CHAPTER SEVEN, surprise date

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The next morning Alaina woke up first, feeling a bit disoriented. She blinked a few times, the sudden brightness of the room making her squint. She then realized she was in the hospital, in Nico's room. She looked beside her left side, seeing Nico laid by her, his head against the headboard and an arm around her waist. Her head had been on his shoulder and her arms were around his waist. She felt a blanket on her and saw her shoes were off. Then she noticed there was a nurse in the room, checking on Nico's vitals.

When the nurse saw she was awake, she smiles at her. "Good morning. He's doing well...You're Alaina, aren't you? He talks a lot about you." She said, checking the IV.

Alaina nods, her face flushed as she smiles shyly. "Yeah, that's me. I'm sorry I stayed past visiting hours."

"Don't worry about it. We all know how protective you are of each other. Besides, Dr. Lahela was here last night and saw you two. She told us to leave you alone." The nurse explained, her tone light and friendly.

"Oh," Alaina says, her blush deepening. "That was sweet of her. Thank you for not waking us and kicking me out. Also thank you for taking care of him. I really appreciate it."

"No problem." The nurse says, smiling. She looks down at Nico and sighs softly, a fond look in her eyes. "He's a sweet kid. He's always so kind and polite. And he cares about you a lot."

Alaina's heart melts at the nurse's words, her chest filling with warmth and affection. She looks over at Nico, a soft smile on her lips. He was still fast asleep, but now his head had moved to her shoulder. She smiles softly, reaching a hand up behind him to stroke his hair. "Yeah, he is. And I care about him too." Alaina replies, her gaze never leaving Nico's sleeping form. "More than anything." Her heart fluttered as he seemed to lean into her touch while sleeping.

The nurse smiles at the two, her eyes filled with warmth and understanding. "You two are good for each other. I can see the love and devotion you have for each other. You make a cute couple."

Alaina blushes, her smile growing. She looks back at the nurse, her eyes shining with happiness. "Thank you, I appreciate that."

"Of course." The nurse's gaze then fell to Alaina's dress. "While that's a beautiful dress, would you like to change into something more comfortable? I'm sure I could talk to Dr. Lahela into seeing if you could get a pair of scrubs to borrow."

"I'd love that, thank you." Alaina says gratefully. She was starting to feel a bit uncomfortable in her damp, wrinkled dress. "But I think I'm gonna head home and change before I come back." She decided. She needed a shower and some dry clothes.

"That sounds like a good idea. Get some rest and come back later today. I'm sure he'll understand." The nurse advised, patting her arm gently.

Alaina smiles, nodding in response. She looks back over at Nico, gently moving him so he laid back down on the pillow on the bed. She didn't want to leave him, but she knew she needed to take care of herself and knew he would want her to do the same. She leans down and presses a soft kiss to his forehead, whispering, "I'll be back, baby."

She put her shoes back on before she grabbed her purse and headed out, her heart heavy as she left him. But she knew he would be okay and that she would be back soon.


(alaina's outfit for this part of the chapter)

Alaina got back home, noticing her parents had already left for work. She went up to her room after locking the front door and went to her bathroom to take a shower. She had hung up her dress carefully, planning to clean it later.

She showered quickly and got dressed in comfortable clothes before she grabbed her bag and left her room. As she did this, Lahela had texted her, asking if she could come over, saying she needed help.

She arrives at Lahela's house, walking up to her room. When Lahela called out she could come in, she walks in with a smile. "Hey, what's the matter? And just letting you know, I'm planning to meet Nico so we need to make it quick."

Lahela looks up from the full length mirror in front of her at Alaina with a chuckle and nods. "Yeah, of course. I'm sorry, but I just needed help with something and I needed to tell you something." She admitted, setting a dress she held off to the side.

Alaina raises an eyebrow at that, her curiosity getting the best of her. "Okay, what is it?"

Before Lahela could say something, Stephanie crawls through the window. "I need to tell you something." She admits and after seeing Alaina is there, she quickly adds, "Both of you."

"Me too." Lahela confessed.

"Honestly, same." Alaina admitted, earning curious looks from the other two girls.

"Okay, let's do the mature thing and tell each other on three." Stephanie suggested and the other two girls agreed. They all counted down until three when they all spoke at the same time.

