64. Alone!

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Helloo dear busy busy yet lovely readers..

Sorry.. yesterday i made u disappointed..

So iam giving it early today.

But dont ask me next update till tuesday..

Finally nirbhaya got justice.. 👍

Enjoy the update by staying safe at home.

Rakesh pov.

Its more than three months since we were divorced. I still feel her presence in my house. I miss her alot. But her happiness is more important for me.

After leaving her at her parents home, i came back to this place which once used to be our home. I started feeling alone. I never thought i will miss her this much..

My mother came one day..


I was looking at tv. But i dont know what is going on in that. All my thoughts were with swetha..

I came out of thoughts with my mobile vibrating in my shirt pocket.. Before i took my mobile it went off.. Then i heard calling bell..

I went to open the door.

There stood my parents..

"how many times do we need to press calling bell?" dad asked me.

I didnt say any thing.. I opened the door widely and my parents entered.

I closed the door and started moving towards T. V. But was interrupted by mom..

"where is swetha??" she asked seriously.

"why do you want her?? So that you can call with names which she hates?" i asked her.

"where is swetha?" she shouted this time.

"she is in her house" saying that i turned to move away.

"since when??" mom held my arm and asked.

"since 1 month" i said like i didnt care trying to remove my hand from her hold.

"why??" mom's grip tightened around my arm. Her voice filled with anger.

"because we were divorced like u always wanted" i said loudly.

Burning sensation felt on my cheek. A tight slap fell on my cheek. I held it with my palm.

"how dare you to give divorce to my daughter in law?" she shouted at me.


"dont ever call me.. I never wanted for u to give divorce to her. Yes.. I was hurt when mallika said that.. But my love for swetha never died.. . I felt ashamed that all people were thinking badly about my daughter in law. I stopped talking to swetha because she didnt stop mallika from telling all that. Even if she would have loved some one, she is in love with you thats what it matters. But she didnt open her mouth that day. So i stopped talking to her. But she is the perfect wife you can ever get.. Why did you leave her? "

Rakesh.. U should have talked with us before going to divorce.

Why rakesh?? Why dont you love that poor girl?

I dont like her


" Because... Because.. she is not beautiful" i closed my eyes tightly.. I hate to utter it.. Because for me, swetha is the most beautiful soul. But i cant say that swetha wanted divorce. So for them to believe the only reason i can say is what they can believe"

"but u used to love her.. What happened now??"

"that was all an act.. I dont like her.. We never had the bond which married people share"

"rakesh.." mom gasped.

"yess.. Maa.. Nothing happened between us.. And nothing is going to happen.. Because i dont want to love her. So with me she can never be happy."

"we thought we have the best son but u know what.. You are the worst son anyone can have" mom yelled crying.

I stood silent.. Let them call me with any bad name. But thats far better than them calling swetha with bad names.

"I dont want to stay here any more.. Supraja.. Lets go" dad said looking me.

Mom looked at me with hatred which i never got. They left with out saying anything leaving me in the same lonely world.


I made my self busy with work.. Loads and loads of work. I wanted to avoid my friends but i cant avoid them.. Because they know my love for swetha more than anyone.. So they wont believe all those words i said to my parents.

I called vikranth, varun and vaishali just before leaving swetha at her home.

I said that i wont be available for few months.. I will be busy with new project, i may not be able to get time for calling too.. I asked priya to take care of vaishali as swetha wants to go home for some time.

Priya is happy to be with abhi and vaishali and her mother also came to stay with them so there is no need to worry much.

So i didnt get any uninvited sudden visits to home from my friends till now.. Hoping it wont happen any time soon.

All My dreams are filled with swetha coming back to home.. Swetha saying that she loves me.. While dreams make me happy, the reality makes me sad.

My manager asked me to take rest as i was looking like a sick person. No matter how i try to stay at office, he ordered me not to enter office for 1 week.

So here iam missing swetha in this house.

I got call from priya.. I didnt answer her call. Then i got continous calls from vikranth and varun.. I didnt lift their calls too.. Then i saw the call log and saw 3 missed calls of vaishali too. Is there anything happened for vaishu??

As i was about to call vaishu, i heard calling bell.

I opened the door to see all my friends looking so worried.

"rakesh are you okay??" vaishu asked me.

"yeah.. Iam good"

"what happened to you..?? You look like a person lost in desert"

I gave a fake smile.

They all entered inside. "omg.. Is this really ur house??"

I looked at the house. Its all filled with dust and most of things were in haphazard manner. I never observed that till now. May be because i didnt gave a look at the house since long. Just waking up getting ready going to office then coming late at night and sleeping. Having only lunch at canteen then living on tea and biscuits all the time. No sunday no holiday.. Nothing..

"Guys.. I think we need to clean this dustbin to a home.. Other wise i cant even talk.. Aww.. " Vikranth said with a disgusting face.

"Yah.. Priya.. U just look after abhi. We will start what do u say guys.." Vaishali said..

