19. Girl's love is seen in her smile while boy's love is seen in his eyes...

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➡➡ Read at your very own risk...

➡➡ A lot of shocking twists are ahead...

➡➡ Strictly no bashing is allowed


Pragya's profession may be little shocking to everyone ... But this is a fiction... Anything can happen na... 😉😉😉😉😉

🍁 Pragya is dealing with two professions at the same time...

🍁 One for the outer world and other for her self happiness and satisfaction, which is way too risky and highly dangerous....

🍁 Both are of highly praised professions but she never take anything to her head and stay humble as always...

🍁 She is a big terror and very powerful in both her professions and many ***** are scared to even hear her name too ...

🍁 No one on seeing pragya in real can believe that how come this small girl who is looking way too innocent can handle both these professions in a terrific way...

🍁 She is Miss Arora in one profession and  TP ( Terrific Panther) in another profession...

🍁 The shocking news is that Abhi is aware of both the professions and he heard a lot about Pragya... But he doesn't know the fact that TP or
Miss. Arora is none other than his fuggy, who is crazily and madly in love with him and the one whom he ditched in the wedding mandap....

🍁 Aaliya and Purab are the ones, who are helping Pragya in all means in both of her professions... Abhi's whole team is working secretly for pragya too and they are protecting abhi from many dangers....


Okay all... Relax.... Don't bang your heads..

Keep guessing what it might be 😉😉😉😉...


Sometimes, you must forget what you feel and remember what you deserve...

You will never know the pain, until you look into the eyes of your loved ones and they look away being hurted...

She enters my life out of nowhere but suddenly she means the world to me...


Pragya and aaliya moves towards the place where their mission going to start... All through the way, Aaliya is praying that her brother Abhi should not know anything about this and he shouldn't come there at any cost...

Pragya is smiling brightly as she is going to do a bigger thing to get justice for the bad happenings and gonna punish the heartless culprits for their merciless  and sinful acts... This is the day she is waiting for all these years ...

Pragya slowly closes her eyes and starts to rewind back the past happenings and how her life as purply has started...


Pragya Arora, the daughter of Ram and Priya Arora, who has lost her mother because of illness has gone through a lot because of her step mother, Reema... Her only relief was her cousin Purab khanna who acts as a real brother to her...

The day Purab and Pragya met Shristi, the younger sister of Abhi and Aaliya, changed their lives completely... They got  wonderful love and care from the Mehras... The fighter cocks Aaliya and Pragya becomes best of the best friends...

Aaliya, Shristi, Pragya and Purab created a very strong bond and they starts to roam together happily.... The four are always partners in crime... Purab has a secret crush on aaliya and srishti promised to help purab, only when he makes her pragya di to fall in love with her brother Abhishek mehra whom hates pragya a lot....

Much to their surprise, Sarla and Mohan mehra (parents of Abhi, Aaliya and srishti) wholeheartedly accepted purab as their son in law and pragya as their bahu....

Purab who fears to approach aaliya got a lot of encouragement and support from sristi and pragya and his in-laws, finally got the guts to confess his love to aaliya... But Purab is way too shocked to know that Aaliya loves him so much and acted all these days just to enjoy how purab did all stunts to impress her...

Purab, Aaliya and sristi keeps on talking and praising about abhi in front of pragya... Though pragya is not at all interested in the topic which concerns abhi, slowly she started to fall for abhi unknowingly...

Sarla and Mohan keeps on calling pragya as their bahu and pragya on one time started to believe that she is the bahu of the Mehras and wife of Abhi as she started love abhi crazily....

Abhi who joins the boarding school after his 10th standard, starts to distance himself from purab too as he hates the fact that purab is purply's brother, whom he didn't liked a bit at all... Abhi was not able to tolerate as his whole family keeps on talking only about Purply all the time...

Abhi was not interested to hear anything about Purply and he was least bothered about her... He hates the fact that why all praising a tom boy Purply so much, who covers her face in hood always...  Abhi was hell angry as pragya used to peep in to his room when he was not there and wears his tees and shirts without his permission...

Abhi was highly annoyed as pragya has kissed him many a times when he was asleep... He hates purply from the bottom of his heart and was hell adamant not to get married to pragya at any cost..

Years passes... Abhi's hatred on pragya/ purply increased wider and wider... The reason behind was that Simonika and Dhusyanth who were abhi's besties in his college, starts to bad mouth about Pragya and try to fill abhi's ears against his parents too...

Abhi started to trust Simonika and dhusyanth completely and did all the things against his family, not aware of the fact that they are using him as a biggest target to trap both the Mehras and the Aroras...