"I made out in the rain at the Jellyfish Jam!"

The trio stare at each other with surprise after realizing what they said and they all started screaming excitedly and jumping up and down. "Wait, what? With who? Spyder?" Lahela gasped.

"Hold on, who is Spyder?" Alaina questioned, furrowing her eyebrows.

"This boy who asked me to the dance. But no, you're brother." Stephanie explains, looking at Lahela. "Kai. Not Brain Patrick." She quickly added.

"Well, I figured." Lahela chuckles. "Okay, tell us everything, but not everything." She grimaces. "He's my brother, so..." Her voice trails off as she glances over at Alaina with a gasp. "Wait, who did you make out with? Nico?" She asked curiously.

Alaina blushes as she smiles shyly. "Yeah, actually." She says sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck. "He felt bad for me going alone and so he showed up."

"Aww!" Stephanie gushes, her eyes shining with happiness. "That's so sweet! I love you and Nico!"

"Same, you guys are the cutest couple!" Lahela agreed, her smile growing.

Alaina laughs, her cheeks flushing. "Thanks, guys." She glances over at Lahela with confusion. "Who did you make out with?"

"Kayden." Lahela admits as her face turns red. "He showed up at the dance, which I didn't expect." She sighs happily. "But I'm glad he did. It was perfect when we kissed in the rain."

Alaina gasps, her eyes lighting up. "I knew you two liked each other!" She exclaims, grinning. "I'm so happy for you, Lahela."

"Same." Stephanie agrees with a grin. "It's about time you two got together."

"Well, we're not exactly official." Lahela clarified, her cheeks still pink. "But we do have a date planned today."

"Awe, how sweet." Alaina smiled softly. She looks at Stephanie with a smile. "Okay, Stephanie, how was it with Kai last night?"

"Don't tell us everything, he's my brother, so..." Lahela chimed in, her voice trailing off as she grimaced.

"Well, the best part about kissing in the rain is that you can't tell what spit and what's water." Stephanie grinned, earning laughter from the other two girls. She squeals. "It's like we're in our own romcoms. You're Julia Roberts," She smiles at Lahela. "I'm Meg Ryan and," She then looks at Alaina with a smile. "You're Drew Barrymore. Don't fight me on this."

"I wouldn't dare." Alaina grins, shaking her head. "And you're right, this is like a romcom."

"Shoot, I got to go." Stephanie grimaces after checking her phone. "I'm late to have breakfast with my boyfriend's family."

"You mean my family?" Lahela chuckled, sharing an amused look with Alaina.

"That's what I said. Don't make this weird." Stephanie told her with a playful smile and climbed out the window.

"Ali, you're welcome to join us if you want." Lahela offers, turning her attention to Alaina. She smiles at her. "You're practically family too."

Alaina felt her heart swell at her words, her smile growing. "That's so sweet, Lahela. Thank you, but I should get back to Nico. He's probably waiting for me. We'll talk later?"

"Definitely." Lahela nods, giving her a hug. "But before you go, can you help me decide what to wear on my date real quick? I want to look good, but not too over the top."

"Of course, let's see what you got." Alaina agrees, heading over to Lahela's closet. "I'm sure we can find something."


Nico slowly woke up, blinking as the bright lights shined in his eyes. He was disoriented, not recognizing the room at first, but he then remembered he was in the hospital. His vision cleared and he realized he was alone. He frowned at that, feeling a sudden emptiness. Where did Alaina go?

He sat up and reached for his phone, noticing a note on the table by it. He grabs it and reads it, feeling his heart melt as he did.

'I went home to change and freshen up, I'll be back soon. XOXO'

He smiles at that, feeling a warmth spread through him. He knew he shouldn't be disappointed she wasn't here, she needed to take care of herself too. But he didn't like waking up alone despite the fact he got used to it.

He was about to call her when he heard a knock on the door, his head snapping over. "Come in." He called out. His eyes lit up at seeing Alaina walk in with two cups and a bag she held in her mouth. He chuckled at the sight.

