CHAPTER SIX, jelly fish jam

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(alaina's outfit for the first part of the chapter is above & for the shoes she wears white sandlas)

A week goes by and Alaina finally got her ankle all healed which she was relieved about. She was also happy that she didn't have to use the crutches anymore.

Alaina walks into Nico's room that day, raising her eyebrows in amusement at seeing her boyfriend wearing a suit jacket over his hospital gown as he looked in the full length mirror in his room. "Very fancy, Nic." She teases. "What's the occasion?"

Nico jumps, startled and he turns around to look at her. "Ali! What are you doing here? You're early."

"Yeah, I finished work early and thought I'd come see my favorite guy." Alaina replied, walking over to him and wrapping her arms around his waist. She worked at her parent's animal shelter after school on some days, especially on the days when they needed help and were really busy. Today was one of the slow days. She leaned forward and kissed him.

"Your favorite guy, huh?" He smiles, his arms wrapping around her waist and kisses her back. "How's your ankle doing?"

"Better." She replies, sighing with relief. "And it's good to not have to use crutches anymore. My ankle doesn't even hurt. I can walk and run again."

"I'm glad. I hate seeing you in pain." He kissed her forehead and rested his forehead against hers.

"You were very sweet though." Alaina smiles, closing her eyes. "I can say the same about you though." She admits. Her gaze went to his jacket. "Really though, what's up with the jacket?"

"I raided the plastic surgery lost and found." He confesses. "Rich patients always leave behind their fancy clothes." He then pulls away after kissing her forehead and went to lean his elbow on top of a dresser, putting his other hand on his hip. "Okay, do I look good enough to judge people?" He asked as he raised his eyebrows, looking judgy.

"Uh, not really." Alaina giggles, shaking her head. "I mean, the suit jacket is great. You can totally rock it, but you're wearing a hospital gown underneath. A bit weird." She teased.

He rolls his eyes playfully and walks back over to her. "I was thinking about going to the school dance with you if the results of the bone marrow transplant is all good." He admitted, causing her eyes to widen in surprise.

"Wait, you know about the school dance?" Alaina asked in surprise. She wasn't in school anymore since she had already graduated a few months ago, she got to graduate early since she had took more classes in the summer, but she still kept up with the school and what was going on.

"'Course I do. I keep up with the school I used to go to." Nico responds. "I've always wanted to go to a dance with you."

"Me too." Alaina admits. "I have to go to the Jelly Fish Jam since I'm a chaperone." She shrugs. "But I guess it won't be that bad since Lahela and Steph will be there." She looks at him with a fond smile, wrapping her arms around his neck. "You're really sweet though for wanting to go with me. But are you sure? You don't have to. I swear I'll be fine." She had to admit, she would love to have Nico go with her, but she didn't want him to feel pressured into it.

"I know I don't have to." Nico reassures, placing his hands on her waist and he leans forward and kisses her forehead. "But I want to, Ali. You mean the world to me, and I want to be able to go out and do stuff with you like normal teenagers. Besides, the dance sounds like a blast, and I'm sure it'll be a great night."

"You really are the sweetest." Alaina gushes, blushing as she kisses his cheek. "I would love for you to come with me. But-"

"Hey, lovebirds." Lahela greets teasingly when she walked into the room. She pauses when she sees the two of them and raises her eyebrows. "Am I interrupting something?" She asked with a knowing smirk.

Alaina shakes her head and laughs as she and Nico pulled away from each other. "No, we were just talking. What's up, Lahela?" She questioned, glancing at her with a small smile.

"I just came to check up on the results. Figured I need to do it when you're both here."

"Thanks, Lahela." Alaina smiled. She stood by Nico, wrapping an arm around him comfortingly to reassure him since she knew he was anxious about his results. Nico was thankful and grateful for her, squeezing her hand in return.

"You got the results?" He asked nervously. He was mindlessly twirling one of the rings Alaina wore, a habit he had picked up recently. Alaina didn't mind, the simple gesture always made her heart flutter and her cheeks flush, which always brought a smile to Nico's face.

"We do." Lahela replied, looking nervous after she finished typing away on the computer and seeing the results.

"I'm not going anywhere, am I?" Nico realized, his heart dropping after seeing the look on her face. Alaina frowned, moving her hand to rub his back to comfort him. She felt so bad for him. She knew how excited and hopeful he was.

"I'm afraid not." Lahela sighed. Alaina moved to stand by Nico as he sat down, taking the jacket off. He looked upset and annoyed, rightfully so. He had his hopes up for nothing. Alaina's heart ached as she sat next to him, rubbing his back soothingly.

"The bone marrow biopsy results show that your cancer did not respond to the chemotherapy. I'm so sorry, but we have to start you on a new treatment plan right away." Lahela inhales deeply, looking apologetic. "I can't let you go to the dance." She said, feeling guilty. She knew how much the two were looking forward to go together. She had overheard the conversation before she walked in. She felt bad about having to give him the news and not letting him go, but it was part of her job and she had to do it.

"But we still have a lot of options." Lahela adds. "We can even look into experimental treatments..." Her voice trailed off as she tried to find something positive to say, but it was clear to everyone that the chances of that were slim.

Nico shakes his head. "Experimental treatment is just doctor speak for 'we don't know what else to do'." He looks over at her as she frowned. "Come on, Lahela. We all know I have about ten percent chance of surviving."

