Chapter 6

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(BTW, I made a mistake in the past chapter about Logan's new Porsche, I accidently pressed 1 instead of 2 when it came to the top speed, so basically Logan's Porsche does 240 max speed, not 140 max speed)


Inside Dom's workshop, Letty, Leon and Jesse are working on the engine that will be going into the Supra, they had to clean it and make sure it runs again as it wasn't exactly in working condition when Brain pushed the car on to their laps.

Jesse: Got a TR7 here, with a ball-bearing upgrade. What it's going to do is, it's going to spool up really quick.

Letty: I got this set up for 24 psi.

Jesse: Got it.

Meanwhile Dom is sat in the engines place as Brian is leaning over the side as they both work on the car itself, and that's when Dom asks Brian a question as Dom try's to slide the grill into place.

Dom: You got big plans tonight?

Brain stops tinkering for a second as he responds with seamlessly no fear.

Brian: Yeah. We're going out to dinner.

Dom then stopped doing what he was doing as he looks at Brian with a serious look in his eyes.

Dom: You break her heart, I'll break your neck.

Brian once again stared Dom in his eyes and responded.

Brian: That's not gonna happen.

Dom then nods slightly as he wipes his hands with a nearby rag.

Dom: I want to show you something.

Dom then handed the rag to Brian as he climbed out the car, Brian finished wiping his hands as the two got in Dom's car and made their way to the Toretto house.

Brian was confused as to why their there but when Dom opened the garage Brian couldn't help the massive smile on his face as he looked apon a truly beautiful sight...

Brain: Wow.

Brian and Dom walked towards the front of the car, entering the garage as Dom has a proud smile on his face.

Dom: Me, my Dad and Logan built her.

Brian looked at Dom as he said Logan helped them build her, that just made him ask how long Dom has known Logan for.

Dom: Nine hundred horses of Detroit muscle. It's a beast.

Brian watched as Dom made his way to the side of the car.

Dom: You know what she ran in Palmdale?

Brian: No. What did she run?

Dom: Nine seconds flat.

Brian followed Dom as he was still amazed at the beast flaying dormant in front of him.

Dom: My dad was driving her. So much torque, the chassis twisted coming off the line. Barely kept her on the track.

Brian: So, what's your best time?

Dom: I've never driven her.

Brian was obviously confused by this as this car is a beast why wouldn't you want to drive it.

Brain: Why not?

Dom then looks the car up and down as his smile slowly disappears.

Dom: Scares the shit out of me, Logan drove her tho... he got her a quarter mile in 8.43 seconds.

Brian was surprised by Dom's admition and Logan's time with this beast.

Dom: That's my dad.

Dom said pointing to a picture behind him, Brian looked to see a photo with a younger Dom, maybe about late teens with a younger Logan about the same age, there was a third boy in the photo but Brian didn't ask.

Dom: He was coming up in the pro stock-car circuit. Last race of the season. A guy named Kenny Linder came up from inside, in the final turn...

Dom said as he made his way to the back of the Dodge 1970 charger.

Dom: ...He clipped his bumped and put him into the wall at 120. I watched my dad burn to death. I remembered hearing him scream. But the people that were there said he had died before the tanks blew. They said it was me who was screaming.

Brain listened to every word that Dom was saying as Dom was telling Brian about where he came from.

Dom: It was Logan who pulled me away from the flames, no matter how hard I punched and kicked he never let me out his grasp... you see Logan has been my brother since we were kids... my Father found him on the streets when he was 9.

Dom then stopped and looked at Brian then with a chuckle said.

Dom: Don't tell him I told you this or he will kick my ass.

Brian just sat on a nearby chair as Dom continued.

Dom: Logan was pickpocketing when he tried to steal my dads wallet, most people would have called the police and got him locked away, but not my dad, he saw Logan that day, the real Logan... a scared little boy in a city that never stops, my dad found out about what he's been through and adopted him, but Logan always kept his name Kenway. My dad nether told him to change it but Logan is as much a Toretto as Mia and I...

