12. The love which I longed for...

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Sorry for being very late... Couldn't come up soon....

All are curious to know na who is the sweetie, pragya is talking about... Many guessed it must be Abhi's sister... But who is that girl????

A surprise entry in this story... Like simonika as abhi's ex- wife, she is also someone whom you guys have never expected... Alright, no more suspenses...

Will reveal from next episode, who she is and some past scenarios, as how pragya is aware of everyone in the Mehra family and why Abhi is not having any knowledge about Pragya and all..

Shall we peep in to know more...

Warning: Read at your own risk...

Strictly no bashing is allowed....

Shot. 12:

Abhi is kneeling down before pragya and pleading for her mercy while purab's condition is very worst as pragya has threatened him to complete 350 sit ups or else she may increase the counts to 500...

Abhi can't control his laughter... He shrugs his shoulder as pragya didn't give such horrible punishment to him and he bursts out into laughter with a teasing smirk in his face looking at purab...

Abhi laughs stops abruptly as he screams in pain as pragya twists his ears in anger....

Abhi: Ouch... Aaahhhh... Fugggyyy... Please... Please... Leave me... My sweet darling na... please spare my ears... Ouch... 😢😢😢😢

Pragya fumes in anger: How dare you to laugh hun??? You are also at fault, you dumbo husband of mine.... Why you two are irresponsible like this always???

Can't you two have any concern and care for us... You two are always forgetting that two ladies are in these home... Huh... No time management... No care... Nothing... Irritating, useless and stupid husband and careless, hopeless and good for nothing brother...

Purab: pragyaaa... Im not at fault...
I told this abhi to come up earlier... But he didn't listened to me... You are punishing an innocent man... Aalu baby come here and save me... 😞😞😞😞

Pragya: Chup... Stop talking and continue your punishment purab bhai... I know you pretty well and you are behind all these na...

So, you got the heavy punishment... But this abhi is with you and encouraging and supporting you till now na... So, he too got the punishment...

Abhi: Purab... You idiot... 😬😬😬😬... Dont corrupt my fuggy's mind.... You are so sweet and cute my baby girl... Leave me na please ... (Shows puppy face to melt pragya...)

Punish your Bhai as much you want... I swear I wont say anything sweet heart... But leave your husband abhi pretty please.... My kneels are paining very badly darling...

See fuggy... Im a big man na... You are punishing me like a kinder garden kid and asking me to kneel down... 😢😢😢😢...

You are looking like a terrific teacher with big chashma... Oh no... Dont roll your eyes .. I'm scared... Please na baby... Leave me...

You like your husband so much na baby... I will do anything for you and I will obey all your words... Please... Please... Show some mercy on me, sweet heart...

Pragya: Let me think what to do with you two... You guys are talking too much...  huh... Continue this.... I will just be back in a while... No cheating okay....

Abhi and purab sighs and gets up from the place and sits on the couch when pragya moves towards the kitchen...

Purab: This pragya is doing too much na abhi... We are just an hour late... How did she smelled that we are very busy in office...

I didn't understand how she find out that I didn't called aaliya today... I think this two are joining and trapping us...

Abhi: Idiot... 😬😬😬😬.... Purab... I told you na to be extra careful... She can easily find out about our true identity too, if we do any mistakes... Be careful purab.... Pragya should not know anything about us...

Purab: Huh... Okay... But she is such a sweetheart na abhi... How much she cares for all of us??? Always concerned about our health, whether we had food or not... Im really feeling like pragya is my own sister...

Abhi: Yep... Pragya is the angel who came to brighten our dark lives... She is a wonderful soul and her presence in giving all sorts of positive vibes in me... Im feeling really blessed to have pragya in my life... 😊😊😊😊...

Her love is enough to achieve anything in this world... Just for pragya's love, we can go to any extreme to make her happy....

Abhi says dreamily and his whole self reveals that how much he loves pragya and how he badly wants her to be with him always...

Purab: Ahaan... What's it abhi??? Im seeing a different emotion in you... Accept it man... Pragya is affecting you very badly and you have already fallen for her...

Abhi: No... Not like that purab... She is a very nice girl... Lucky is the person who is going to be her soulmate .. But....  Im not lucky enough or blessed greatly to get her love or to marry her...

