30. Be my eraser and rub off the problems, surrounding us (Last Chapter)

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Finally, I'm here with the Last chapter of this story....

My whole hearted thanks to everyone, who have read this story, casted your precious votes and penned down your valuable comments, views and reviews, till now...

Thanks to all those new readers too, who are rendering their support in the form of votes and comments... It means a lot to me...

It's really a wonderful journey and I am overwhelmed with all your love and support...

As a sort of thanksgiving, I'm planning to give you all ________________....

Choose, what you want....

A long Epilogue


A bonus chapter and a long Epilogue ...

Majorities choice will be considered....

Dedicating this chapter to all my 900+ followers, my lovely readers and to all my buddies...


Your beautiful smile and your cute antics attracted me to you... But your care, your loving heart and the soul, which longed only for my love made me to lose myself to you... All I want now is to spend my entire life with you...

Only you can understand the strength, we got out of our love... After all, you're the only one, who knows very well that how my Heart sounds from inside too...

Negativties are surrounding me and I'm sensing that something wrong is going to happen... But I want you to become an eraser and clear off those troubles and problems... I want you to become my pillar of support, by making us to step forward in a beautiful, peaceful and happy life...


The whole hospital is looking as if it's hit by a huge storm... Abhi is not in a mind set to digest what all Aaliya has said, till now... His legs stumbled uncontrollably and he falls on his knees, with a heavy thud...

Abhi is not in a state to understand anything and he is breathing heavily to digest the matters, slowly and steadily... It's really a terrible shock for him, as he didn't imagined and never thought that the Dangerous and Terrific Panther, The One women Army, who is a terror to all the hidden under world culprits, is none other than his wife Pragya...

If Pragya would have said to Abhi earlier that she is the Terrific Panther, Abhi would have laughed like a maniac and teased Pragya for sure... After all the great Don AP knows how terror is TP and he always admires TP, as his idol and inspiration...

Many a times, Abhi has asked his brother in law cum right hand PK aka Purab Khanna, " How is that possible for a young girl to be a threat to those heartless monsters, who are involving in sinful operations..."

Abhi has admired TP's clever plans to handle and got hold of those nasty culprits in her clutches.. The issues which AP and PK can't handle easily, are cleared off way too smartly by TP and they were elighted with the way, TP finishes off those culprit's chapters and save the innocent people....

Abhi doesn't know whether to cry or feel happy on hearing the biggest shocking news of his life... He is in mixed feelings and he needs some time to believe the unexpected truth, which is hitting his soul mercilessly...

His crazy girl, his naughty baby brat, the tomboyish Pragya, his cute and adamant Fuggy, the terror criminal lawyer Miss. Arora, the sweet and darling Purply of Purab, Aaliya and Sweety, his parent's caring Bahu, his love of life, his everything, his soulmate is none other than The Terrific Panther (TP), who made the great don AP...

Hot tears flows adamantly from Abhi's eyes and he is not in a state to wipe off those itching water, which is hell adamant to kiss his lips, which is reserved only for his Fuggy... Abhi's screams echoes the whole place and he is crying like a small kid, who is badly in need of his Fuggy beside him to console and comfort him...

Aaliya, Purab and all of Abhi and Pragya's men gasped in shock and rushed near Abhi... But Abhi raises his one hand and never let's anyone to come near him... He closes his face and started to pour his heart out, as the new piece of information he got is shaking him like anything...

Tears blurred the eyes of everyone and all worried to see Abhi, who is pushing himself more in guilty and is drowning in misery... Purab glares at Aaliya angrily for revealing such a sensitive secret to Abhi, at the wrong timing...

Aaliya utters sorry in a meek whisper and bends her head down, as she didn't expected such an outbreak from Abhi at all... As Abhi accused Purab and scolded him for his negligence, Aaliya got angry and she revealed the secret of Pragya in a weak moment...

Aaliya's heart writhes in pain and she feels sorry for her brother Abhi, who is crying there in a helpless state and is in need of a shoulder to cry for...
Purab lifts Aaliya's chin and wipes her tears... He pats her back and asked her to do something, as he can't see Abhi like this...

Wiping off her tears, Aaliya steps forward and moves towards Abhi to console him... Instead of allowing Aaliya to come near him, Abhi gets up all of a sudden and walks near Purab quickly...

Abhi falls on his knees and fold his hands in front of Purab and asked sorry to him, shocking everyone to the core... Abhi didn't bother to hear Aaliya or Purab's talks too and he didn't even get up from his place...

Abhi: I'm really sorry, Purab... I'm not aware of all these things... Sorry, if any of my words hurts you... Never I have believed you and I always blamed you for everything...

You never left me and is always there for me, inspite of my neglect too... Please Forgive me, Purab... I'm a biggest stupid and I'm the one, who is badly hurting my loved ones always...

I have completely forgotten that it's you and Aaliya, who have more love on your Purply than the love, I have on my Fuggy, hey na... But don't think my love as a cheap one...

I don't know how to explain you all that my Fuggy is my everything... She is the most valuable and precious possession of mine... She is a blessed angel, who brings a lot of miracles in my life...

