Chapter 33: What Goes Around, Comes Around!

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*Just a side note, Fast 7 might be my favorite, the beginning set's up Deckard perfectly, the build up towards the face off, God's Eye all of that stuff is perfection in my eyes... I could have done without the emotional ending but it is what it is, let's see how Deckard can handle Logan... Oh and there's a small Vote at the end!Take Care!*


Logan, England, a place nearly torn apart by Owen Shaw and his crew trying to take out Hobbs and his new team of misfits, that however didn't end well and ended up with Owen Shaw in a hospital, breathing through tubes thanks to Logan kicking him out a plane door, he had a guest this day, an older male, bolding at the top looking out to the Thames, Tower Bridge and the Shard, even Canary Wharf just across the river.

Deckard: They say if you want to glimpse the future. Just look behind you. I used to think that was bollocks. But now I realize, you can't outrun the past.

Deckard Shaw turned slowly to see his baby brother laying in the hospital beds, hooked to all kinds of machine's helping him breath, the sound of the heart rate monitor filling the silent room, only it was covered by his own London Accent as he spoke over the machine to his little brother.

Deckard: When we were kids, you'd start fights with the toughest bastards in the yard. But I was the one who had to step in and finish them. Rest now, little brother, while I settle your one last score.

Owen didn't reply or say anything back, he couldn't because he's in intensive care, as soon as he's awake, if he ever does wake, then he'd probably go straight to a black sight prison out in the middle of nowhere, Deckard however now has a mission, a target and determination in his eye, nothing more dangerous then a highly trained Englishman who's out for revenge for his family.

Deckard: You take care of my brother. Anything happens to him, I'll come by looking for you.

Deckard spoke to the two medical professionals behind him cowering in the corner, they didn't reply either because he left without another word, walking past the carnage he made coming into the hospital, the men sent to watch Owen, dead on the floor all over the place, papers and general documents littered the place as he walked through as if nothing happened, ignoring the light hanging off the ceiling and pressing the elevator button, the lift was already on his floor so he didn't need to wait long so he can step inside and press for the ground floor.

He ignored the dead cop in the corner behind him, pulled out his sunglasses from the inside of his coat pocket and gave them a quick wipe over as the elevator took him to the bottom floor, once there he saw a cop getting back to his feet, so on his way past, Deckard grabbed a grenade from a nearby corpse, pulling the pin and handing it to the delirious officer.

Deckard: Here. Hold this.

Not really all there, he took the active grenade from Deckard, who shoved him back making the cop fall into a desk chair behind him, the man tumbled back behind the front desk and quickly yelled "Grenade!" but it was no good, the bomb went off almost certainly killing the guy but Deckard continued to walk out as if nothing ever happened, even the balcony collapsing didn't faze him as he slipped his glasses on and walked away, heading for his next mission... Logan Kenway...


A House sits in the middle of what looks like nowhere but it's not, there's a few houses dotted around here, mostly farmland or ranches but not this one, this is Logan's house, a place he promised Katherine all those years ago, it's felt like a long time since she was killed by Owen Shaw's orders but it hasn't actually been that long, Nathan's 4 now and missies his mother everyday, not a day goes by though where Logan doesn't wonder if there was something else he could have done, if he was smarter, faster, stronger, all of those things.

Logan: ... Now the 32...

Just outside the house is a BMW E30 M3, sitting on the dirt coble path, Logan might be done with all the fast cars, bullets and women but as much as you try to take the car out of the driver, it's impossible, so he still dabbles in building up old derelicts and selling them at auction, so he keeps for himself, like this one.

Nathan: Uhhh... Here...

Logan looked to his side as Nathan is helping him, he might only be 4 but he's a fast learner, they'll have a mechanic out of him in no time, however he still makes mistakes and this is one of them, he didn't give him the 32 mm, he gave him a 30 mm, an easy mistake to make and one he picked up on quite easily as he quickly swapped it back out for a 32.

Logan: Good lad.

Nathan smiled as Logan gave him a pat on the back, it's not been easy for either of them, Logan's have to take so much more responsibility and Nathan's had to accept that his mother's gone and won't be coming back, life's not fair sometimes but this is where they build, not only a new life but also a new future, away from the cops breathing down his neck and a bullet inches from his head.

Logan: Alright, wanna start her up?

