63. Divorce

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Helloo dear busy busy yet lovely readers..

Sorry i became busy.. So adjust with this worst update of all till now.. I couldnt change or anymore.. Hope u will not vomit after reading it.. 😂😂😂.. Just kidding.

Anyways lets go to our main story..

Its the longest till now.. So keep menthoplus with u before starting..

****Guys.. Stay safe and make sure u do something for others by staying safe urself From pandemic.. ***

Ok.. Come to the story..

Swetha pov.

We went to court for divorce on mutual consent. But judge ordered us to stay for 6 months.

I was afraid to go home because with out divorce, if i go home my parents will do anything for me and rakesh to continue this marriage to work. But do i?? No..

After reaching home.. "rak.." i was about to ask him that i cant go home but..

"u dont need to go.. U can stay here in this house.. 6 months more just like we used to live for the past 1 year." rakesh said not allowing me to utter any word.

"i.." i dont want to stay here too.. May be i will change my mind if i stay longer with him.

"u dont need to be afraid of me.. Iam sorry for what ever i have done with out ur consent.. I wont cross my limits.. So i assure u. I dont want ur parents to stop u from getting divorce." rakesh said "I want u to be happy with the one u love." while saying the last words his voice muffled with sadness and turned away from me.

The one i love..?? Isnt it u?? But rakesh ur wish cannot be fufilled.

I never said anything against his word because i dont have any other option left. May be this 6 months is the time i got to look after him. After that i may not be able to.

After 2 days vaishali came back. Rakesh asked me to not reveal about our divorce to anyone. Infact i too dont want anyone to know. I spent most of my time with vaishali and her baby like previously.

Life went like that for few days until one day, when we got a call from vikranth.

We went to hospital.. Priya laid down on bed closing her eyes. She opened her eyes with the sound of our steps.

"Priya.. Iam sorry for ur loss" vaishu said rubbing priya's arm. Priya's mother sat on a chair beside the bed.

Upon looking at us.. She stood and went out wiping her tears.

"Sorry priya.. " i said

"dont say like that.. Please.. " priya said. She is trying to be strong.

Anamoly scan done for priya revealed that there are malformations in baby. So they decided to abort it. So She underwent medical termination of pregnancy.

"Its okay priya.. Next time u will get a healthy baby.." I said reassuring her.

" I hope ur words will come true.." Priya said with a little smile though it didnt reach her eyes.

The happiness of becoming pregnant will be converted to fear and sadness when we get to know that the baby is not well inside our womb. The pain during labour is something which can be endurable because it will give positive outcome interms of a healthy baby. But this termination.. It gives pain along with sadness.

"He needs support more than me" priya said looking at vikranth.

I looked at vikranth.. I never saw him like that his face felt so lost. May be this is the love of a father who lost his unborn baby.

"His words might feel like he is arrogant sometimes.. But he is a child at heart. He cares too much.." priya said looking at vikranth without blinking.

Vikranth looked at priya and came towards her.. "do u want anything?" his voice showed concern for priya at the same time sadness.

"sorry vikranth i couldnt be able to give u" priya said holding his hands.

"Its okay.. Priya.. We will sure get a healthy baby next time.." vikranth said reassuring but his words were broken..

"they showed me the aborted baby. Its still in my eyes vicky" priya said with tears.

"i wanted to hold my baby once.. But they didnt allow me to.." priya said gulping the pain of sadness.

"its okay.. Priya.. Dont cry.. Who said we dont have baby?? Abhi is there na.. U can hold her.." vikranth said looking at vaishu.

"yes.. Abhinaya and me are alive just because of u all.. She is your baby too" vaishu said showing abhi to priya.

Priya held the baby and hugged it " i never know the feeling of holding baby is this good till i lost mine.."

"never say like that priya.. Abhi will be there with u.. Just think that she is ur own." vaishali said.

"will u stay with us at our home.. Now i think i can take care of u both" priya said with her pleading eyes which are longing to hold the baby.

"priya.. Its okay i dont have any problem with her staying with me" i said. I dont want vaishali to leave. Because she and baby are the only escape for me to divert my mind.

"Sorry swetha.. I think i will stay with priya. Its not that iam unhappy to stay with u.. Just i want to support priya at this time." vaishali said placing her hand on priya shoulder.

