Chapter 5

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Hector and his crew arrived at Harry's to get a few things ready for Race Wars, Hector entered the shop and was greeted by Harry.

Hector: Harry. What's up, dog?

Harry: Nice to see ya, come on in, man. Check it. Tt's yours.

Hector then looked to see a new girl behind the counter and started to get all freaky.

Hector: Damn. What do we got here?

Brian then got up and made his way to the counter to help Hector with what ever he needed.

Hector: Hired some new help?

Brian: Don't even think about it. What's up?

He said giving Hector a fist bump as Hector excepted.

Hector: What's up, Brian? How you feeling?

Brian: Pretty good. What do you need?

Hector: I need you to hook me up. Three of everything. I made a list.

Hector reached inside his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper and gave it to Brian.

Hector: Why don't you look that over?

Brian took the piece of paper and took a quick look as he walked over to a nearby computer.

Brian: When do you need this stuff by?

Hector: Tomorrow, today, now.

Brian: Right.

Brian started to type away as he put in everything that was on the piece of paper into the computer.

Hector: White boys work fast, don't they?

Hector then turned to one of his boys behind him a spoke in Spanish as the guy handed Hector and nice sized roll of cash, Brian then finished putting all the parts in the computer and it popped up sating Honda Civic, the same cars that is being used in the truck robberies.

Brian: You said you need three of each?

Hector: Yeah, three of everything. What do you think about that? Check this out.

Brian then looked to see Hector holding the roll of cash as Hector smiled at Brian, but both of them looked out the door when a blue Porsche pulled up, they both watched as Logan got out the car and entered the shop, he walked up to Brian and greeted Hector.

Logan: Sup, Hector.

Hector: How you doing bro? 

Hector asked as the shared a bro hug, Logan then looked to Brian.

Logan: Bro, I ordered a part the other day, is it here? 

Logan then looked to Hector.

Logan: Sorry mate, I really need this part.

Hector: No worry's, dog... I can wait.

Brian nodded and entered other info in the computer and found what Logan was talking about, Brian then went into the back and came out with a small box in his hand, Brian tallied it up and put it on Dom's tab as Logan took the box.

Hector: What's that for, Homie?

Logan: This my bat shit crazy friends, is the final piece to my Race Wars masterpiece.

Logan then smiled and winked at them both as he left the shop and got in his car and sped towards where his Race Wars car is kept to put the finishing piece into place...


Hector and his crew was having a little get together at one of their little hangout spots which had a warehouse just across the street, Brian drove his truck around the back of said warehouse, Brian parked his truck and as quietly as he can he climbed into the warehouse as Hector's party music can be heard in the distance.

Brian looked over a ledge to see that the party was still going strong, Brian went to find a way inside the warehouse and found one via a window, Brian brock a pain of glass and unlocked the window allowing him to climb inside undetected, Brian wanted to be in and out before he gets caught so he ran down the stairs onto the main floor of the warehouse, Brian turned on a torch he brought with him and started to look around.

Brian eyes landed on two cars that had dust covers on them, he took them off hoping he found the Honda Civics that was being used for the robberies, but unfortunately they were Honda's but not the Civics he was looking for as they didn't match the colour of the reported cars, one was red and the other was midnight blue.

Brian continued to search and found a Black Honda suspended about 5 feet in off the ground, he looked under the car trying to find the neon green lights that was also reported to be used by the cars, but unfortunately for him again, this car did not have that feature.

Brian gave up and decided to leave but as soon as his feet touched the floor someone hit him on the back hard, as Brian fell to the floor Vince held the shotgun to his face but he was already knocked out, so Vince dragged him to where Dom and Logan are waiting.

Once Vince arrived at the location, he throw Brian to the ground waking Brian up.

Vince: He moans like a cop.

Brian then groans as he looks to see Dom step out the shadows as Logan was sat on top of a nearby caravan, Logan was playing with a pistol in his hands as he watched the scene unfold as Vince took a lot of joy in holding a shotgun barrel to Brian's face.

Dom: Brian, this is one of those times you need to be clear about what you say. Nod if you understand me.

Vince: Nod!

Brian tried his best to be scared as a he looked down a shotgun barrel, but he still nodded as Logan continued to watch from above.

Dom: Sit up.

Vince back off a bit allowing Brian space to sit up.

Dom: Tell me what the hell you're doing down here.

Brian: Shit...

Brian said holding the back of his head where Vince hit him.

Brian: What I'm doing? 

Vince then gave him a nudge getting him to speak faster but Dom gave him a look that said don't do it again.

Brian: Dom. I owe you a 10-second car. And what this is about, this is about Race Wars.

Vince then gave Brian a kick which Logan thought he did it just because as Brian didn't really move.

Brian: I just went in there, and Hector is gonna be running... three Honda Civics with Spoon engines. And on top of that, he just came into Harry's... and he ordered three T66 turbos, with NOS... and a MoTeC system exhaust.

