68. Punishment!

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Hellooo dear busy busy yet lovely readers..

Back with the update..

I hope i tried my best to fulfill ur wishes.. Ofcourse not related to story line.. (its about eg like vaishali pov, 3rd person pov, sriram pov, weekly twice updates.. And frequent updates.. U know this is my 3rd update.. In this wk..)

Im extremely sorry if i missed anything else..

CAUTION:Dont qpply alcohol based sanitiser on hands while lighting diya..

Stay safe..

Now come to the story..

Rakesh pov.

"what should we do with them?" rupa maa asked confused.

"lets punish them for their doing" pithaji said smirking

"Yess.. They should suffer for life long" dad said narrowing his eyes at us.

Hearing their words, our fear increased. I dont want to loose swetha again.. I held her hand tightly and said "no matter what we are not going to surrender for ur punishment"

"who the hell are you to say.. We will punish you by making both of u as wife and husbands." pithaji yelled.

"Whatt..!! " We exclaimed with shock.

"Yess.. What is the biggest punishment in life than marriage .." Maa said laughing

"Maa.. " i uttered unbelievingly.

"Yess.." maa nodded smiling at me.

"Thank you somuch maaji.." Swetha said with happiness

"We havent done your marriage properly, let us do atleast this time. But one thing.. Dont do such foolish thing again." maa said placing her hand on both of our cheeks.

"We wont.. " we both placed our heads on maa's shoulders.

"Lets wait for your marriage to happen in a proper way. " dad said. We both moved away from my mother.

"Laxman ji and rupa ji.. Will you give your daughter for my stupid son??" dad said looking at swetha's parents.

"as my daughter who is foolish in love with ur son we can do nothing else other than to accept them." pithaji said looking at us.

All started laughing. I and swetha looked at each other.

"Rakesh lets go.. " dad said

"You all go.. I will stay with swetha.." i said smiling at swetha.

"You are not yet married.. Lets go.." maa said seriously

"Maa.. She was my wife.. Its not new to me.." i said pouting

"Still.. Rituals are rituals.. Lets go.." maa pulled my wrist.

I looked at swetha sadly and went out with my parents.


Swetha pov.

Sriram didnt come again yet he called me after he went out of village and said " life is giving you another chance dont loose it with ur foolish act."

"thank you sriram for everything." i said.

"you should thank rakesh because its not easy for a man to trust his wife once she says she loves another man. Yet he trusts you.. Dont loose him again." sriram advised me.

"hmm.." i hummed nodding my head.

"i dont want to disturb ur married life swetha.. So this is going to be my last call with you. If you want to say anything to me.. Then say it now" sriram said and waited for me to say.

I dont know what to say.. I dont want to lose sriram's friendship.. Avika and sriram these two only are the two friends for me since childhood.

"sorry sriram.. I couldnt love you like you do.. I wish you will get a good girl in your life" i said.

"its not in your hands swetha.. May be we are not made for each other.. Its you and rakesh.. Thats it.. Thats the reason you both are going to be together even after you both got divorced. Dont worry about me.." sriram said.

"rakesh wont think bad about us being friends.." i said

"let me have sometime alone. " sriram said. May be he is right..

"Ok. " i said. what else i can do..

"Ok. Bye. " srirqm cut the call.

I looked at the call.. Tears formed in eyes.. Some relations are just like that.. They come and go but leave us strong memories with us.


Life became busy with shopping for engagement, marriage.. Rakesh friends came for every occassion.. But the problem is i am unable to be friendly with them like previously beacuse of guilty.. But avika and prateesh became close to rakesh and his friends. Every night i and rakesh used to talk alot through phone.

Finally the day of marriage.. Everything went in a beautiful way.. It felt like its love marriage.

This time rakesh smiled heartfully for all pics.. Life felt perfect with my loving husband.

After marriage, they arranged for first night. I took a glass of milk and entered inside the room where rakesh sat on bed.

