6. My betraying heart...

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Oh my god!!!! Oh my god!!!!

Its unbelievable guys... Thank you sooooooooo soooooooo muchhhhhh.... I didn't expected this at all...

Such an awesome and huge response by you all...

This is my first ever story to get this much recognition in a short time... Just 5 shots posted... 4 chapters has already crossed 100+ votes...

Thanks for all those love and support... Im flying in happiness...

Got a maximum of 109 votes so soon.... Expecting all your love and support more to continue further...

Sorry for being late...

Now to shot. 6:

Its very hard for abhi to convince pragya to make her eat food and medicines... She is protesting like a baby and is always blackmailing him to kiss her...

Abhi: Pragya .. please... Listen to me... See... You are not well... Doctor has strictly warned you to have proper diet... If you didn't eat well, you have to stay in hospital only...

Pragya: No... No.. I will eat properly abhi... But please don't give these yucky soup... Horrible... My taste buds will feel bad na...

Give me something yummy, spicy n tasty... 😋😋😋😋 ... See... How I will finish those soon... If its non- veg, I am ready to eat as much as I can... I will lick the plate too... Yum yum...

Pragya Twists her lips and licks it with her tongue as if she is tasting some yummy food.... Abhi's heart skipped a beat on seeing that... His hormones urged him to suck those dancing lips and tongues...

Abhi shooks his head in disbelief... He mentally scolds himself for having such wierd n dirty thoughts in his mind... He takes a deep breath to control his urging senses...

Abhi: Accha... You want all that... My sis aaliya is an awesome cook... She will make it for you after we reach home... Now be a good girl n have this...

Pragya: No... no... Please... Please... Leave me... Noooooo...

Abhi forcefully feeds pragya...

Abhi: See its very good na...

Pragya: Youuuuu... 😠😠😠😠😠.... Feeding me this yucky thing and asking me its good or not... I wont leave you..

Before abhi realizes what happens, pragya feeds the soup which makes abhi to sulk and make faces as if he is eating poison... Pragya starts to laugh on seeing abhi's antics...

Abhi starts to drown in pragya's smile unknowingly... His heart felt contented and he starts to melt slowly in the breath taking smile of pragya... He feels that the darkness of his life is slowly start to fill with colours...

After a lot of struggle, abhi feeds pragya and he begs pragya to take rest...

Abhi: Now its time to sleep...

Pragya: Abhi... Can you make me to sleep... Please... Please... I feel like sleeping in your lap...

Abhi: Pragya... Iv an important work outside... Shall I ask aaliya to come and be with you and make you to sleep????

Pragya: Its okay abhi... Leave it... Im not blessed to get all my wishes fulfilled... When my husband doesn't want to be with me, why to force others...

Abhi: Pragya... Try to understand me... Really Iv an important work...

Pragya: hmm... All the things are important to you than me... I think im not blessed to be loved by you... Its okay don't trouble anyone for me... Moreover, Im not heartless like you...

Aaliya is married na and its her duty to be with her husband... But you are hell adamant to separate them and spoil their moments...

Abhi: This is too much... When did I say like that??? My buddy purab is a very understanding person... He won't mind if aaliya is here with you...

Pragya: huh... God... Abhi don't behave like a kid... Think like a grown up man... A husband and wife should be together.. Its not advisable to separate them during night time...

Abhi: But why??? I couldn't get you... Wait... Let me go and ask aaliya and purab why is it so???

Pragya doesn't know what to make him to stop...

Pragya shouts: Tell me directly that you don't want me to be with me abhi.... I know you married me for revenge only na or is it a forced marriage between us???

Abhi yells: What rubbish.... Who said to you like that??? Im not a monster to marry anyone for revenge... Do you get that???

Abhi roars in anger and pragya's eyes welled up and she trembles in fear... Abhi really feels guilty for shouting at pragya like this... She buries her face in pillow and starts to cry aloud...

Abhi nears pragya and touches her head....

