65. Proposal!!

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Helloo dear busy busy yet lovely readers..

To all those who are following government rules.. Keep on following it.

Continue ur safety.. But one thing.. Ur claps are of no use.. When u ask health care people to vacate the place they live.. I felt so sad looking at the news..

I dont have mood to give chapter.. But as its tuesday im giving not to break the rule..

3rd person pov.

Laxman ji started calling some one on mobile.. "i need to talk to you.. Can u come home?"

"nothing is there to talk" person from other side said with low and sad voice.

"please.. Its about my daughter.. The only option i have is you" laxman ji pleaded with a voice filled with guilt.

"is it emergency?? Or can i come next week? ." the voice from other side tensed.

"its okay.. For next week." laxman said with a smile.

"thank u so much" laxman ji felt relieved after listening to humming of that other person.

Before saying anything the other person cut the call..

Laxman ji looked at mobile and his eyes had tears in it. Then went to prayer room and joined his palms infront of god and said " please.. Save my daughter's life.. The only hope i have.."

He waited each day for that person to come.. Then that day came..

Upon lifting the call " i came. Where do u want me to meet you? " voice heard in a serious manner.

Laxman ji was afraid to speak.

"shall we meet at temple??" the other person asked.

"i think its better if its our home." laxman ji said with nervousness.

"Are you sure?? " the other person asked but there is some sarcasm in that persons voice.

"Yess.. And please come with your mother too" laxman ji pleaded.

" okay" saying that the other person cut the call abruptly.

Laxman ji looked at the mobile with an tearful eyes and looked at the picture of god and took a deep breath.

Then he asked swetha and rupa to stay at home as someone is coming. He arranged sweets and fruits.

Laxman asked swetha to wear a saree which he kept inside the store room. That was a beautiful red banaras saree.

Rupa and swetha are waiting inside bedroom while laxman waited outside for the people to come.

There was a knock on the door.

Laxman asked the people to come inside.

"dont you think we are ineligible to enter inside ur home?" some one's voice is heard from outside

"is that how you behave with elders??" a lady voice yelled at the other person.

"sorry mom" the other person said lowering his voice.

"sorry sriram.. Its my mistake.. i agree.. Please come inside" laxman ji said joining his both palms infront of them.

Sriram and his mother entered inside the house.

"please take ur seat." laxman ji said

"what is that u wanted to talk with us? " sriram asked in most hateful manner.

"sriram.. Beta.. See.. I know i made a huge mistake... Please wait.." laxman said and turned towards the room and started calling.

"Rupa.. Rupa.. " rupa opened the door.

"come with her" laxman said and came back towards sriram.

Rupa and swetha came out not knowing what is going over there.

Sriram and swetha looked at eachother with shock..

Swetha look shocked because sriram looked dull thin with beard and all..

Sriram shocked looking swetha in that saree.

"Swetha beti.. Please forgive me.. Iam extremely sorry .. Because iam the one responsible for your sadness.." laxman lowered his head placing his hands on his forehead. Rupa was shocked looking at his husband like that.

"Appa.. What are you talking?? " swetha removed his hands from his forehead and looked at him with confusion.

"I know about your love for sriram. " laxman looked at her with pleading eyes. Swetha's eyes widened looking at his father's confession. She moved back startled and looked at sriram. Sriram is looking at her father seriously..


When swetha was studying in city for her bsc, sriram and his mother went to ask laxman for marriage with his daughter with sriram. Rupa went to relatives house unexpectedly that day.

"Hi uncle.. " sriram wished laxman excitedly

"Helloo sriram when did you come??" laxman asked him casually. They are well known eachother since long

"Yesterday uncle. I got job at pune " sriram said feeling so happy.

"Ohh!! congratulations.." laxman said with a smile

"Namaste laxman ji.. Where is Rupa ji?? " sriram mother asked them.

"She went to relatives house, As they are sick." laxman explained.

"Ohh.." sriram mother sighed and thought for a second whether she can ask or not.

"I dont know whether we should ask now or not a rupa ji is not there.. But today is a  very good day so we are here with the proposal." after thinking for a while sriram's mother said smiling.

Laxman looked at them doubtfully.

Sriram's mother took out the saree, bangles, flowers, turmeric powder and sindhoor from the bag. She then placed them in a plate and started saying by looking at laxman with a genuine smile " u know well about my son and his friendship with swetha.. They both are inseperable since childhood. My son loves your daughter. He knows that she gives importance to your opinion than anyone. So.. he asked me to go with the proposal instead of proposing swetha directly. He wants to ask for her hand only after he gets settled.. So now that he got job.. We are asking for the proposal.. As swetha's studies also are coming to end right". Sriram smiled with a blush.

