not here.. She should be.. But she isnt.. May be she went back to their home not coming here.. So i want to go there and ask what happened. What is the reason for her sudden outburst. " i said.

" i too will come rakesh" varun said.

"i too will come" swetha said.

"no swetha.. Its not safe at this time to go there. Just take care of priya.. Vikranth take care of the girls.. We will let you know"  saying that i and varun stood.

Hope she will be fine.. Hope she wont do some silly mistake which will make all of us live in guilt.

Chanting that we went to open the door to find vaishali infront looking so weak and her face lost that charm and her eyes lost that shine.

Guys accept it that abhi is no more..

This is not a thriller story.. Its just a simple casual story.. So dont expect kidnap and all..


What do u think about rakesh now??

Random question

If u were given a wish to go back to ur past, To How many years back you want to go..? Which past do u want to change?

Meet u in next update


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