Alaina's heart sank when he said that. It was true, but it still hurt hearing it. She felt like crying, but she held it together. She needed to be strong for Nico. "Ten percent is still a chance." Alaina spoke, her voice trembling. She turned to look at him, giving him a reassuring smile to try to reassure him. But he avoided eye contact with her.

"Exactly. This is not the end of the road, okay?" Lahela agrees. "Studies have shown strong links between optimism and..."

"Oh, please, I spent the last two days looking forward to some stupid dance. Look how it turned out." Nico scoffs. "Hey, I never thought that all I'd wnat to do is go to the Jellyfish Jam." He pulls away from Alaina and laid back on his bed. "Thanks a lot, doc." He breathed deeply and closed his eyes. He was disappointed and upset. He had been really looking forward to going to the dance with Alaina, his girlfriend and his best friend. They could finally have a fun night together just as normal teenagers and spend the night dancing. But now, he had to give up that dream.

Alaina frowned as she watched him, feeling so sad for him. Her heart was aching. She hated seeing him like this. She knew how much he was looking forward to going to the dance with her.

Alaina then looks over at Lahela with a small smile after seeing her guilty look. "It's okay." She mouths to her. She knew Lahela felt guilty about it. "Thank you for telling us. I'll take care of him." Lahela nodded and walked out, giving them privacy.

Alaina sighs, walking over to him and sat down beside Nico. "Nico?" She whispered.

Nico groans and covers his eyes with his arm. "Ugh, this sucks. I can't believe it didn't work." He mumbles. "And I can't believe I let myself get my hopes up like that. I knew better than to do that."

"Hey." Alaina said softly, placing her hand on his. "Don't blame yourself." She whispers, gently pulling his arm away from his eyes. "There's nothing wrong with hoping. That's all we can do. Hope. We'll keep fighting. And you'll get better. Okay? I know it." She trailed her hand down his arm to intertwine their fingers together.

Nico slowly sat up and sighs, leaning against the pillows. He squeezes her hand and looks over at her, his eyes softening. He was lucky to have Alaina by his side. He wouldn't know what he would do without her. He loved her and he appreciated her so much. He knew she had her own life and her own problems, but she was still here, trying to make him feel better and be there for him. "I'm sorry I'm being so dramatic." He mutters, leaning his head on her shoulder. "I'm just tired of all this, Ali." He breathes deeply, his chest feeling tight. He knew he was lucky. Some people had it worse than him, but it was hard, having to deal with this. "I'm tired of not being able to live a normal life." He admitted, looking down at their intertwined hands. He wasn't sure how their hands fit so perfectly together, but they did, and it always made his heart flutter.

"You have every right to feel the way you do." Alaina whispers, resting her cheek on the top of his head. She understood where he was coming from. She could only imagine how difficult it was for him. "You've been through so much, Nic. And you're the strongest person I know. I know it's hard, and I know it's not fair. But we'll get through it. Together." She reassured, lifting their intertwined hands and kissed the back of his hand.

Nico smiles slightly, his heart feeling warm at her words and the simple gesture. "How do you always know the right things to say?"

"One of my many talents." Alaina giggles softly, smiling when she felt him laugh against her. "It'll be okay, Nic. You'll get better. We'll get through this."

Nico looks over at her. "Thanks, Ali. This all just sucks. I wanted to take you." He sighs. "I had this perfect night planned. I would pick you up in a limo and we'd arrive in style. And when we get there, we would take a picture in front of the big banner. I know you'd look gorgeous in whatever dress you picked out, and we'd dance the night away. It would have been perfect."

Alaina's heart ached at his words, knowing how much he had been looking forward to the dance. She wished she could make it all better for him, take away his pain and disappointment. But she knew she couldn't. All she could do was be there for him, support him, and love him. And that's exactly what she intended to do.

"I know, Nic." She murmured, her voice filled with sympathy. "But just because we can't go to the dance doesn't mean we can't have a perfect night together." She smiled softly, her gaze soft.

Nico looks over at her with a soft smile, his heart warming at her words. He was so lucky to have her. "How are you so perfect?"

"I'm far from perfect, Nic." Alaina giggled, her cheeks flushing. "I have flaws and insecurities too, you know. I'm only human."

"I think you're pretty perfect." Nico teases, causing her to blush and playfully smack his arm. "Hey, it's true. You're perfect to me, Ali. You always have been." He murmurs, his voice growing serious as he gazed into her eyes. "But sometimes I think I'm not good enough. I can't give you a perfect night at the school dance like a normal couple. I can't give you all the things you deserve. I can't do any of that when I'm dying." He muttered.

Alaina's heart sunk hearing him say those things. He wasn't dying, not on her watch. "Nico, hey." She whispers, cupping his cheek and turns him to look at her. "Look at me."

He reluctantly did. "You're perfect to me too." She whispers, stroking his cheek gently. "And you're not dying, Nic. You're not." She tells him, her voice filled with determination. "You hear me? You're not." She whispers. "You are going to get better. We're going to be happy and in love, get married and grow old together. We'll have our happily ever after. I promise."

"Alaina..." Nico's voice wavers, his eyes brimming with emotion as he gazes into hers. Her unwavering belief in him, her determination to stand by his side and fight alongside him, fills him with a sense of hope he hadn't felt in a long time. "I want to believe you, Ali. I really do."

