My heart and soul, aches for you... (Bonus Chapter)

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As the majority wished and asked for, I'm here with the bonus chapter... I hope you all will like this Bonus chapter...

Anything can happen...

Hold on to your heart beats and read the shot with your very own risk...

Many twisty shocks are awaiting and some parts of this chapter may be little bit odd for you... Those who are not comfortable, don't step further...

Strictly no bashing is allowed...


Life is an unpredictable journey... Nothing can be preplanned as the fate will twist the situations and will change the happenings, upside down, which we didn't expected at all...

We both love each other a lot... Inspite of all the awful and bitter past, you chased me, made me fall for you and we joined hands together in an eternal bonding... Instead of living a happy life with me, why you thought to leave me alone and push me in a dark hell again???

True love stories always have a happy ending... But to reach the happy ending, a lot of hardships have to be passed...


Anger... Worry... Hatred... Breathlessness... Longingness... Nervousness... Tension... Ahead of all these emotions, the venoms and fire that are spitting from Abhi's whole self to destroy Dhusyanth and Simonika are at it's peak, as he can't tolerate that they have kidnapped Pragya in a tricky way...

Purab is hell scared to see Abhi like this... A lump formed in Purab's throat, as he sees Abhi no less than a mighty and dangerous warrior, who is ready to trash his enemies mercilessly and it's clear through his reactions that Abhi will show them a living hell for sure....

Understanding that Abhi is not in a calm mind set, Purab runs quickly behind Abhi , who is rushing like a storm, from the hospital and is about to get on to his car.... Purab abruptly pulls the keys from Abhi's hands, while Abhi holds Purab's neck harshly and tightens the grip around his neck...

Abhi's mind is haunted only with the thoughts to destroy their enemies and he isn't in a clear mind set to see that he is showing all his strength in Purab's neck and is choking him hardly... Purab's eyes started to well up and clear pain is visible in his face...

Purab's breath hitched and he tries to get rid of Abhi's hand from his neck... But Abhi's hold is like a huge mountain and Purab is struggling like a small rat trashed by a big Lion...

Abhi and Pragya's men, who comes out from the hospital hurriedly to go in search of Pragya, are shocked to see the scenario and they rushes and try to help Purab, who is about to lose his life , anytime...

No one's shouts, screams, pleadings, beggings reached the deaf ears of Abhi and he's visualizing only the images of his enemies before him... All panicks and gets tensed as they don't know how to stop Abhi, who is not responding to anyone and is about to kill Purab thinking that it's Simonika and Dhusyanth...

Much to everyone's reverie, Abhi's mobile rings aloud with Pragya's voice humming in the background... Abhi suddenly took off his hand from Purab's neck and screams Fuggy to the top of his lungs and hot liquid melt down from his eyes...

All understands Abhi's pain and feels sorry for his pathetic state... They helped Purab, who is breathing heavily and struggling hard to get back the needed breath... Raj, the head of the team members, quickly made Purab to drink water and pats his back...

Abhi didn't noticed anything but he kneels down and is crying vigorously, till the call gets cut... Purab quickly composes himself and rushes near Abhi and caress his head gently, as he knows very well that Abhi is broken beyond repair...

Abhi hugs Purab tightly and is pleading him to ask his Fuggy to come back to him... Purab gently makes Abhi to sit in the car seat and made him to wear the seat belt... Purab gave some important instructions to their men and ordered them to do the needful...

Purab starts the car quickly and calls Aaliya, as she is the one who is going to help them to track, where might be Pragya being kidnapped.... Purab loses his patience as Aaliya is not picking up his calls for a good hard five minutes and it really scares him a lot...

Many unwanted incidents lines up before Purab's mind and he nervously dials Aaliya continuously... Purab quickly rubs his moist eyes, as he doesn't know how to console Abhi and he badly wants someone beside him to tell that Pragya, Aaliya and the unborn baby are safe and sound....

