7. Red Roses?

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"Hello.. " ammi sounded so weak.

"Hello ammi.. Are you fine? You sound so weak.. " i worried.

"Betii.. You.. Called us..!!how are you? " she sound excited but still its weak.

"Iam fine ammi.. But you sound so weak.. Is everything okay?"

"Iam fine beti.. But your appa.. His health is not that good."she said.

" Whatt!! What happend ammi.. What happened to appa..? Can i talk to him? Why didnt you inform me.?do u think that iam not your daughter just because you married me off? " tears started.

" Arreyy.. Betii.. Its not like that.. We thaught why to worry you for small issues. He got malaria and he is using medication for that. He is recovering also"

"But ur voice is so weak" i sobbed.

"Aahh.. My poor girl.. You know about your appa na.. He wont listen to us.. He is always a child when it comes to medication. I have to argue with your appa for him to swallow those tablets. Its an extra work you know" i chuckled wiping the tears that dropped on to cheek.

"Are you sure that appa is fine?" i asked for confirmation.

"Yahh dear.. he is fine. He is sleeping thats why he is not talking to you. I will make him call you after he is awake. " ammi reassured.

"Okay. But i really want to see you and appa.. But.. " i miss them alot.

"We know beti.. You cant leave him either. " ammi chuckled.

"Okay beti.. Some one came. I will call you later. Take care beti. "

"Haa ammi.. Take care you too.. Love you"

"Love you too beti.. Bye"

"Bye ammi.. " she cut my call.

I went to eat my lunch. After having it, i cleaned the used vessels and washed my hands. Dried my hands with towel.

I went to iron our clothes.

'Open the door please'

Door bell rang.

I went to open the door.

Its courier boy.

" Namasthe ji.. Are you miss swetha mehra.? "

"Haa ji. "

"This bouquet is for you along with this envelop." he gave them and gave the paper for signature.

I signed the paper. He took that and went away.

Again for swetha mehra and that too miss..

Its a bouquet of red roses. They simply are lovely. I opened the envelop. It showed a letter.

'Dear swetha,

        How is the bangle? I know u loved the moment you saw that bangle. I know you are married but i also know that your marriage is just a legal setup nothing more to it. So you are still a miss to me. When ever i see red roses i remember the smile on your lips. I always want to see the smile on those beautiful lips of you. That is why iam sending these roses for you.

Secret admirer. '

Ahhh.. This avi.. She is testing my patience.

How can she say that iam still a miss to her..

Cant she see iam married.?

Cant she understand that i really want to make my marriage a stable one?.

I want to help my husband to recover from his past. Even he doesnt like me i cant leave him like that unless he wants me to.

If possible, I really want to change the past in such a way that she never knows about my life.


"Prateesh.. Dont be silly.. Sweth might be okay with us to come.. But iam not sure about rakesh ji." avi said.

"Sweety.. We will ask him too.. What do you say swetha" prateesh looked at raising his eyebrow.

"I.. I dont know.. Whether he will agree or not.. I mean he is a private person. So.. " i replied unsure.

"Its okay.. First we will ask him.. We will wait out side then you request him. " prateesh said.

"Yah.. Sweth..  Its good idea. It would be bad if we wont invite him. If you request him then he might feel comfortable."  avi said excited.

"Hmm.. Will try"

Avika and prateesh came to our home to thank me for avi's stay and suddenly prateesh advised to invite me and rakesh to their home on the weekend. As he havent met rakesh it might be a good opputunity to know well about rakesh.

I said he is not social and he may not come.

Prateesh started saying how he can make every introvert to an extrovert or may be iam not willing to come to their home that is why iam saying silly reasons to escape

But avi saved me.

So finally we decided to plan on asking rakesh.

Rakesh came early.

Prateesh said "hi rakesh.. Iam prateesh.. Avika's husband. She is always saying how kind hearted you are. Nice to meet you " extended his hand to rakesh smiling

Rakesh looked at me and avika then said "hi" without shaking hands.

Prateesh smile faded and took his hand back.

"Thank you for letting avika to stay at your home when iam away. " prateesh said.

Rakesh nodded and went to his room.