"i know about the affection they have for each other. I know my daughter's feelings.. She do loves you.. Now that you got the job.. There is no good reason for me to reject this proposal" laxman said smiling. Sriram and his mother looked at each other smiling and looked at laxman.

"mom give that" sriram pointed towards the plate containing saree..

"wait.. Wait.. Sriram.. U seems to be in eager for the marriage" laxman said chuckling.. Sriram mother too chuckled looking at sriram.. Sriram smiled heartfully.

"you are a very good person sriram.. As of now." laxman's smiling face turned serious.. "do u know why people say before u going for the marriage proposal look for the seven generatioms before?"

Sriram and his mother looked at laxman confused.

"because people's behaviour and attitude can be guessed with the generations.. About your family... Every one knows.. Do i have to say it??" laxman said raising his eyebrow narrowing his eyes at sriram.

"uncle!!" sriram was hurt with laxman's words.

"yess.. Sriram.. Your father married your mother and left her for another women.. Dont you think you have genes from your father.. What if you leave my daughter once u get bored of her??" laxman asked furrowing his forehead.

"laxman ji.. U know about my son.. He is not like that" sriram' mother tried to make laxman understand her son's love towards swetha.

"now he is not.. But in future he will be like that.. I dont want anything bad to happen to my daughter" laxman declared his decision.

"uncle.. I love swetha morethan myself.. U too know.. She is the only person i always talk to.. I wont do anything that makes her cry.. Iam not bad uncle." sriram tried to beg laxman though he is hurt when laxman thought that he will do bad to swetha.

"i never said u are bad sriram.. But i can say u will be.. In future.. Just like your father.. Look at your mother.. How much struggle she faced.. I dont want my daughter to face that.." laxman tried to explain his reason one moretime gathering all the patience he has.

"uncle.. Iam saying all that looking at my mother.. Because i know how it feels to be with out father even though he is alive.. I wont commit that mistake which makes my children and my wife to go through." sriram said looking at his mother. Because he know how his mother struggled. He always thought of taking a good care of his family. Because he always felt bad that his father never came for them.

"my decision is final sriram.. I wont give my daughter to you" laxman started getting frustrated.

"laxman ji think about it once.. Please.. Its about two lives.. Dont take hasty decisions.." sriram's mother pleaded laxman

"i am not taking any hasty decisions.. I thought alot about it.. Because i know one day will come like this.. Because i know my daughter is in love with you even though she didnt say it in words. So after thinking alot i decided" laxman started getting furious but tried to control.

"uncle.. Please think again" sriram pleaded again.

"if u ask me one more time, i will send you out with my own hands" laxmen yelled

"uncle.." sriram was in shock when laxman yelled at him like that. He never expected laxman to shout at him.

"u are not the eligible person for my daughter.. Infact you are not eligible to come to our house.. Get out"  laxman shouted with anger.

"If thats your final decision.. I too will see that most eligible person for swetha.. " sriram said with anger filled voice while standing.

"Sriram.. Calm down.. Lets go.. " sriram's mother pulled him to outside.

"Wait.. " laxman called them back.. They both turned with the hope that he might have changed his mind.

"Dont say all this to my daughter.. Dont even propose her even if she says her love to you.. If you have respect for your mother" laxman blackmailed sriram.

"I respect my mother alot than you respect your daughter.. I wont say anything.. " saying that sriram turned to his mother " Lets go from here mom.. "


"Sorry beti.. I shouldnt have done that.." laxman looked sadly at swetha who is looking at him with tears in her eyes.

"Appa.. Why did you do that??" swetha whispered. She doesn't have any energy left.

"I thought children will be like their parents.. So he will be like his father.. But iam wrong.. Rakesh father is not like that yet rakesh gave divorce to you.." laxman's every word shows how he is regretting his decision of rejecting sriram.

"What!!" Sriram exclaimed with shock..

"yess.. Sriram.. She got divorce 3 months back." laxman looked at sriram with the same tears.

Sriram looked at swetha.. Swetha looked down embarrassed.

"Prameela ji.. If you still willing to let your son marry my daughter.. Sriram beta if your love is still alive in your heart, please marry my daughter" laxman joined his palms together begging..

Sriram and prameela stood.. Sriram held laxman's hands and said "you dont need to ask that.. My love for swetha never attenuated."

"Thank u beta.. I will leave both of you to talk with each other.. Go to temple and talk.."

Swetha was in shock with all the things happening..

"Swetha beta.. Please.. Go with him.." laxman said.

Swetha looked at sriram.. He smiled heartfully.

