20. One last tear, a kiss and a hug, before I leave you...

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Life is a precious gift given by god... Don't waste it by being unhappy and dissatisfied..   Don't look at the useless past which is no way going to decide the future ...

I'm a very simple person who hides all my pain and thousands of my feelings and emotions behind the happy, fake smile lingering in my face...

Sometimes when I say that "I'm okay", I need someone very close to my heart to look into my eyes, hug me tight and say " I know you are not"....


Abhi and Purab came to the court area to hear the case hearing of Ram Arora's death which is cleverly master planned by his ex-wife Reema and her husband Shyam kapoor... Though Purab tried all his might to stop Abhi, but it went in futile as Abhi is hell adamant to meet Purply at any cost....

Abhi knows very well that Ram Arora's case is being handled by the most famous criminal lawyer
"The Miss Arora"... Abhi pleads Purab not to inform about  his presence to his sister Purply because he want to get out from his guilt at any cost before his marriage with his fuggy...

As Purab got an important call from the home to come soon saying it as there is some emergency, he excused from Abhi and rushed there knowing very well that his wife Aaliya who handles the administration of THE HOME  will be with Pragya at this time...

Moreover, Purab is not in a mood to trouble his pregnant wife Aaliya at this time and stress her so much... Purab is very cautious with Aaliya's well being as he is highly worried that nothing should be a hurdle in Aaliya's pregnancy as they got this happiness after a wait of Four long years of marriage...


Abhi stands near the large pillar which is located in the isolated corner of the court area... Abhi is leaning to the pillar and his face is completely covered with a shawl so that no one identifies his presence there and he is in no mood to create any unwanted parparazzi over there...

Abhishek Prem Mehra who is the terror don AP is hidden from the outside world and everyone knows him only as the big celebrity
Mr. Mehra who is doing many social reform activities and also a big businessman...

Even no one knows that Purab Khanna is the terrific Pk who is the right hand of AP and they both are the terror to the culprits who plays with the lives of women and children mercilessly and gets the justice fo the devasted souls who are troubled by the mosnters...

Abhi is staring at the court area but his mind and heart is doing a big world war inside him... Abhi suddenly feels an eeric feeling and he is stunned as he finds some sort of chillness running down his spine which hoaxed him with an usual fear engulfing his soul....

The atmosphere in the court area suddenly turns dark for Abhi and he visualizes something evil, something bad, something unwanted, something disgusted and something negative gonna happen soon....

Abhi is completely suffocated with the hardness and darkness surrounding him... His breath hitches as he senses all sorts of negative vibes oozing inside him uncontrollably... He is pushed to the dark phase of his past which took away the important persons of his life because of his own big blunder which he committed because of his bad assumptions....

Abhi can't stand there any more... His body stiffens, his heart beats gets uneven, his whole self is trembling, his mind is completely blocked and he started to completely drown with the unusual sweat which bathes him and making him to get weak and engulf in the horrific fear which shows the images of the three bodies covered with the white cloth...

Abhi just want to run away from there without even bothering to meet The miss Arora... Rather than wiping away his guilty before his marriage, Abhi just want to regain his blocked breath which only his fuggy's magic can do to him... A simple comforting hug and a consolable kiss from his fuggy can only make him to get back to normal....

Abhi fastens his steps to run away from there... His steps stops abruptly on hearing the known voice from the corridor which he just can't bear after these six long years too... The same voices which once soothes his mind, which once become a sautan for his family are standing mercilessly before his eyes...

Unknowingly his eyes welled up with hot tears not because of his helpness but the inner monster in him is shedding the anger in the form of tears knowing well that  it's not the time to react ... The laughing faces of Dhusyanth and Simonika boiled his nerves and he kicks hardly in the wall to control his boiling nerves and the angry monster in him....

But to Abhi's relief, they moved away from there after meeting a lawyer and Abhi finds that something fishy is going on with the way they talked with the lawyer... Unknowingly, Abhi's lips curved to a bright smile as he saw some sort of fear and panic in their eyes all of a sudden...

Abhi is curious to know who makes them to get fear out of nowhere... Just then his mind screams of the name TP (Terrific Panther)... He chuckles as the thought that TP's next target may be Dhusyanth and Simonika and he dances inwardly with glee that the end of his biggest culprits are nearing very soon...

Abhi takes a deep breath and sees that people are rushing inside the court room to hear the arguments of Miss Arora who is appearing in the case of her very own father and people are way too eager to see how Miss ARORA gonna get justice to her father's death ...