"Waahh!! . Your husband is typical piece swetha.. " prateesh exclaimed

Avi laughed." We already said so.. You didnt listen to us."

"What do we do now?? " prateesh asked.

"As usual we have to implement our plan in to action. " avi said casually.

I tensed. U dont know about his mood at present. I really hope he is in good mood.

Avi and prateesh went and knocked our bedroom door.

Rakesh's voice came after 2 minutes "Its open".

They went inside. I waited outside.

"Rakesh ji.. We request you and sweth to our home this weekend " avika said.

"We hope you agree with our request" prateesh said doubtfully.

After few minutes though it felt like few hours he said" will think about it"

Prateesh and avika looked at each other and said "okay. We are leaving. bye"

Rakesh nodded looking at his laptop.

They came out disappointed. I felt sad for them. Because of me they have to meet this unsocial person.

They eyed me waiting.

"What??" i whispered.

"Go.. Baby.. Go and request your husband.. Its your part. " avi said pushing.

"Do.. i.. have to?? " i asked stuttering.

"You have to" avi said desperately.

I looked at prateesh. He rolled his eyes.

I slowly went inside.

He is looking at something on his laptop.

After a while, he looked at me questioningly with eyes narrowed.

"I.. Avi.. He.. They.." i stuttered.

His look became serious" whatt?? " he asked irritated.

It seems like his mood is not that good.

" They are requesting us to come to their home."  i said.

" So.."

" Can we go.. Please" i requested.

"Do you think i will do what ever you ask me to do? " he shouted.

"I... I... Dont mean tha-" i said but cutoff by his words.

"Have you forgot that we are strangers just because we went to vikranth house. "

"No.. " i feared.

"i dont like you.. And i dont want to do anything with you or anyone who is associated with you. UNDERSTAND" he said aloud.

I nodded shivering. Tears fell down on its own.

He closed his laptop and pressed his forehead with right hand while holding laptop with left hand.

I turned wiping tears. I cant face them in such a way. I calmed myself and went outside.

Prateesh showed a sympathetic look while avika looked furious.

Did they heard whole situation??

Ohh noo.. How can i face them?

What can i explain to them?

" avi.." i tried to control her raising rage.

She still looked dangerous.

Prateesh kept his right hand on her shoulder.

"HOW CAN HE SA-" avi started shouting but i kept my palm on her mouth nodding my head horizantally.

I dragged her to out side.

"Swetha!!" avi looked sympathetically with tear forming in her eyes.

"Avi.. Please.. Dont ask me anything now.. Please.." i requested joining my palms infornt of her.

" prateeshji.. please take her home" i said looking prateesh.

He nodded and rubbed avi's shoulder. They looked at each other. "Its okay. Everything will be fine. She is smart enough to take care everything" prateesh said looking avika. Avika nodded wiping her tears. I lowered my head.

Iam such a loser who makes everyone cry. Avi hugged me. I too hugged her. Then she went away.

I closed the door and started crying..

After some time i kept food on bed side for him.

He looked but didnt eat. I didnt have any guts to ask him to eat.

I ran to living room crying.

Why am i such a worthless person?

Dont i deserve happiness??

Why does he hate me so much??

If he hates me.. Why to marry me??

Yah.. Just for revenge..

Godd.. Why?? Did i ask you for major things?

I just asked for a loving husband. I thought i got his love.

Noo... Its just revenge.. Iam part of his revenge.

Why cant he like me like vaishali??

I know iam not good looking..

Aah swetha.. He wants best in everything.. You are not best.. Infact you are worst. You are one person who no onw wants.

No one will ever like you swetha.. . You are really ugly..

Yess.. I dont deserve love...

I cried whole night and slept at early hours of morning on sofa of living room.


Tears fell down.

Still just remembering his shouting makes me shiver with fear.

So guys thats it..

Prateesh is such a friendly guy.. Isnt it?

What do you think of rakesh burstout.?

Do swetha doesnt deserve love?

Give your valuable suggestions.

Thank you for reading.. It will be double thank you if you comment.. It will be triple thank you if you vote..

Love you..

Meet you in next update..


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