67. Confession!

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Helloo dear busy busy yet lovely readers..

Happy srirama navami.. 😊😊😊

Before moving ahead in to the chapter..

Caution: dont kill me after knowing the secret admirer.. If u are ready.. go ahead..

Rakesh pov.

"Then who did that??" i asked him. There is this pain that i misunderstood her. If its not him who?

Sriram just shrugged his shoulders.

"I did that.. "

I looked at the source of voice and shocked looking at the person holding the letter and greeting card.

"priya!!" i was in shock.

"Sorry rakesh.."priya uttered and looked at the letter and looked at me.

" Why priya?" i dont understand why she did that..

"I did that to know whether she loves you or not and to make you both posessive over each other.. Because u know at that time u already are in love with swetha yet u never opened up.. So by being posessive may be u might express ur love for her." priya said holding the letter and greeting card in her hands tightly. .

" seriously priya.. " vikranth asked looking at priya unbelievably.

" sorry rakesh.. When i and vicky went to a jewellery shop, i picked a bangle then vicky said that its the same the bangle swetha liked too. I wanted to gift her that as vicky made a stupid statement on her. Then i got this idea. Then i forgot about that.. It never came in to my mind for me to mention about this. " she said looking down embarrassed.

" So you misunderstood just because of this secret admirer" sriram said narrowing his eyes and pointing to priya..

"sorry.." i said feeling ashamed.

"if you want to know about swetha.. Let me tell you.. She is so patient hoping for positivity to come in life and she will wait for that.. But she had this negative feeling that life made in her life, she needs words too for assurance" sriram said.

I was like i dont know much about swetha like sriram do. May be i never cared about swetha much till now. All the mistake is mine.

"sorry vaishali ji, If you are hurt.. But.." sriram looked at swetha by showing his palm towards her and then looked at me in the eyes and continued "swetha had this negative feeling that you might develop a feeling to leave her and regret marrying swetha for vaishali later".

"what??" everyone except sriram had the same shocking expression. Because she never showed even a tiniest bit of doubt or jealousy.

"she did all this to make u happy.." sriram said.

"swetha" i closed my eyes tightly.. "How can she think like that? She should have told me her doubt"

"swetha never tells anything. She holds everything in her heart. She knows you love her. But afraid that u might be unhappy later.. Its just her negative feeling"

I rubbed my face taking deep breaths.. " now am i happy?" i asked sriram feeling helpless.

Sriram chuckled and said.. "make sure that ur happiness needs her.. Go and grab her before she gets another negative thought."

"she loves you but there will be this negativity that haunts her so u need to give assurance in every moment in this relation ship.." sriram advised me. I understood what he meant. I need to prepare myself for that with caution.

I nodded.

"I am leaving my friend in your hands hoping you will take a good care of her.. Dont let my hope demolish." sriram said placing his hand on my shoulder.

"I wont. " i shaked my head horizantally.

"Lets go.. To meet swetha.." sriram said and gave a pat on my back.

I looked at my friends.." We are okay.. You go and get swetha" they all said smiling.

I looked at vaishali.. " dont worry.. I can understand her.. Iam fine.. Go for ur love".

"thank u" i said and left with sriram.


We both started to go to my ex in laws house.

Sriram knocked the door. I felt nervous entering the house.

"sriram.. Come in" pithaji said welcoming sriram with a smile.. Upon looking at me his smile went off giving furious look

"Why did you come??" pithaji yelled.

"pitha ji.." i said.

" its not a word for every one to call me" pithaji said agitated.

"uncle.. Please.. Let him talk to swetha.. Let them have some privacy.. Please come with me.. Aunty please u too come.." sriram said pulling hands of both pithaji and rupa maa.

Even though they resisted, Sriram went out taking pithaji and rupa maa.

I went inside swetha's room. She is busy in drawing something on paper sitting on bed on one side.

" Swetha.." I whispered. She looked up and went back to work.

"Swetha.." I whispered loudly again. She looked at me.. And released a breath. Then continued her stare at me.

I moved towards her. Her eyes widened.

"Rakesh.. " she whispered.

I went near her and sat on floor near to her lap.