"You can, Nico," Alaina says softly, her voice filled with conviction. "You have to believe in yourself too. You're strong, Nico. Stronger than you think. And together, we'll get through this. We'll find a way." She leans in, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead, her lips lingering there for a moment before she pulls back to look into his eyes once more. "I'll be here for you every step of the way. No matter what."

Nico's heart swells with gratitude and love as he gazes at Alaina, his eyes reflecting the same determination she sees in hers. "Thank you, Ali," He whispers, his voice thick with emotion. "Thank you for always being here for me. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You don't have to know, because I'm not going anywhere," Alaina assures him, her voice steady and unwavering. "We're in this together, Nico. Always."

Nico smiles, his eyes glistening with unshed tears as he cups her face and pulls her close, capturing her lips in a sweet, tender kiss. Alaina melts into the kiss, her heart fluttering wildly as she kisses him back, her hand sliding up to tangle in his hair, holding him close. The kiss is filled with love and affection, and the promise of a future together.

"I love you," Nico whispers against her lips, his voice thick with emotion. "I love you so much, sunshine." The look he gave her caused butterflies to flutter in her stomach and her cheeks to flush a deep red. He was the only person who could do that.

"I love you too," Alaina breathes, her voice trembling slightly as she fights back tears of her own. "More than anything."

They pull apart, their eyes locked on each other, their hearts filled with love and hope for the future. They know it won't be easy, but they're determined to fight for their love and their happiness, no matter what. He leaned his head on her shoulder, his arms wrapped around her waist and she leaned her head on his, letting out a soft sigh.

"Thank you, sunshine." He murmured, his voice thick with emotion.

"For what?" She asked, glancing at him curiously.

"Everything." He whispers, looking at her with a fond expression. "For standing by me. For believing in me. For loving me. Just... Everything. Thank you, Alaina."

She turns her head, kissing his forehead. "You're welcome, Nic." She whispers closing her eyes. "But there's no need to thank me. I love you. And I'll always stand by your side. No matter what."

She couldn't imagine her life without him. She knew they had a tough journey ahead, but she was willing to face it with him, to fight by his side until the very end. Because she loved him, and she would never give up on him, no matter how bleak the future seemed. They would find a way, together.

A comfortable silence falls between them, and they hold each other close, content in each other's embrace. It was moments like these that made everything else worth it. Moments where it was just the two of them, lost in their own world. Their love for each other was stronger than any obstacle they faced, and it would only grow stronger with time.

"Okay, I'm gonna head out." Alaina speaks up after a few minutes of a comfortable silence. "I'll be back later though, I promise." She reassured him, leaning over to kiss his cheek.

"Where are you going?" Nico pouted. He didn't want her to leave.

Alaina giggles a little, seeing his pout. It was adorable and she couldn't resist. She cups his chin and leans forward, kissing his pout away. "I'll be back, don't worry." She murmurs against his lips. "I promise. I'll be back."

Nico didn't hesitate to kiss her back, his arms tightening around her waist. She giggles against his lips, her heart racing and her cheeks flushing a deep red. His kisses always left her breathless, and she could never get enough of him.

"Okay, okay." She giggles, pulling away reluctantly. "I have to go." She stands up, taking his hand. "I love you."

"I love you too, sunshine." Nico smiled fondly, squeezing her hand. They held hands until they couldn't when she walked out the door. 


Alaina did come back as promised. As promised, Alaina did come back later. She came back later that day when he was done to decorate his room with different decorations like what would be at the school dance. Nico walked in the room his eyes widening at seeing how his room looked like.

"Surprise!" Alaina interrupted with a wide smile, gesturing to the room.

"What the...How did...This is incredible. Um...." Nico's voice trails off, glancing at her with a soft smile as his heart fluttered. "Did you do this all for me?"

"I figured why not bring the dance to you so we can still got o it." Alaina smiled at him. "So, I decorated the room, even made a playlist we can dance to. Lahela may have helped me out with decorating. Noelani and Charles would've helped but they were too busy teaching Kai how to dance to impress Steph at the dance." She shrugs as she rambled. "So I had Lahela to help with decorating and keeping you busy."

"So that's why she wouldn't let me come back." Nico shakes his head and chuckles. "This is amazing, sunshine." He smiles widely. "No one has ever done something like this for me." He couldn't believe how lucky he was to have Alaina in his life. He knew right there and then he fell in love with her all over again.

Alaina blushes and ducks her head shyly, a small smile on her face. "It was nothing, really. I just wanted to make you happy."

"Well, you definitely succeeded." Nico grins, looking around the room once more before he steps closer to her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close. "I can't believe you did all this for me." He breathed out, gazing down at her.

"Of course I did, Nic. I'd do anything for you." Alaina whispers, resting her forehead against his and closes her eyes. "Anything."

"You're amazing." Nico breathed, his heart swelling with love for her. "I don't deserve you."

"Stop." Alaina scolds gently, looking up at him. "Of course you do, Nic. You're the most amazing person I know. Don't ever say that."

"You're the most amazing person I've met, sunshine." Nico murmurs, his voice filled with sincerity. "I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for me. You're truly an angel sent from heaven."

Alaina blushes furiously, ducking her head. "Stop, you're embarrassing me." She mumbled, burying her face in his chest.

