Chapter 34: Preparing for a Ghost!

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So it was pretty clear not many people wanted to see Elena as the new Love Interest, that was actually quite the surprise to be honest, I thought that she might have at least got second but instead the results are...

1} - Ramsey - 25!

2} - Gisele - 25!

3} - Elena - 4!

... So you can say it's pretty close... I've never dealt with a tie before, I'm not sure how to go forward with this, I might spin a wheel random wheel but I think I'm going to go with another pole, vote between...

A: Gisele!

B: Ramsey!

... And to those who comment more then once, please don't, it's really annoying, I won't miss your vote, so just the one is perfectly fine. Enjoy the Chapter!


Logan's still in the hospital with Hobbs, a few rooms down from where his son is, looking at the face of the man that put Nathan here, Logan didn't care about anything right now other then finding Deckard and putting him either beside his brother or in the ground, either or will be good enough for him.

Hobbs: British Special Forces assassin. The kind of unique asset that no government would ever admit to employing.

Logan read it all, this is actually the first time he's looking through one of these classifieds that wasn't his own, seeing all the things that Deckard has done, for himself and for the British flag, it's enough to make most men say "You know what? Leave it" but Deckard's hurt his son, the only thing Logan has left of Katherine and he needs to pay.

Logan: So he's a Ghost. I'll give Bill Murray a call.

Hobbs chuckled once as he watched Logan stand there, it's a good thing his eyes don't shoot flames because if he did then the file would be gone by now, he's scanning that thing, looking for anything he can use to exploit Deckard Shaw, when he took down Owen he had Dom, Brian, his friends and family, this time it's personal.

Hobbs: Worse. They created a monster. They felt Shaw was a necessary evil until eventually they decided he was unnecessary. The powers felt that he knew just a little bit too much. The asset became a liability...

Logan looked up from the file for the first time since he opened it and looked tot he injured Hobbs, laying in a bed, beaten and bruised from his fight with this man, Logan wasn't sure what he's actually going to do to stop this guy but he's more of an improvise guy anyway, he jumped from a moving car a few months ago because a tank was going to crush him, that wasn't part of the plan.

Hobbs: ... So they sent in 20 elite operatives to retire him. That was six years ago and Shaw's been a ghost ever since. Not even Bill Murray can dig us out of this shit hole.

Logan sighed as he looked out the window, he then thought back to when Hobbs enlisted Dom's help to track down Shaw, he remembered the breathing Hobbs gave them, he remembered the deal they made, it was for freedom but right now, Logan doesn't feel very free, so he dropped the file to Hobb's bed and looked the man straight into his eyes.

Logan: Did you not think to mention this when you asked for our help to get Owen? "Oh, by the way he has an older brother that can kick my ass and took down 20 highly trained men, because he wanted to."...

Hobbs looked down a little not looking Logan in his eyes, the man's pissed and it's the most pissed even Hobb's has seen him, even through all the years he's tried to slap the cuffs on his wrists and then the years he's worked with him, never once has he felt bad for the man who's targeting him till now.

Logan: ... My son is a few rooms down, not waking up because of this man, a man you didn't warn us about until it was too late. Tell me how I can find this asshole so I can give him a family reunion with his little brother.

Hobbs looked back up to him as he didn't know Nathan was hurt during all this, the man's guilt was now piling on more and more as he sighed and thought about a way to help but he can't, no one knows where Deckard Shaw is because he's been trained to keep a low profile, that's until he wants you to know where he is.

Hobbs: The official answer is you don't.

Logan didn't like that answer and let out a frustrated huff or amusement while stepping back from the hospital bed, his hands ran over his face then through over his hair, Hobbs watched for a moment till Logan walked back towards the bed then around to his right side, looking down to him with that fire still burning.

Logan: He put my son in the hospital, he tried to take the last ounce of Kat I have left. So don't give me this official bullshit.

Hobbs can understand his frustration and desire for revenge, Owen killed his wife and now Deckard nearly took his son from him, Kenway want's to put an end to the entire Shaw bloodline right now but that's not going to happen because Hobbs doesn't know where Deckard is, or even how to find him.

Hobbs: He also tried to put me in a body bag, too. Which is why when I get out, I'm gonna put a hurt on him so bad he's gonna wish his mama had kept her legs closed. But until then, my official answer to you, is stand down.

Logan really didn't like that part and went to walk out, not seeing any more point in being here, he has everything he needs from Hobbs and now has a hunt to plan, that was until Hobbs grabbed his right forearm with his only good right hand, Logan stopped and looked down to his hand on him then back to Hobbs.

Hobbs: But I know you too well to know you won't do that, which is why now I give you the brother-to-brother answer...