Not in a mentality to give up, Purab dials Aaliya in repeat mode and much to his reverie and relief, the calls gets connected finally... Aaliya says Hello with a dull voice but Purab is not in a condition to reply to Aaliya and is crying hardly...

Aaliya (in a panicked tone): Hello.. Purab... What happened my love???? Why are you crying like this??? Purply is fine na...

Purab: Aalu.... 😭😭😭😭😭.... You are okay na...

Aaliya: Yeah... I'm okay... Sorry Purab... I couldn't attend your calls, as I was vomiting continuously... Just took time to come out from the restroom.. Hey Puru... Did you get scared???

Purab: Yes... You showed me the living hell, stupid girl... Already everything is getting out of control and scaring me a lot... Pouring acid to my pain, you too didn't picked up my call...

I would have died in panick attack. for sure.. Already your brother made me half dead by choking my neck... Before composing myself fully, you made my heart to get strucked up for this much time...

A heavy gasp echoes from Aaliya's side and Purab lately realized that he spitted out the matter to Aaliya unknowingly... Purab tries to divert Aaliya but knowing the adamant nature of Aaliya, he gives up and explains her what had happened but he didn't explained her fully...

Purab: I don't know how to console Abhi... If anything happens to you or baby, what will I and Abhi do???

Aaliya: Why are you blabbering like this Purab??? What Happened to Abhi bhai, all of a sudden??? Did the doctors said anything wrong in the MRI scan reports...

Purab: No Aalu... The scan has not be taken.. The issue is that our Purply... 😭😭😭😭... Purply is being kidnapped...

Aaliya: Whaaattttt... How is that possible??? All are there only right... Who can kidnap the great TP, irrespective of the strong vigilance of AP and his men...

Purab: Couldn't understand what had happened... But someone used the chance brilliantly knowing well that they can't near TP, when she gets back her conscious...

My gut feeling says that someone in the hospital would have helped them and informed them that Pragya's scanning was going to be done... We were not aware that the scanning room is connected to the secret passage in the backyard of the hospital...

That's why we were not aware of all these... Lately we came to know from the injured doctors that they have been attacked and Pragya is being kidnapped by some masked men...

Aalu... Tell me what we have to do further... Abhi is not in a calm mind set and he is reacting wierdly... All he want now is to kill those persons brutally, but he is not at all responding to me or saying me, what should be the next move...

I'm terribly confused and I don't know, what to do... Aalu... Do you have any knowledge how to reach Pragya??? Is there are any chance to track Pragya's whereabouts. in case of any emergencies???

Aaliya: Purab... Relax... Just give me five minutes to think... I will get back to you after getting Purply's laptop... Stop the car and calm down for sometime...

After five minutes, Aaliya calls Purab happily....

Aaliya: Purab... God is in our side... Thank god... They didn't removed Pragya's mangalsutra, while they took her to the scanning room... I just logged in to Purply's personal laptop and detected it..

The tracking chip fixed in her mangalsutra is showing the location, where Pragya is kept now.. I have messaged you and Abhi bhai the location and other details too along with that..

I'm trying to switch on the micro camera and the voice detector fixed in her studs... If it gets on, we three can watch what's going on there exactly through the mini camera fixed in the car's led screen and also through Purply's laptop..

Purab: Brilliant Job, Aalu...

Aaliya: Purab... It's all the Mastermind of the Great TP... She guessed something is going to happen like this and she pre-planned everything to reach her... This is what she is doing and cleverly working on it, before her marriage...

Even your mobile, my mobile, Abhi bhai's mobile and his stud has the secret chips to track our locations... Haan... The watches we are wearing too have the tracking devices with a micro camera attached to it..

Purab: Oh my goodness... Is that why Purply forced us all to wear that watch, when we go out...

Aaliya: Yes... She analyzed the situation and did all the security arrangements earlier itself.. But, we need to rush up, as our Purply or the great TP is still is an unconscious state...