Logan asked as he shut the car's hood, Nathan nodded then climbed into the driver's seat, he's lucky to have Logan's height because he might not have been able to complete reach the peddles yet but if he sits closer to the edge of the seat then he can with a big book or something there, Logan stood back as he wiped the grease from his hands and smiled to hearing the engine come to life...

... It's the first car they both built together and they have, Nathan helped him pick out the color schemes and the odd bits and bobs, just the bulbs to the lights, the rims, the bites that obviously don't make the car run because of he did then the fuel tank might be filled with Captain Crunch or jelly beans.

Nathan: Hey dad?

Logan walked over to the car giving it one more wipe over, not with the same rag because that would be pointless since he covered that one is grease, instead he used a clean one while Nathan climbed out the car, spotting something that wasn't there when they started doing this early this morning.

Logan: Yeah, Nate?

Nathan turned to look at Logan as Logan looked over to the boy, he saw what Nathan was looking at just past him, it looked like a parcel but he never ordered nothing, if he did he sent it to a PO Box further into town, so it was a little suspicious to him but nothing gave him a red flag, it has Japanese packaging all over it so he assumed it was from Han or Gisele, he misses Gisele, she was a big help to him and Nathan after Katherine was killed but this isn't a life for her.

Logan: Go and get it, we'll have a look.

Just as Logan said that the boy smiled and ran towards it, Logan chuckled after him but was distracted by his phone ringing, Logan was so caught up in the moment of watching his boy run towards the parcel that he didn't bother to check who it was calling him, instead he just answered with an "Hello".

Deckard: Logan Kenway. You don't know me, but your about to...

Logan didn't recognise the voice so before he hung up, he glanced at the phone's screen to see it was someone calling from Tokyo, that's when things started to jump into panic mode for him as he looked to see Nathan still running towards the box, Logan didn't have time to run after him, even Usain Bolt wouldn't be able to get to him in time.

Logan: Nate! Get down!

Nathan didn't do that though, he did however turn to see his father panicked and worried, the parcel behind him exploded, pushing the boy to the dirt, Logan was blown back into a stumble from the blast but seeing nothing but his boy not moving, Logan tossed the phone and broke into a sprint of his own.

Logan: Nathan!

Logan fell to the dirt creating a little skid as he moved his more onto his back, Nathan's eyes were closed and he wasn't responding to Logan, so he picked up the boy and in a blind haze, drove him to the closest hospital, they said he's going to be fine, they just need to run a few tests, he didn't tell them what had happened though, how could he explain that an explosion went off and did this, they'd have the cops down here in no time and that's the last thing he wants.

Elena: Logan? What are you doing here?

Logan was standing in his sons room looking out to Los Angeles, he thought he could see a smoke cloud raising off in the distance but he was pulled out of that by Elena's voice, he was happy to see a friendly face as she stepped into the room, seeing Nathan on the bed, passed out and seemingly sound asleep.

Elena: Oh my God. What happened?

Elena went over to his bedside and held the boys hand as he slept, they've all been helpful to him and Logan since Katherine's Murder, even Hobbs has offered him a job but Logan didn't want none of that, he just wanted to keep what little he has left, it's why Deckard Shaw might have bit off more then he can chew, Logan told Elena everything, a guy called him and the parcel went off, now there here.

Logan: I need to speak to Hobbs.

Elena smiled at him with an ironic look since Hobbs is stationed just down the hall in his own little room, Logan was skeptical about leaving since Nathan would be on his own but Elena told two uniforms to protect this boy with their lives, Logan didn't feel much better but a little more then before, pressing a kiss to his sons head then leaving with Elena to go and see what Hobbs is in the hospital as well.

Elena: ... Shattered his collarbone, fractured his leg in two places. He only regained consciousness this morning.

Apparently this attack happened a couple of nights ago, Logan's a little pissed he didn't get told that some asshole is looking for him and his family but if Hobbs was unconscious then maybe he can let it slide, Logan could tell something was off though because there's armed men and women all over this place, makes Logan happy that Nathan's on this floor as well.

Logan: I bet his ego's still intact though right?

Elena stopped as she chuckled to him, the two shared a little look as Elena couldn't help but feel a little to blame that Logan's alone, if she stayed by instead of Katherine or even with Katherine then maybe, just maybe she'd still be here, or they both wouldn't, either way Elena wouldn't have to live with the knowing of a boy growing up without his mother.