Dom looked at Vince as Vince looked back, Dom then looked at Logan who just shrugged back at him.

Dom: So, what are you saying? You're gonna check everybody's shit out, one garage after another?

Logan: Not cool Brian.

Brian looked at Logan then Vince as he slowly made his way to his feet, he then looked back to Dom.

Brian: Yeah. Because, Dom, you know I can't lose again.

Logan didn't trust him, I mean it's one thing to want to win, but to be going through peoples engines trying to get a foot over his opposition is completely unacceptable to Logan, but this isn't Logan's choice to make, Logan looks to see Dom taking in everything that Brian just told him.

Vince: He's a cop.

And for once Logan agrees with Vince as he jumped of the RV and stood next to Vince, Brian didn't know what this meant but Dom did, like yes Logan liked Brian, he seemed like a nice guy, but after thinking it over it kinda makes sense for him to be a cop, Dom looked at Logan as all tho Logan and Vince don't hate each other they very rarely agree on things.

Vince: He's a cop!

Logan looked to Dom as Dom looked to Brian and in Logan's eyes asked the most stupid question he could.

Dom: You a cop?

Logan: Oh, come on Dom, you really think that if he is that he'll tell you?

Dom looked at Logan with a look that would normal make people piss their pants but Logan isn't most people, Logan is the one guy with the balls to tell Dom he's being a little bitch and that he's being stupid and this is one of those times.

Dom looked away from Logan as Logan didn't back down, then turned his attention to Brian. Brian just shook his head no as Logan looked to Dom furious about this whole thing... why is Dom being like this, normally Dom would have taken his or Vince's word for it but for some reason Dom believes Brian over them both.

Dom: Let's go for a little ride.

Dom then walked off as Vince pushed Brian to follow Dom, Logan just stood there for a second as Dom has never just ignored his opinion before, Logan just sighed and put his gun away before following them to his car as Jesses drove Vince in Jesse's car as Vince joined Logan in his new Porsche, but right now Logan's riding alone as Dom is in the passenger seat of Jesse's as Vince sat next to Brian in the back as Vince still had the shotgun aimed at Brian, Logan then pulled into Johnny Tran's turf and made his way towards 'Tran's Wing's Fast Automotive' workshop, as Jesse did the same.

Logan managed to hide his car pretty well as Dom ,Vince and Brian got out Jesse's car, Dom told Jesse something as Jesse took off, Logan didn't bother acknowledging Dom as Logan just jumped the fence and pulled his gun back out, Dom, Vince and Brian quickly followed him as Logan took point as they broke into Johnny Tran's warehouse, the four of them climbed to the roof as Dom lifted the sky light allowing them to all slip in, Logan was first to land as he looked around Johnny's warehouse, he wasn't trying to take a peak at whatever Johnny had as that will take away the anticipation for Race Wars.

Logan looked around for shit to steal for a quick buck before Vince got his attention.

Vince: Yo, Dominic, Logan.

Logan and Dom made his way to Vince who is looking in the hood of a car and both Dom and Logan shared a confused look as they both saw what Vince is seeing.

Vince: There's no engines.

Dom: What are they planning on racing with, hopes and dreams?

Logan: I told you before...

Dom and Vince looked at Logan as he had a cocky grin.

Logan: It's a Flintstone race.

Dom shook his head as Vince chuckled.

Logan: You both can Yabba Dabba do yourselves over that finish line.

Vince: I don't know about that, but they're sneaky as shit...

Vince says as Brian continues to look around the warehouse for other things that could help him out, in both his illegal life and legal one.

Vince: ... and they've got enough money to buy anything.

Brian then looks slightly to his left as he spotted a lot of Panasonic tech all matching the stuff stolen from the truck robbery's, Brian then walks off to get a better look as Logan and Vince watch him leave Dom gets a phone call form Jesse.

Dom: What, Jess?

Jesse: Dom, we got a wolf pack. It's Johnny Tran, and he's coming your way really fast.

Dom then hangs up the phone as Dom let's the group know.

Dom: All right, we got company. Spilner.

Dom, Vince and Logan hide behind some nearby cars as Brian only just makes it to them before Johnny and his crew enter the shop, they all park their bikes as Logan, Dom and Vince pull out their pistols in case this goes side ways, Johnny then steps out his Honda as a guy none of them recognises gets out another car and get's forced in to the middle of the shop.

Lance: Come on, move!

Lance says pushing the guy whilst holding a gun to his head.

Johnny: Let me ask you a question, Ted. Do you see anything wrong here?

Ted looks into the car that doesn't have an engine and shrugs.

Ted: No.

Johnny slowly makes his way to Ted, then pushes his face into the opening in the car where the engine should be.

Johnny: We got no engines, do we?

Ted: No.

Johnny: Do we?

Ted: No.