Logan looked down to his hand, indicating for him to let go, Logan didn't know they were that close now but he'll take it, Hobbs is a good man that has the same priorities as he does, anything to protect their kids, Logan hit him with a low blow back in Brazil by talking about his daughter, now he has a child of his own, he'd never take that shot again.

Hobbs: ... You do whatever it is you gotta do. When you find that sumbitch, just do me one favor...

Logan turned to look out the window, Los Angels passing by like nothing happened, he's a little curious about if Dom and the others got a similar message, Logan didn't know, this is his fight and only his, he can't see anymore of his family hurt by a Shaw, he won't let it happen as long as there's breath in his lungs, so he turned to look at Hobbs over his left shoulder.

Hobbs: ... Don't miss.

Logan has no intention of doing so, he just smirked and turned, he went to take Shaw's file but not before waiting for Hobbs to give him a nod to say it's cool, he didn't want to get Hobbs fired by taking this, so when Hobbs gave him the nod, Logan went to leave but was stopped by Elena and Samantha coming back from getting cookies.

Elena: Where are you going?

She asked as they just past each other at the doorway, Samantha didn't seem to be bothered he's leaving as she went back to her chair to play games or something on her iPad or whatever, Elena however looked a tad worried seeing Logan about to leave the hospital with the classified file in his possession.

Logan: Somewhere I promised never to go again.

Logan made a promise to Katherine and she made one to him, if something were to happen to the other then they are to take Nathan as far away from this life and keep him safe, Logan's already broken that promise today, he didn't want to break it more but he has to so he can keep the promise.

Hobbs: As soon as the boys awake. I'll have him brought in here. We'll watch him.

Logan nodded his thanks to Hobbs and glanced into his boy's room, seeing Nathan hurt like that and passed out really lit the fuse inside him and he marched back out the doors and to the BMW down in the parking lot, it didn't take him long to put the car into gear and speed out of the parking lot, heading back home, it left Elena to look to Hobbs confused by what's going on.

Hobbs: Pour Deckard Shaw.

Elena didn't know what was said during the little meeting, what she did know is from what she's seen and what Dom told her, Logan's not a man you want to piss off, even the stories of how he kept under Hobbs' radar for so long made her wonder what kind of man he really is, "The Nightrider" and all that, that's just a mask, Logan's family is full of people willing and able to hurt people to keep the one's they love the most safe...


Logan drifted the car back onto their land, ignoring the scorch marks from the blast that put his little boy in the hospital, Logan did stop at where Nathan fell though, he dropped to a knee and clutched up some of the dirt, taking a second before dropping it and marching towards the shed, he didn't need to open it because he never closed it when he took his son to hospital, instead he walked towards an old warn frame of a car, it hasn't even got body work, it's literally just a metal frame with a working engine, which is why he was able to drive the car out of there while hanging out of it slightly.

"Come and get me. Bitch"

Logan sent the message to the number the Deckard called him from, he's pretty sure he tossed that phone away but if he's as good as Hobbs says, then Deckard is definitely tracking everything he does on his phone and he'll see the message and come to find him, Logan tossed his phone away, leaving it switched on though so Deckard can find him.

He went back into the shed and walked towards the place the car was, it was then he grabbed a handle covered by the dust and sand in the building and tugged a hatch open, behind said door is a small set of steps that went down into the ground, Logan didn't take a second though and stepped down, an automatic light switching on once he was down there showing him his collection...

... Logan had this built just after he bought the land it wasn't because he wanted something to happen or he expected it, it was a just in case sort of thing and now he's glad he had it done because he can kill the man that tried to kill him and his boy because his little brother was a dickhead.

Logan: 'Merica.

Logan walked around the room, taking handguns out the cabinate, making sure their good to go by pulling back on the chamber a few times for each making sure they won't lock or jam, it's a good thing Katherine taught him all this because Dom and the others certainly wouldn't have, once he had 4 handguns ready to go, he grabbed a bag from in the cupboard and loaded the guns into it, followed by two automatic rifles and three shotguns, a couple of grenades and a handful of smoke bombs, then a thermal sight for if he uses the smoke.

Logan went around the main house strategical putting all these guns around, he would have done this before but he didn't want weapons in the house with Nathan running around, so while his son's not here, it's free roam and Logan made sure at least every room has at least one weapon in ready for Deckard Shaw to turn up, Logan's not expecting him to come for a fight.

Once he was done, he was left with one shotgun that didn't have a hiding spot so he took it and made his way back outside, he leant on the hood of the BMW, his right foot propped up but the bumper of the car, the shotgun in his left hand, looking to the sunset, just down the path, when Deckard get's here, and he will, Logan will be here waiting for him, one of the other ins;t going to be walking off this land by morning...


{To Be Continued!}

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