I locked the bolt and went near him. It felt like a deja vu for me.

Rakesh stood and looked at me.

But what to do.. i felt nervous and past is rewinding infront of me.

"Swetha..!!" i came out of thought by rakesh voice. I looked at him feeling scared.

"Are u okay??" he asked coming nearer to me.

I came out of my thoughts and gave a weak smile.

"What happened?? " he asked.

"Nothing.. Its.. Its just our past is coming infront of my eyes." i said stuttering.

"Iam sorry swetha.. Its all because of me right.. U faced alot of problems.." rakesh felt sad looking at me like that.

"No rakesh.. Its my foolish ness that i made u and me both suffer.. Infact i made every one suffer.. sorry alot. " i said feeling ashamed.

After few seconds of silence rakesh took a long breath and said "i think its Its not time for us to say sorry.."

I looked at him.. He smirked..

I blushed understanding what he meant.

He moved towards me and held my hand and took the glass from my hand.

He made me to drink that milk." Rakesh.. U should drink that first" i said pushing the glass away..

"Whats the difference we should share it right.. What difference it will make if u start drinking it first.." he said and again tried to keep the glass near my mouth

"Please rakesh.." i tried to push his hand.

"No please.. u have to drink it saying that he made me drink it more than half.. "

I pushed him and looked at the glass.. It doesnt have much milk in it.. He made me drink more than 3/4.

"What rakesh. U made me drink almost all.." I pouted.

"Ohh.." He said looking in to the glass..

"Atleast drink that atleast.." I said pushing the glass towards his mouth.. But he moved backwards..

"What happened rakesh..? " i asked him confused.

"I dont want to drink it." I looked at him shocked

Does he mean he dont want to share it.. That means he doesnt like to share his life with me..

Does he remember the past looking at the room.. Does he remember his love for vaishali.. Does he regret marrying me..

" Swetha!!" rakesh shouted looking at me.

I looked at him feeling low..

I lowered my eyes and about to turn. Tears started appearing..

"Ohh.. Hold on.. Swetha.. Will u please stop ur train of thoughts there it self." rakesh yelled and made me turn towards him

I looked at him..

"I dont like cold milk.. It will make me vomit.. I dont want our night to spoil with sickness.." he said placing his righthand on my left cheek.

I looked at him furrowing my forehead.

"How come i dont know that since the past 1 year..??" i said.

"Because u always give me buttermilk at night and u never gave me cold milk.. U always made everything which is optimal for me.." rakesh said smiling.

"But.. Rakesh its a ritual which should be performed.. Do u want me to heat the milk??" i said

"Hmm. I do know a better way of drinking the heated milk.." He said looking into my eyes.

"How??" i asked thinking of what way he can do that.

"This way.." Saying that he kissed my lips and started chewing them and he made me open my mouth and started sucking it.. I held him tightly for support.. He held my waist and made me move close to him.

We parted away from each other and looked at each others eyes..

"See i shared milk which is hot" he said winking. I blushed and hit his chest gently.

"Shall we? " he said moving his gaze from me towards bed..

I nodded with shy filled smile.

We both sat on bed.

He placed his hand on my cheeks and started rubbing my chin with his thumb. I felt weird sensation wuth his touch though its a good kind.

I held his hand and hugged him.

He made me lie on bed and he fell beside me but turned towards me.

I looked at him confused.

"I want u to start" he said looking at cieling

I narrowed my eyes..

"Kiss me swetha.." he said turning his head towards me.

I widened my eyes..

"Just like the night when u were drunk.. I want u to be bold like that.." rakesh said with out any shame.

"Huh!!" i was dumb with what he said.

"Do u know how it felt when u kissed me.. When u fell on me.. U dont know how it took me to control the flush of hormones. I thought its all lust.. But i never know that i already was in love with u.. I felt jealous when u hugged varun thinking him as me." rakesh said remembering that night.

