7. why can't I say no???

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What a tremendous and mind blowing response by you all to this story.... Really im feeling way too happy with all your love and support for this story....

Very happy and humbled to say that this story "can we love???" Has become my first ever story which has all the chapters till now with
100+ votes with a maximum of 115 votes and even prologue too has crossed 100+ votes..

Just posted 6 shots... But the votes have already crossed 850+.... Expecting all your love and support to continue this further....

But Im scared and worried a little bit... I don't know how am I going to present this story further.... I will try my level best to give the story as per your likings...

A very big sorry as Im very very late... This kkb is completely boiling my nerves and pissing me off... So, my mood is completely off... Don't worry let me try my level best to give this shot in a better manner...


Warning : Read at your very own risk... Dont blame me if you are not comfortable with the contents of this story....


Now without further adieu let's move to shot. 7:

Purab and aaliya comes to the hospital at early morning to look after pragya and abhi... Their lips curved to a bright smile to see abhi hugging pragya possessively in his arms and sleeping together...

Purab gestures aaliya to wake up abhi as the nurse may come to do the dressing for pragya... Aaliya though didn't wish to separate them and spoil their beautiful sleep has no other go than to wake up abhi...

Aaliya sighs and pats slightly on abhi's shoulder... Abhi groans and hugs pragya tightly and sleeps even more... Aaliya shooks her head in disbelief and pinches hardly in abhi's ears...

Abhi screams in pain and wakes up horrified to see purab laughing uncontrollably on seeing abhi's state .. Abhi couldn't understand what's going on and why aaliya is looking at him like this???

Abhi: Stupid aalu... Why did you pinch me like this??? Its paining very badly.... 😔😔😔

Purab: 😂😂😂😂.... The great terror don Abhishek Prem Mehra is sulking and complaining about a small pinch... 😂😂😂😂 ... Unbelievable....

Abhi: you idiot purab... 😬😬😬😬😬.... Aaliya pinch your husband too so that he too will know how much it's paining....

Aaliya smirks and looks at purab... Purab horrifies and runs out hurriedly as aaliya starts to chase him.... Abhi bursts into laughter on seeing them...

Abhi turns his head and spots pragya sleeping peacefully like a baby in his arms.... His lips curved to a smile and he caress pragya's head lovingly... He kisses her forehead and gets up to freshen up...

The day went as usual with pragya's childish protests, abhi's blackmailing and so on....


The days passes very soon... As per the order of Aaliya, abhi take cares of pragya really very well like his real wife but some how he felt guilty for cheating pragya like that... Abhi had a feeling that its wrong for him to behave with pragya as if he is her husband...

He tries very hard to suppress his feelings and makes his level best to act rigid and tough before pragya but pragya's puppy look and her smile is enough for abhi to melt like an icecream... Abhi really finds it very hard to say no to pragya....

Most of the time abhi has no other choice left than to give up to pragya's demands... Abhi though sometimes feels irritated and annoyed with pragya's childish rants n protests, but he does as per her wishes most of the times....

Its always believed that "whenever a person to tries hard to suppress their feelings and love and works hard run away from that person, knowingly or unknowingly, they will end up together with them and fail miserably in their attempts... " . . Same happens in the case of abhi before pragya...


Its been 10 days, since pragya is been admited in the hospital... With the love and care of abhi, aaliya and purab, pragya recovers from the injury....

Doctors has informed them that pragya is getting better and they can discharge her after two days... But as per the request of aaliya and pragya, the doctors has given warning to abhi and asked him to keep pragya stress free and not to make her to think about her lost memory....


Its quite a fine day... The arora mansion is shown which is being now has been inhabitated by the betrayers of pragya and her father...

Reema kapoor, pragya's step mother (pragya's father's ex-wife) and her husband Shyam kapoor are hell angry and fuming like a volcano... Reema is way too furious and breaking all the antique pieces in the house which are made of crystalline glasses...

Shyam: Reema... Stop all this nonsense... You are hurting yourself... Your anger is not going to give us anything ...

Reema yells: Then what shall I do shyam??? You made me helpless before that arrogant devil... She has purposely done this to make us suffer...

If you are not like this, I would have never felt this much helpless and I don't have to stand and beg in front of her... She betrayed us and run away somewhere without informing us....

Shyam: Oh!!!! When did you start to care for that devil...

Reema : stop talking nonsense ... Care my foot... Why will I care for the devil???? Why not she runaway before handing over a lump sum money and all the properties....

My blood is boiling to kill her .. If she returns, I wont spare her at all... But I will only blame  you for this mess .. All happened because of you or else I would have never return to this house....

Shyam: Calm down reema... What shall we do??? All my properties and money which I stole from your
ex-hubby are lost in the big loss na...

At least we can have food as much we want here and we are living in this house without any rent na... Lets see when this bloody girl comes over again... That time we will show the worst side to her...

Reema: ya... Im thinking the same... She has to pay back for all the sins she has committed... 😂😂😂😂😂.... Pragya Arora your game is going to end soon... The whole property is going to be mine....

Reema and shyam smiles devilishly and plan to trap pragya not aware of the fact that they are going to fail miserably in their attempts...


That evening, aaliya has went to the home as she has some important work in the home... Abhi is with pragya who is sleeping because of medicines....

Purab came inside hurriedly with a worried striken face....

Purab: Abhiiii... Abhiii....

Abhi: What Happened purab??? Why you looked so tensed???

Purab: Abhi... An emergency... I told you already na about a gang of bas***s trying to sell drugs to school kids... They have been spotted in xyz place.... Some of our men are over there....