"Thank u vaishali.". Priya said looking at vaishali with a hopeful smile.

I dont have any reason to say to stop them. May be priya needs her more.


From that day onwards vaishali stayed at priya home. I and rakesh were living in seperate rooms for the rest of days..

I felt like alone again.. Avika and his husband shifted to chennai all of sudden. She called me and said that she is busy with all shifting work and couldnt be able to meet me. She left without meeting me. She didnt know what ever is happening in my life. I too never told. Though she is my best friend who shares everything with me. I am so secretive. I never shared everything with her. Everything she got to know was accidentally only. But she never complained about my secretive nature. She understood me. Because iam like this from the start. She accepted me like the way iam. Iam thankful to god that i got a friend like her.

But rakesh friends always make it like meeting mandatory once in every month atleast. I tried to escape from meeting them saying iam meeting avika. Though its a lie.. But i cant say the same lie every time.

They arranged get-together at priya house. I felt like an odd person there. I limited talking with them. Because iam going to miss all of them.

Everyone is busy involving in hearing the story which vikranth is saying. But iam not at all listening to their conversation. My mind is wandering with lots of thoughts. Priya is smiling holding the baby, vikranth is so happy while talking, vaishali is laughing while listening to vikranth and varun is trying to interrupt him. Now it felt like everyone came out of their bad phase. May be not completely at least they are trying to move on with life. May be i too will once i go out of rakesh's life. My thoughts were stopped when i looked at rakesh who is already looking at me. We continued staring at eachother like that for unknown time.

"Hello sir.. At ur home no one is disturbing u both.. Atleast be with us now " vaishu said laughing and gave abhi to rakesh " hold him for some time."

I came to reality and looked down with furrowed forehead. How can i forget the world around me looking at him. Then i looked at rakesh again but he is busy with abhi. He is looking at abhi with so much love.. I felt happy looking at him like that. He will give the fatherly love abhi missed right?

" Swetha.. Can u come here? " priya asked me from kitchen.

I dont know when priya went to kitchen. I feel like a stupid. Varun and vikranth are nowhere to be seen.

"Yah.. " i went to kitchen.

"Swetha can u please help me with this?" Priya said showing the vegetables in a bowl and gave me the knife.

"Yah sure." I took them and took a plate from the rack.

"If vaishali comes inside, she will say she will do that. But u know she is very slow. I want to make lunch faster so that we can enjoy some time together. If vaishu come inside kitchen our time will be consumed with her doubts." Priya said laughing. I smiled and continued cutting vegetables.

When i came out, i saw varun holding the baby. I went near him and took abhi and asked where rakesh is.

" Vaishali and rakesh are discussing something. So they asked me to hold the baby. They went towards balcony." varun said.

I took a step towards balcony but stopped in mid way.. May be its time for me to let them have time for each other. Its hurting to let him go.. But i have to.


Next month, priya wanted to visit a restaurant. So every one agreed for that. So we all went to meet there.

As we were having the dinner, "Swetha are u okay?? " varun asked me. I gave a fake smile and nodded.

"Is rakesh not treating u well? " varun asked looking at rakesh.

Rakesh looked at me with that longing look.

"No.. Iam not feeling good recently.. I feel weak lately.. Thats the reason i said couldn't be able meet u all" i said trying to make an excuse.

"Did u go to doctor?? " varun asked me and then looked at rakesh "Rakesh.."

"Its okay varun.. Just.. " i tried to cover it.

"she just wants to go to her home. Home sick." rakesh said helping me.

Varun looked at me and then at rakesh with confusion.

"Are u guys having fight lately? Its not just her, even u too seem to be dull" varun said looking at rakesh.

"i said her to go.. But she is asking me to accompany her to stay there for long.. I cant take long leave na.. Thats the problem." rakesh said trying to smile

" Make it possible rakesh.. Dont let her feel bad.. Make sure she goes her home sooner." Vaishali said.

"She goes to her home sooner" rakesh said looking at me in the eyes.

I gave a painful smile. Iam going home sooner like he said.

After having food, as we were coming out suddenly a person came and patted rakesh and varun from back.

"Heyy varun how are you?? Rakesh long time man??" that person said with so much excitement. He is stout and tall with huge smile on his face. But rakesh and varun didmt look that excited.