"Never." Nico grins, tightening his arms around her and kissing the top of her head. "You're adorable when you're flustered."

"Am not." Alaina huffed, her voice muffled by his chest.

"Are too." Nico chuckles, his heart fluttering at her adorable behavior. "I love you, sunshine. So, so much."

"I love you too." Alaina lifts her head, smiling shyly. "Now, do you wanna dance?" She pulls back from him and went over to where her phone laid by a small speaker. She presses play on her playlist, grinning at him. "We can dance to the song that I'm pretty sure is at every school dance."

Nico chuckles as All My Life' by K-Ci and JoJo played. "This is definitely the most played song at a dance." He grins, taking her hand and pulled her close. "Shall we?"

"We shall." Alaina giggled, her heart fluttering as she looked at him.

Nico gazes into Alaina's eyes, his heart swelling with love and gratitude. She had gone above and beyond to make him happy, and he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by her kindness and thoughtfulness. "Thank you, Ali," He said softly, his voice filled with sincerity. "This means more to me than you'll ever know."

Alaina smiles up at him, her eyes shining with affection. "I'm just glad I could do something to lift your spirits," She says softly, reaching up to cup his cheek tenderly. "You deserve all the happiness in the world, Nic."

Nico leans into her touch, savoring the warmth of her hand against his skin. He feels a surge of love and gratitude wash over him, and he knows in that moment that he would do anything to make her happy. "Being with you makes me happy," He whispers, his voice barely above a whisper. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, Ali."

Alaina's heart skips a beat at his words, and she feels a rush of warmth flood her chest. She wraps her arms around him, pulling him into a tight embrace. "Same goes to you, Nic," She murmurs, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. "I love you."

Nico's heart swells with emotion as he returns her kiss, his arms tightening around her waist. In that moment, surrounded by the soft glow of the decorated room and the gentle strains of music filling the air, he feels more alive than ever before. "I love you too, sunshine," He whispers against her lips, his voice filled with love and devotion. "Forever and always."

And as they sway together in the middle of the room, lost in each other's embrace, Nico knows that no matter what challenges lie ahead, as long as they have each other, they can overcome anything. "So since when did you become an expert on high school dances?" He asked teasingly.

"I got a lot of advice from my older sister." Alaina admits sheepishly. "She's one of the chaperones at the dance. I may have called her for some advice. And I may have been watching many teen romcoms for inspiration."

Nico couldn't help but laugh, his heart fluttering at her adorable confession. "You're cute."

"So are you." She blushed, hiding her face in his chest. 

The atmosphere was filled with a mixture of emotions, but amidst the challenges, there was love, resilience, and hope. Alaina's gesture to recreate the school dance in Nico's room was a beautiful testament to their bond and her unwavering support for him. Despite the disappointment of not being able to attend the dance, they found solace and joy in each other's company. As they swayed to the familiar tunes and shared tender moments, their love only grew stronger. They found comfort and strength in each other's arms, reaffirming their commitment to stand by each other no matter what the future held.

And as they laughed, teased, and shared intimate moments, it was evident that their love was not just a fleeting feeling, but a steadfast bond that would endure any obstacle they faced. With Alaina's unwavering support and Nico's enduring love, they knew they could face whatever challenges lay ahead, hand in hand, as they danced through life together.


(alaina's outfit for the dance)

When it was time for the actual dance, Alaina got all dressed up and went to the dance to be one of the chaperones. She got asked by her older sister, Anaya, who worked as a teacher at the school and she said the dance needed more chaperones. Anaya was a teacher but also did college online. She didn't mind chaperoning, as she'd get to see all the students dressed up and have fun, and she was also able to hang out with Lahela and Stephanie. She felt guilty and bad that she couldn't bring Nico with her, he reassured her he would be fine while she went. She promised him that she would come back to his room after the dance, and he told her that he was okay and would be fine.

The dance was a lot of fun and all the kids had a blast, she did as well. She saw that Charles and Noelani were there and they explained they were there to support Kai which she thought was sweet. She could tell Kai was very nervous about the dance competition and she could see why. There were a lot of great dancers before him and they were amazing, but she had a feeling he would do well and he would have fun. Though she wanted to reassure him that he would be fine, she could see he was tense and nervous and didn't want to talk about it. She decided it would be best not to push him, and she hoped he would be able to relax and enjoy himself.

"Hey," Anaya said as she stands by Alaina. The young adult smiles at her sister and nudges her. "Thanks for helping out, Ali. I really appreciate it."

Alaina shakes her head. "Of course, Ana. I'm glad I could help." She smiled warmly at her older sister.

Anaya grins, wrapping an arm around her sister to pull her in for a side hug. "You're the best, kiddo."

Alaina smiled. She always loved her sister's hugs and affectionate gestures. She and Anaya had always been close growing up and Alaina looked up to her older sister. Anaya had always been there for her, supporting her and cheering her on. She had always been someone she could go to for advice and just to vent or talk about things. She was grateful to have such an amazing older sister.

"So, how has Nico been?" Anaya questioned. Alaina kept her updated on his situation and his treatments.

Alaina sighs, her smile faltering a little. "He's doing okay. He was upset when he found out he couldn't come to the dance. I felt so bad for him, I hate that he can't have a normal high school experience. But I decorated his room and we had our own dance there." She admits with a shy smile on her face. "I think he liked it, but I still hate he can't come to the actual dance. I wish I could make everything better for him."

