29. Can I be at peace and enjoy my life happily???

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🔹 Warning Alert: Read the shot with your own risk..

Shocking things are on the way...

Strictly, no bashing is allowed...

Those who are under aged and those who can't bear Abhi's dark past, please skip this part, as it will be more tragic and painful...

Those who can read and bear anything, can proceed further..🔹


Shot. 29 (Only one shot left to end this story)

I badly want to prove everyone that if we try really hard, we can have a happily ever after...

Whenever I see your face, a wave of happiness touches my heart...

My name sounds majestic and adorable, after changing my last name into yours...


(Text in Italic - Past Incidents)

Abhi, who has abandoned Pragya in the wedding mandap, is being badly influenced by Dhusyanth and Simonika... They misguided him very easily and made Abhi to believe that his parents cared only for his sisters Aaliya and Shristi only...

They added that his friend Purab cleverly played his trick, as he loves Aaliya and that's why he trapped Abhi to get married to his cousin Pragya... Morevover, they added that Abhi's parents too pawned Abhi's life and happiness, as Ram Arora is a biggest businessman and he will help them to settle Aaliya and Shristi's life....

Abhi, who is hell angry on everyone, believed Dhusyanth and Simonika's words blindly... He with much hesitation agreed to do a fake, contractual marriage with Simonika...

Abhi wrongly believed that his move will teach his family a good lesson, for playing with his emotions and feelings... But poor Abhi is not aware that he is bringing the biggest destructors into his family...

Dhusyanth is the son of Ram's biggest enemy, who is being punished by Ram, for stealing in his company and he made him to rot in jail... Whereas, Simonika is the daughter of Mohan's partner, whom Mohan Mehra has thrown out, as he is using the company for doing his illegal business...

Abhi has become a biggest chit to target both Ram Arora and Mohan Mehra... The duo cleverly played to fulfill their revenge, for the miseries of their fathers... They are not in a mentality to think that their fathers are at fault...

Abhi trusted Dhusyanth and Simonika, wholeheartedly and he started to play as a puppet in their hands... He doesn't know that they are going to make his life a living hell and gonna burn his whole family, with their evilness...

Shock is an understatement for Mohan and Sarla, when Abhi introduced Simonika as his wife... He also added that he is going to do a partnership business with Dhusyanth and made him to stay in his house...

Aaliya is highly irked with Abhi's stupid behaviour and she angrily blasted on him and bashed him by saying that Abhi has to answer to her Purply's cry, one day... As Aaliya is not in a mind set to stay with those two nasty people in the house, she leaves the house and stayed in the college hostel...

Their parents too didn't stopped Aaliya, as Purab too begged them to do the needful and they let Aaliya to go, without making any issues... They wanted Aaliya to be at peace and focus on her studies properly...

Poor Shristi is trapped very badly and she has to stay there, without any option... She couldn't do anything, as she is in her grade 12, at that time... She feels lonely, as no one is there for her... Without Pragya, Purab and Aaliya, Shristi is quite upset and she focused her attention towards her studies...

Purab too applied for higher studies and he didn't visited Abhi's home, after that... As Pragya went abroad, Purab is in a need to take care of Ram Arora and Purab didn't want to meet Abhi, as he had broken everyone's trust, believing those criminal minded duo...

Abhi, least cared about what's going on in the house and is completely in the spell of Dhusyanth's witty plays and Simonika's nasty dramas ...
Abhi is in an illusion that Simonika and Dhuyanth are cousins and thought them as that of brother and sister...

But Abhi is not aware that they are in a live in relationship and they are betrothed in their tender age itself...
Abhi is not in a state to see that Dhusyanth and Simonika are having an intimate relationship, in his house, itself...

As Dhusyanth has made Abhi to get addicted to drinks and drugs, most of the time, he will not be in a conscious state to understand his surroundings... Their words are like a mantra for him and he danced to their tunes...