Elena: The first thing he said was, "Get me Logan".

Logan didn't really know what to say about that and just sighed, eventually, Elena indicated to what he assumes is Hobbs' room, Elena walked a little a head of him as Hobbs is laying on the bed, his right hand doing basic muscles exercises, his right leg entirely in a cast and his left arm also covered in a cast but resting on a pillow, Hobbs has seen better days.

Elena: I have something for you.

Hobbs looked at the door just to see Logan walk into the frame and lean there as the two shared a small nod and smile, they haven't seen each other since the return to "1347", sure they've had contact but this is the first face to face in a while, Elena drew the attention back to her though as she handed Hobbs a file.

Logan: You get you ass kicked to save your free world and what do they give ya? Jell-o and a awful '70's TV show.

Hobbs chuckled as they both looked on the screen to see the old school Hulk show playing, Hobbs kinda reminds Logan of Hulk, big bruin and very little brain, Logan's not here for fun and games though, he wants the bastard that called him and nearly took the last thing he cared about from him.

Hobbs: You know it's got it's perks. Sponge baths ain't that bad...

Logan was about to cut the bullshit till a little girl called out to him from the corner of the room, she said "Dad" and Logan looked over, he knows Samantha, never met her of course but during the days of Hobbs chasing him, Logan did his resource and found out about her, she can't be much older then Nathan, maybe 3 or 4 years.

Hobbs: Honey, I want to introduce you to somebody. He's a, uh...

Logan looked from Samantha and back to Hobbs as Elena stood beside him, they can both see that look in his eyes, the burning hatred that get's him into so much trouble, more lately then not, something's different this time, this time there isn't an extinguisher to put that fire out, leaving it to burn and just burn hotter.

Hobbs: ... He's an old friend. Go on and say "Hello".

Hobbs looked from the girl then to Logan as Logan glanced to Elena on his side, she smiled to him as Samantha hopped off the chair and made her way over to Logan, Logan smiled to her as he moved down to one knee, now being more her height, still a little taller but the message was clear that he was just trying to be kind.

Samantha: Logan Kenway, right? My dad said he kicked your ass once.

Elena giggled to the side of him as Logan looked up to her, he was more then a little surprised she knew his name then her saying that to him, he expected Hobbs to have lied to the poor girl at some point about that fight, clearly they remember it differently because he's pretty sure he won that fight.

Hobbs: Young lady, watch your mouth.

Logan glanced up to Elena as she avoided eye contact by looking to her boots, they were nice boots why wouldn't see, Logan then stood up and looked to Hobbs as he shrugged with a small eyebrow raise, Logan smiled as well with a small huff of amusement before looking down to the little girl.

Logan: Your dad's been through a lot, his memory might be a little fuzzy. Few too many clonks to the head would do that to you.

Samantha gave him a stink eye and responded straight away with "I doubt it", Logan found it amusing she thinks her dads indestructible, especially considering the condition he's sitting in right now.

Hobbs: Alright, honey, that's enough. I want you to go get something to eat with Elena while me and Kenway have a talk. You hear me?

Elena smiled to her as she moved behind her, put her hands on her shoulders and directed the girl past Logan, Elena didn't leave though before giving Logan one last sorrow look, he knew she felt bad for what happened, they all did but he doesn't want that, he wants the man that just put his boy in hospital.

Logan: Alright, kids are gone, gloves are off. Tell me the sonofabitch that did this and I'll bring you their head.

Logan walked around a little, going from the door towards the foot of the bed, Hobbs reached for the remote and muted the Tv before giving him a small smile, maybe that fire won't be so bad now, he's going to need it for this one.

Hobbs: You remember Owen Shaw? The one we tore half of London down trying to get. Well, this is his big bad brother. Take a look at this.

Logan looked to Hobbs as he handed him the file that Elena gave him, Logan took it from him and opened it to see the name "Deckard Shaw", that's all that Logan needed to see as he seemed to grow a bit of a smile, he's not going to stop till he cuts off the rest of the Shaw bloodline...


"Okay, so I need to know who you want to see as the Love Interest now? 

A: Elena!

B: Gisele!

C: Ramsey!

... Let me know, I did have my own plan but by the comments in the previous Chapter, you've made me do a WWE and actually take in what the fans want to see!"


{To Be Continued!}

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