5. Trapped badly to a protesting baby...

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Oh my god!!!! 101 votes... That's so quick.... Such an awesome response from you all... Thanks for the wonderful support and love...

Your votes, reviews n comments are making me to fly in happiness... So, all are loving this bold pragya na....

Come lets go and read ahead the
shot. 5 after pressing the 🌟 button... No cheating guys.... Votes matters a lot to me... Better skip this story if you didn't wish to vote...

Shot. 5:

Abhi and Purab comes out after finalizing the deal and attending an important meeting... They discussed about their next mission, about a man who is misbehaving with girls near the school area...

As insisted by Purab, Abhi and purab went to get some dresses for Pragya... Though Abhi is not at all interested in all this, he has no choice left and he reluctantly agreed as Purab used his cards pretty well...

After shopping, they gets inside the car and they are completely exhausted with the day's happenings...

Purab: Such a long day na Abhi...

Abhi: Huh... It's all because of you... Don't know what that girl is doing with Aaliya...

Purab: Aaliya... Oh my god... 😱😱😱😱... Shit... Shit... I'm gonna get dead today... Sure your sister gonna kill me.... Rest in peace, Purab....

Abhi: Arrey yaar... what happened man??? Don't whine like a baby and say me what's the matter....

Purab: My phone is in silent mode and I forget to change it that after meeting... Oh no the angry Aaliya will erupt like a volcano... She will kill me for sure... Huh... Don't how much calls she has made too... I'm dead today....

Abhi: Blopdy Crap... I too forget to switch on my mobile... 😱😱😱😱... Today our funeral is for sure, Puru... May our souls rest in peace... (Says dramatically)

Purab: 😂😂😂😂... It's too too much na Abhi... You are the terror hidden don AP and I'm your right hand PK to whom the whole city, police and criminals are fearing for.. But we two are fearing like this for Aaliya 😂😂😂😂... She has such a control on us....

Abhi: Yup... Aaliya is such a terror... Huh.... We can't tolerate her anger for sure... But Purab, we have to be very careful from now onwards.... I think this girl pragya will also going to become a big trouble us for sure...

Purab's pov.: "😂😂😂😂.... Abhi... You don't know anything about my little doll purply or your fake wife pragya...

Aaliya is a baby in front of pragya... Pragya is really a terror girl... No one can predict what she will do next...  Aaliya is only 10%, but my pragya is 100% man...

What did you think of my chotti purply??? She is going to become the don of the great don Abhishek prem mehra... She has lots of guts...

But I dont know whether its the cruel fate of pragya or you, all things got messed up ... I and aaliya always wished to see you together as  couples...

It's you two who would have got married earlier... Pragya loves you madly from her 9th standard itself... But abhi you have never looked at her because you were not in your senses because of that bitch...

What you got in return??? Nothing... A sad and dark, cursed life... A heart break, a betrayal, your lose in trust in woman...  you started to hate love and marriage and you have not in a mood to live your life too...

Do you know what??? Pragya is the one who is way more shattered to see you like that... That girl started to do all sorts of stupid stunts to wipe away the misery... If me and aaliya is not there, sure she would have died a long back...

Thank god... Fate played its cards pretty well again... You two met in an unexpected scenario and I hope you two will unite this time for sure... I know my little munchkin, my purply, my chotti ,  my pragya will win you for sure...

This is going to a sweet torture for you abhi... You are going to melt in my pragya's love... Accept her soon abhi...

She is a devastated soul... She longs for love all her life... Hold her tightly abhi... You will have a happy life for sure..."

Abhi shooks purab very hard...

Abhi: Hey... What happened Purab??? Are you scared of Aaliya??? You are standing like a statue...

Purab: Yup... You have to save me from your sister or else I will kill you... Now take your mobile and check... Let me see mine...

Abhi: 😱😱😱😱... 50 missed calls... Sure gonna die....

Purab: Thank god... Only 49 for me... Im saved...

Abhi: Youuuu.... Iv got messages too... Oh God... Purab drive the car fast man... Its an emergency....

Purab: What happened, Abhi??? Why are you panicking this much???

Abhi: It's about Pragya..


After sometime, Abhi and Purab reaches the hospital... Abhi rushes inside very fastly... Purab takes slow steps with a huge amount of teasing and a naughty smile lingering in his face..

