8. Avika's Hatred

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I doubted whether i can get 300 reads by the time i update this chapter.. And.. It happened.. Thank you all.

I want to dedicate this chapter to the one who voted first to this story.. @purple053

Lets get back to story...

Still remembering his words make me shiver with fear.

I dont understand him.. Sometimes he accepts my requests, some times he doesnt.

Everything depends on his mood.


I woke up when i felt difficulty on turning to side and i fell down. Upon opening my eyes i realised i slept on sofa in living room.

Shitt.. I looked around everything i felt is pure silence. I looked at the wall clock in living room.

Ohh godd.. Its 11 am already...

I ran to our bedroom. He is not there. I knocked the bathroom door. When i didnt hear any sound. I opened it to do my routine.

He seems to have gone to office.

I saw myself in mirror. My eyes are swollen with all the crying.

'Ugly girl..'

'Your child is dark. I dont even like to hug your child.'

'they want fair bride, sorry.'

'u are looking good. But it would be better if you have bright complexion.'

'What do you mean?? Swetha?? In our group dance?? Have you lost your mind. She looks ugly with her complexion. I want good looking girls in my group dance'

'I know you are good. But you are just a friend to me nothing more. Sorry if  you feel bad. But i dont love you.'

'We are just strangers living under one roof'

'I dont like you'

'I dont like you'

'I dont like you'

"Aaahhhh" i cried pulling my hair to control my thoughts and to stop remembering their words.

Since childhood no one likes me except ammi appa and avika..

Ohh.. Avika.. Noo..

What if she tells about everything to ammi and appa..

No she cant be.. I have to stop her..

I ran to search my mobile. I searched it in bed room. I went to living room. Finally i found it under sofa.

I immediately called avika.

"Hello.. " prateesh lifted the call.

"Hello prateesh ji.. Is avika there? " i asked.

"How are you swetha?" he asked sympathetically.

"Iam.. Okay now prateesh ji. Thank you"

"I hope you really are" prateesh said

"Hmm.. Avi.. Where is she? "

" she is getting ready to go to your house" prateesh said. "avi.. Swetha is on call.. Come fast" prateesh said loudly. "She is coming Swetha.. Just a minute"

"Hmm. Ok"i said

"Hello.. Sweth.. Sweth.. How are you??" avi asked breathing fastly..

"Iam fine avi.. "i mumbled.

"I know you are not.. " avi said angrily.

I didnt say anything for few seconds.

She waited for me to say.

"Avi.. " finally i said

"Ha.. Sweth.. Tell me.. " avi said worriedly.

"Avi.. Please dont say anything to ammi and appa" i requested.

"But.. Sweth.. You are not happy there" she knows it.

"Who said that? "i wanted to cover it

"U dont need to say sweth.. I can see.. " i know her. She had lot of doubts regarding my marriage since that first night.

No words came from me.

"Sweth.. Can you tell me what happened atleast now. " avi pleaded.

"Avi.. "i dont really want to discuss anything.

"Okay.. Sweth.. Iam coming.  You just wait there" avi got irritated

"Nooo... No.. No.. Please.. I cant say anything looking at you" i said.

"So you can lie to me on phone?? "

"No.. Thats  not what i mean. "

"So.. Tell me everything.. Its a promise on me sweth.. You have to tell me the truth.. Each and everything.. "

"Okay.. Avi.. But please.. Dont come to any conclusion and... And.. Please dont hate him" i know she will conclude him with wrong assumptions and i dont like anyone to hate my husband.

"Okay.. "avi waited for me to tell the story

I said what happened on our first night. Then how we were living as strangers in one room. How his mother treated me. How he shouted.. Everything.. Everything that iam just a part of his revenge.

" Sweth.. Can i ask you a question..?? " avi asked with hesitation

"Hmm.. "

"Is rakesh... A.. I mean.. U know.. ?? "
Avi stuttered.

"What avi.. I dont understand" i didnt get what she is trying to say.

"u know.. Is.. He.. Hmm.. Is he.. A.. Gay??" avi blurted out.

I shocked. Then chuckled despite of worries.

"No.. No.. No.. He is not" i said.

"How do you know? " she questioned doubtfully

"Because he loved a girl named vaishali.. And they lived together in the past " i said feeling bad and jealous too.

Then i said the meeting of vikranth and varun.. About vikranth marriage anniversary then varun telling rakesh's past.

" i can understand his pain avi.. I need to give him some time to recover from his pain. " i said.

" So.. U want to be with him despite him treating you as stranger since the past 4 mnths. " avi said.


"But sweth.. I dont want him to hurt you. I cant see you in pain." i kmow she is disappointed

" Its okay avi.. Iam happy atleast my parents will feel that i have a loving husband even if he hates me through out our life. " i tried to reason her.

" take care sweth. What ever you say.. But i dont really like him." avi said stubbornly

" He is a good person avi"  i tried to explain her.

"He might be.. But he doesnt deserve your love. He cant involve you in this revenge. I hate him for making your life a hell" avi said.

"It already is avi even if  he didnt marry me. U know how everyone rejected me. I know how my parents worried for my marriage. Okay..can you guarentee me that i will get a loving husband for me? " I said.

"Dont say like that sweth.. You sure might have get because you are so good at heart.. God will never do harm to good people like you." avi said.

"that is what iam saying avi.. God made us together. U r thinking its his revenge plan. But i think its gods plan." i said.

"I really hope god is with you. " avi said.

"Okay avi.  Please dont say anything to anyone especially my parents. " i requested.

"I wont. But i wont sit still either."avi said.

Her words sound angrier.

" Okay avi.. Some one came it seems.. Catch you later.. Bye"  i lied to divert her.

"Okay.. Take care sweth.. I will be with you no matter what.. Understand" avi said.

"I know avi"

"Okay.. Bye"

"Bye" i cut the call.


I know she will not sit and watch. I know she will interfere. But i thought she will give us time.

I touched the red roses.. I smiled thinking how she is so protective of me. I really am lucky to have such great parents and this bestie.

I really thank god for everything. Though he gave me dark complexion.

I think being dark is not my fault. Its the fault of their brains who think dark is ugly.

Its just the mind that plays. Everyone follows what brain says. If you really follow your heart it will show you the real beauty which is not external appearance.. Its the internal beauty which is the character and attitude.

Let them say what ever they want.. I dont want to cry over silly things.

I inhaled the fragrance of the roses. There is really a great peace in nature. Feel the nature and involve in it. You will start loving everything.

I went to kitchen to get water in a long glass bottle then i kept the roses in it.

I placed them on the table infront of Television.

I looked at letter smiling..

I narrowed my eyes realising onething.

This letter...

And avi..??

It cant be.. right..!!

I mean.. Avi's hand writing is different and this handwriting is different.

Does her handwriting changed to newone that too in just few months?


Can it be some one other than avi??

Who can it be??

It cant be..

I mean.. How can i have a secret admirer??

So.. Guys..

How do you think of todays chapter.?

Does avika's hatred for rakesh decrease ?

Can swetha's love change to hatred?

Whose hand writing can it be!?

So isnt avika the secret admirer?

Someone said iam just your friend and i dont love you.. Does swetha has past love??

What do you think  of swetha 's self motivation.?

I really hope you are liking my story.

Meet you on next tuesday..

Love you guys

Till then


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