Mohan and Sarla couldn't do anything, as Simonika blackmailed them by saying that she will file a case against them by saying that they have tortured her by asking for dowry.... Even she made some fake papers and threatened them, as Abhi has signed in it, without his knowledge....

Dhusyanth, on the other hand, started to eye Shristi lustfully... He without anyone's knowledge fixed secret camera in Shristi's room and took many videos and photos to threaten her... Shristi didn't know about all these things, happening behind her back...

But she lately finds out that Dhusyanth is eyeing her and she hates to hear those vulgar comments from him... Many a times, he tries to misbehave with her and he least cared about her tears too and touches her inappropriately, whenever he finds chances....

Shristi, with teary eyes, complained about Dhusyanth to Abhi... But Abhi yells on Shristi and asked her not to bad mouth about his friend... He even spitted angrily, not to find chances to seduce his friend...

Shristi is completely broken with Abhi's words and she let her days to pass, by burying in tears... She couldn't trouble her parents too, as Mohan falls sick, on seeing Abhi's senseless behaviours and Sarla is in a compulsion to take care of her husband...

Most of the time, Shristi avoids to come to her own house... She stays in her friend's house in the name of night studies and escapes from the eyes of Dhusyanth... But the cunning hawk is not ready to let his prey to go away from his hands easily...

Dhusyanth and Simonika, who are doing illegal drug business, got a biggest opportunity to earn in billions... Some multi millionaire's secretaries in abroad, approaced them through the mediators and said that their bosses need some hot, young chicks to entertain them...

The money minded duo readily agreed to their demands and started to work on it... They targeted the friends of Shristi and some orphans from the near by orphanage... They cleverly made Abhi to believe that they are going to do some training workshops for girl students...

Unaware about anything, Abhi agreed to it and forced Shristi to attend it, along with her friends... Shristi cursed his brother for troubling her... But she with teary eyes agreed to it, as she is not in a state to hear such awful words from Abhi...

Though the tears of Shristi pricks Abhi's heart to the core, his blind trust on his friends spoiled everything... He has given them a golden opportunity to shatter his family into ashes...


The horrific day came finally... Abhi is not aware that the day is going to be a dark day in his life and he is going to pay a biggest price for all his stupidity and blind trust.... The whole day, Abhi is completely being intoxicated by Dhusyanth...

Abhi wopke up with a pounding head ache and a terrible pain in his whole body... He couldn't move his body, an inch too... Just then, he noticed that he is being tied up in a chair... He is being beaten up very badly and is kept in a worst condition...

Abhi couldn't understand, where he is and what's happening too... He wavers his eyes and finds out that he is being kept in some old house... He tried to untie the rope, with all his might...

But without having proper food and is in being drugged continuously, Abhi doesn't have any energy and strength, to do anything and he can't escape easily....Abhi sighs and keeps on thinking, what's going on...

But Abhi is shocked to the core, as he hears a painful whimpers of a lady and a man... Abhi sharpens his ears and focused his eyes clearly to see, who they are... A heavy gasp echoes from Abhi and his eyes teared up uncontrollably....

Abhi's world got completely shattered, as he spots his father Mohan is nearing his death and his mother Sarla is pooled up in blood... Both were being shot and are holding their last breaths and are crying for some miracles to happen, to save their daughter Shristi...

Abhi's breath hitched and his body shattered to shiver, as he is sitting there helplessly... He feels himself to be a worthless creature and a biggest curse, as he collapsed his whole family....

He wanna kill himself, as he is not in a position to save his sister Shristi, who is being brutally man handled, harrassed and tortured by Dhusyanth, before his eyes... The words of Dhusyanth and Simonika are killing the soul inside Abhi and his heart is ripped off completely....

Shristi's cries are nothing but the biggest blunder of Abhi... The small girl, who chirped happily like a free bird, is ripped off mercilessly and all are her wings are being cut before Abhi's eyes....

Abhi is forced to see the tortures faced by Shristi and the laughter of Dhusyanth and Simonika are pushing Abhi to a worst condition... He sees the death of his parents, before his own eyes...