"Hey." She greet, her muffled voice sounding amused. She smiles as she set the food and drinks down on the table beside his bed. She takes the bag out of her mouth, grinning at him. "I figured you would be hungry so I picked up some food. Sorry I wasn't here when you woke up."

"It's okay, I figured you wanted to shower and get some dry clothes. No need to apologize." Nico told her, his voice gentle and reassuring. He reaches out, grabbing her hand and gives it a squeeze. She smiles softly at him, her face turning red. His gaze then went to the bag and cups. "So what did you get?"

"You're favorite, of course." Alaina pulls her hand away to open the bag as she moves to sit on the edge of the bed by him. Her heart skips a beat as he wraps an arm around her waist to pull her closer. She leans into him, pulling out two muffins from the bag and setting them on the counter. "You want your muffin or coffee first?"

"Is you an option?" Nico grinned cheekily.

Alaina felt her cheeks grow warm at that and she laughs, giving him a playful nudge. "I'll just eat and drink everything if you don't pick." She teased, smirking at him.

Nico chuckles and sighs dramatically. "I guess I'll go with the coffee." He decided, feigning defeat.

She smiles, handing his cup to him but not before she pecks him on the cheek. "Here, baby."

"Thanks." Nico smiles at her, taking the cup from her and kissing her cheek in return. He then noticed her hoodie and raises his eyebrow. "Is that my hoodie?" He smirked, recognizing the familiar fabric.

"Maybe." Alaina says coyly, her cheeks turning a light pink. "It was cold this morning, I needed something to keep me warm. It was leftover at my house when you slept over before. Do you want me to give it back?"

"No, no, you're good. Looks better on you anyway." Nico assured her with a grin, wrapping his arm around her again and kissing the top of her head.

"Good, cause I wasn't going to give it back." Alaina admitted, earning a chuckle from him. She grinned, picking up her muffin and taking a bite.

They eat and drink their coffee, occasionally talking and stealing a few kisses. They were content in the quiet, enjoying the peace and quiet.

After they finished eating, Nico leaned against her, his head resting on her shoulder. She wrapped an arm around him, smiling softly. The warmth between them felt comforting, like a cozy embrace that chased away any lingering worries or discomforts. Alaina couldn't help but feel grateful for moments like these, where it was just her and Nico, sharing a simple but meaningful connection.

As they sat there, basking in each other's presence, Alaina couldn't help but reflect on how far they had come. From tentative acquaintances to now, sharing quiet mornings together in a hospital room, their bond had only grown stronger with time. And while the future was uncertain, Alaina knew one thing for sure; whatever life threw at them, they would face it together, side by side, just like they always had. And that was all she needed.

She gently ran her fingers through Nico's hair, enjoying the closeness they shared as he leaned his head on her shoulder. Nico sighed contentedly, his eyes closed as he savored the warmth of Alaina's embrace. He felt safe and loved, knowing that she was there for him no matter what. He nuzzled his cheek against her shoulder, smiling softly as her hand continued stroking his hair. Alaina's heart melted at the gesture, a fond smile spreading across her lips. The warmth of their affection enveloped them, cocooning them in a bubble of love and security. They stayed like that for a while, simply enjoying each other's presence and the comfort of their embrace.

"I wanna take you out on a date later." Nico suddenly said, breaking the comfortable silence. His voice was slightly muffled, since he was laying his head on her shoulder.

Alaina's heart flutters at hearing that and she smiles softly at him. "As much as I would love to go on a date with you, are you sure it's safe for you to be up and about?" She asks him gently. "I don't want you getting sick or hurting yourself."

"I'll be fine, I promise. You worry too much." Nico assures her, kissing the side of her neck. "I was fine last night when I came to see you."

"To be fair, we weren't out that long." Alaina mumbles. "But I don't know what would happen if we stay out for part of the day..." She said nervously.

"That's true." Nico sighs and sits up straighter to look at her better. He brushes a strand of hair behind her ear, smiling softly at her. "Please?" He asks softly, cupping her face to turn her to face him. "Let me take out out on a date. We were never able to actually go on a first date. I want to do something special for you." His eyes were filled with sincerity and warmth, his thumb gently caressing her cheek. "I want to show you how much I love you, Alaina. How much I appreciate everything you've done for me. Please, let me do this for you."