Abhi halts his steps when he nears the hospital room door in which pragya is admitted... He gulps hard to see a boiling volcano in Aaliya's form standing in front of the door...

Abhi (stammers) : Aalu... Vo...vo..

Aaliya yells : Where the hell have you been two??? Can't you guys be responsible at all???

Throw away those stupid and useless boxes you two have in your hands... Why can't you two come soon...

How am I looking to you, Bhai??? I too have lot of works...  Am I looking like a nanny to babysit your wife???

Abhi: Sorry Aalu... We got stucked up...

Aaliya: Don't irritate me, Bhai... That Pragya is doing too much... Where did you find that Pragya, Bhai??? Huh... An unbelievable girl... Not at all hearing anything...

Abhi: Did she troubled you???

Aaliya: No Bhai... She is troubling herself... She has not took anything after you left... She has to eat and have medicines....

But she is protesting like a kid saying that she will have only when her husband comes... She is keep on nagging me to call you bhai... Poor girl... Missed you so much...

Abhi: 😱😱😱😱 whaaattt???? Why she has to miss me???

Aaliya: What??? You are her husband na... Go and make her to have food... Make sure that she has to eat everything... Doctor said she is very weak... Don't forget her medicines too...

Abhi: Aaliya... I cant do this for sure....

Aaliya: Then let her die... Come lets go to home...

Abhi: Whaaatttt??? How can you talk like this aalu???

Aaliya: Just think bhai who is talking like that??? Its you bhai and not me... You are responsible for her condition bhai so you have to keep her happy and look after her health ...

Please bhai... You have to do it... I can see only a little girl in her... Treat her like a girl who is admiring you as her real husband... So simple... You wont feel awkward at all... Go and take care of her bhai... Please...

Abhi nods his head though he is not at all convinced with aaliya's words... He feels that he is being forced to do everything yet he is guilty for his actions and pragya's conditions...

Aaliya controls her laughter and moves from there and spots purab standing there with a mischievous glint in his face... Aaliya makes an angry face and walks ahead and purab follows her knowing well how to convince aaliya...


Pragya looks eagerly for abhi to come inside the room... When abhi enters inside, she smirks and a naughty smile creeps in her face... She holds her stomach tightly and cries aloud...

Pragya (shouts) : aaaahhhhh.... Its paining.... Aaahhhhh... 😭😭😭😭

Abhi horrifies and rushes inside and sits near pragya and caress her head... Pragya suddenly hugs abhi and cries hard.... Abhi doesn't know what to do...

Abhi pats pragya's back and tries his level best to calm her down... Pragya is giggling inside and is enjoying the warmth hug of her abhi... She burries her face in abhi's chest and wishes to freeze the moment which she longed for many years....

Abhi consoles Pragya and wipes her tears....

Abhi: what happened Pragya??? Why are you crying like this??? Is it paining???

Pragya sniffs: Yup... It's paining very badly... 😢😢😢😢

Abhi: oh... Don't worry... I will call the
doctor okay... You will be fine soon..

Pragya: Why to call the doctor??? Is it any medical complications...

Abhi: You only said na its paining...

Pragya: Ya its paining as I'm very hungry... No need of doctor and all.... You are too bad, Abhi... What an irresponsible husband you are??? Cant you look after your wife properly???

Abhi sees really a kid in Pragya, who is protesting like a small kid demanding for chocolates... Her childish antics are making abhi's heart to jump with happiness...

Abhi: Sorry Pragya... I've been to office... I got strucked up in an important meeting... Sorry... I won't repeat this... Tell me what happened here???

Pragya: Idiot... I'm starving here... You are coming very late and asking coolly what has happened... Go... Go and sit in your office... Look after your files alone....

No one is there for me na... Who am I to you??? Am I really your wife??? Did you really loved me??? 😭😭😭... I cant understand anything...

Pragya holds her head tightly and pretends as if she is stressing herself and her head is paining... After all how much serials with memory loss she has watched. . It helped her to act pretty well...

Abhi: Please pragya... Calm down... Don't talk like this and don't stress yourself...

Pragya: I did not say anything wrong abhi  ... I lost all my memory and I don't know how our relationship was before... 😔😔😔😔... Who is going to care for me if I die too??? Im a waste piece troubling you all right....