Anaya offers her sister a sympathetic smile, giving her a reassuring squeeze. "I know you do, Ali," She says softly, her voice filled with understanding and empathy. "You've always had such a big heart, wanting to help and make people feel better. You care so much about Nico, and you've been so supportive and amazing throughout all this. But you can't fix everything. Sometimes, all you can do is be there for them, and that's enough. You've been a rock for Nico, and I know he's so grateful to have you. So don't beat yourself up, okay? You're doing the best you can, and that's all anyone can ask for."

Alaina nods, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears as she takes in her sister's words. Anaya always had a way of offering comfort and perspective that helped Alaina see things more clearly. She was grateful for her sister's wisdom and support, especially during times like this when she felt overwhelmed with worry and guilt. "Thanks, Ana," Alaina murmurs, her voice choked with emotion. "You always know what to say." As she wrapped an arm around Anaya, she leaned into her sister's embrace, finding solace in the familiar warmth of her presence.

"Anytime, kiddo," Anaya smiles, hugging her sister back. "I'll always be here for you, no matter what." She promised, and Alaina couldn't help but believe her. She knew her sister would always be there for her, and that was a comforting thought.


Soon the announcer called out Kai was next. He got on the platform dancers used to dance on. He started out the dance, but he tripped a little. People either 'ooh' or laughed a little as he messed up. Alaina rolled her eyes at that. She didn't care if Kai messed up. And she hated how others would judge and make fun of him.

"I can't watch." Noelani said worriedly and covered her eyes as Kai stood, looking nervous as he closed his eyes.

"Just remember your training." Charles reassuringly reminded Kai.

Kai opens his eyes, listening to Charles. He took a deep breath before turning around and continuing the dance. Alaina smiled widely as he continued to do amazing at the dance. She clapped along with everyone when he encouraged everyone to clap. She knew he was about to do a big move after seeing a nervous look on Noelani's face and how she was about to cover her eyes.

"Trust the boy." Charles told her with a smile, pulling her hands away.

And Kai did the move perfectly, landing at the position he was suppose to at the end. Everyone cheered and applauded loudly at the end. Alaina was so proud of Kai for finishing the dance. She knew he could do it and that he would have a good time. She saw how Kai looked shocked at first, looking surprised everyone was cheering for him. But then he bowed, smiling brightly. Alaina glanced over at Stephanie across the room, grinning at seeing her shocked and impressed look. She knew Kai succeeded with impressing her.

Kai then walked off the platform, walking over to Stephanie with an outstretched hand. Stephanie smiled, taking his hand and he twirled her around before dipping her, causing everyone to 'ooh'.

"See? I told you." Dr. Lee chimes in, gesturing to them. Alaina was surprised to see him there, she didn't think he would be there. "Always works."

Kai and Stephanie stood, both smiling widely. Kai then walked away. As the dance continued, Alaina noticed Lahela was by herself and she looked upset. So she went over to check on Lahela.

"Lahela?" She asks with a frown. "Are you alright?"

"No." Lahela sniffles, wiping her tears away. "Walter and I broke up."

Alaina's eyes widen in surprise. "What? What happened?" She asked, wrapping her arm around her friend. Alaina felt her heart ache for her friend, and she wished there was something she could do to make her feel better. She knew how much Lahela had cared about Walter, and she couldn't imagine how heartbroken she must be feeling right now.

"I don't know." Lahela shakes her head. "We had a fight about how he wasn't even with me most of the night. I mean, apparently we couldn't even post pictures of us together online for his work, but yet he posted pictures of other girls there." She sniffled.

Alaina listens attentively, her heart going out to Lahela. She tightens her arm around her friend in a comforting gesture. "I'm so sorry, Lahela," she says softly, her voice filled with empathy. "That sounds really tough. You deserve someone who appreciates and values you, and if Walter couldn't see that, then he's not worth your time." She offers Lahela a sympathetic smile, hoping to offer some comfort in her time of need. "But hey, you're strong and amazing, and you'll get through this. And you've got me here for you every step of the way, okay?"

Lahela sniffles, nodding gratefully at Alaina's words. "Thank you, Alaina," She says, wiping her tears away. "I'm really lucky to have you as a friend." She leaned into Alaina's side, appreciating her friendship and support.

"And I'm lucky to have you," Alaina replies, squeezing Lahela's shoulder. "Don't ever forget that."

Lahela manages a small smile, nodding at Alaina's words. "But there's something else...I think I'm falling for someone else." She confesses. "I didn't think it would happen, but it has. I never thought I'd fall for someone as sweet as him, but I have." She sighs, her mind filled with thoughts of the one she had fallen for. "But it can't happen, we work together."

Alaina listens to Lahela's confession, her brows furrowing slightly in concern. She could see the conflict and turmoil in her friend's eyes, and she couldn't help but feel for her. Falling for someone new while still dealing with the aftermath of a breakup was undoubtedly a complicated situation.

"I'm sorry, Lahela," Alaina says softly, her voice filled with empathy. "It sounds like you're going through a lot right now. Falling for someone new can be overwhelming, especially when you're still healing from a previous relationship." She pauses, considering her friend's predicament. "But sometimes, the heart wants what it wants, you know? And maybe this person you've fallen for could be someone worth exploring those feelings with."