The sister, whom Abhi brought up like his own daughter, is slowly losing her breath and he is staring at her, with teary eyes ... Even in that state too, Shristi is not in a state to see the crying face of Abhi...

Shristi ( with a painful voice): Ab... Abhi bhai... Don't cry, like this... Stay strong, bhai... Do something to punish this sinners, who arethe dangerous threat to the woman folks in the society...

Please Bhai... Do this for me... They are doing many illegal business and they are trapping young kids, by making them to get addicted to drugs and are going to export young girls too, to entertain those bl***y b****s....

It's a promise on me, Bhai... Choose whatever way you want... Save everyone, with all your might... If possible, do take care and give new lives to those girls, who are being brutally harrassed like me...

Don't cry bhai... Remember, every tears and blood shed by me should be answered, one day... Promise me, Bhai... You will punish them.... I love you so much, Bhai... Don't forget me...

Before Abhi keeps his hands on Shristi's raised hands, her hands fall down and she let out her last breath... Abhi shouts sweety and cried his heart out...

As someone has given information regarding Dhushyanth and Simonika, police rounded up the place.... They escaped with their gang leaving Abhi and the dead bodies of Shristi, Mohan and Sarla...


Purab and Aaliya rushes up to the Mehra's home, as they are being informed about the death of the trio and also about the broken state of Abhi, who is completely in a mental trauma...

Pragya, who is drowning in the misery of her father Ram's death, is shocked to know about the horrific news of the family, she loved the most... She without minding anything, rushed up there and she is broken beyond repair...

Yet Pragya vowed in front of the dead bodies that she will be a biggest threat and shautan to their sinners... She promised with teary eyed that she will bring Abhi back to normal and will be a pillar of support to him always....

Days started to roll on... Abhi is not in a state to understand that it's Pragya, who brought him, out of his misery... She is like a hidden shadow of Abhi and brought back all his confidence and will power, without his knowledge...

The growth of the great dons AP and PK and the raise of TP too happened, during this time period... Pragya used most of her wealth, for the upliftment of the people, who are being brutally tortured by the society...

Even though, Pragya and Abhi becomes a big head ache to Dhusyanth and Simonika, they couldn't punish them legally and they are easily escaping from their clutches... Pragya targeted them cleverly and diverted Abhi's attention in other social reform measures....

Whatever happens , Abhi is haunted with Shristi' s cries and he couldn't come out so easily from his dark past... However, Pragya's love and care acted as a healing medicine to his broken heart....

Abhi wipes his tears and comes out from his past, as his mobile is ringing continuously... He sees the time to be 6.45 and he thought why Purab or Pragya didn't called him, till now or returned back...

He slaps his forehead, as he lately understands that he is in his office... Abhi sighs and picks up the mobile, as it started to ring again... Aaliya's name flashed in his mobile and he let out a little smile, thinking that his fuggy would have returned back...

But Abhi's head started to spin and he couldn't let out a breath too... He drops the mobile from his hands and not even bothered to console the crying Aaliya too... He shouts fuggy and cried like a mad man....


After half an hour,

Abhi rushes to the hospital, holding his heart and soul and is praying hardly that his fuggy should be fine... Tears were dried down completely and he is in a very pathetic state... He spots the crying Aaliya, who is hugging Purab, who is bandaged in head...

Abhi's spots all his important men are standing there... He glared at them angrily and blasted on everyone mercilessly, not minding that they are in hospital too...

Abhi: What the hell is going on here... What you guys are doing??? I won't spare anyone, if anything wrong happens to my fuggy... No one can be alive, if my fuggy didn't get fine soon....

Purab: Abhi... Just calm down... Nothing will happen to Purply... Just a small bruise, as the bullet has hitted on her shoulders and she lost her conscious... Don't worry, Abhi.... Purply will be fine soon...

Abhi: Purab... I thought you will protect my Fuggy... I didn't questioned Aaliya, as you were with my Fuggy... Answer me, Purab... How this happened???