The Mehras were startled to hear many bad things about Abhi when days passes... They were worried too much about Abhi... In the meantime, Pragya' s father Ram Arora's health too started to deteriorate suddenly and he was worried a lot about Pragya's future....

So, the elders decided to get Abhi and Pragya married as early as possible .. Pragya was not at all happy with the idea of getting married so soon and she keeps on pleading not to do anything without Abhi's will...

But the elders were hell adamant to do the marriage soon and they made a big drama to bring abhi for the marriage secretly... Abhi was hell angry as he felt being cheated by his whole family and with the help of Simonika and Dhusyanth, he escaped from the mandap at the time of the wedding....

Ram Mehra was not able to tolerate the fact that his only daughter Pragya's marriage was stopped abruptly like this...  Pragya was helpless at that situation and she felt really hurted by abhi' s behaviour...

Pragya wanted to come out of it and asked no one to disturb her for time being and she vanished from there asking Purab to take care of Ram Arora in her absence and also to support abhi's family too...

Both Abhi and Pragya made a stupid decision because of their inner turmoils, not aware of the fact that they are going to lose their loved ones and has given an easy chance for the enemies to trap and kill their family mercilessly..


Pragya jerks up from her thoughts as the car halts in the place where their mission gonna start... Aaliya smiles and shows thumbs up to pragya and hugs her tightly... She kissed pragya's forehead and says all the best to her and not to worry about anything....

Pragya gets down from the car along with Aaliya.... The whole place is completely stunned to see the famous ******* ****** Miss. Arora coming up there after a long time.... Many whispers that pragya will surely succeed in her mission and she is going to win it at any cost....


Purab and Abhi finishes off their important meeting successfully... They came out very happily... Purab is quite nervous and doesn't know how to divert abhi and to take him far away from the city when pragya is busy in her mission...

Abhi without listening to Purab drags him out from there quickly and starts the car... Purab is extremely helpless as the situation is not in his favour and he doesn't want abhi to reach pragya at this time at will complicat e the things....

Purab: Abhi, where are we going man??? We need to go to Xyz city for an important work... Take the next right Abhi... That's the way...

Abhi: Are you okay purab??? Nothing wrong in your health right....

Purab: Whaaatttt.... 😨😨😨😨... I'm absolutely fine... Can't you see???

Abhi: Seriously... Purab... I didn't expected this from you... Don't you remember what day is today... How can you say that we need to go to some other place....

Purab stammers: vo... Vo... Abhi... That...

Abhi: What vo... Vo... How can you behave so irresponsible purab???
I didn't thought that you will forget this day very easily.... Don't lie to me purab... What's the matter... I know you don't want me to go there right...

Purab: Nothing like that Abhi... We are not going there as we have an important thing other than that... So only....

Abhi roars in anger: Shut up purab... We are going there... That's sinal... Please purab... We have to go there as I will be relieved from my guilty some what... All through these years, I'm living in hell with a thought that Ram uncle has died because of me only as I ditched his daughter in the mandap..

But, we came to know very recently that he is being given slow poison by his ex-wife and her new husband.... You can't understand how much I felt happy knowing that his daughter, that Miss. Arora, who is a famous criminal lawyer is working hard for this case....

I know she is the best lawyer and she has never lost any case.... This is her father's case and I'm damn sure, she will get justice to her father's murder at any cost...

Ram uncle brought you up as his son right.... So, it's your responsibility to be there purab....

Purab : Abhi... That's why I'm telling you... Its a serious matter... We are not going there at this time...

Abhi is highly annoyed and irritated as purab is trying to stop him from going to the court....

Purab: Please abhi... Try to understand... It won't look nice, if... If you come there at this time...

Abhi: Why purab??? Do you think that I will hurt you sister Purply again??? I accept that I did an unforgivable sin to her which can't be forgiven so easily....

But trust me purab, I won't hurt her ever again... I regret for all my behavior and I won't do any sin ever again.....

Purab: I didn't mean that abhi... But...

Abhi: Trust me Purab... I'm not the same Abhi... You know right, how much changed I'm now... Really, I'm feeling sorry for all my bad behaviors and I'm ready to accept any punishment, your sister purply gonna give to me...

I just want to meet your sister Purply today... Please don't stop me Purab... I want to come out of my guilt and then only I can marry my fuggy happily.... I badly want to live my life for my fuggy...  Please help me purab....

Purab doesn't know what to say to abhi... He keeps on calling Aaliya and pragya without abhi's notice and get them alert that abhi is coming there to meet Purply.... But to his misery, both their mobiles are not at all reachable....