"Heyy.. Karan hi.." varun said like a form of mandatory to wish him.

"Varun.. U are single now too.. Oh.. Sorry it seems u got married.." He said looking at me and varun.

"What!??" Varun looked at him confused.

Why is he looking at me and varun? Dont say he is thinking that iam his wife..

"Heyy priya woww.. Vikranth.. U really maintained ur relation ship dude.. I thought priya will get sick of u someday." karan said looking at priya and vikranth who came behind us.

They all just laughed.

"What about u rakesh?? When i am going for my masters to US i heard that u two are living together.. So fast forward man..? Where is ur lovely girlfriend.? " karan said looking at rakesh and then around.

"Karan.. " rakesh is trying to say but was cutoff by karan.

"there she is.. Heyy.. Wait.. U become a father?? Well congrats bro" saying that karan hugged rakesh.

"karan its not what" seems like karan is not even listening to what rakesh is trying to say.

"by the way.. Are u married or just continuing the relation just like that?" karan said laughing.

"KARAN.. Stop.." rakesh got irritated

"Haha.. Just kidding bro.. I know ur relation with her will continue.. I just doubted vicky.. But not u.. Because i know u bro.. Nothing can change ur love for her. " he said winking.

"Karan.. Its not what u are thinking.." rakesh said to stop him.

"Hey.. Hi vaishali.. How are u??" karan turned to vaishali not giving importance to what rakesh is saying.

"Hi karan.. Iam good How are u..?" vaishali said smiling holding baby.

"Whats the baby name??" Karan asked her trying to pinch the cheeks of baby.

"Its abhinaya.." vaishali said smiling.

"Nice name.. " karan said.

" she is like him right??" He asked vaishali.

"Yes.. Abhinaya is exact copy of him" vaishali smiled closing her eyes.

"See i know.. She is exact copy of u rakesh.." karan said looking at rakesh.

Vaishali looked at rakesh and karan with confusion.

"Karan.. No.. She is.. " rakesh was trying to make him understand but before that "Karan.. Come soon yaar." some one called karan.

"Guys.. I think i need to go.. Catch u later. Bye.." he said without listening to us and went away immediately.

"Uff.. He seems to be the same.. Dint change even a tiny bit.. The most confusing person.." varun smiled shrugging his shoulders.

"he is thinking abhi is ur baby.." Priya laughed

"he never listens yaar.. He keeps on assuming.." vikranth laughed.

"It seems he is thinking i was married to swetha" varun said laughing..

"What!? Seriously" vaishali laughed.

"and he is thinking that u two are married"varun said laughing.

" Atleast he said that priya and vikranth are couple." varun said.

" if we both didnt come together then sure he will think that we got breakup" priya said laughing..

Everyone is laughing while talking about him. But i felt like one thing about his words is true.. No one can change rakesh's love for vaishali.. I smiled looking at all of them.


When ever i get a call from avika and my parents, i cut short my conversation saying that iam busy with vaishali or with priya like that.

Time turned faster than expected. Like rakesh said, he never disturbed me. But i can feel his eyes on me when ever i pass across him, When ever i serve food for him. I thought he will never eat the food i made. I thought he will never allow me to do anything for him. I thought i might need to please him for him to eat my hand made food. He didnt oppose me from doing anything. But when ever i do something for him he used to look at me without blinking without opposing.

I too used to watch him when ever its possible for me to make memories of him.


I felt this poster suits well.. Again thanks to Sasanka54 for preparing such wonderful poster as per my liking even though i havent asked u.

Guys.. I know... This chapter is worst.. Forgive me.. I too felt clumpsy.. What to do.. Its just an add on after completing the story to rectify my mistake.. I dont know court will give 6 months grace period for divorce. So its all just added later when i got to know about that. I cant spend much time for writing.. And i cant leave you with out giving weekly update.. So here iam gave this worst update.. Iam not at all satified till here..
I hope u will feel ok reading from now onwards .. Because thats the thing that i actually wrote.


Its been 3 months since i came to my home.. My home means my parents home.. I dont know whether i can call it my home or not.. People think that girls will have two homes.. But the reality is nothing will be her own.. Once a girl gets married her home changes.. Her husband's home becomes her's. But does that happen really?? Now his home can never be mine as we were divorced 3 months back. Our divorce happened as he made sure i will get what i wanted.