Brian nodded in understanding as Dom told Brian about Logan, Brian was finally able to give more to Logan's profile, but if he will or not he's not to sure about.

Brain: What happened to his folks?

Dom: The died in a house fire... his Sister was never seen again, no body, no ransom note, nothing. It's like she vanished off the face of the earth.

Dom then smiled to his self as he remembered another thing.

Dom: My dad always had this saying about Logan...

Brian: What was it?

Dom: My dad would say, 'That boy is always going to live his life on a race track... and eventually he's going to have to hit the brakes and cross the finish line'

Dom was now leaning on the boot of the Charger, but the then seemed to snap out of his thoughts as he continued to tell Brian about that day.

Dom: I then saw Linder about a week later after the crash. I had a wrench, and I hit him. And I didn't intend to keep hitting him, but then Logan pulled me off and after I couldn't lift my arm.

Dom then stopped and lent on a nearby beam as Brian continued to listen to Dom's story.

Dom: He's a janitor at a high school. He has to take the bus to work every day. And they banned me from the tracks for life.

Dom then stepped in front of the Charger and looked at Brian.

Dom: Logan and I live our lives a quarter-mile at a time. That's what makes us brothers. Nothing else matters. Not the mortgage, not the store... not my team and all their bullshit. For those 10 seconds or less... we're free.

Brian listened to the words that Dom just said as he was seriously surprised that Dom could say this sort of thing, Brian was told that Dom was a violent asshole, but he's a man like everyone else.

Dom and Brian then left the garage once again caging the beast as Dom went to do his own thing as Brian got ready for his date with Mia...


The next day, Brian is in a car park with a bunch of other officers as they are getting ready to Raid the Tran's residence to arrest Johnny Tran for the recent truck robbery's, as Dom is inside the Toretto's work shop as he and his team get ready for Race Wars in a few days, Logan is also inside his home garage as he is putting the finishing touches to his car for Race Wars.

Brian gets a bullet proof vest on as he gets given a helmet, he then joins the huddle as Tanner gives them the run down of what's about to go down.

Dom and his team are putting the last parts of the Supra together as Mia puts the stickers on the side to make the car fit in with the rest of Dom's team's cars.

Logan is spray painting his car as he wears blue jeans and a white vest, he is painting the car a grey sort of colour as he has the windows, lights and all the other bits of the car he doesn't want grey, covered.

Brain finishes getting ready for the raid as Tanner gives everyone the go and they all get in their cars heading to the Tran's residence to arrest Johnny Tran.

Dom and Letty start to get all handsy as Lance, Johnny's cousin is sat in a Chinese restaurant eating food when some officers pull up outside and charge the building, Lance spotted them and tried to make a run for it but doesn't get far as he's taken down and arrested.

Meanwhile Logan is sat on the cold floor with his legs under his car as he puts the front bumper on his car and secures it, he then gets up and drops the car to the floor as he sees that it's a perfect fit for what he needs, he smiles as he goes to finish making sure everything is in place, especially that part he got from Harry's the other day.

Back with Brian he and his team arrive at the Tran house and kick the door down, they make their way through the house to see the whole family around the table, Johnny jumps up and points to the officers and shouts; What are you doing in my house!' but they just ignore him and bring him to the floor then slap the cuffs on his wrists, the Tran's family are clearly upset and scared as Tanner comes in the house waving an arrest warrant around, Brian watches from the side as Johnny is pulled out his house as his father jogs after them, Johnny's father thing slaps his face as Johnny gets dragged out to the cars, Brian is the last to leave as he and Tanner share a smile at the Tran's front door step.

Logan has finished his check but none of that matters if the car doesn't run, so he sits in his car as he turns the engine on and it roars to life, Logan smiles as he gains a distant look in his eyes with an cocky smile plastered on his face.


Brian makes his way into the temporary police HQ as Bilkins is on the phone to someone as Tanner and Brian listen in the back ground.

Bilkins: Yes, sir. Yeah, I know, but-- Yeah. Yes, sir. Yeah. I got it.

Bilkins then makes his way over to Brian and Tanner as he informs them about the phone call he just had.

