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Irene sighed throwing papers down as she lashed out at workers, screaming for things to be done. This wasn't her. Everyone knew. She cursed loudly as she flopped into her seat after dismissing her team. She ripped open file after file, her head in her hands as she read over necessary information that seemed baseless. She wanted to be with her son. She wanted to go home. And instead she was stuck in her office wishing death upon herself and those who were making her life hard. She looked at her phone blaring with messages, as she chucked her pen down, watching as it rolled of the table, her eyes narrowing as she stuck her middle finger up at the pen that dropped to the floor. Opening the messages she received, a smile spreading on her tension filled face, as she pressed play on the video that Jackson had sent to her. She watched as her screen was graced with the father and son duo, making cute faces that made her heart weak. "Hey Mummy. I love you, don't work to hard. And come home quickly to me and Dad." Jay said cutely, wrapping his arm around Jackson. "Daddddd say something." Jay said, signalling Jackson who looked at him smiling. "Hey Babygirl....look after yourself, make sure you eat because knowing you, you've probably skipped lunch. Come home soon. Stay safe." He said smiling. She watched as they both waved to her, making kissing faces in sync. Her heart melted. A smile spreading over her features, as she felt her heart relax. The motivation that she had so desperately needed returning in a matter of seconds. Her hands itching to reply.

From Irene

Jackson's face lit up as she responded. His heart pounding slightly as he took the opportunity to message her again.

From Jackson
Have you eaten?

From Irene
No. I'll eat later. Quit with the fake concern.

From Jackson
It isn't fake concern. Please eat.

From Irene
It doesn't concern you.

From Jackson

Her heart begged her to give in, her mind edging her further.

From Irene
I'm busy. I don't have the time to eat.

From Jackson
Your gonna make yourself sick. Is everything okay?

From Irene
Doesn't matter. And no.

From Jackson
Can I help with anything?

From Irene
I can handle it. I've handled a lot without you. I don't need you or your fake concern.
Anyway I got to go, I have a meeting. Be careful with my son Wang.

His heart dropped, reading her messages. Just when he thought they were making progress, she would stand another wall in front of them. He sighed, his head falling back. He didn't bother to message her back, deciding to let her have the win. His head fell back, his eyes closing as he dropped his phone to the side. He pulled his hoodie up closing the strings like a child. He felt Jay climb him, sitting on his lap, as he knocked softly on Jackson's face. "Yes?" Jay laughed at the funny noise, undoing the strings as he poked his face into Jackson's who wrapped his arms around Jay. He took of the hood of the hoodie before relaxing into Jackson's arms. He smiled as Jay lay his head on his chest, fisting his hoodie as they both closed their eyes. Wendy smiled, snapping a photo, sending it to Irene, who opened it seconds later.

From Wendy
They are so cute together irene....give him a chance. Jay deserves to have his father in his life, and you deserve to be happy.

From Irene
And I don't need Jackson for that happiness, he failed to make me happy the first time, he'll fail at it again.

She left it abrupt, downloading and saving the photo to her album before turning back to her meeting.

Wendy sighed throwing her phone on the kitchen counter . She knew Irene was stubborn but this was next level. She held her head in her hand, pouting as she tried to formulate a plan. She wanted Irene to be happy, years of constant suffering had broken her heart into pieces, and when she thought she could finally catch a break she was disappointed again, life playing cruel games with her, as though it was screaming checkmate ever time she received some form of happiness. In a split second Wendy felt the hate returning as she glared at Jackson who looked at her concerned. It dropped moments later, but she wished he hadn't messed up in the way he did, it destroyed their family. A family that Irene had always worked hard for...she fought for all of them, boys included and received nothing in return. It hurt to watch her these past five years, and Wendy would not allow her to go through another ounce of pain. None of the girls would, but Irene and Wendy had always been the closest. They were sisters by choice not blood, and she felt as though by accepting Jackson she failed Irene. She failed when Irene had always put them first. She always fought for the best for them, and she got no merit. Wendy sighed leaning against the counter, as Mark walked in. Her eyes widening as she made attempts to leave the kitchen. He grabbed her wrist. "No more running...we are talking about this...us." Jackson watched as Mark hauled Wendy to the door. "We are heading out. Don't wait for dinner." Jackson nodded, watching Wendy struggle in Mark's grip, tears threatening to fall as Jackson stood, Jay asleep in his arms. "Be careful with my sister Mark." He said, the warning clear in his eyes, as Mark stared back at him. "Look after mine then Wang." He said firmly, they both nodded at each other, Mark and Wendy leaving seconds later as Jackson looked at Jay in his arms. He took him to his room, preparing on a meal. The others were all out. Suelgi was with Jinyoung, Joy with JB and Yeri with Bambam. Yugyeom and Youngjae had gone out with Jennie and Lisa. He had the house to himself which was rare and felt foreign. He was used to liveliness, laughter bouncing of the walls at every second of the day. Silence, felt weird but he was grateful for it. He moved to the kitchen grabbing ingredients to make her favourite western food. He washed the necessary vegetables cutting them precisely as he contemplated. His heart was making things hard. He never was able to control emotions well. He had always been vocal with what he felt, he would say what he would feel when he felt it...always living in the present. And it was his weakness when it came to her. His actions were responsible. He was responsible. And he couldn't even be angry at the way she was withdrawing. She was protecting herself. And rightly so. He promised her the world. And dropped it the minute it became too heavy. He realised now, how he treated her like an option when in reality she was far more. He realised how badly he messed with her confidence, how he made her insecure when he should have fought harder to chase them away. He let her drown. In fact he held her under water. His eyes shone with tears as he chucked the knife to the counter hard, whipping around as a tear fell. He promised her so much...and he didn't pull through. He failed her.

