A Normal Night

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3rd POV 3 months before the UA Entrance Exam

It was a dark night over Tokyo, the time was 10:30 pm, an electrical storm was currently raging over the city shrouding it in darkness, this was the short of thing that villains liked, but not anymore, it wasn't the thought of being caught by a hero that scared them, not even All-Might, he was currently out of the country, when he usually left a country the crime rate spiked up, but not in Japan anymore, because the crime rate was almost at zero, due to something else... The Skrill. 

It began it rein of terror over Japan 3 years ago when it started going after low level thugs and heroes, but after a year, that's when things started to change, the Skrill started going after more powerful opponents, using it's power to beat opponents into submission or for villains... near death, but it would never cross the line of killing someone, which made people question, did the Skrill have a motive and what did it want? 

The Skrill was currently perched on top of the tallest skyscraper, looking down over the city, bustling with life, seeing not a single villain is sight, purple sparks of lightning crackled around it as it watched and waited patiently for any sign of activity of a villain. It wasn't going after fake heroes any more since it had delt with all the fake heroes in the entire country, when it had encountered a fake heroes the Skrill threatened to kill the hero if they did not retire, which they did right away, it surprised the Skrill that only 30% of the heroes in Japan with fake. It waited for an opportunity to present itself an opportunity to strike. 

And that opportunity presented itself, an explosion not too far away from where the Skrill was, it could see the explosion easily from it position. It smiled it a terrifying way revealing many of its sharp serrated teeth in its mouth. It then got up and spread out it wings attracting lightning to it's body, letting the electricity flow through it while letting out a sky shattering roar. Letting itself be heard for miles around.

Purple lightning crackled around it as it took to the air, flying towards the explosion. 

At the site of the explosion

There were multiple heroes near the explosion site fighting 15 low level thugs, but there was a true villain there and that villains name was... Stain.

The heroes currently fight him were, The Dragoon Hero Ryukyu, Mirko the rabbit hero, and  Edge-shot the Ninja hero, and currently right now... they were struggling, Ryukyu was dealing with lower thugs in her dragon form, while Edge-shot and Mirko were fighting and even with their speed they were having trouble keep up with Stain's speed. 

Mirko : "Damn he's fast!"

Edgeshot : "Agreed we cannot keep this up for much longer!"

Stain : "What's wrong you fakes getting tired?"

Mirko : "Shut it! You've taken enough lives Stain."

Stain : "No! My work is not Finished."

Stain then slashes at Mirko leg, making her fall down in pain, Edgeshot then went to Mirko's aid and he then looked up to see Ryukyu having trouble with the thugs because some of them have quirks that are giving them an edge at against her, he then looked at Stain and saw he was getting ready to strike, until a earth shattering roar was heard throughout the area and Edgeshots head and multiple others snapped around to see where the noise had come from, his eyes widening in horror at what he saw.

The Skrill. All the villains were horrified and terrified to the core and even Stain was a bit nervous to see the electric dragon. It looked around to see the villains and Stain a angry expression crossed its face, it then looked down to see Edgeshot and a wounded Mirko, it's rage only increased. It then flew down at high speed towards the group of heroes and villains, Edgeshot used himself and a shield to protect Mirko. 

But he saw that the Skrill went to attack the villains blasting purple lightning at them making a cloud of dust and proceeding to enter the cloud and violently attack the thugs by using its wings or tail to hit and attack the thugs sending them into cars or the sides of building. Ryukyu then transformed into her human form and ran to the side of Edgeshot and Mirko and watch as they try to see what's going on in the dust cloud, but when the dust finally settles their eyes widen. The Skrill standing tall and around it the bodies of villains knocked out and out cold all around it some on cars and some it craters in wall, they then see Stain, on one knee with a cut on his left arm, he then tries to get around the Skrill and try to kill Ryukyu, but a swipe of its tail sent Stain flying into a car and when the tail hit Stain there was a loud crack indicating that his ribs were cracked or broken. Stain struggled to get up after that hit, but then then rushed towards the Skrill, readying his sword to slash its neck. But when the blade made contact in shattered into pieces like glass, Stains eyes widened and realized how close he was to the Skrill. 