"Come swetha.. " sriram said trying to hold her wrist but she took her hand back and started walking.

Sriram pov

Finally my swetha is back.. My wish is going to be fulfilled now.. She is going to be mine forever. Now that no one is there to stop our marriage, its going to happen for sure..

We went to temple.. But through out the walk, we were silent.. Its new to us.. Because she will not stop her words with me beside. It felt different like iam not with the swetha i know.

As i was going to go inside temple, swetha went towards the river bank and sat on sand. I too went along with her and stood beside her.

There is silence for few minutes.. Finally i decided to break the silence.

"Swetha.. Do u know.. How much wait i did for this day to come?" i said with happiness.

She looked at me with shock.

"i really wanted this day to come.. You and me sitting here like this"  i said looking into her eyes.

"do u wanted me to get divorced?" she asked with tears in her eyes..

"No.. No.. How can u think like that swetha?" Shock was an understatement.. How can she think so cheaply about me??

"i love you swetha.. I.. Iam sorry.. when you said about your feelings for me, i rejected you. because.. its not in my hands.. I tried my very best to stop your marriage proposals" i tried to explain why i rejected her at that time. I gave my word to her father. If i express my love at that time, its like i disrespect my mother.  I respect my mom.. I love my mom alot.

"what!!??" swetha asked with shock and confusion.

"yes.. Sorry for that too.. Its not every one rejected you.. Most of them wanted to maary you.. Who will say no to u?? But i get to know about your proposals through a friend of mine.. I used to go and beg them to reject you.. So they rejected you saying u are dark, u are not rich not well educated etc.. I tried every way possible so that atlast ur father will come to me for ur marriage. But that friend went to his relatives house for few days. After he came back, He never saw any one coming to ur house for marriage lookings.. So he thought they stopped searching for marriages. Later after few days he never called. When i asked my mother about you.. She said you went to city for further studies.. So when i came back to village, looking at you at the temple i was shocked that you are married. I was heart broken and felt deflated. When u said u love ur husband, I felt like atleast you are happy in your life.. Initially,  I tried to end my life many times as i felt loneliness occupying me. But thinking about my mother i stopped myself doing stupid things.. I tried to motivate my self that u are happy.. Iam living with our memories swetha.. Just living in memories.. " i said. No matter how i wanted to be stubborn, Tears made its own way.

" sriram.. " swetha whispered looking at me with unbelief.

" yess.. Swetha.. My love never ended.. I miss you so much.. Now that you got divorce and your father too agreed for our marriage.. Happy days came into our life swetha" i said feeling peaceful after long time.

"sriram.. But i am a divorced women.. You have a very good future. A good looking, well educated decent, good character girl will come for you.. If you marry me, people will insult you saying you married a girl who is a divorcee.." swetha said. She is looking like trying to avoid me. But i cant leave her alone. I cant live happily with her in such a sad state.

"swetha.. Do you think i will let them say?? I dont care about your marital life.. I dont care even if you have children.. I want my swetha back.. The who loves me like no one does.. I might get a girl with all the characteristics you mentioned, but you are always special swetha.. I love you so much" saying that i hugged swetha.. But she felt uncomfortable.. She struggled with my touch. I moved back from her.

"swetha.. Dont you love me?" i asked her looking into her eyes. She looked at me with sorrowful eyes.

"my love for you ended with frienship sriram.. My love for my husband ended with bonding" swetha said. I felt pain looking at her. I know she gives importance to marriage alot.

"swetha.. Do u still love your husband??" i asked her.

She nodded.

"but He never loved you??" i asked her.

"he loves me alot" she said with tears.

"then why you both got divorced" i asked her confused.

She started saying about rakesh and his love life, about vaishali's husband and her parents death, about her suicide attempt, the struggles she faced.

I felt swetha to be so foolish to take that nasty decision saying she is in love with me when she didnt.. Why does she think that rakesh loves vaishali when he loves swetha..??

"I want him to get married to his love vaishali.. So that vaishali gets a good supportive and loving person and abhinaya too gets a father" swetha said with a little smile covering her sadness.

"What about you swetha?? " i asked

"I have my parents.. I dont have children tfor me to support.. I can live without him.." she said like she is some mother theresa sacrificing her life.

"Then what's your problem with marrying me."  i asked her

"Sriram.. "

"Yess... Swetha.. U can love me right.. U too can get a loving husband..  Like vaishali gets rakesh.. Right?? " i asked seriously looking into her eyes.

Thats for today..

I dont remember who asked for sriram pov.. Sorry.. I dont have mood to check too.. Hope u understand.. Why im saying is.. This chapter for those who wanted sriram pov..

Meet u in next update.


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