Purab: why are you saying like that abhi??? Why cant pragya love you??? Cant you see pragya's love for you??? We can explain pragya everything... Im damn sure she will accept you without any problem...

Abhi: But purab... I can't do this to pragya for sure... Im a biggest curse... I don't deserve to have pragya in my life .. I cant see pragya to suffer because of me or of my bitter, dark past... 😢😢😢😢😢

I can bear anything if the matter concerns me... But I'm not able to tolerate or bear anything, if anything happens to my pragya... 😢😢😢😢...

Please purab... I want pragya to be safe and sound... She deserves to live a peaceful and happy life and not a dark life.... So, please stop this topic...

Purab: Alright.. I wont force you... But if pragya wants to be with you, love you and marry you whole heartedly, I will support her only... No backing off at that time abhi....

Abhi nods his head unwillingly... Little did he know that the days are not very far for the union of abhi and pragya and he is not aware that he is going to fly in air with happiness thinking that he is the most blessed man in this world....

Abhi: Im damn tired man... How are we going to escape from pragya now??? Just wanna hit the bed very badly...

Purab: You go to room... I will take care of my little sis...

Abhi: Are you sure??? Can you do it purab???

Purab: Of course man... Im handling the terror aaliya all my life... Cant I handle the little brat pragya... Trust me, I can do it... You go and take rest abhi...

Abhi says all the best and walks towards his room... Purab gets inside the kitchen and shouts booh to make pragya to get scared... But pragya frowns and keeps her hands on her hips...

Pragya: Bad prank Mr. Purab khanna... Dont you know you can't scare me...

Purab: Oops... sorry purply darling... At least you could have acted as if you are scared purply... You hurted my male ego very badly .... 😞😞😞😞

Pragya: Bhai... Have you gone nuts... Call me pragya and not purply... Abhi is there na and you are talking aloud too...

Purab: He went to room already... Purply, don't you know why we are late and why are you punishing us like this??? Have you forgotten what day is this???

Pragya: How can I forget this day bhai??? How can I ???? 😭😭😭😭...  Its the dark and worst day which I don't want to remember in my life...

😭😭😭😭😭.... Its the day in which I lost all my happiness... All the love and care which this pragya cherished like a dream gone in thin air ... I badly needed you two to be in home with us today....

At least, I expected you to be with aaliya bhabhi today and console her.... But you idiot bhai 😬😬😬😬... Didn't even made a single call to aalu  today...

Why did you do this purab bhai??? Im hell angry on you.... What the hell where you doing in the office??? Is your works important rather than us...

Do you know how it was hard for me to console aalu??? I added sleeping pills in her milk and made her to sleep....

Why have you become irresponsible bhai???? Don't talk to me.... Isn't it your duty as a husband to be with your wife in the most worst day of her life??? I didn't expect this from you purab bhai....

Purab: When my purply is there to handle and console her bestie aalu, why I have to worry my doll... I know rather than me, your presence will make aalu to forget everything..

To say the truth, more than aalu, its Abhi who needed me the most in  this day... Its my duty and responsibility to take care of my bestie and tried very hard that he should never remember this day.. 

I purposely arranged all the important meetings this week and made abhi to be too busy so that he won't be aware of this day at all...

You know na purply... More than aaliya, it's abhi who needs all our care and consoling words... Its him who faced all that bad incidents before his eyes....

The worst thing is that no brother should have a bitter experience like abhi to see such a heart wrenching scene ever in his life....

Pragya: Sorry bhai... I didn't meant to upset you... I was concerned for Aaliya and I too missed you two very badly as I cant forgot anything related to sweetie and this lovable family...  😭😭😭😭

Purab: Hey purply...  chill up darling... Dont cry... Abhi will find  out easily, if you cry... So try to be normal as always and I don't want abhi to remember anything and its not time to reveal about you to abhi... 

Now be a good girl and smile... I know pretty well about you purply... All your anger is out of your care and love for us....

Anyways leave that matter... The worst day has passed already... Nothing to worry more...

Pragya: hmm... Thank god....

Purab: So, when are we going to fix date for your wedding??? Any improvements from abhi's side...

Pragya shouts: whaattt.... 😨😨😨😨😨.... Wedding.... Dont kid me puru bhai.... Your stubborn and adamant buddy is not at all uttering a word as love too.... Huh... Marriage??? Impossible...