Abhi: Purab... Are you feeling bad that I'm gonna marry my fuggy other than your sister Purply...

Purab: No abhi... Both purply and pragya are same to me only.... You hate purply a lot... But I know  very well,  how much you love your fuggy... I even know that pragya (fuggy) is way too smart and clever and not a fool like Purply to easily give up her love....

Abhi: That's what bothering me now Purab... Pragya knows something about Purply... But I'm scared what will happen if Purply....

Purab interrupts : That's why I'm saying abhi... Let's go for wedding shopping... Buy some nice gift for pragya... Don't strain yourself at this time.... It's your wedding abhi... You need to be Happy at this time...

Abhi: No purab... I... I can't start my life happily before meeting Purply... Even I'm ready to bring my fuggy in front of Purply and want to show her that my fuggy needs me a lot and she is crazily in love with me....

Purab smiles: 😂😂😂😂😂😂... Abhi... Accept it man... You are afraid of your fuggy na... She will kill you if you try to run away from her...

Abhi nods his head with a blushing smile in his face: Yes purab... You don't know fully about this figgy... She is a Terrific girl... Huh... I've never seen such a gut filled and daring girl in my life...

I'm thinking why my parents didn't find out my fuggy before itself for me... If they have got her before me that time itself, I would have been a happily married man living happily with my family....

I don't whom to blame.. Bad fate... Anyways leave it... Let's go there and wait till the case ends and don't try to be too smart enough to stop me from meeting purply, okay... Dare to inform that I'm there to meet her, I will kill you...

Purab is completely scared and nervous as he can't think of the consequences and he  couldnt imagine what will be abhi's reaction when he knows that purply or Miss Arora is none other than his fuggy....


While they reached the court premises, they were completely shocked to see the whole corridor of the court area is vacant... They saw many people are running hurriedly to hear the brilliant arguments of the famous criminal lawyer Miss. Arora...

When Abhi and Purab where moving towards the court area, Purab got an important call from home to come soon as there is an emergency... Purab thought to make use of the situation and begged abhi to come with him...

But Abhi cut off purab and asked him to go and check that... Abhi is stubborn not to go anywhere other than meeting Purply... Purab sighs and moves towards the home praying that nothing should stop Abhi and Pragya's marriage at any cost...


Abhi is standing in the empty corridor of the court area hidingly as he doesn't want anyone to see him at that time... He covers his face completely so that no one can identify who he is...

Abhi doesn't know what to do at that time... He is way too nervous and sweating too much as he doesn't know what will be purply's reaction on seeing him... He couldn't think what to do to seek apology from her...

Abhi is completely tensed as what he will do if Purply demands that he is the reason for all her loses and he doesn't know what will he answer if she ask him to marry her... Abhi is in a complete inner turmoil as he can't ditch his fuggy whom he loved the most....

Abhi just want to run away from there without meeting Purply as he can't imagine a life without his fuggy... His mind and heart are arguing a lot and confusing him too much that he has to give proper justification to purply's loss and also to be loyal to his fuggy....

Abhi's head started to spin a lot... He feels suffocated to stand there... All he want now is to run to his fuggy and find solace in her arms... Abhi can't imagine a life without his fuggy who is ruling him completely...

Abhi just closes his eyes and remembers the happy moment he had with his fuggy that night.. His lips curved to a smile imagining that how his fuggy finds chance to kiss him and coming up with many reasons to show that how much she loves hin...

His whole self is screaming that he can't give up his love on his fuggy who crazily loves him for anyone.... But he is worried what will purply demand from him... Just then abhi hears someone calling simmi from far, which drained the colours in his face bringing the bad incidents and dark past before his eyes....

Abhi can't take that any more .. He shooks his head to get out from that dark incidents but he couldn't easily forget the haunting incidents which  is a biggest curse of his life... He started to walk fast to go to his house and to see his fuggy who can make him to forget the darkness in his life...

But, abhi halts in his steps as he heard a similar voice very close by to him... Abhi's heart thumps too hard and his legs moves uncontrollably without his knowledge towards the voice... Abhi frozes in shock as he didn't expect this at all....


So, what's going to happen next???

Whose voice did Abhi heard??? Is it pragya or Aaliya or Simonika???

What will be Abhi's reaction if he knows that purply is his fuggy????

Will Abhi and Pragya's marriage happens as expected???

Will pragya be able to get justice to her father's death and how she gonna take revenge on simonika???

What is the hidden profession of Pragya????


Keep guessing and stay tuned....

As usual came up with a long update of 3050+ words..

Sorry for typo errors and grammatical mistakes, if any....

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Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be



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