The pillars of our story... (Casts)

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Thanks for all your support... Im overwhelmed with all your love and support...

So, all are eager for the season 2 of my first story - "I fell for your eyes".... Our daring prag is going to come back with a big bang but with more naughtiness and guts...

Here comes the cast of this story ,
can we love???? The cover of the story itself will clear you that abhi is going to undergo a very sweet torture by pragya and he is going to melt like a chocolate....

This is going to be a very bold love story of a girl... It may seem to be dramatic , unbelievable or unacceptable... But this story is going to show how hard can  a man be, yet a girl can win him easily by giving her heart and soul for him....

Some scenes in this story may seem to be unacceptable by you all and some may feel uncomfortable as how can a girl do such things...... Those who are against that please skip this story....

Read it at your own risk... May contain some explicit scenes and some mature contents...  But dont worry, it will be fun and you all will love this bold attitude of pragya for sure....

So, the season 2 of my story
"I fell for your eyes" gonna click start from next Tuesday onwards....

Fingers crossed for positive response....


Abhishekh Prem Mehra / AP:

A big under world don with a dark life..  He is a terror and no one can near his fort..  His hideout in unaware to the world and it is not easy to track his place... Only two person can near him... His sister and brother in law, who is his close bestie...

He is known to the outside world as the biggest celebrity and a big social worker, who funds for many charitable events... He has a dark life and hates woman to the core...

He hates marriage and love is the worst word in his library... He treats women like a dust and hates all the women in this world except his sister....

Purab Khanna:

The terrific and fiercy right hand and friend of the biggest don in the town, Abhishekh Mehra... Though purab lives a dark, hidden life, he has a beautiful and loving wife on his side whom he loves the most ...

But to the world, he is a partner in Abhi's charitable works... They fight for social Injustice and their identity is hidden and no one can figure out who really they are...

Pragya Arora:

A chirpy, bubbly, bold and daring girl... She is more lively and wherever she goes she will make the place to look colourful with her presence...

But she is a bold girl and she is waiting for her prince charming to scoop her in his arms... Love is what she is longing for years...

All she knows and want is love... Love and love only... Her only motto and wish in her life is to fall for a man and win him at any cost... She is ready to go to any extreme and even willing to seduce him too to get his love...

A bold and adventorous by nature but has a very good and caring heart... Her eyes, her smile, her caring nature, her friendly attitude, her lovely character can make even a stone to melt too.....

A rich, spoiled brat who is way too naughty and daring to do anything for her loved ones... She is a poor soul who longs for love but she has a belief to get it or win it at any cost...

Aaliya khanna/ Aaliya Mehra:

The pretty and lovely wife of purab khanna... Younger sister of Abhishekh Mehra .... She is the heart beat of both abhi and purab... She rules their life and the terror two whom the world fears obeys only to her and always fears to face her wrath..

She is very lovely, caring and friendly... All she wants in life is that her brother Abhi to have a happy life and a good family for his own... She tries hard to change the mentality of abhi to get married who is drowning in his dark past...

Loves her husband purab a lot..... The terror leader and a big teacher and advisor to abhi's team members... Fondly called as Bhabhiji by everyone...

Fights for social injustice, social violence and social abuse... Aaliya runs a home for the poor souls who are being distraughted and ill treated by the society... Simply its a home for the socially abused persons and she fights to get back them justice....

These four are the main casts of the story... Some characters are introduced when the story progress....

So, how is the casts of the story???

Did you all like the cast???

Waiting to see your views, votes and comments....

Meet you with the first shot from next tuesday (19-9- 17) onwards....


Yours buddy,


Signing off....

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