Lahela nods slowly, considering Alaina's words. "I know, but it's complicated," she admits, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "We work together, and I'm not sure if pursuing anything with him would be a good idea. What if things don't work out, and it ends up affecting our professional relationship?"

Alaina squeezes Lahela's hand reassuringly. "I understand your concerns," She says, offering her friend a supportive smile. "But sometimes, taking risks and following your heart can lead to something beautiful. And if this person makes you happy, isn't it worth exploring those feelings and seeing where they lead?"

Lahela sighs, her expression contemplative as she mulls over Alaina's words. "Yeah, I guess you're right," She concedes, a small smile gracing her lips. "I'll think about it. Thanks for listening, Alaina. You're a really good friend."

Alaina grins, pleased that she was able to help her friend in some way. "No problem. So, you're talking about Kayden, right?" She asked curiously. She was curious to know who she was talking about. Kayden was Lahela's age and a volunteer at the hospital. She knew Kayden and Lahela were close friends, and she was glad her friend had someone else to turn to.

Lahela blushes, ducking her head shyly. "Yeah, it's Kayden," She confirms, a fond smile gracing her features as she thinks of her friend. "Was I that obvious?"

Alaina chuckles, shaking her head. "No, but I know you well," She says, giving her friend a knowing smile. "You two are pretty close, and I can tell you really care about him. I can tell he really cares about you too. Maybe you should talk to him and see where things go."

Lahela nods slowly, considering Alaina's advice. "Maybe I will," She says, a small, hopeful smile playing on her lips. "Thank you, Ali. You're the best."

"You're welcome, Lae," Alaina grins, pulling her friend in for a hug. "I'm always here for you, no matter what."

With that, the two friends hugged, both grateful for the other's support and encouragement.

"Are you and Nico doing okay?" Lahela asks curiously when they pulled away. "I'm sorry about giving that bad news. I felt really awful."

"Hey, no, it's okay, Lae." Alaina assures her, giving her friend a sympathetic smile. "We both know you were just doing your job. And yes, Nico and I are doing okay. He's...He's struggling a bit, but we're working through it together." She reassured Lahela.

Lahela smiles, glad to hear that her friends are doing okay. "That's good, I'm glad," She says, placing a hand on Alaina's arm. "I'm happy you two are able to work through it. You guys are great together, and you're both so supportive of each other. I can tell he really loves you."

Alaina couldn't help but grin at Lahela's words, feeling warm and giddy at the thought of Nico's love for her. "Yeah, I really love him too," She admits, her eyes shining with affection. "He's been there for me through everything, and I want to be there for him, no matter what."

Lahela beams, squeezing Alaina's arm. "I'm happy for you guys," She says, her voice sincere. "You deserve all the happiness in the world, Alaina."

"You too, Lahela. You're an amazing girl, and I know you'll find someone who will love and appreciate you for who you are." Alaina encourages. "And he might be Kayden." She teased with a grin.

Lahela playfully rolls her eyes, nudging Alaina's arm as she blushes. "Yeah, maybe," She chuckles, a hint of amusement and hope in her voice. "Thanks, Alaina. You're the best."

"Anytime," Alaina grins, wrapping an arm around her friend. "What are friends for, right?"

"Right." Lahela smiled.

Alaina smiles and hugs her back before letting go and walking away, searching for Nico. After talking with Lahela, she realized she missed Nico more now. She watched couples slow dance with each other and she found herself thinking that she wished it was her and Nico slow dancing together. She should go see him and check on him. She had felt bad that she left him alone while she had to go to the dance and she knew he understood, but still she didn't like it.

She left the dance just as it started to rain. She ran in the rain, thankful she decided to go with sneakers instead of heels. She ran to the hospital, not caring that she was getting soaked. But she stopped in her tracks, not far from the school when she saw Nico getting off his motorcycle a few inches away from her, wearing his normal clothes.

"Nico?" She breathes out, eyes wide in surprise. "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be at the hospital."

"I know." He nods. "I wanted to see you." He admits walking over to her. "I hated knowing that you were at the dance alone."

"Nico, it didn't matter. I was just a chaperone." Alaina told him, but her heart fluttered because of how sweet he was being.

"Yeah, but still. It still killed me knowing you were here alone." Nico continues, walking over to her until he stopped in front of her. "And listen, I know I've been kind of a jerk and dramatic lately about everything and I'm sorry. Lahela told me to find something to live for. I immediately thought of you. You're my reason for living. You always have been."

Alaina's eyes widened at Nico's confession, her face warming up and butterflies swarming in her stomach. She was surprised he came here to tell her this, and she couldn't deny that her heart was racing at his words. She cared so deeply about him, and she was so grateful that he had found something to live for, no matter how cheesy it was.

"You know you could've just waited until I got back to the hospital to say that." She jokes, a teasing smile playing on her lips. Then her expression grew concerned. "You probably shouldn't have left the hospital."

"I know." He agrees with a nod, looking unbothered by that. "But I wanted to see you, babe. I couldn't wait until later." He tells her. "I just wanted to spend time with you. You were all I was thinking about." He said, his voice soft and sincere. He cups her face and rubs his thumb across her cheek, causing her to blush. "I had to tell you now. You're my everything, Alaina." He whispers. Alaina's breath hitches at his touch, and she feels herself leaning into his hand, her skin tingling where he is touching "I don't know where I would be without you. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. And I'll always be there for you, no matter what, no matter how hard the times are, because you're the love of my life."