Johnny let's Ted stand back up a Brian looks around the car to try and get a better look at what's going on.

Johnny: A couple of Nissan SR20 motors will pull a premium... one week before Race Wars, huh?

Ted: Yeah, probably.

Johnny: You're a smart fence, Ted. Maybe too smart.

Johnny says taking his leather jacket off and making his way to a nearby table.

Johnny: What are you feeling, Lance? 40-weight? 50-weight?

Lance: A 40-weight sounds nice.

Lance says not taking his eyes off Ted for a second, but then Johnny grabs Ted and pulls him to the floor, Johnny then puts a knee on his chest stopping Ted from getting up as he grabs a nearby oil pipe, Johnny aims it at Teds mouth as Lance pumps the oil out still holding the pistol at Ted.

Johnny: Where are they, Ted? Where are they?

Ted somehow managed to find the time to respond.

Ted: Enough.

But Johnny ignore him and continued to fill Teds face with oil.

Johnny: Where are they?

Ted then had enough and gave Johnny what he wanted.

Ted: They're in a warehouse. They're n a warehouse, man!

Johnny then stops pumping the oil as he gets up and notices oil all over his hands, Lance throws him a rag as Johnny wipes his hands clean, Johnny then sits on the edge of the engine less car as he looks to the know socked Ted.

Johnny: Ted.

Ted looks at him as Johnny grin evilly.

Johnny: Kiss my shoes?

Ted doesn't move at first but then eventually makes his way to Johnny's feet and just as expected Johnny kicks him instead of allowing him to kiss his shoe, Johnny then throws the now dirty rag on Ted.

Johnny: Let's go get our engines.


Brian is back in the temporary police HQ along with Agent Bilkins of the FBI along with Muse and Tanner as Brian just told them what she saw last night in Tran's warehouse.

Bilkins: My superiors are flying in form D.C, in two days. I want something to show. Now we've got a top echelon with a lube hose in his mouth... automatic weapons, priors on every one of these Asian punks... a garage full of DVD players and generally psychotic behaviour. Tell me why we shouldn't move on Tran now and figure it out later?

Brian: Because all we have is behaviour. Just let me get hard evidence, because what we have now is just--

Bilkins: What we have is a probable cause. And truckers arming themselves for some good old-fashioned vigilante mayhem.

Tanner: Tell us about Hector, Brian.

Tanner asks imputing himself in the conversation for the first time in a while.

Muse: Latinos with spear guns. Give me a break.

Muse say also making his presents known for the first time in the conversation.

Brian: Hector's still working on the engines, but the tires don't match. Will somebody give me a cigarette?

Bilkins: Get him a cigarette.

Bilkins tells Muse.

Tanner: Don't give him a cigarette.

Tanner says to Muse then turns to Brian.

Tanner: I thought you quit.

Brain: I did. Just give me one.

Brian asks Bilkins.

Bilkins: Get him a cigarette.

Bilkins ask Muse.

Tanner: No!

Bilkins and Muse looks to Tanner as Tanner looks back to Brian.

Tanner: Tell me about Toretto.

Brian: I told you, I think he's too controlled for this. Going suicidal on semi-trucks? No way. Maybe Vince. But's he's too dumb to do it.

Bilkins: What about Kenway?

Brian looks around to see that they all had the same curiosity to Brian's answer.

Brian: I don't know maybe... The only thing I've found about him is that he will never betray Dom and Mia said something about Dom saving him at one point.

Muse then decided to put his thoughts into the conversation.

Muse: I think Kid, the sister's blurring your vision.

Brian looked at him pissed.

Brian: What did you say?

Muse: I don't blame you. I'd get off on her surveillance photos, too buddy.

Brian then goes fully force and pushes Muse to the floor as Tanner pushes Brian back as Bilkins stops Muse from doing anything else.

Tanner: Knock it off!

Tanner says given Brian another nudge just to make sure he calms down.

Tanner: What? Are you going native on me, Brian?

Brian just gives Muse a look as Tanner moves towards a file he was looking through earlier.

Tanner: Have you read Toretto's file lately?

Brian: Yeah. I memorized that file.

Tanner: Yeah, well read it again. No, better still, take a look at these.

Tanner then opens the file and slides some pictures in front of Brian.

Tanner: Remember I told you about the guy he nearly beat to death?

Brian looks to see a guy with a lot of stiches in his face as Tanner puts more on the table.

Tanner: Toretto did this with a three-quarter-inch torque wrench. He's a model of self-control.

Brian looks at the pictures as Bilkins and Muse watch on.

Brian: I need a few more days.

Brian says patting Tanner on his shoulder, Brian then stops in front of Bilkins.

Brian: I need a few more days. 

Brian then leaves the building as the three officers share a look of concern...


(To Be Continued)

(Quick question, do you all want me to put Mia's and Brian's date in the next chapter as it will be the same as the movie and nothing will change, so let me know.)

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