In an instant the Skrill clamped its jaws around Stains right arm and Stain screamed in agony as the serrated teeth of the Skrill were cutting into his arm, Strain tried to use his knife to try and stab the Skrill's eye but the Skrill saw this and through Stain into a wall, he struggled to get up from the impact and realized he was outmatched.

Stain : 'Dammit! This thing is strong I've got to get out of here.'

Stain then started to run away, while looking over his shoulder seeing the Skrill looking back at him, with a look that said this was a warning. Then Stain was out of sight, the three Pro Heroes breathed a sign of relief until they realized the Skrill was still Infront of the them and they then saw it looking back at them with a more patient and calm look, it then walked slowly towards the three heroes until it stopped, just a few feet away from them. The heroes were tense until it did something that shocked all three of them... it talked.

Skrill : "Are you three alright?"

The heroes were nervous, because they did not want to make it angry, so Ryukyu spoke up.

Ryukyu : "Yes a little bit. Thank you... I guess for helping up us."

Skrill : "Your welcome, it's my duty to put those villains in their place. To make them know what fear is."

Mirko : "Why do you do it? Why do you torment villains?"

Skrill : "I do it so I make others suffer for what they have done to people like me?"

Edgeshot : "So your quirk is the ability to turn into a Skrill?"

Skrill : "Yes. You know my daughter is a big fan of yours Ryukyu. And she even has the plushie of you as well."

Ryukyu : "You have a daughter?!" *Embarrassed* "Wait she has the plushie of me!?"

Skrill : "Yes my adoptive daughter. But she had a bad history, she was abandoned when she was four years old due to her being 'impure'. So I took her in and have been taking care of ever since. She has quirk similar to mine, and I'm trying to teach her how to use."

Edgeshot : "I guess she's learning from the best, seeing how good you are with your quirk, she'll be a pro in no time."

The heroes and Skrill laugh. They heroes could not believe how friendly the Skrill was.

Ryukyu : "What's her name?"

Skrill : "Amelia. She is the greatest bundle of joy, her becoming a part of my life was the greatest thing ever, but due to me losing my parents at the age of 10 and finding her when I was 14, I realized I didn't want her to suffer as an outcast, or treated like a monster like I am, so I gave her the best life I could give her and try to be the best farther figure I could. But I had to steal things for her like books and a tv to learn and see what's going on in the world."

Mirko : "Then why don't you become a hero?"

Skrill : "Because I realized that Public Hero Safety Commission is corrupt."

Ryukyu : *narrows her eyes* "What do you mean?"

Skrill : "What I mean is that once a I get caught and if they find my home, they would try and use Amelia as a weapon just like what their doing to Hawks. They would try and control her, I don't want that to happen."

Mirko : "They wouldn't do that! Would they?"

Skrill : "Yes they would. Tell do you know what happened to Lady Nagant?"

Edgeshot : "She killed the former safety commission president and was taken to Tartarus Prison."

Skrill : "Yes that's it, but did you heroes ever stop to think why she did?"

The three heroes looked at each other with confused looks, and their eyes widened as they realized heroes at the time never really did stop to think about why she did it.

Skrill : "The former commission president, forced Nagant kill people, and then told her that she had to kill heroes that did not agree with their ideas and that was when she killed the safety commission president."

The three heroes eyes widened in horror at what they had heard.

Edgeshot : "How do you know all of this?!"

Skrill : "Because, I interrogated someone from the commission to get this information, he quit his job the next day."

The heroes were shocked to hear this. They also realized he was not lying as well since they could see it in the Skrill's eyes.

Skrill : "As you can see I am not lying. I suggest to get a new safety commission president."

Then something landed 15 feet away from the heroes and the Skrill, it was man covered in bright orange flames... Endeavor.

Skrill : "Ah... The number 2 hero arrives. I still have a grudge against you for punching out one of my teeth. Sure it grew back in a week but that still ticked me off."

Endeavor was stunned that the Skrill could talk, the last time the Skrill and Endeavor had fought, the outcome was a stalemate, but that was 6 months ago and the Skrill had only become stronger since then, but the Skrill stated to walk away from the heroes and they were confused.

Skrill : "You know its late, I need to get home to my daughter, and I want to get some sleep, so goodbye. Until next time heroes and you three." *looks at Ryukyu, Mirko and Edge-shot* "Think about what I said."

The Skrill then turns back round and in a flash of purple lightning it disappeared into the clouds.