Once there was judgement, i immediately packed my luggage to go away from him. Because i know i might change my idea of leaving him, if i stay with him more. Only if i go out of his life, then only he will remember his love for vaishali. She needs support more than me.

I still remember that day when i came back to this home...


Rakesh and I both started our way to move apart. I said that i can go but he said that he will accompany me as he needs to answer my father.

Journey to our village is nothing but pure silence. He was looking straight while driving. I tried to look straight too.. But i want to watch him as much as possible within this short span. I saw him intermittently.

As we were coming near to our village "dont utter any word when i speak to ur parents.. U should not oppose that. Its a promise on me." he spoke all of sudden with his hold on steering tight.

I nodded.

I know we have to face my parents.. His parents might feel happy, that i can no longer be their daugter in law. But my parents might get worried.

Car stopped in front of our home.

My heartbeat increased with tension. All this time, they thought they raised me well. But once they think that iam leaving my husband for my love for another person, they might crash down. Its okay.. Let them scold me but i know they will understand me because of their intense love for me.

We both came out of car and entered our home.

Appa was reading news paper sitting on sofa. Upon looking at me he ran towards me." Beti!! What a surprise.. U didnt tell us that u people are coming.. Come.. Come rakesh beta.. Please sit.. Rupa... Rupa.. See children came.. " appa was so excited upon looking at us.

We stood there not moving an inch.. "u seem to get a big luggage.. So rakesh beta is having along tour this time" appa said looking at the luggage.

"why are u standimg there.. Come and sit " ammi came with two glasses of water and gave it to us.

Rakesh and I both looked at each other and went to sit on sofa.

"How was the journey? You both are looking so thin.." ammi said.

"what rakesh beta.. Our swetha isnt cooking well for u??" appa asked chuckling. Ammi smiled looking us. But their smile went off upon looking at our nervous faces

"beti!! What happened?? Rakesh!! Any problem??" appa asked seriously.

Taking a deep breath.. "appa!!.. Sorry.. We..." i was cut off by rakesh.

"i dont like your daughter uncle.. Sorry.. I married her only as a part of revenge with my mother. I tried to accept her.. But sorry.. I couldnt.. So we got divorced with mutual understanding." rakesh said like an emotionless creature. I looked at him shocked.

"what!!!!" appa exclaimed and stood.. We too stood from our seats..

"sorry uncle.. I dont love ur daughter." rakesh said lowering his head down.

"how can u play games with my daughter's life?" appa got angry and pulled rakesh's collar.

"appa.. Please leave him.." i and ammi tried to make appa move away from rakesh

"Appa please.. Its not him.. Its" i tried to tell him that i wanted this divorce but rakesh held my hand tightly and he said " iam sorry"

I remembered about the promise. I understood why he made me do that promise.

"Rakesh beta.. Dont say like that.. " ammi cried

"divorce already was given to us in court.. So its already over" rakesh said looking at me. That look itself says that dont say anything other than what i say.

"what will happen to our beti??" ammi sobbed holding my hands.

"ammi please.. Dont cry.. Nothing will happen to me.. U both are there for me. Iam perfectly fine." i said moving towards ammi.

Appa fell on sofa with tears in his eyes..

"Rakesh.. Please.. Go.. " i said looking at rakesh sadly. His eyes had tears while he was moving away from me.

I hugged my ammi feeling suffocated with the need to hug rakesh.


My parents never talked about rakesh not even once after that infront of me. But once i heard appa yelling at rakesh parents for spoiling my life.

Then nothing.. For one month i missed him badly. I motivated myself that he will be happy with vaishali.



I was in room trying to sleep with rakesh image in my eyes, i heard voices.

Sudden opening of door widely.. "swetha!!!" i heard muffled voice of avi..

I opened my eyes amd looked at her with a fake smile.

"iam sorry.. But u know what.. Its the best thing that ever happened." avi said.

"yess.. I know" i said. Avi hugged me suddenly.

"i was trying to call u, but ur mobile is unreachable. I thought u might be busy with vaishali.. But i never thought rakesh will cheat you.. That b*st**d.. How can he do that to you" avi said.