"Dont u trust me swetha??" i asked her looking into her eyesShe shaked her head.

"Did i ever misbehaved with any girl that u get that wrong impression about me" i asked holding her palm. She shaked her head with tears in her eyes.

"Do you doubt vaishali?? " i asked tightening my hold. She continued her shaking.

"Then why swetha why??" i said with tears starting. She looked away biting her lips.

"I thought u trust us, thats the only reason i asked vaishu to stay with us." i said. She started crying looking down.

"Its not easy for me to forget vaishali.. That doesnt mean i can forget u and start loving vaishali.." i said lifting her chin. Her cheeks filled with continuous flow of tears..

"I never started loving u just because vaishali is happy and i will never stop loving you because she is unhappy and alone.. For every man, his family comes first then only others.. For me my family include you, my parents our children and ur parents.." I said holding her hand again.

" Even in our family if i have to choose , its you than our children, its our children than my parents, my parents than ur parents.. Then only comes friends relatives all others.. You are my wife swetha.. Why dont you understand that." i asked her. She continued sobbing.

I kept my head on her lap she kept her hand on my hair.

"When we went to pune, u never looked at surroundings with the thought of sriram in devastated state. I never thought badly about that.. Because i trust my swetha.. Caring is common with humans especially for the people who were or are close to our heart. Just the same feeling u have for sriram, i too care for vaishali.. And vaishu too cares for me.. It has nothing to think wrongly about us. " after saying that I lifted my head to look into her eyes.." If you want me to stop talking to her. I will stop.. because for me u are the most important person because u are my responsibility." she shaked her head biting her lips with tears in her eyes..

" My love for u started not when i get to know about vaishali.. I started expressing only after i realising my love for you.. Do u have any idea how much u affect me?? How many times i remembered you when i went to london..?? Do u know how much pain i endured with ur absence in my life?? Is this what u call happiness.. with u and me living feeling apathy towards life.? " i said placing her hands on my cheeks. she closed her eyes tightly crying. I stood from floor moving her hands away from my face and sat beside her then held her cheeks to make her look at me.

" Didnt my love visible enough for you?? Yess.. i did alot of mistakes in the past.. But when i asked you to start again, i sincerely said each and every word.. Even now too.. What ever word thats coming out of my mouth is coming from my heart swetha.." i said looking into her eyes to know whether she is still having doubt or negative feeling towards me.. She immediately placed her palms on my forearms.

"Rakesh iam not perfect for you than vaishali.. And she needs you more than me." swetha said.

"Ohh.. God.. Come on swetha.. U dont need to sacrifice your life.. Vaishali will never be happy for ur sacrifice.. U should sacrifice only if by doing that others should be happy.. .. But does your sacrifice has any use?? Iam not happy, u are not happy.. Vaishu wont be happy then whats the benefit of it? Even our families are not happy.. " i removed my hands from her face feeling frustrated. Why cant she understand.

"Iam sorry rakesh.. " swetha said lowering her head.

" Do u know how i feel when u are near me?? . When ever you smile, those dimples on your cheeks i love to see them especially if the cause of it is me" i said raising her chin to look at me "I want to look into your eyes forever. I want to wokeup every day holding you in my hands.. Do u remember our breakfast rule..? Only those are the days i really ate heartfully.. Your kiss makes me feel like want to live longer with you forever.." saying that i wiped tears on her cheeks " Even now i want to hug you.. Your embrace makes me live in peace.. "she immediately hugged me.. I started rubbing her back..

" Life is not a straight road swetha.. We need to drive in a road which has multiple curves, turns and pits.. We cant stop our journey, we cant go straight too we need to go along the road trying not to fall into the pits.." she started sobbing tightening her embrace.

" I let you go because i know sriram loves you and when u said u still love sriram then i thought u will be happy with him"

"Sorry.. " she mumbled keeping her head on my chest..

"Do you still want to make all of us unhappy??" i asked her trying to make her look at me. But she held me tightly.

"No.." She shaked her head still keeping it on my chest.

"Do u trust me..?" i asked her.

She nodded..

"Will u marry me again?? To stay with me forever??" I had tears in my eyes.