Curiousity makes Abhi's legs to move uncontrollably towards the court room not aware of the fact that his guilty gonna rise up way too higher and he will feel very low for the sin he has unknowingly committed after seeing the face of Miss Arora or purply whom he ditched in the mandap....

Abhi halts his steps near the court room and he hides behind a window so that no one can sense his presence over there... The judge gets inside the room and asks the proceedings to start... As Abhi is standing in the backside, he can see only the partial view of the room....

Abhi sees the back side view of a young lady who is clad in a black gown gets up from her place to start her arguments... Abhi is way too shocked and he can't believe that this simple, petite figure has such a majestic and roaring voice which attacks like guns on the culprits without showing any kind of mercy...

The way she argues, the way she submits the evidences, the way she made the culprits to spit out the truth by her smart and intelligent questions makes Abhi to get dumbstruck and he can't believe the fact is she the same girl Purply, who is no less than a Tom boy who runs behind him crazily in their childhood without revealing her face to him...

Abhi just can't understand that whether he is seeing everything in real or is he hallucinating everything that is happening before his eyes ... He is in an illusion all these years thinking that his family has exaggerated about Purply too much and showered her with too much love unwantedly...

Abhi used to laugh on Aaliya for appointing the Miss Arora for handling all the cases of the people in the home who are brutually abused by the heartless monsters... Though Abhi is in guilt for ditching Purply in the marriage but he is highly irritated as Aaliya keep on trusting and believing her Purply too much....

Now, Abhi clearly understands that he is the one who took everything in a wrong way and he is ashamed of himself for mocking  at Purply and hurting her unknowingly... Abhi's heart taunts him saying that he misjudged Purply from his childhood which is the core reason for all the mishaps happened in his life...

Abhi doesn't know what to do at that time... His mind is not in a mood to see what is going on around him and he can't hear the fiercy arguments going on between Pragya and the defending lawyer... Pragya submits the proof that Reema and Shyam has added slow poison in Ram Arora's food for a long time....

Pragya presents the judge with a video evidence of Reema and Shyam's talks on how they mixed poison in Ram's food and how they used the chance of Ram's misery after his daughter marriage gets stopped abruptly... They have added high grade of poison in his food and presented to the world that Ram died out of misery and sadness.....

As Pragya is not with Ram at that time, they brilliantly executed the plan and they tried to create a sympathic scene among the public that they were worried for Ram's death and shamelessly pointed fingers towards the Mehras that they are the only reason for Ram's sudden death adding more guilty in their hearts ...

Though Pragya knows that something is wrong in her father's death, she kept calm as she is not in a mood to think about anything at that time as she lost her only family member she had for her...

It took a lot of time of Pragya to come out from her father's death as she felt left alone in this cruel world..  She missed the love and comfort from the Mehras as she stopped going to the Mehras and didn't allowed anyone to meet her after knowing that Abhi got married with Simonika suddenly ànd is living with her in their house...

Later after years, Pragya secretly collected many evidences against Shyam and Reema and she with the help of her cousin Purab has installed secret cameras in the house to watch each and every action of the culprits when she had stayed with Abhi pretending that she has lost her memory in the accident....

To their luck, Reema and Shyam spitted out all the truth unknowingly  when they are completely in the spell of alchohol... Purab cleverly got the footages and secretly removed the cameras without their knowledge and makes them to get arrested with a brilliant plan...

The mastermind behind all these is Pragya who is plastering a dangerous smirk on seeing the culprits standing before her eyes with a fear that they are gonna get merciless punishment for their bad doings ...

Pragya: That's all your honour... From the evidences and  from their own acceptance, its crystal clear that Ram Arora didn't committed suicide or died out of misery... He is killed mercilessly by these two criminals... So my lord, I humbly request you to give the highest punishment to these criminals ...

Pragya finsishes her arguments and sits in her place... Her lips curved to a bright smile to see Aaliya sitting in the front seat and showing thumbs up to her that they are going to win for sure and their long wait is going to be over today...

Pragya's face is curved with a victorious smirk that finally she is going to get justice to her father's death... She takes deep breath to calm herself down and unknowingly her eyes teared up which she wipes away quickly without anyone's knowledge that finally she has done something for her father as his daughter....

The court area is completely calm after the ferocious arguments by the lawyers... Only the rattling sound of the fan in the room is heard as the judge is looking after all the evidences and points which were being argued and he started to pen down the final judgement....

The judge started to read out the judgement by stating that it's clear from the evidences that Shyam and Reema are the criminals who killed Ram Arora ..  The judge sentenced them with life long imprisonment for killing Ram Arora and also for mishandling and misusing the properties of Ram and also for looting a  lump sum of money from Ram's account without his knowledge....