Alaina's heart melted at his words, a warm feeling spreading through her chest. How can she say no to that? And to the puppy dog eyes he was giving her now? It was impossible. She couldn't deny him when he was being so sincere and loving. She sighs in defeat, a soft smile forming on her lips. "Okay, you win." Alaina chuckles softly, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to Nico's lips. "But only if you promise to take it easy and not overexert yourself," She replies, smiling softly. "Deal?"

"Deal," Nico agrees eagerly, his smile widening. "Thank you, baby. I promise you won't regret it."

Alaina smiles, feeling butterflies in her stomach at his use of the pet name. It made her heart flutter and her cheeks turn a light pink. She felt like she was on cloud nine, floating through a sea of happiness and warmth. And all because of the boy in front of her. She could feel his love and affection radiating off him, filling her with a sense of security and contentment. "Okay, what time should we have the date? I have to work at the shelter soon for a couple hours until around noon."

"That's fine, we can meet up at the nearby park around noon. Just let me know when you're done with work." Nico murmured, leaning over to kiss her cheek.

"I will." Alaina assures him, kissing his forehead. She checks her phone for the time and grimaces. "Shoot, I need to head out now." She stands up, but before she could take a step, Nico grabbed her hand and pulled her back. She sends him a confused look and then let out a surprised noise when he suddenly pulled her in for a kiss. Her face flushed, her heart racing at the suddenness of it. She could feel the butterflies fluttering wildly in her stomach, a wave of heat washing over her body. She kisses him back, her eyes fluttering closed as she lost herself in the kiss.

When they pulled apart, Alaina felt slightly dazed, her face still warm. She looks at Nico and chuckles softly. "What was that for?" She asked breathlessly.

"Just wanted one last kiss before you go." Nico grins at her, his own face slightly red. "Couldn't help myself."

"Well, I'm not complaining." Alaina smiles and pecks his lips once more. "I'll text you when I'm done. I love you."

"I love you too, babe." Nico squeezed her hand one last time before he let go. He watched her grab her purse and head to the door of the room to leave. Before she left, she turned to face him with a soft smile and waved at him. He returned the smile, waving back at her as she left the room. He leaned back against the bed with a sigh, his lips curling up into a smile and his mind wandering to their upcoming date. He felt a giddy excitement coursing through him, his heart racing at the thought of spending the afternoon with her. He couldn't wait to show her how much he loved her, how special she was to him.


The bell above the door chimes as Alaina walks into the animal shelter. The noise of dogs barking and cats meowing filled the air. The smell of animals and cleaning products was strong. A warm, bright light shines through the windows, illuminating the lobby and hallway.

Alaina smiles at the receptionist, greeting her. "Good morning, Lailani."

"Good morning, Alaina!" Lailani greets cheerfully. "How are you today?" Lailani was a year older than her and had been working at the shelter for a few years now. 

She was always friendly and welcoming, with a deep love for animals that was evident in her every action. She had a round face, framed by black hair, and dark brown eyes that always seemed to sparkle with joy. She wore a blue collared shirt with a small animal shelter logo embroidered on it and khaki pants along with a pair of blue tennis shoes. Her face had a natural rosy glow to it and her lips were a bright pink. She was also slightly taller than Alaina, standing at about 5'5. Alaina was close friends with Lailani, having worked alongside her for years and bonded over their shared love for animals. They had formed a close friendship, often hanging out together outside of work. Alaina had gone to Lailani when she was having boy problems which is how the latter knew about her and Nico. And in return, Lailani confided in Alaina when she was having trouble with her boy problems. Alaina found her to be a good listener, and Lailani valued her advice. They made a good team, their different perspectives and strengths complementing each other.

"I'm doing well, thank you," Alaina replies with a smile. "Just here to help out for a couple of hours before I have plans." She usually worked a few hours at the animal shelter or when they needed an extra set of hands. "How about you?"

"Can't complain." Lailani grins. "Things have been pretty calm so far. No major emergencies, thankfully. So what are these plans of yours?" She asked her tone playful and teasing. Alaina rolled her eyes playfully, but her cheeks were red.

"I have a date with Nico later." Alaina replies, feeling a giddy excitement at the mention of their date. "I'm not sure what he has planned, but I'm excited to find out." She couldn't help but smile widely at the thought.