" Rakesh.. Iam not in my conscious.. And i dont have any such feeling for varun.. " i tried to explain.

" Swetha.. I believe u.. But u know this jealousy feeling every guy gets it.. Even me too.. I know varun too.. But u know he is a good person than me.. He likes u though not in different way.. But i felt jealous.. i was in love with u by that time already.. Otherwise i always used to think i will let u get married to someone.. But when i saw u in my friend's hands i felt like i will loose u.. There was this pain. " rakesh said placing his hand towards his chest.

" Iam with u only rakesh.. "Saying that i placed my head on his chest.

" When u left me i felt like everything is over.. I thought atleast u will be happy.. " rakesh said placing his hands on my back

" Sorry rakesh.. "I said raising my head.

" Let me say.. " he interrupted me

" Hmm" i hummed and Again placed my head on his chest and hugged him by surrounding my arms around his waist.

"Iam an idiot swetha.. Who realises mistake late.. I may not be able to understand ur negative thoughts immediately.. But sure will try to remove ur negative thoughts if any.. Dont let any stupid thoughts to intervene in to our life.." he said

I nodded. Feeling his hearbeat and the warmth i closed my eyes.

" Swetha.. " he called me after few minutes of silence.

" Hmm.. "

" What do u like most about me? " rakesh asked

I raised my head and smiled looking at him.

" Everything.." i said

"I asked u most??" he asked looking into my eyes.

"I love when ever u smile.. I always used to wonder how u will look when u smile. But u know u never smiled till ur friends came to our house. When i first saw u smile i was like i will do anything for u to smile." i said.

He smiled.

"Rakesh.." i called me


"What do u like most about me?" i asked him

"Ur patience.." he immediately answered.. Like he is expecting that question.

"If u are not patient enough to continue with this relation when i said i married u for revenge, i might have lost u with my stupidity.." he said

"But i lost u because of my stupidity.. Otherwise we might have been happy together since long.." i said feeling sad.

"Dont say like that swetha.. Just think about the positive aspect in this.. This divorce made us understand each other more.. Do u know in every relation there are 3 phases.. In phase 1 they like each other alot because they dont know about flaws in others.. In phase 2 they get to know about the flaws.. In that phase they hate each other looking at the flaws. When u look at the negative side of a person, the good side that person has will not be visible.. Most relations fail at this phase.. Then the next phase.. Last phase.. In this.. They get to understand that flaws can never be rectified.. We need to adjust with those flaws.. Those relations which adjust with the flaws will remain for long. Its not they are happy with flaws.. They do adjust.. Relation happens by chance but maintains by choice. I want us to choose this relation to maintain for longer till death made us apart.." rakesh said..

I nodded with a smile remembering my promise i made when i first saw him.

" What happened.? " he asked making me look at him

" Nothing.. U just made me remember my promise.. " i said remembering the promise i made to myself. But i failed in keeping it. But thankfully god gave another chance. I will not ruin it one more time.

" What promise? " he asked me

" The same line.. Till death made us apart.. " i said.

" Really??" he asked raising his eyebrows.

" Our thoughts too are like one for another.." i said.

" Hmm.. But we are not united yet.. " rakesh said waiting for me to reply. But i lowered my eyes blushing.

" Can i?? "Saying that he placed his hand on the pallu of my saree..

" Yess.." Saying that i hugged him and kissed him.. Just like he wanted me to..

Then our kisses never ended and finally we united to reach new phase of marital life. Hoping for our future generation to come soon in to our family.

So finally.. They got married again..

Hope u enjoyed it..

Be ready to answer my questions in next chapter.. I. E last chapter.

Today my random question is..

If u have the oppurtunity to solve a problem in the society or family.. And lets assume all will listen to u.. What problem u want to solve and how??
(not related to corona)

Ok guys. Thats for today..

Meet u on tuesday..

Till then bubye.

Have a heartful smile always..

With love❤️


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