Abhi (roars) : Pragya... Stop talking nonsense... Im there for you okay... I wont let anything happen to you... You are my responsibility and I will care for you all my life... Is that clear????

Pragya nods her head... Happy tears roll down from her eyes... Abhi wipes her tears and asks her to smile...

Pragya: Abhi... I'm sorry... 😢😢😢... I didn't meant to... I'm feeling insecured....

Abhi: No... It's okay... I understand... Don't stress yourself... All will be fine soon... Be happy and smile always... Come let me give you food...

Pragya: Will you feed me??? Please... Please... I like to eat from my husband's hand... You won't say no right...

Abhi: Okay...

Abhi feeds pragya and makes her to have her medicines too... She is keep on whining and protesting like a kid .. Abhi enjoys all her antics but he is very stubborn and makes her to eat everything much to her displeasure...

Abhi: Time to take some rest now... Be a good girl and sleep ....

Pragya: Im not interested to sleep at all....

Abhi: Chup... Sleep..

Pragya: 😢😢😢😢.... You are threatening me... 😭😭😭😭... You are very bad.... You are not at all loving me...

Abhi: No... No... Im not pragya... I care for you a lot... Rest is needed na... Sleep soon pragya...

Pragya: what's this pragya, pragya??? Im really your wife only na...

Abhi: Yes... Why are you having such doubt???

Pragya: Then why are you not calling me in lovey dovey names... Im feeling irritated when you call me by my name...

Abhi: Huh... 😨😨😨😨

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂... I think you are a big zero in romance... Hey na abhi...

Abhi: Hoye... who said so like that??? You don't know about this abhi's charms... (Abhi's male ego popped out all of a sudden)

Pragya: Ahaan... Let me see that... No more pragya from your mouth anymore... Call me in lovable names only okay...

Abhi doesn't know what to say... He understands he is completely trapped and his heart asks him to drown in that but his mind argues with him not to make a fool of himself by falling again in love....

Abhi: Alright my little baby girl.... Can you sleep now???

Pragya: What me ??? Baby??? Noooo...

Abhi: Yesssss... You are whining and behaving like a baby only... 😂😂😂😂....

Pragya : Youuu... Then I have to show to you na what this baby can do???

Abhi: No... No... (Keeps his mouth shut with his hands)

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂... very funny...Don't expect me to kiss and all... Naughty boy... Your quota is over for today...

Its your turn now... Pamper me like a baby and make me to sleep.... Remember you cant escape from me today... You  have to give my quota... You are permitted to  kiss me as much as you can ... 😉😉😉😉

Aaliya and purab who is about to enter the room watches this scenario amd  goes out immediately and bursts into laughter... They hi-fies and they laugh again as how abhi is being trapped...

Purab: 😂😂😂😂... What a scene... This purply is way too ahead... Poor abhi strucked up like this... He is sitting like a thief caught by a police...

Aaliya: 😂😂😂😂... ya poor abhi bhai... But everything is for their happy life na... Both abhi bhai and our purply (pragya) has faced a lot in their lives... They have only a bitter past and a dark life... All their lives they longed and carved only for true love...

Now only god's mercy fallen on both of them... I know they will unite truely with love... Im waiting for that day to come soon...

Purab: Don't worry aalu... The day is not quite far away... Abhi and pragya are made for each other... They will unite and lead a happy and peaceful life for sure....


A dark place is shown... A person is yelling and breaking all the things in fury.... He shouts in full rage...

" You two cant escape from me... All my problems started because of you two.... I will kill you two for sure...

Abhishek mehra... You have done a big sin... You poked your nose unnecessarily in my matter... I wont spare you...

(He takes a picture) And you bloody bi**h... How dare you to file a  case against me??? Did you know whom did you messed up with???? Get ready to die soon... 😂😂😂😂....

The blurry image of a girl is shown..


So, what's going to happen next????

Will Abhi starts to feel for Pragya????

What will be Pragya's plans???

How did purab and aaliya knows about pragya and how did they know each other???

Why Abhi is not aware of Pragya???

Keep guessing and stay tuned....

As usual came up with a very long update of 2500+ words...

Sorry for typo errors and grammatical mistakes if any...

Cast your votes and pen down your views....


Yours buddy,


Signing off....

Will be



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