"avi!! Please dont say like that" i said.

"enough.. He is not ur hushand now.. Stop being pathi parameswari.. He is such a rogue.. I really want to kill him but u know.. He did a very good thing by giving divorce to u.." avi was fuming with anger.


"leave it.. Lets dont talk about that pathetic creature on earth.. Let him die with that vaishali.. " i placed my hand on her mouth shaking my head with tears in my eyes.

"why.. Swetha.. Why do u love him so much? He isnt ur husband.. He never loved u.. He just acted" avi was cut off by me saying "he do love me avi.. He never acted his love for me.. He is genuine.. Its me.. Who wanted divorce"

"what!! What happened to u?" avi was shocked with my words.

" u know about vaishali.. She is suffering alot of hurdles.. She dont have any one.. She needs support from some one who loves her genuinely. Rakesh is the only person who loves her genuinely"

"are you out of your mind?? You are sacrificing your husband because that lady needs support?? There are lots of women who needs support why dont you send him to them" avi yelled at me.

"avi" i was hurt.

"i never thought u are this stupid swetha" avi seems alot disappointed in me.

"yes.. Iam stupid.. Iam stupid to leave my husband. But u know what.. That may happen at any time even if i dont leave him now. Because he loves vaishali.. He cares for her. He indeed will regret marrying me later." i said feeling the warm tears falling on my cheeks.

"why do u think so?" avi asked looking at me with confusion.

"because i saw how his eyes look at her sadly. How he cares her. He started loving me with the hope that vaishali is happy with abhinav.. But now that abhinav is no more in this world, he is again going into that phase of guilty.. He may not understand his love for her now.. But infuture when he realises, he will regret marrying me. And he will be the most unhappy person.. I dont want that to happen.. I believe in vaishali.. She used to take care of him and now too she will love him. Thats the reason, i wanted divorce.. " i said whatever was eating me since a long time.

" swetha!! What about you?? " avi asked knitting her eyebrows.

" its okay avi.. I can manage.. When sriram rejected me, i felt pain but I overcome that. Now when i left rakesh who started loving me, i am feeling pain again.. But i know i can overcome that" i said.

Avi hugged me crying..

"you should have talked to him" avi said.

"he will misinterpret what i say by thinking that iam doubting him and will start avoiding vaishali, who needs him now more than me. I dont want that to happen" i said hugging avi tightly.

"what if rakesh too is missing you" avi asked rubbing my back.

"he too will miss me but not long because vaishu will take care of him." i said. The moment i left him, i know vaishu wouldhave entered into his life already. They wont leave him like that.

"I dont know what to say to you swetha except hoping for good days to come for you " avi said moving away from me.

"i want something to come out of this depression. I want myself busy with something. I dont want to sit and sleep like this." i said feeling bad about my lonely condition.

"u always want to learn interior designing right?" avi said wiping my cheeks.

"yeah.. But i dont think i can go far away from my parents in my current condition" i said because they need me as mucb as i need them.

"try online classes.. So that atleast u can get some knowledge" avi said.

"hmm.. Thats a good idea" i nodded.


From that day onwards i made myself busy with learning interior designing through online.

I miss rakesh now too.. When ever i miss him, i either look at his pictures or close my eyes and remember those memorable days that happened between us.

Life is impractical.. Should i blame fate for my life?? May be i shouldnt.. Because this is the decision took by me.

I hope this written part is ok.. Not that worst like that in the first part..

So.. Finally the couple got divorce..

Guys.. Dont get angry over me.. One of the tag to my story is divorce itself.. So dont blame me that i made them apart.. Its already decided in the starting itself.. If u still have patience to read what will happen next.. Continue reading.. If u are not interested to read because they were divorced.. Its ur wish..

This is for those who want to continue the story..

Did u guess that divorce actually happens??

What will happen now to swetha and rakesh??

Now give ur opinion on characters..








Thats for today.. Have patience for 6 more chapters.. Then it ends.

Random question

Best lesson u learned till now in ur life? (hey.. Iam not talking about lessons in school.. 😜.. Tell me the best life lesson u learnt.. if u want u can share many more too)

Meet u in next update..

Till then..

Have a heartful smile.


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