 Endeavor ran over to the other heroes, to see if they were alright.

Endeavor : "Are you three alright, and what did the Skrill mean by 'Think about what I said', what did it tell you?"

Edgeshot : "Well..."

With the Skrill

As the Skrill was flying back to its home, it used the dark cloud to camouflage itself perfectly due to it dark coloration, so that it could not been seen. It like peaceful yet chaotic nature of storms, and soon the Skrill started to descend, flying downwards to the edge of Musutafu city, to where a small lone old house is located behind a few tree that keep it hidden. It landed on the ground and in a flash of purple lightning, it turned into its human form, the person started walking towards the small house and that person's name was (Y/n) (L/n). The storm started to get worse and started to rain a little

(Y/n) POV

(Y/n) : "Man what a night, well at least was an eventful night, got to beat up some thugs and got to hurt Stain badly, I guess he won't come out of hiding for a few months. But it was fun to do that to Stain."

I then stop at the ladder that went up to the house, I didn't mind the ladder, so I climbed up and opened the door of my house to see Amelia watching tv holding her Ryukyu plushie with a blanket wrapped around her, then looked at me and smiled, I shook my head with a smile and closed the door, while outside the storm started to get worse and started to rain a little. I then walked over and picked up the remote to the tv. I then turned off the tv a looked at Amelia.

Amelia : "Awww... Dad come on 5 more minutes... please!" *yawns*

(Y/n) : "No, you need you beauty sleep and I thought you went to sleep an hour ago?"

Amelia : "I couldn't get to sleep, I've tried reading books, tiering myself out, nothing works!"

(Y/n) : *smirks* "Have you tried your favorite book?"

Amelia : "Well... no."

(Y/n) : *chuckles* "Alright get yourself into bed I'll get your favorite book."

While Amelia gets herself into bed I walk over to the book shelf and grabbed the book and took it off the shelf. It was a big old timey looking book, looking like it came form the viking times, for how old it looked as there was a symbol of  dragon in the middle.

This book is known as the Book of Dragons, it's pretty self explanatory as this book contained a bunch of pages with different extinct dragons and information on them. Dragons are very popular, and they were exactly as popular as dinosaurs since there both extinct reptilians, so of course there would be some books about dragons, including some books that explain their species.

I then walked over to Amelia's bed and sat down next to Amelia, she then leaned on his shoulder. I then reached over to the light and turned down the brightness dim enough to help her fall asleep, but bright enough for me to read the book.

(Y/n) : "Ready."

Amelia : *yawns* "Yeah."

(Y/n) : *smiles* "Alright lets begin."

I then turn to the first page.

(Y/n) : "Thunderdrum, this reclusive dragon inhabits sea caves and dark tide pools, when startled the thunderdrum produces a concussive sound that can kill a man at close range, extremely dangerous, kill on sight."

I turn the page.

(Y/n) : "Timberjack, this gigantic creature has razor sharp wings that can slice through full grown trees, extremely dangerous, kill on sight." *turns page* "Scauldron, sprays scalding water at its victims, extremely dangerous,-"

Amelia : "AHH!"

Amelia had jumped in fright from the loud sound of thunder coming from outside, I asked if she wanted to continue and she said yes.

(Y/n) : "Changewing, even newly hatched dragons can spray acid, kill in sight. Gronkle, Zippleback, Night Fury, Bonenapper, Whispering Death! Burns its victims, buries its victims, chokes its victims, turns it's victims inside out, extremely dangerous, extremely dangerous, kill on sight, kill on sight..."

I then turn to a page that had a specific type of dragon on it.

(Y/n) : "The Skrill, the most dangerous and territorial dragon in the world. The elusive creature is highly secretive and is known to ride lightning bolts. Only found during electrical storms, it can shoot bursts of white fire, but there have been occasions where others Skrill's have blasted other colored lighting. This dragon is very aggressive and highly territorial and can hold a bad grudge, if you somehow upset a Skrill then hope to dear lord that you do something to make it forgive. With how this creature is extremely dangerous and can kill a man very easily there is one thing left to do... pray and hope it does not find you."

I then turn to Amelia to she her sleeping, I smile and got up, I tuck her in and put the book back on the shelf. I then walk to the window and watched the storm rage on before finally going to sleep as well.

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