Alaina's heart melts at his words, and she can't stop the tears that are beginning to form in her eyes. His words are so genuine and sincere, and she can tell he means every single word. They make her feel warm and fuzzy inside, and she can't help but fall even more in love with him. "You're the love of my life too, Nico," She whispers, her voice thick with emotion. "You mean the world to me, and I'm so grateful to have you in my life. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I'll always be there for you too."

With that, Nico leaned down and captured her lips in a tender kiss, pouring all of his love and devotion for her into the kiss. She melted against him, kissing him back just as passionately, her hands resting on his chest. Her hands slid up to wrap around his neck, pulling him closer to her, deepening the kiss. She smiled into the kiss, butterflies swarming in her stomach when his hands trail down to her waist to pick her up.

She had to admit, it was a bit awkward when kissing him because of the height difference so it felt better at the new angle. Her heart fluttered as his hands carefully moved to hold the back of her thighs, supporting her weight and pulling her flush against him. He wanted her as close as possible as he lifted her up, allowing her to wrap her legs around his waist. They continued to kiss passionately, lost in the moment and the overwhelming rush of love and desire they felt for each other. The rain continued to fall around them, but they didn't care. All that mattered was the intense connection they shared, the feeling of being wrapped up in each other's arms.

She giggled softly against his lips, feeling weightless and giddy in his arms. They continued to kiss, neither of them wanting the moment to end, and her heart swelled with happiness and love. They were so caught up in the moment that they didn't even realize that the rain was getting heavier, the cold droplets of water pouring down on them, drenching their clothes. But neither of them cared, the only thing that mattered was each other. Her heart raced and her face grew warm while she felt his tongue graze her bottom lip, causing her to gasp slightly and part her lips for him, welcoming his tongue into her mouth. She forgot that they were in a thunderstorm, pouring down rain, because she was so focused on him, so lost in the kiss. The kiss was gentle and sweet, but passionate and intense, and it made her feel like her whole body was on fire.

They finally parted when they needed air, breathing heavily as they stared into each other's eyes, both filled with adoration and love. She smiled widely at him, her heart soaring and her cheeks flushed. She had never felt so loved and cared for before, and she couldn't believe how lucky she was to have found him. They stared at each other for a moment, neither of them wanting to break the spell, before she spoke up.

"I always wanted a kiss in the rain." She admitted with a giggle, her heart skipping a beat at the sight of him smiling at her, his eyes filled with love and adoration.

"Well, now you have one." Nico chuckles softly, gazing into her eyes. "I'm more than happy to give you all the rain kisses you want." His heart was racing as he gazed at her, feeling like the luckiest guy in the world.

"You're perfect." She murmurs, her cheeks reddening as she averted her gaze shyly. "You're seriously so sweet. I love you."

"And you're adorable." He grins, leaning down to press a tender kiss on her forehead. "And I love you too." She smiled shyly and kissed his cheek before burying her face in the crook of his neck. He smiled softly, setting her back on the ground carefully and pulling her into a hug. He rested his chin on the top of her head, a content sigh escaping his lips as he held her close, his arms wrapped tightly around her. Part of him kept thinking she was too good for him, that he didn't deserve her, but the other part knew that she was his everything, and he couldn't imagine his life without her.

"I should get you back to the hospital. You shouldn't be out in this weather." Alaina spoke, breaking the comfortable silence with a sigh. She didn't want to ruin the moment, but she didn't want him getting sick.

"You shouldn't either." Nico mumbles, kissing her shoulder and pulling back to look at her. "But, if you insist. Let's go."

"I'll meet you at the hospital." Alaina reassures him, reluctantly pulling away from him. "I love you, baby." She leaned up to peck his lips, grinning at him.

"I love you too, beautiful." Nico smiled softly, his heart skipping a beat at the sight of her smile. Her face flushed at his words and she gave him a smile before she then turned to leave to head to her car. Nico watched her go, a smile playing on his lips and his heart feeling lighter than ever. He couldn't believe how lucky he was.


Alaina arrived at the hospital and went to his room, finding Nico sitting in bed and waiting for her. His hair was damp from the rain, but he had dry clothes on. He sat up straighter since he had been laid back, looking at his phone when she came in.

"You could've stopped at home to change before you came." Nico frowned as he noticed her shivering. She was still soaking wet from the rain.

"I didn't wanna miss the time to visit you before visitation was over." Alaina admits, setting her purse down and sitting on a chair near his bed. "I'm fine, promise." She assured him, offering him a small smile. Nico could see right through her though. She was trying her best not to shiver, her teeth chattering slightly.

"You're shivering." He pointed out, giving her a look.

"I'm fine." Alaina repeated, shaking her head. She didn't want him to worry about her. She was worried enough about him, and she didn't need him worrying about her too.

"No, you're not." Nico argued, his expression filled with concern. He leaned over and grabbed her hand, pulling her out of the chair and towards the bed. She got the hint and sat on the bed by him. He grabbed a nearby blanket and wrapped it around her. He then wrapped an arm around her and pulled her closer as he rubbed her arm to warm her up. She sighed while she snuggled into his side, her shivers slowly subsiding.

"See, I knew you weren't fine." He mumbles, leaning over to kiss the top of her head. "You're so stubborn." He chuckled, shaking his head in amusement.