"Ooh, sounds fun. You better tell me all the details later." Lailani grins, wiggling her eyebrows. She knew how much Alaina was head over heels for Nico and vice versa. "But anyway, I'm glad you're doing well. Your parents are in the back helping feed the animals if you want to see them. If you need me, I'll be at the front desk."

"Thanks, I'll let you know." Alaina smiled and walked down the hallway. She went towards the back of the shelter, where she knows the animal feeding area is located. As she walked, she passed by various kennels and cages, filled with dogs and cats eagerly waiting for attention and care. Some wag their tails excitedly as she passes, while others meow softly, hoping for a scratch behind the ears. She gave most of them attention and affection when she walked by them, cooing at some of the cats. She loved all the animals here, each one bringing their own unique personality and joy into her life.

When she entered the back area, she was greeted by the sight of her parents working away. They greet her with warm smiles and hugs, happy to see her as always. Alaina joins them in their tasks, feeling a sense of fulfillment as she helps care for the animals in need. After a couple of hours, Alaina finished her shift and says goodbye to her parents and Lailani. She walked out of the shelter, feeling excited for her date with Nico. She quickly texted him that she's done and that she was going to get changed before she met up with him. She then went home and went up to her room to get ready. She changed into a simple, cute outfit and did her hair and makeup. She made sure to wear a bikini underneath just in case. Once she was satisfied with her appearance, she grabbed her purse and headed out, texting Nico again to let him know she was on her way. She couldn't wait to spend the afternoon with him, feeling giddy with excitement at what the day would bring.


(alaina's outfit for this part of the chapter)

Alaina smiles brightly when she started walking towards where Nico was sitting on his motorcycle waiting for her. "Wow." Nico breaths out when he saw her, staring at her with adoration. "I thought I was vulnerable before because I was in a hospital gown, but turns out it was just because you're gorgeous." Alaina wore a white tank top, blue denim shorts, a cardigan and sandals. Her makeup was done nicely to match and her blonde hair was

Alaina's face heats up, her heart skipping a beat at his words. "Thank you, Nic. But I think you're biased." She teases him, smiling fondly at him. "But you're not too bad yourself." She tells him, making him chuckle. He was wearing a casual yet stylish outfit consisting of a pair of black jeans, a grey T-shirt, and a black leather jacket. His hair was neatly styled, and his brown eyes shone with love and warmth. "So, where are you taking me on this mysterious date of yours?"

Nico grins, handing her a helmet. "It's a surprise," He replies with a wink. "But I promise you'll love it." 

Alaina rolled her eyes playfully, but she can't hide the excitement bubbling inside her. She put the helmet, smiling at Nico when he helped her on the motorcycle. She wrapped her arms around his waist, leaning her chin on his shoulder as he revved the engine and they started off towards their destination. As they rode through the streets, Alaina couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration coursing through her veins. The wind whipped through her hair, and she held onto Nico tightly, feeling safe and free at the same time. She glanced around at the passing scenery, marveling at the beauty of the world around her.

Nico couldn't help the grin on his lips as he felt her arms wrap around his waist and her body lean against his back. It was a feeling he had grown accustomed to and would never grow tired of. He loved how her touch made him feel alive, like he was truly living and experiencing the world to its fullest. And being with her, feeling her against him, made him feel like he was on top of the world. It was an indescribable feeling, one that he cherished and would never take for granted.

As they continued riding, Alaina could feel the tension and stress from the past few weeks fading away. She felt relaxed and at peace, enjoying the feeling of the wind in her hair and the warmth of Nico's body against hers. She loved going on rides with Nico on his motorcycle. It was a thrill unlike any other, and it always made her feel closer to him. She felt like they were truly in their element, and nothing else mattered except for the two of them. They stopped at Zippy's to get some food before they continued on the road. Alaina kept getting more curious and excited about where Nico was taking her as time went on. The scenery around them gradually changed as they rode, the urban landscape giving way to lush greenery and winding roads. Alaina could feel her excitement building as they ventured deeper into the countryside, the anticipation of what awaited them adding to the thrill of the ride.

A/N alaina & nico >>>>

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