She looked at me with tears in her eyes..

"Will you swetha??" i asked again

She looked down moving away.

"Dont you want me to be your husband??" i asked feeling anxious. Her silence is killing me.

"Iam afraid that every one will hate me for all the things i have done.. " she finally broke the silence.

I smiled.. "Leave about all.. Just look at me and say.. Do u want to share love and life with me??" i asked her.

She didnt say anything instead she looked down.

I stood and sat on floor and opened my mobile and opened camera icon then pressed selfie mode and then opted for video to record.. She looked at me and then at video.. "please swetha.. Please.. I love you.. I cant live with out you.. Please.. Accept me.. please.. " i started begging while its getting recorded with me and swetha in the video.

"rakesh what are you doing?" swetha asked confused.

"iam recording this to show our children how much i begged for your love so that they will think that my love is far more than yours" i said.. Swetha's eyes widened and tried to snatch the mobile but i stood to keep it away fron her.. "noo.. Noo.. My love for u is more.. See sweeties i love your dad more than he loves me" swetha tried to catch mobile but i kept it away.. She stood on bed and held my hand to make me not move far away and tried to catch it.. But accidentally she fell on me making both of us fell on floor. She finally took my mobile and stopped the video recording then looked at me with a winning smile. I looked at her with a smile and hugged her like that there it self. She kept her head on my chest and closed her eyes listening to my heart.. I too closed my eyes registering the heartwhelming feeling.

"you.. How dare you??" our trance was stopped by pithaji. He looked so angry

He ran to me and pulled swetha away from me and i stood feeling embarrassed.

"how dare you to touch my daughter?" saying that pithaji slapped me suddenly.. And held my collar trying to beat me.

"Appa.. Please... " swetha held his shoulder to stop me..

"he needs punishment beti.. He needs.." pithaji tried to drag me out by pulling my shirt collar.. I held his hands to stop him.

"pithaji.. Please let me explain" i said trying to hold his hand.

"what is there to explain.. She is going to get married..." pithaji shouted.

"appa.. I dont want that marriage.. I dont love sriram.. I love rakesh.." swetha too shouted at pithaji with tears in her eyes.

His hold on my collar loosened.. He looked at swetha with shock..

"Appa.. Iam sorry its all because of me and my foolishness." Swetha said nervously.. i held her hand.

"Beti.." pithaji whispered. Rupa maa held pithaji's hand and looked at both of us.

"Sorry appa.." saying that swetha everything that happened. Even i wanted to interrupt her, still she stopped me and explained everything

"Do u both think marriage is some kind of game?? " pithaji raged at both of us.

"Wait u both.. Let me call your parents.." Saying that pithaji went out to call my parents.

I and swetha held each others hands and sat at one corner waiting for my parents to come

"Is it hurting?? " swetha placed her palm on the cheeck where pithaji slapped me

"Do u know my mother slapped me for the first time because of you." i said smiling

"Huhhh!!" She moved away gasping with her palm on her mouth with wide eyes..

"but. Iam happy because i got to know that she too wants you in my life" i smiled.

"sorry" she said.

" but its not new.. Iqm getting addicted.. after ur slap iam getting alot.." i said winking.

She looked at me feeling guilty.

"But iam happy because every slap made me more nearer to u" i smiled holding her hand tightly

She looked at me with a weak smile.

After some time my parents came.. They went inside a room to talk with my inlaws. Maa and dad gave us a threatening look after coming back.

"what should we do with them?" rupa maa asked confused

"lets punish them for their doing" pithaji said smirking

"Yess.. They should suffer for life long" dad said narrowing his eyes at us.


Hope u didnt murder me in ur imagination for this suspence over that secret admirer..

I already gave lot of hints guysm. Dont expect too much with secret admirer.. So its not my fault😜


Iam giving u epilogue.. I dont know whether u will like that or not.. Lets see..

Still 2 more chappies to end..

Before going..

Random question:

In which mood are u yesterday night before sleep and early when u wake up??

Any difference in mood?? How much is the difference?

Okay guys.. Bare with me for 3 more days..

Meet u in next update..

Till then


Have a heartful smile always.

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