All I know is to hurt my Fuggy and I didn't do anything till now to show my love for her and what she meant to me... I don't deserve to get such a precious angel in my life...

But that stupid girl loved me madly and chased me stubbornly and married me, at last... Even she  made me to fall in love with her, crazily... I can't imagine a life without her...

But.. I can do one thing, which none of you can do for her... If anything wrong happens to my Fuggy, this Abhi can't live anymore... I too will leave my life along with her...

A heavy gasp echoes the whole place, as Purab has slapped Abhi, for the first time ever in their lives... All through these years, more than anyone, it's Purab, who didn't leave Abhi, inspite of his neglect too and it's him, who fought with anyone, on behalf of Abhi...

Abhi didn't mind Purab's slap at all.... His lips curved to a big smile and he gently wiped the blood that smeared in his torn lips...

Purab pulls Abhi's shirt and glared at him murderously... But Abhi hugs Purab tightly and is uttering the words in fear,  nervousness and tension... Purab pats Abhi's back and consoled him...

Purab: Abhi... Relax... Nothing will happen to Pragya... Don't give up like this Abhi... Pragya is a warrior... She is the biggest strength to all of us... But you are the supporting system, confidence and will power of Pragya...

Only you have the power to bring her back to normal... A big battle is going to happen infront of us, Abhi... We need to fight with confidence and we need energy for all that...

Our enemies have escaped from the mighty TP's clutches and they will trigger a plan to attack us for sure... They are wounded and hurted animals and they will try to target us, in a worst possible way...

Now, Pragya is in this condition and we can't do anything without her ideas and orders... We need to be extra careful and more alert, Abhi... Instead of losing all our strength and crying for no reason, we need to bug up ourselves and gain back our lost confidence...

Go Abhi... Go to your Fuggy... Your soulmate is longing to see you... Give her the much needed booster and make her to wake up with more power... You can do it Abhi... Go Abhi...

Purab pats his back and gestured Abhi to go inside the ICU... Abhi nods his negatively and his body shakes in fear... Aaliya pulled Abhi's hands and drags him towards the ICU... With a heavy heart, Abhi enters there with wavering heart beats...


The white walls in the room is bringing an unwanted eeric feeling inside Abhi... The peculiar medicine's smells fills the air and the beep beep sound of the monitor is bringing a shrill in the veins of Abhi...

Each step taken by Abhi towards his fuggy is looking as if he is leaping between two mountains... His legs are shaking, his lips are trembling, his eyes are blurring, his whole body is vibrating, his breath is hitching, his heart beats are roaring and he is not in complete senses at all...

Like an iron pulled by a magnet, Abhi's legs uncontrollably reaches the bed and he stumbled in his grip on seeing the pale face of his Fuggy... But his soul hears the voice of his Fuggy, which asked him to be careful ...

Abhi blinks his eyes and looks at his Fuggy's face with a pain filled eyes... Though Pragya didn't get any bruises in her body, as she had worn bullet proof jacket, her head is severely wounded and is being bandaged...

With teary eyed, Abhi gently caressed the head of his Fuggy, which is being bandaged and he can see the traces of the clogged blood over there... He grits his teeth angrily and he wanna trash that Dhusyanth and Simonika into pieces for hurting his Fuggy with a heavy rod...

Abhi holds the hands of Pragya gently and kisses it with full of love... Hot tears rolled out uncontrollably and he just can't see Pragya like this... Abhi wanna scream aloud as why their fate is cruel enough and torturing them like this...

Just a day before they got married and he remembers all the lovely dovey moment they shared on that day... Not only they become as Husband and wife legally, they were united by heart, soul, mind and body...

They just stepped forward into a beautiful beginning of their life but their fate is very bad, as it has pushed them again in a dark hell... Abhi feels that their happiness has ended abruptly and he doesn't know whether they can get back the happiness ever...

Still the wetness of Pragya's lips on his body didn't drained out and Abhi thinks that just some hours before they were cuddling to each other, talking romantically and are loving each other, as if there is no tommorow...

But now, his Fuggy is torn out and is admitted in hospital and is laying over there lifelessly... Abhi feels that something is pulling him towards the hell and he is losing all the hopes to live...

Abhi can't imagine a life without his wife Pragya and he doesn't know whether it's possible for him to survive, if anything wrong happens to her.... Abhi sincerely prays to God, not to part his Fuggy away from him...

A gentle tap on his back makes Abhi to gasp in shock and he spots the doctor is standing there with a gentle, smiling face... Abhi gets up quickly and looks at the doctor hopefully...

Abhi: Doctor... How is my wife??? No serious complications, right... My brother in law said to me that the injury is in her shoulder alone... But why my Pragya is bandaged in her head...

Please doctor.. Answer me... My Pragya is like a lioness... I just can't see her in this state... Do something doctor... Make my wife to open her eyes and ask her to talk to me...

Doctor: Mr. Mehra... We too thought that the injury is in her shoulder only... As she has safely worn bullet proof jacket, she got escaped from many bullet shots... But a bullet had pierced into her shoulder skin and we removed the bullets already and treated her wounds...