Those nasty people can do anything with her... Go soon, Purab... Alert all our men... I will call commissioner uncle and ask him to reach there... Only he knows everything about all of us and it's indeed on his guidance only the TP is born...

Purab understands what he needs to do now... He shared the location with all his men and asked them to reach there with weapons to attack the enemies, in case of emergency...


Abhi is staring at the dark sky through the window of the car... Hot tears are melting from his eyes, because of the uncontrollable pain in his heart... He feels suffocated and he just want to have a glimpse of his Fuggy and get lost in her eyes...

Abhi's heart aches for his Fuggy and he wanna scream hardly that why fate is so cruel on them... Few days before, they got married happily and stepped into a new beginning of life... He couldn't understand why they are being separated like this...

All the beautiful moments, he shared with his Fuggy flashes before his mind... He just want to adore his baby brat, who used to do all kind of crazy things to freak him out and to get intimate with him..

Abhi just looks at all their wedding images in his mobile, longingly and he caress the blushing face of Pragya in their wedding night.. Abhi wipes his moist tears and comes to a determined mind set to face the war for his Fuggy and to destroy his enemies...


On the other side,

Pragya lazily opens her eyes from her long sleep.. She blinked her eyes and couldn't understand what has happened to her.. All she remembers is that she has an ugly encounter with Dhusyanth and Simonika's men..

The last thing Pragya remembered is that Simonika has hit her hardly on her head with a heavy rod and Dhusyanth has shoot her on her shoulders, knowing well that she is wearing bullet proof jacket.. The deadly laughters of few voices and Purab's screams echoes repeatedly in her ears..

Pragya blinks her eyes, as she couldn't understand where exactly she is.. Her eyes popped out, as she is in the hospital gown and her hands have the IV injection.. She looks at her surroundings and understands that she is being kidnapped..

Hearing some foot steps, Pragya closes her eyes quickly.. Pragya clearly gets to know that Simonika is behind the deadly play.. She kept mum on bearing the brutal kick by Simonika on her legs...

Pragya controlled herself and didn't reacted to Simonika, who pulled her hairs harshly and kicked on her soft br***ts....

Simonika: Pr.. Pragya.. Nah nah.. The great TP , the famous criminal lawyer, who is hell adamant to torture us right.. So pity on seeing your state, Pragya..

Instead of romancing with your husband and enjoying your married life, who asked you to poke nose in our matter.. Is Abhi so bad in bed??? Is that why you came in search of us in the first morning of your wedding day itself...

You shouldn't have married that good for nothing Abhi... If you have asked me, I would have arranged many handsome hunks for you... You  bl**y bi**h deserves not to be happy as you destroyed all my happiness...

How dare you... You tortured my Dhusyanth and made him half dead.. How can you shoot him on his manhood and he is crying that you made him a worthless person to live...

What the hell are you thinking Pragya??? Who asked you to come between our illegal business??? You can't understand the pleasure, we get out of money.. We want money and we can go to any extreme to get that money..

Why it's bothering you, if we do drug business and sell the hot and happening young girls.. We get millions and millions of money for that.. You, That idiot Abhi and that irritating Purab are torturing me too much and are hell adamant to destroy my business..

Never and ever, I will let you all to snatch my happiness from me.. Haaan.. You purposely did all those things to Dhusyanth right.. Sorry babes.. If I throw money, many handsome hunks can come and pleasure me..

Leave that topic.. It's my personal.. I just want to know one thing.. Are you doing all this to take revenge on me for destroying the Mehras??? Oh, so sad....

Still you all are alive only and enjoying your lives happily.. I will show a living hell to that a****e Abhi and I won't get happy, till he lives a horrible and pathetic life.. I will destroy all of you...

Do you want to know, what I'm going to do???? You are so so lucky, Pragya.. A multimillionaire is smitten on seeing you.. Hey girl.. Did you lost your virginity??? Never mind.. He is ready to make you as his slave..