I think, I will become a granny before marriage itself... Atleast, I have to seduce him or do something to force him to marry me... How about mixing something and taking advantage on abhi??? Nice idea na bhai...

Purab: Purply 😠😠😠😠😠.... Have some shame... No need to pull any such stunts... If aaliya hears this, she will kill you....

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂... Dont you know, she is my partner in crime, bhai... Im planning to arrange for my best night soon with abhi...

Purab:  What the hell 😠😠😠😠... Stupid girl..... If you are hell adamant to do this, I will say to my friend abhi who is head over in heels love with his fuggy to forget about marriage...

Pragya: whaatttt... When did this happen... Did abhi says he loves me???? Say me bhai...

Purab: Im hell tired .. Feeling sleepy...  Go and ask your love of life yourself, if you can... Let me go and see my aalu... Aalu baby... Im coming....

Pragya: Bhai... This is unfair.... Answer me first....

Purab winks and makes a teasing smile and walks towards his room without minding the protest of pragya... Pragya grits her teeth in anger and walks to the room...

He spots abhi laying in the bed with his eyes closed.... But his reaction says he is not at all fine and he can't sleep a bit too... Pragya closes the door and comes and sits near abhi and caress his head lovingly....

Pragya: What happened abhi??? You are fine na...

Abhi: Yeah... Im okay... Little bit headache alone as I had back to back meetings... Had a very hard time today.... Huh...

Pragya: Sorry, I too punished you na without knowing anything ...

Abhi: Its okay fuggy... Im fine... Dont worry...

Pragya: Abhi... Let me massage your head...  It will soothen your pain and you can sleep well....

Abhi shreiks in horror and shouts no...  Abhi cant explain pragya, how much he will turn on with pragya's closeness... He is really scared that if pragya touches his hair all his self control will gone in thin air....

Abhi: Fuggy.... Nooo... I don't like anyone touching my hair... Stop where you are....

Pragya: Oh really... Then let me see who dare to stop me...  Im going to touch it for sure...

Abhi: Hoye... Don't show your attitude to me... If you touch my hair, then I will pull your hair too....

Pragya: You... 😬😬😬😬... Touch my hair if you can Mr. Mehra... Don't forget whom Im... Remember Im pragya Abhishek Mehra....

Abhi makes a naughty smirk and comes very close by to pragya... Pragya slowly starts to lose her sense with the intense gaze of abhi ..  She closes her eyes with a heavy blush and her lips starts to tremble and shiver....

Abhi chuckles on seeing pragya's inviting lips which badly wants to be ravished by his lips .. He smirks and closes the distance between them...

Pragya who expects and waiting for a passionate kiss shreiks and jumps as abhi is holding her hair hardly..   The teasing smile of abhi irks pragya to the core and she too pounced on abhi's hair....

Both started to have a cute fight holding each other's hair and they forget in what position they are and what they are doing... Both theirs bodies are entwined and the heat of their bodies are started to rise...

Unknowingly, they are creating havocs in both their bodies and their desires are growing with each passing second... Unable to control, pragya moans abhi's name huskily  and kisses hardly in his lips which brought abhi back to his senses....

Abhi sighs and allows pragya to massage his head.... Pragya too smiles and starts to do the head massage... Abhi is feeling some magic in pragya's touch and he starts to drown and melt in the love which he longed for as he got some bonus kiss too from his fuggy...


Pragya caress the sleeping abhi who is looking no less than a baby to her... She pecks on his lips and prays to god to keep the happy smile in his face always....

Pragya slowly gets up from the bed and goes out.... She walks to the isolated room in the house and unlocks it with her secret key... Hot tears rolls from her eyes uncontrollably.... 


Abhi moves in his sleep and wishes to hug pragya.... But he finds that pragya is missing and he gets up to search her......


Pragya was deeply engrossed in her misery and she forgets that she didn't locked the door.... She gasps in shock as someone pats her shoulder....


So, what's gonna happen next???

Where is pragya now and who is at her back???

Will abhi find out that pragya is acting as a memory loss patient and what will be his reaction for this if he knows the truth???

What is the drastic incident that happened before abhi's eyes????

Keep guessing and stay tuned....

A long update of 2650+ words....

Sorry for errors and mistakes...

Not proof read....

Cast your votes and pen down your views....


Yours buddy,


Signing off....

Will be


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