"Yah.. Thats right.." Varun said.

Every one of us started cleaning our house. I ordered food in swiggy for all of us.

Then all sat on sofa.. taking rest. Abhinaya started crying.. Vaishu took the baby in her hands and went inside room to give feeding to abhi.

" When will swetha come?? Its more than 3 months since she went. " varun asked.

"I am so excited to share the good news to both of u.." priya said with a huge smile on her face.

I looked at priya waiting to hear the good news.

"Now the baby is all fine" she said touching her abdomen.

"Is it true..?" I looked at vikranth.

"Yes.. We confirmed it yesterday through scan.. After confirming that baby has no anomalies, Then only we wanted to share the news.. " vikranth said

"Iam so happy for u both" I said

"By the way when will swetha come rakesh.. I know she will be happy to hear the news.." priya asked again.

"We tried to call her but her mobile was switch off.. Did she change her number?" vikranth said.

All are asking me questions.. I dont know what to answer them. May be its time for them to know

"She wont come. " i said with no emotions in my heart.

"What do u mean by she wont come?" varin asked.

"We were divorced." i said

"Whattt!!!" every one have the same expression.

"When??".. "How??"... Asking one after another.

"On the day iam leaving her, i called all of you.." i said.

"But why rakesh?? You both love each other alot.." priya said.

"Everything that seems to be visible is not the reality.. " i said

"What are you trying to say??" varun said.

"What ever way u want to understand, just understand it in that way." i said not wanting to continue talking about that topic.

"Rakesh.. We are seriously asking you.. " vikranth got irritated.

Vaishu came back with the baby and sat looking me.

"Iam too saying it seriously. Just please can u stop asking about the reason for my divorce." i said.

"Rakesh please.. Dont joke around.. Tell us the reason.. I dont understand any reason for u both to get divorce.. We know both of you.. We know how you both love eachother." priya was serious.

"What!! Divorce?? Why??" Vaishu asked as she didnt understood what happened between us.

"Okay.. I dont like swetha.." i said plainly.

"Tell that to some unknown.." vikranth said narrowing his eyes.

"Then do u believe if swetha is in love with someone but not me." i said looking at vikranth.

"No.. " vikranth said immediately. Arun was looking keenly at me.

"Thats why iam saying i dont like her." i said and looked away from their stare.

"Rakesh every one of us know.. How ur love is for her. Lets talk to swetha and get her back." varun said

"She wont come." i said looking at my palms.

"Why?? " every one is looking at me with confused face.

"Because she loves some one else. And that person too loves her. But she dont know about that before marriage.. Now that she knows he loves her, she wants to go back to him." i said clenching my hands to inculcate physical pain to suppress the mental pain.

Every one looked at me with shock and gave an unbelievable look.

I explained them about What swetha said about her one side love with sriram and about my interaction with that guy at a restaurant, about how sriram said he is in love with swetha.. And the letters he wrote to swetha..

They looked at me with shock.

"Rakesh.. I think u have mistaken.. Swetha loves u only.. May be she might have loved that person in the past.. But now she loves only u.." vaishali said

"I too thought like that only but she herself said that she wanted divorce because she is in love with that guy." i said.

"Its okay.. If she is happy i too will be happy. I want her happiness.. I dont want u all to misunderstand swetha.." it pains me more if they think bad about her. The main reason for all this is me. I neglected her. How can i expect her to love me when all the time i gave her sadness.

After few minutes of silence..

" U are not alone rakesh u know that right??" vikranth said.

I nodded..

Later vikranth and priya went to get medicines and clothes to stay here for two days till my fever is gone.

Varun went to have bath to change into my night wear.

Vaishu sat on sofa playing with abhinaya..

I too went to sit beside vaishu to play with the baby..

Looking at the baby, i remembered the image of swetha holding that baby..

I smiled, abhinaya too smiled at me.

"Chuchu..." i started playing with baby by bending near her.

She started to grasp my beard with her palm.. I tried to move back.. But she grasped it before that..

"Hahaha.. She is too strong.. Vaishu " i said kissing baby on her forehead.

"And sportive too like you.. rakesh.." vaishu smiled looking at the baby..

"what a wonderful scene Mr. Rakesh?" i heard some one's voice..

We both looked at the source of voice

There is a guy of my age clapping his hands looking at us with anger..

I stood and went near him.

"So got married already??" he is looking at me with hatred to want to kill me.

"Excuse me.. what are you talking??" i asked him not knowing why some stranger throwing anger at me.

"I thought of talking to you.. But it seems useless.." he had thrown a disgusting look at me.

"Mister.. Who are you?? " now i got irritated.

" Sriram.. "


Finally the mysterious sriram entered..

Rakesh got slapped by his mother though its not his fault.. Dont u feel bad??

Random question.

When u deadly want to talk with some one.. But no one is free at that time.. U are not in mood to send messages.. What will u do??

Well.. Meet u on tuesday..

Till then bye..

Have a heartful smile always.

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