Remember, Purab... Whoever it is, they will face a worst death in my hands for touching my Fuggy... Open up, Purab... Don't stay quiet...

What kind of brother, you are Purab??? Can't you take care of my Fuggy??? I shouldn't have trusted you and let my Fuggy to go along with you...

Aaliya yells angrily: Abhi bhai... You are crossing, all your limits... Don't spit the words angrily... We are also in more pain, ahead of you... Remember that...

Abhi: Aaliya... Don't make me to get mad at you... You two always say right, Pragya is your darling Purply... Answer me... Why can't your husband can save my Fuggy... He is also a reason for my Fuggy's condition...

Aaliya: Enough bhai... Purab, can't do anything there, bhai... It's not your Fuggy or our darling Purply's order... It's the great TP's order... We have no choice, than to obey to her words...

Even the great don AP, who is yelling and shouting on her sister and Brother in law, can't disobey TP... All are bound to obey her words, without any option....

Abhi with a shaky and shivering voice: Whattt... What are you saying Aaliya??? Where come TP comes from, all of a sudden??? I couldn't get you... We are talking about my wife Pragya and not TP...

Purab holds Aaliya's hands and pleaded her not to say anything to Abhi at this time, as it will complicate the situation and create unwanted problems... Aaliya shooks her head negatively....

Aaliya: Don't stop me, Purab... The day has come finally... The greater don AP should know all the truth right... Hear me bhai.... It's the TP, who is being shot down by that cheap, disgusting and heartless Simonika, in a tricky way and she escaped from TP's clutches, some how...

Why are you blinking your eyes like this bhai??? Rub your ears and hear me clearly... Your wife, the famous criminal lawyer - Pragya Abhishek Prem Mehra, our darling purply, your's love of life - Fuggy, is none other than the great TP, who made you, who you are now....

You should know right... It's Pragya, who did everything for you and is keep on thinking a lot to punish those sinners, all these years... Even during your wedding time and after that too, she is keep on thinking to destroy and punish them....

What we have given to Pragya... Nothing ... We have given her, only tears and pain... She is still running and is doing everything to give justice to Shristi and our Parents death....

I beg you, Abhi bhai... Don't ever hurt or question our Purply, as why she had hidden such a biggest truth from you and all... She doesn't want your respect or see you drowning in guilty... She doesn't need your apologies or your sacrifice...

All she yearned and longed is only for your love alone... You should know right, why Pragya is late for the wedding... She has got hold of that Dhusyanth, as he started his cheap business again and tried to trap young girls...

Even in that tough situation too, Pragya turned up to the wedding on the correct time, Abhi bhai... She didn't ditched you or abandoned you in the wedding mandap, like you did to her....

Purab: Stop it , Aaliya... Why are you hurting Abhi with your words??? Already, he is broken... Ask sorry to him...

Aaliya: Never and ever, Purab... I love my Bhai dearly... But he has no right to question or ill treat the love, we have on our Purply... He is saying na that he is loving his fuggy... Ask him to go to her and shower her with his love and not to rip our hearts, like this...

Aaliya brokes down into tears... Purab is standing helplessly and he doesn't know whom to console... Purab pleads Abhi for his mercy and mouthed a sorry to him... Abhi with teary eyes, shivering body , moves towards the room in which Pragya is being treated...


Abhi gasped in shock and he couldn't control his tears, as the Doctor asked Abhi to stay strong and pray for some miracles to happen... The words of the doctor is killing him mercilessly and his whole body got numb, beyond his control...


On the other hand, Simonika along with her men is planning to kidnap Pragya, as she has not gained her conscious, till now... They planned to end the chapter of TP very soon or it will create a big danger to them, if Pragya gets normal...


So, what's going to happen next???

Will Pragya be fine soon???

Will it be possible for Abhi to save Pragya???

Will Simonika kidnap Pragya ???

What has happened to Dhusyanth and how come Pragya is injured???

Keep guessing and stay tuned....


Given a long update, as usual...

Words used: 3300+

Expecting your precious votes and valuable comments....


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be



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