Bilkins: The DVD players were purchased legally. All we've got are a couple of low-rent weapons charges... and some outstanding speeding tickets.

Tanner: So they're out.

Bilkins: Yeah. Father bailed them out. Is this the kind of intelligence I can expect from you, O'Conner?

Brian was surprised for a second not because he used his real name, but because he was putting the blame on him.

Brian: You're gonna put this on me?

Bilkins: I can put it on whoever I want to. Perks of the job.

Brian then stands up clearly annoyed at this turn of events as much as they both are.

Brian: No, there's no way your gonna put this on me--

Bilkins: No, wait a minute, wait a minute. Let me tell you. I don't' care if you have to put a gun to someone's head and blow your cover to smithereens. You've got 36 hours to crack this bastard... or you might want to think about another career.

Bilkins walked away as Brian stormed out the building followed shortly by Tanner. Brian stands near the pool as Tanner makes his point.

Tanner: It's Toretto and Kenway, Brian. It's always been Toretto and Kenway. Tran and Hector are... They're just fumes.

Tanner then walks up to Brian as Brian continues to look in the water.

Tanner: Now I know you've been lying to me. My question is this: Have you been lying to yourself because you can't see past Mia?

Brian: He won't go back to prison and you can't even catch Logan to be able to give him a taste of it to start with.

Tanner: Well, that's a choice he's going to have to make. and leave Logan to use, we've got someone on him as we speak. There's all kinds of family, Brian. And that's a choice you're gonna have to make.

Tanner then goes back inside as he leaves Brian to his thoughts.


Logan is sat on the hood of his new car for Race Wars as he looks over the city of LA...

Logan had Linkin Park Roads untraveled playing throw his speakers as he thinks about the one girl that got away.

He can't stop thinking about Katherine, as much as he races and as much as he drinks, she is always there and she wont go away, but then Logan hears a voice behind him say.

???: Nice ride, Tiger.

Logan turns around to see her as she smiles and slowly walks up to him, he looks from the car to her.

Logan: You think?

Katherine: I don't know... how about you show me?

Katherine then went to get in the car as Logan stopped her and asked.

Logan: I thought you left for London?

Katherine: What makes you say that?

Logan: Well, your accent, and two the note and your car keys kinda gave it away.

Katherine just kissed him as he smiled.

Katherine: Don't worry, I'm off duty... probably for good now.

She said with a smile as she got in Logan's Mazda RX8.

Logan smiled as she got in the passenger side of his car, he then got in the drivers seat as he sped down the hill and towards civilisation, but when he stopped at a red light near the beach he stopped next to a guy in a Ferrari.

Logan: Hey, buddy. How much one of them set you back?

Katherine smiled as she looked to her right to see the guy, the guy looked at the pretty boy and hot red head as he just decided to be cocky.

Guy: More then you can afford, pal. Ferrari.

The guy said with a smile as he revved his engine and smirked at Logan, Katherine turned to Logan waiting to find out what he was going to do, and he did not disappoint.

Logan: That's cute, but I was talking about the girl.

The guy looked pissed as the girls smirk fell from her pretty face.

Logan: She's not just with you because of your yellow teeth and receding hair line mate.

The light then turned green as Logan flipped him off and left him in his dust as both them looked to see Logan quickly become a spec on the horizon, meanwhile in his car, Katherine was laughing making Logan smile as he looked at her, he's never felt this way about someone before, but she just has this effect on him.

Logan then smiled as he sped towards Race Wars easily breaking the 250 MPH mark.


(This is Race Wars, I'm going to be changing most of it, I'm not sorry as I think it will be cool and I hope you will to)

Logan turned up to the front gate of Race Wars as he looks to Katherine as she looks around at all the cars in wonder, he laughs at her as she giggles, but then Logan was next in line as the guy came up to the window, Logan knew him, his names Joe.

Joe: Kenway, you ready to put your ride on the line.

Logan: Always brother.