Later only, we noticed that she didn't responding much to the treatments... It took some time for us to find out that her head is badly hit by a severe rod and the blood nerves to the head too got damaged because of that...

Abhi: Doc.. Doctor... There isn't any severe complications right...

Doctor: I don't want to give any false hopes to you... The head injury is way too severe... Few months back, she got hurted in the same place and we have done operation too for her... Isn't it???

(Abhi nods his head as yes) Still the internal wounds didn't get healed... Some minor wounds are there.... Now this accident too happened unexpectedly and that too heavily hurting her head...

Let's pray to God and hope for a biggest miracle.. Now she is doing fine and responding well to the treatments... Hopefully, she will gain back her conscious in few hours...

But make sure that she didn't get hurted in her head, ever again... You need to be extra conscious in this matter and a single negligence may end up in severe loss...

If any such thing happens, only God has to save her.... I'm really sorry to say Mr. Mehra, Your wife can either lose her life or go into coma or she may lose her memory completely, if she get hurted in her head again ..

I don't want to scare you... But I want you to know the practical things... Don't worry young man... We will do our best... Pray to God... Take care of your wife properly...

It took some time for Abhi to understand what the doctor has said... He holds Pragya like a fragile doll and he inhales her scent to calm him down... Abhi keeps on saying that he won't let any problems to near her and will protect her with all his might...


Few hours passes by....

On the insistence of Abhi, Purab took Aaliya to the house forcibly... Abhi tightens the security arrangements in the hospital and he makes sure that none other than the hospital staffs,  his men, Purab and Aaliya, reaches the VVIP floor in which Pragya is admitted....

A clear survillance is kept in the hospital and even the doctors and the nurses were checked thoroughly, before they enter the room... Abhi didn't moved an inch away from Pragya and he didn't even blinked his eyes too, as he fears that some one will snatch his Fuggy away from him...

It's really a tough task for Aaliya and Purab to feed Abhi, who is not eating any food and protesting that he is doing fasting and won't eat anything until Pragya opens her eyes...

Purab blackmailed Abhi using Pragya's name and forcefully feeds him by saying all kind of lies.... Hours tickled quickly but Pragya didn't opened her eyes till now...


In the meantime,
Simonika is fuming and boiling like a volcano and is thrashing the things in the room... She can't see the injured Dhusyanth, who is looking like a torn sheet of Paper...

Just then one of her spy from the hospital called Simonika and informed her that Pragya is still unconscious and doctor has advised to take MRI scan in few hours.... Simonika understands that they can kidnap and attack Pragya, only during this time...

Simonika made a quick plan and got the blue print of the hospital and keeps on searching for the loopholes, which can make their plans to get successful... Her face glowed in happiness, as she has found out the best way to attack the Terrific Panther, inspite of the severe protection of Abhi....


After few hours,

Abhi and Purab are standing restlessly in front of the scanning room and is waiting for the doctor to bring Pragya outside.... Time only runs quickly and there's no single trace of any of the inmates to come out....

Abhi: What the hell is going on inside... They told us it will take only an hour to do the scan... It's been more than 3 hours and we are sitting outside like watchman...

Are they doing the scan or not??? I will kill that doctor, if he didn't bring my fuggy outside soon... I'm feeling something is not good for sure...

Purab: Abhi... Relax... Don't waste your energy by getting angry like this... Calm down... Hey Abhi... Look over there... The door is getting opened...

Both Purab and Abhi rushed up near the door and they gasped in shock as they spots the wounded doctor is crawling and is struggling to open the door fully... The duo helped the doctor and they came to know that someone had attacked the doctors and nurses and kidnapped Pragya from there..

They understood that the kidnappers has made everyone in the room to get unconscious and that's why they are not aware of all the happenings... With anger flaring his nose, Abhi rushed out of the hospital like a roaring tiger...

Purab quickly dialled to the chief doctor and informed the happenings and made sure that the wounded nurses and doctors gets the needed treatments... After alerting his men to follow them, Purab rushed and gets inside the car of Abhi...


Simonika is laughing like a mad women and is keeping the broken bottle in the neck of Pragya... Abhi and Purab shouts noooo and is warning her not to do anything to Pragya...

Pragya signals something to Purab through her eyes... Purab nods his head and gently holds Abhi's hands... Abhi looks intently at the eyes of Pragya, which keeps on asking him that "Abhi, Can We Love, till our last breathe???"

With moist eyes, Abhi nods his head as yes... Pragya smiles brightly and blows a kiss to Abhi, which is going to be the last kiss from his Fuggy to him... Abhi's face lost all it's colours and he shouts FUGGY, startling the whole place....


Thus making the story " Can We Love???" to come to an End...

Wait.. wait...

Don't wanna know what had happened to Pragya????

Cast your votes soon and get your updates...

Don't force me to update soon... This time, I'm not going to update till the expected votes comes up soon.....

Silent readers... It's you, who are going to decide when is the next update... May be a bonus chapter or an epilogue....

Until then,

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

Bidding adieu,

Yours ever torturing,

Cliffy Buddy,



Will be



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