We have to rush up there abhi before things gets complicated... Its getting worst day by day Abhi... We have to take serious actions or else, it will be highly dangerous and spoil young kids life....

Abhi gritts his teeth in anger:

😬😬😬😬😬😬 Why these idiots are doing like this??? what pleasure did they get by doing so??? Don't they find any other ways to earn money..

How they are stooping low to earn money??? Why can't they see other kids as tht of their own??? Im worried a lot where the society is going on...

Purab: Abhi its not time to sit and worry for the happenings... Its time for action... Come lets move... Each and every second wasted is a threat and the consequences will be severe... So shall we go without any delay...

Abhi: Huh... God... What shall we do now??? Who will be with pragya???

Purab: Let's ask aaliya to come over here... She will be with pragya till we return...

Abhi: Purab... Aaliya is not here... Few minutes before she has called me and informed me tht she is going to some place to see some victims of social abuse and going to get them to home... It will take almost four to five hours for aaliya to return....

Purab: Oh my goodness... We are completely trapped now... We can't leave pragya alone... And the issue is also way too serious... What shall we do now???

Abhi: Let's do one thing purab... You be with praya... I will go and handle the issue....

Purab: But abhi... How can I allow you to go alone??? If aaliya knows this, she will kill me...

Abhi: Don't worry purab... Im the same Abhishek Mehra who has no fear for the culprits... Dont worry the don in me is still alive and I will settle this issues soon... You take care of pragya carefully till I return....

Abhi moves aside making purab to get stunned and he is standing restless rubbing his forehead with his palms... Purab comes out from his trance when he felt a soft hands touch his hands....

Purab: Pragya .. you woke up ....

Pragya frowns and turns her head in anger... Purab knows pretty well why she is reacting like this...

Purab: may I know why my little munchkin is angry on her bro????

Pragya gritts her teeth in anger and punches in purab's stomach.... Purab reacted as if he is hurted and feeling pain....

Pragya: Dont talk to me.... Im hell angry on you... Its better you move your ass from here before I kick you out....

Purab: 😱😱😱😱.... This much anger is not good for health.... May I know why my darling is angry???

Pragya: Don't talk to me... Where were you these days... You have never came and talked to me... So, you forget your little angel na...

Purab: 😂😂😂😂.... Drama queen... How can I come and talk with you when your husband is sitting with like a glue and my little angel is shamelessly drooling and hugging and kissing her husband na....

Im a very good boy you know.... I dont interrupt anyone's romance... Moreover, if I see your romance I will be spoiled rotten na....

Pragya gets irritated with purab's antics....

Purab: Alright... Lets be serious for sometime... What shall we going to do now pragya??? Its been ten days since you are away from home and your so called shautans are still in your home...

Pragya: Ya I know bro... That's what bothering me... Can you do me a favour??? 🔇🔇🔇🔇🔇...

Purab: okay... I will do it... But you have to forgive me please....

Pragya smiles widely and gives purab a brotherly hug and they chit chat for a long time....


Abhi returned hospital very exhausted and tired... His face is looking dull... Purab who comes out from pragya's room spots abhi and rushes and sees abhi who is standing there with little bruishes....

Purab: Abhi... You are fine na... Why didn't you picked my call??? Why you didn't informed me anything???

Abhi: Nothing to worry purab... Chill up... See... Im fine na... No need to bother much...

By the way, how did this baby brat behaved with you???? Did she troubled you a lot??? Where is aaliya??? Didn't she returned???

Purab: No abhi... Aaliya is busy in home and making arrangements for the victims... I was waiting for you and I have to go and pick her...

By the way, your wife didn't troubled me... She is worried a lot and nagged me to call you many times... She is angry on you abhi... Go and see your wife and she is sleeping now... Let me move to see my wife...

Purab winks at abhi and walks out... Abhi with a varied emotion enters inside... He is really hurt to see pragya looking very sad and he can see pragya's eyes welled up on seeing his state...

Abhi comes and sits near pragya and caress her head...

Abhi: Sorry baby girl... An emergency work... Iv no choice left than ro leave you.... Sorry...

Pragya: Im scared abhi... 😭😭😭😭... You wont leave me like this na...

Abhi: No... Why will I leave you??? Why are you crying like this??? What happened to you??? Purab said you are sleeping...

Pragya hugs abhi and is weeping too hard... Abhi doesn't find words to console her... In between her cries, pragya bursts out that she had a dream that abhi is being stabbed brutually by someone....

Abhi tries his level best to convince pragya.... But pragya keep on ranting a lot and is blabbering something without paying heed to any words of abhi and is shouting like a mad...

Abhi's mind is lingering with only one thought.... He doesn't want pragya to get worried and he can't digest or tolerate pragya's cries anymore....

Abhi pulls pragya closer and slammed his lips with hers... Pragya stuns with the sudden assault of abhi ... Her eyes is shedding more hot tears uncontrollably.... Abhi is startled as he feels a sour taste in his lips because of pragya's tears...

So, what has happened???

Why pragya is crying like this when abhi kissed her???

What happened to abhi's mission???

What did pragya said to purab???

What will happen after pragya enters the mehra mansion???

Who really is pragya???

Keep guessing and stay tuned....

A long update as usual with 2330+ words....

Sorry for typo errors if any... No time to proof read....

Cast your votes and pen down your views....

Silent readers will you guys open up and press the 🌟 button once and make me happy...

Yours buddy


Is waiting eagerly.....


Will be



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