I'm going to pack you and send you along with those 300 girls... 😂😂😂😂.. You just destroyed my simple shipment and saved those 30 girls.. This is the biggest shipment, I'm going to do.. Simonika is going to be the richest women in this country..

Simonika laughs hysterically and settles on the near by chair.. She gulps the liquor happily not aware that the Terrific Panther is in full rage to attack her... The stupid move made by Simonika is that she hadn't tied Pragya's hands thinking that she isin coma.. Moreover, Aaliya, Abhi and Purab have heard all those nasty words spitted by Simonika...

Purab fastens the car and is driving rashly.. Abhi makes a quick plan in the mean time and instructs his men to do, as he said.. Purab pats on Abhi's hand and assured him that they will destroy Simonika, for her wrong doings...


Pragya slowly gets up from her place, as Simonika is dancing in her inebriated state and is tàlking to someone in her mobile.. Pragya feels creepy as Simonika is talking so cheesy with him and inviting him to come and have some naughty time with her..

Pragya sees a broken glass bottle and took it without Simonika's knowledge.. All of a sudden, Pragya pushed the mobile from Simonika's hands and it breaks down into pieces.. Pragya keeps the glass piece on Simonika's neck and threatens her to open the door..

Simonika composes herself quickly and she understands that Pragya is not completely well... Simonika acted quite well, as if she is scared and obeyed Pragya's orders... Pragya failed to notice that Simonika has her gun in her waist and she has given some instructions to her men, through her gestures...

Pragya comes out along with Simonika and she feels happy that the place is surrounded by their men and the important police team... Simonika gasps in shock, as she didn't expected this at all...

Purab and Abhi aims their guns towards Simonika and she gulped hard as her men are being arrested and Dhusyanth too got in the clutches of the police men... Sensing that the situation is getting out of control, Simonika twists her hands quickly and pulled the glass bottle from Pragya..

Pragya who is feeling dizzy, didn't expected such a move from Simonika at all... Simonika ordered everyone to put the guns down or else she will kill Pragya for sure...

Abhi shouts 'Simonika' angrily and warns her to leave his wife... Pragya gives a signal to Purab and he too nods his head, with no other go... He steps back without Abhi's knowledge and moves hurriedly towards the dark corner...

Abhi's heart ached on seeing his Fuggy, who smiles on looking at him and something in Abhi tells that Pragya is asking him " Can we love like this always, Abhi???"

Purab comes near Simonika and is about to grab the glass bottle and gun from her hands... But Simonika gets alerted quickly and is screaming not to near her... The situation is getting wày too tensed and all badly wants to save Pragya at any cost...

Abhi and Purab shouts horrified as they heard the shrilling sound of the glass piece and bullet sound... Pragya falls on the ground with blood smeared all over her face... They didn't expected that Simonika will do like this...


After one week,

Abhi, Purab and Aaliya are sitting in the hospital room with teary eyes... Their gaze never moved from Pragya, whose head is bandaged after the operation... They are longingly looking at Pragya to open her eyes soon....

Abhi screams Fuggy happily and hugs Pragya tightly, who opens her eyes slowly... Abhi wets her face with his lips, pouring out all his love on her and Pragya can clearly sense that Abhi is scared to hell on seeing her like that...

All of a sudden,

Pragya : May I know, who you are???? Did I know you??? How can you kiss me like this, as if you are my love???

Seeing the smirky look of Pragya, Purab, Abhi and Aaliya bursts out in to a heavy laughter, as Pragya is playing the same prank with them... Abhi giggles and pats on Pragya's cheeks lightly, as Pragya is trying to act as if she has lost her memory....



What's going to happen next????

What happened to Simonika and Dhusyanth????

Did Pragya lost her memory or she is playing the same prank again???

Do you all think that the criminals got the deserving punishments????

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

Words used: 3225+

Just Epilogue is left to wrap up this story completely....

Hopefully will be coming up very soon, if you call me soon with your votes and comments...


Bidding Adieu,


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