Abhi come back to reverie when the judge announced life sentence for the criminals and unknowingly he smiles happily which is going to be the last smile in his face... The judge congratulates Miss. Arora for handling the case very well and praises her brilliance and adjourns the court after ordering the police force to take the custody of the criminals with them...

The police took charge of the criminals Reema and Shyam and took them in their custody after that... A sudden tension creeps in Abhi's body as he is going to meet The miss Arora or purply finally after these many years and that too face to face...

Abhi is way to curious to see her face who is taking all the files in her hands...  He sees the people are coming out from the court room and he hides behind the window so that no one notices him and he wants to meet Purply all alone...

Suddenly, Abhi hears the squealing, happy laughter and chirpy voice of his sister Aaliya... Abhi didn't expected that Aaliya will be in the court together with her purply...

Abhi thought that Aaliya will be with his fuggy at this time as he knows that both Aliya and his fuggy  were discussing to go to the designers to collect the wedding dresses and also planning to visit the parlour in the morning when they had dinner last night....

Not able to control his curiousity any more and also the suspense which is killing him for a long time, Abhi slowly fastens his steps near the door sensing that many has vacated the place... He sees his sister Aaliya is smiling happily and hugging Purply tightly...

Aaliya: Ooohoooo... Atlast we got the Justice purply... Ram uncle soul gonna rest in peace at last... You did it purply... You proved that you are the best always....

Pragya: Arrey aalu darling... Just calm down okay... Don't jump like this sweet heart... Don't you know that you are having my little champ in your womb...
Anyways thanks my dear for being there with me always and supporting me... Hey aalu... Did Purab bhai called you or me??? Where is my mobile???

Aaliya: My goodness... I have kept our mobiles in the car itself... Oops.. sorry purply... Purab gonna kill us two for being so careless and he will surely start his lectures.. 

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂😂... Let him talk whatever he wants... Who is gonna care about that... But I'm relieved that purab bhai took Abhi somewhere and thank god he didn't come here at all... You know what, I'm praying all the time that Abhi shouldn't see me like this at this time....

Abhi who stealthily enters the room is completely dumb struck to hear their talks... His heart frozes in shock to hear the voice of his fuggy beside Aaliya... He is praying to god with a fear that the miss Arora or Purply should no way relate to his fuggy which will kill his soul into pieces...

But life is not a dream or our imagination... We can't change the fate as much as we wanted... What is destined in our fate will happen for sure and no one can run away from the truth or the bitter realities of life...

Abhi's world collapsed under his feet on seeing his fuggy standing there decked up in the black gown with a pride and victorious smile in her face that she has achieved a big honour... Hot tears hits the ground mercilessly from Abhi's eyes to see that his fuggy is none other than The Miss Arora or Purply whom he ditched in the mandap....

The uncontrollable crying sound hits the ear drums of both Pragya and Aaliya and they turns back and horrified to see Abhi standing there before their eyes with full of guilty and tear striken face... Pragya mentally curses Purab for sending Abhi there and not all informing them about this...

Pragya knows what is going on in Abhi's head and what pain he is facing at the moment... His teary eyes, his guilt filled face, his trembling lips, his uneven breath clearly explains Pragya that something wrong gonna Abhi do again to all of them....

Pragya senses the darkness surrounding her life again... She doesn't want to be ditçhed by Abhi again knowing very well that he loves her madly...  She slowly walks towards Abhi but before that he senses that Pragya is nearing him...

Before Pragya rushes and hugs Abhi tightly in her embrace and console him saying that not to feel guilty , Abhi fastens his steps and runs away from there... Pragya rushes out to chase Abhi but she is blocked by the media who are bombarding her with many questions... Pragya's heart bleeds to see Abhi vanishing in thin air ripping her soul into pieces...


So, what's going to happen next???

What is Abhi gonna do after this???

Will Pragya be hurted by Abhi again and will he ditch her again in the wedding???

What did Simonika do with Abhi and how did they get married???

How did Mohan, Sarla and Shrishti died????

Will Abhi and Pragya gets married or will they be separated!???

Keep guessing and stay tuned....

As usual, came up with a long update of 3030+ words...

Sorry for typo errors and grammatical mistakes, if any as it's not proof read . .

Cast your votes without fail....

Do pen down your valuable words, views, comments and reviews as it's the boosting energy for me....


Yours Cliffy buddy,

Crazy Mahiz

Signing off...

Will be


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Until then wait for me...


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