They shared a bro hug as Joe saw Katherine in the passenger seat, Joe looked at Logan as he smiled and let them in, Logan thanked him as they entered the compound, once again Katherine was in awe at all the cars and events going on, Logan then pulled up to a guy that was about to give him a number but Logan rolled his window down.

Logan: You draw on my car, I'll kick your ass.

The kid looked to see who was driving and realised who it was, the kid then started to go full fan boy.

Kid: Holy shit, your the Night Rider.

Logan hated the name but he wasn't to know that so he just let it slide this once.

Logan: How's it going kid.

Logan got out the car and took a picture with the kid as he got back in his car to see Katherine smiling at him.

Katherine: They really love you here, huh?

She asks with a grin.

Logan: Not as much as I love it.

Logan then made his way to Dom's tent to see them all sat around talking to each other, Vince was the first to see Logan as he stood up and Dom took notice and smiled at Logan's car.

Logan and Katherine got out the car as Logan introduced her to Dom and the others, they all shared a greeting till Vince asked.

Vince: Lo, that's your old man's old car.

Logan: Yeah, I know... 

Logan looked down in sadness remembering his parents but then an announcement came over the speakers.

Announcer: Can everyone make their way to the main straight for the Main Even tonight. Logan Kenway Vs Johnny Tran.

Brian then came up to them and he and Katherine shared a look but neither said anything as Logan went to his car but was stopped by Katherine who gave him a kiss.

Katherine: Go get 'em Tiger.

Brian then saw how happy the two are and decided not to tell their boss as she's not supposed to be here, she's supposed to be in London right now, but then he was knocked out his thought's as Logan sped off towards the main straight.

Logan stopped at the start line as Tran pulled up alongside him in his Honda 2000, Logan held up a stack of cash as Tran did the same, they both then waited for the signal as many people watched the race, Kathrine watched on a TV from inside the tent with Dom's team as they also watched, Logan revved his engine as did Tran, but then the signal was given as Logan seemed to go from 0 to 60 in a matter of miller seconds, Tran tried his best to catch Logan but nothing Tran could do, could match the speed of Logan's Mazda RX8, it wasn't long before Logan won the race as Dom, his team and Katherine celebrated, Logan drove back to the tent where he was congratulated by everyone and he received another kiss, but then the celebrating had to come to a stop as Leon ran up to them.

Leon: Yo! Heads up, bro. We got problems.

He said tapping Dom's shoulder, he, Logan and Vince followed Leon out the tent to see Jesse's car driving off.

Leon: Jesse.

Dom: Where's Jesse going?

Leon: He just raced one of Trans goons for slips.

Dom: Oh, shit.

Dom said rubbing his head as Logan watched as Jesse drove off, but then to make matters worse Tran drove up to them and started to get in their faces.

Johnny: Where's he going?

Logan: He went to the car wash.

Johnny: Whatever. Go fetch my car.

Logan chuckled at the balls on this guy as Dom, Katherine and the others watched as the two had a little face off.

Logan: Go fetch your car? We're not on your block. You better watch who you talk to like that.

Logan  didn't notice the small crowed now crowded behind them as Katherine watched as Logan dealt with a pain in the ass, Logan then turned to walk away but then Tran crossed the line.

Johnny: Ok, I'll just go home to my parents and wait for my car... where are you parents again Kenway?

Logan's eyes then look dead as his fist cliched and he turned and dropped Tran in a heart beat, Dom was the first to try and get through the crowed and pull Logan off, but even that wasn't enough as Logan got out his grip and knocked Johnny completely out, it then took Dom, Vince and security Joe to pull Logan away as Dom let Logan use the caravan to cool off.

Logan was sat in the caravan as Kathrine sat with him, once he calmed down she made a joke about his temper which made them both laugh, they then kissed again which turned into much more, Katherine then sat on Logan's lap but before it could go further Brian entered the caravan.

Brian: Oh shit, sorry man.

Brain then left the caravan, but he looked to his right to see Mia and Dom having heated words as Dom, Vince and Leon took off leaving Mia...


(To Be Continued) 

(Let me know what you think of the chapter, did I do good or bad?)

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