Abhi: Sorry pragya... Dont cry... I shouldn't have shouted on you.. please... I can't see your crying face...

Pragya: No.. No... You are not at fault abhi... Im to be blamed... I don't know anything about us na... Sorry, if I hurt you...

Abhi: No... no... Its okay... please stop crying...

Pragya: who said Im crying??? Dust gone into my eyes... So, my eyes welled up...

Abhi: Oh is it so??? Then its good... Come let me make you to sleep...

Pragya: Its okay abhi... You carry on with your work... I will sleep...

Abhi: Im not going anywhere before making you to sleep...

Abhi sits in the bed and makes pragya to lie in his lap... He caress her head lovingly... Pragya smiles brightly and gives a quick peck in his lips and drifted to sleep...

Abhi shooks his head in disbelief... He admires pragya's sleeping form... He can see a soft, innocent and naive kid in pragya.. He feels some sort of calmness when looking at pragya...

Abhi's pov.:

Why am I not in my control when Im with pragya??? Why I cant see her sad??? What's happening with me??? Its wrong for me to betray a memory loss patient like pragya...

But why my heart, mind and body is stammering like this when Im with pragya??? I cant believe is it me who is acting like this... Why am I caring for pragya as if Im her real husband...

Abhi.... This is wrong... You are a cursed soul... Dont melt to her love... She is innocent and she may forget you when she regains her memory back...

But why I want pragya to be with me??? Isn't it wrong on my part to fool her like this??? How come a girl love a devastated soul like me??? Pragya may hate you if she knows who really you are....

God.... Why am I getting confused lile this??? Who is this pragya??? Who really she is??? Who are all her family??? Did she has any lover???

No... No... She cant have any lover for sure... Wht's wrong if she has already... Abhi... Behave properly... She is a patient and you are the person who is responsible for her condition...

Keep it in your dumb head that its your duty to hand over her to her family as she came to you... Don't get close with her... Pragya is imagining you as her husband and is trying to be close with you ...

You know pretty well abhi that she is not your wife... Remember abhi... You are cursed and abandoned to have an good soul like pragya as your wife...

Where were you pragya all these years??? Why didn't you come before me earlier??? If I have you in my life earlier, my life would have been a happy and blessed one..."

Abhi's eyes welled up unknowingly thinking that he cant have pragya beside him as his lover or as wife... He starts to drown in the cursed part of his life...

The devilish laugh of a girl, her venomous and cursed words, her betrayal, her sarcastic treatment and her back stabbing which causes him to lose the three precious lives of his family flashes in his mind...

Abhi bites his lips and controls his sobs so that pragya wont get disturbed in her sleep... Abhi doesn't know how long he keeps on staring pragya's face...

Fate has played very cruelly in abhi and pragya's lives ... All these years, pragya is always at the sight of abhi only but abhi has never had an interest on her and never had a glimpse of her...

But the bitter reality is that abhi is cursing his fate for not showing pragya to him and not bringing pragya before him in his eyes... Poor abhi doesn't know the fact that its him who is solely responsible for all his miseries...

Abhi stares at pragya lovingly but his heart and mind are arguing whether he is doing right or wrong... But more than his heart and mind, his body reacted way too fast... He slowly bends down and kisses her forehead lovingly...

Abhi caress her head and slowly trails kisses all over her face... He sighs and keeps her head carefully in the pillow and covers her with duvet.. He crawls into the small couch in the hospital room and drifted to sleep...


Its been three days, since pragya has been in hospital... Though abhi felt reluctant to do some things for pragya, purab and aaliya are blackmailing him hard saying that pragya is his responsibility....

Pragya too played her cards pretty well... Her puppy face and cute pouts are enough for abhi to melt and do as per her wish... But abhi is not at all comfortable with pragya's closeness and he says some lame excuses to escape from pragya...


Abhi and purab has gone for an important discussion... They went to meet their team members who are in a mission to collect info. about persons who are misbehaving with girls....