"Says the king of stubbornness." Alaina shot back, her voice muffled from her face being buried into his shoulder.

"Touché." He chuckled, resting his cheek on the top of her head. He didn't care her hair was still wet. He just wanted to hold her and be close to her. He always felt safe and secure when he was with her.

Alaina could feel herself slowly warming up. She had brought her legs up so they were under the blanket, her body curled up into a ball. Her head was still resting on his shoulder, and she was grateful for his warmth and closeness. Her arms were wrapped around his waist, holding him close to her.

"You didn't have to come all the way to the dance, you know." She breaks the comfortable silence, her voice muffled by his shirt. "But it meant a lot to me."

"I know. But I wanted to. I know you said you didn't care about going alone, but I also know you secretly did care." He admits, his hand running up and down her back soothingly. "And I hated thinking about you being there all by yourself."

Alaina smiles, her heart fluttering at his sweet words. "Well, I wasn't all by myself. I had my sister and my friends. But still, it meant a lot." She lifts her head, looking up at him and meeting his gaze. "You're so sweet, Nico." She whispered, a soft smile gracing her features. She leaned up to press a tender kiss to his lips, her hand resting on his cheek. He kissed her back, his arms tightening around her.

They pulled away after a moment, their faces only a few inches apart. They stared into each other's eyes, their gazes filled with love and adoration. He kissed her forehead before she laid her head on his shoulder again.

"Thank you for always being there for me." Alaina murmurs, her voice quiet and sincere. "I don't know what I would do without you, Nico."

"Same goes for you. I'm so glad you're in my life." He tells her, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "I love you, Alaina."

"I love you too." Alaina mumbled, her eyes fluttering shut as she cuddled closer to him. She was grateful he was here with her and that he was okay. She didn't know what she would do without him, and she was determined to do everything in her power to keep him here with her.

She suddenly felt herself drifting off, exhaustion and fatigue catching up with her. Her shivering had subsided and her body felt warm and cozy now that she was cuddling with Nico. His body heat was comforting and his presence was soothing, lulling her to sleep.

Nico smiles fondly as he noticed her falling asleep, knowing she was exhausted from her day. He held her close, feeling himself getting tired too. He was content just laying there with her, feeling safe and protected in her embrace. He soon drifted off to sleep too, their bodies intertwined and their breathing slow and steady.

They slept peacefully, their hearts full of love and their souls connected. They were each other's safe haven, and they would always be there for each other, no matter what.


Lahela had came to check on Nico and she was surprised to find the two curled up together on the bed. It was past visiting hours, and she should've kicked Alaina out, but she didn't. She didn't have the heart to. So she turned off the light, letting them sleep.

She walks back out to the hallway where Kayden was waiting for her. The two have been doing the rounds before the night shift to check in on their patients. "You're not kicking her out, are you?" Kayden guessed with a small smile on his face.

"You go in there and try to." Lahela challenged, crossing her arms and raising her eyebrows at him.

Kayden raises his hands up in defense and chuckles. "No, thanks. I know how protective they are of each other." He shakes his head. "I don't want to face their wrath."

Lahela chuckles, nodding in agreement. "Smart choice. They're like two peas in a pod, always looking out for each other." She glances back towards the room where Alaina and Nico were sleeping peacefully. "But it's sweet, isn't it? Seeing them together like that."

Kayden nods, a soft smile on his lips. "Yeah, it is. They really care about each other." He looks back at Lahela with a fond expression. "Just like how I care about you."

Lahela's cheeks flush slightly at his words and flashbacks of their kiss in the rain at the dance appear in her mind, but she smiles warmly at him. "I care about you too, Kayden."

"Good," Kayden says, returning Lahela's smile. "Because I really enjoy spending time with you." He reaches out to gently take her hand in his, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "And I hope we can continue to do that, whether it's at work or outside of it."

Lahela feels her heart flutter at Kayden's words and the warmth of his hand in hers. She squeezes his hand back, a soft smile gracing her lips. "I'd like that," she admits, her voice soft but sincere. "I enjoy spending time with you too, Kayden. You always know how to make me smile."

Kayden's smile widens at her words, his eyes shining with happiness. "I'm glad to hear that," he says, his voice filled with warmth. "Because making you smile is one of my favorite things to do." He leans in closer to her, his gaze softening. "And if I can make you happy, then I'll consider myself a lucky guy."

Lahela feels her cheeks flush at Kayden's words, her heart skipping a beat at the sincerity in his gaze. She's about to respond when they're interrupted by a nurse passing by, reminding them about their rounds. "We should probably get going," Lahela says, reluctantly pulling away from Kayden. "Don't want to be late with our rounds."

Kayden nods in agreement, his gaze still soft. "You got it, boss." He grinned.

Lahela chuckles, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Careful or I'll make you do all the paperwork."

Kayden chuckles, raising an eyebrow playfully. "Alright, alright, I'll behave," He promises, giving Lahela's hand a gentle squeeze before releasing it. "But only because I'd much rather spend time with you than do paperwork any day."

Lahela grins, feeling a warmth spread through her at Kayden's words. "Good choice." She smiled, giving him a playful nudge before they head off to continue their rounds.

A/N i love alaina & nico so much but i also love kayden & lahela so much too !! also kisses in the rain >>>>

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