Abhi fumes and breaks all the things there in anger when he hears a name... His heart is thumping too hard and his blood is boiling furiously to rip the person into pieces...

Purab finds no words to console him... He tries his level best to control abhi but he fails miserably as the person's name kindled abhi's dark past again and evoked the hidden monster inside him..

Purab; Abhi... Please... control yourself... Just calm down... Don't think of anything... All will be fine soon...

Don't stress yourself... Cool dude... Try to forget everything abhi... Lets start afresh...

Abhi: How can I purab??? How can I start afresh??? I cant forget anything purab... Its a dark scar in my life... I believed the betrayers rather than my loved ones...

Its me because of whom all the problems started.. Its me who has to die and not them.... Why did they do this to me??? Where am I at fault??? Why did they backstabbed me???

Purab: Relax Abhi... Control yourslef... Don't lose your patience... We will punish those heartless monsters for sure...

Abhi: But we have done nothing till now... we are sitting here helpless because of the promise given to Aaliya...

Purab: Its Aaliya's wish to punish them legally... She knows very well that we can finish them in a second...

But aaliya is hell adamant in this matter as she want legal Justice for all the precious and important lives you two have lost...

Don't worry abhi... God is with us... Trust me... We will soon get justice... Truth never fails abhi... Lets try to collapse their illegal works with all our might... What say???

Abhi: Okay as you wish... Im not going to involve in this matter... You take care of everything... If they meet them again, that's going to be the last day of their lives..

I won't mind the promise too... Alright purab... Inform the boys to have a check on their activities and ask them to report to us as and when possible..

Purab... I cant sit here anymore... You just talk and come... Let me go to hospital.... Its getting late... I know pragya will be troubling aaliya for sure...

Purab: Oh my god!!!! Is it you abhi??? Ahem... Ahem... What's happening abhi??? Too much concern for pragya hun... 😉😉😉

Abhi: Don't think much okay... Im doing everything as Im feeling guilty... Moreover, I don't like anyone troubling my aaliya...

Purab: Ahaan...

Abhi cant stand there anymore as purab's teasing and naughty smile is reaching beyond its peak... Abhi fakes as if he has got message and rushes out...


Abhi's lips curved to a smile on seeing pragya sleeping peacefully... Aaliya excused abhi to take care of pragya as she has to go to home and is having some important works there...

Abhi sits near pragya and caress her head... He doesn't know why his anger, his frustrations, his unhappy mood, his dark past vanishes in thin air when he is always with pragya... He admires her sleeping form without blinking his eyes....

Abhi has an urge to have pragya in his arms always and protect her like a precious doll and take care of her like a queen... He wants to welcome and treat pragya with everything he has...

But his mind warns him again and again not to fall in the crap called love... Abhi really feels suffocated to sit there as he cant able to control his growing feelings...

Abhi just want to run away from everything ... He cant tolerate this kind of tortorous situation in his life... Abhi is feeling himself standing in the mid of fire in which his betrayers is making mockery of his devasted and confused state...

But abhi felt a strange relief all off a sudden... A soulful and breath taking cold wave passes in his heart which completely destroys the monsterous waving fire which keeps on haunting him and destroying him like a slow poison...

Abhi cant register what's going on... He is not in a mood to think of anything as for now and he just want to enjoy the moment without any regret...

His mind starts to lose in sanity slowly... Its his heart and body which starts to react at that moment... Abhi starts to drown himself willingly on the soul taking and passionate kiss given by pragya...


So, what's going to happen next???

Will abhi control his grown up feelings or will he start to drown in that???

Who are the betrayers of abhi???

Who are the three important persons aaliya and abhi has lost???

Who really is pragya??? How she and aaliya are friends??? How come abhi has not aware of her presence in his home earlier???

A question of thought:

Is abhi married already???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

Sorry for the delay....

Keep supporting me with your valuable votes and comments... Silent readers expecting a lot from you all...

As usual came up with a long update of 2460+ words...

Sorry for mistakes... No time to proof read...


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be


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