Jay had woken up walking into the kitchen to see his fathers outburst. He watched as Jackson tensed, turning around to try and compose himself. He sighed mentally, walking forward as he called out softly "Dad." He watched as Jackson rushed to wipe away the tears with his hoodie, turning to smile brightly at Jay. "Hey little man...your up." He smiled at Jackson. "Yeah. I want to help you." Jackson nodded, picking him up and placing him on the counter as Jackson set back to work. "Your making Mum's favourite?" He asked, excited as Jackson smiled. "Yep." "That will defiantly score you brownie points." The father son duo laughed as Jackson plugged his phone in to the music system, the two singing and dancing along to songs as Jackson continued to cook.
Two hours later food was prepared and he made sure to feed Jay on time. He gave him time to digest just like Irene had outlined and then helped him get ready for bed. Jackson carried him to his room, laying him on the bed, he watched as Jay turned to him smiling, before jumping up and hugging Jackson who laughed. "I'm so glad I met you Dad." He said as Jackson felt his heart pinch. He ruffled his hair kissing his forehead "So am I Jay." He said before continuing "Now get to sleep before your mum comes and kills me." The two laughed high fiving each other as Jackson made sure to tuck him in. Kissing his head one last time he turned off the lights, staying for awhile playing with Jay's luscious curls, smiling to himself as he heard his sons soft snores.

Ten minutes later he walked out into the living room, his stomach rumbling slightly as he waited for Irene. He looked at his phone 8:45. He sighed contemplating what to do. Just as he stood, he heard a knock on the door, his feet shuffling as he opened the door. His eyes meeting a tired Irene, her eyes heavy as she looked at him. "Hey..." he whispered, as she nodded at him. He moved slightly allowing her in. He watched as she threw her purse to the couch, before flopping down on it herself dramatically. Her eyes closing as she asked, her voice hoarse "Where's Jay?" "He's asleep." He watched as she opened her eyes to look at the time groaning as she turned slightly. He wore an amused smile at her childish antics. "Have you eaten?" He asked. He watched as she didn't say anything. She didn't need to. Her stomach grumbling loudly as she sat up, her eyes flaring open as he stifled a laugh. "Not a word." She whispered deadly as he held his hands up in mock surrender. "I cooked." He stated simply. "It's okay." She replied back. "Did you have lunch?" He asked, watching as she looked to the side, refusing to make eye contact. He shook his head, walking towards her as he picked her up bridal style, carrying her to the dinner table. "Jackson put me down." "Shhhhhh..." he said back, his eyes pinning hers. "No. Let me look after you Joohyun. Even if it's just for tonight. We can go back to you hating me tomorrow morning. Just let me try and decrease my guilt, let me begin to make it up to you." He watched as her eyes met his. Silence covering them in a blanket as he set her down on the chair, moving around to warm their food. He plated both of them, sitting opposite her, her eyes widening slightly "You waited for me?" He nodded, watching her eyes soften for a fraction, catching a small smile that graced her tiresome face. Her eyes cast down, her heart melting as she shot back up into his eyes. He remembered. Her heart and mind whispered as one. He watched as something flashed In her eyes. He remembered her favourite food. She smiled slightly, her hand reaching for the cutlery as she cut the  vegetable lasagna he had made. He watched as she chewed on it, a moan emitting from her as she spoke "Gosh Jack...this is heaven." She whispered, continuing softly. "I've missed your food." He smiled softly, but froze as he saw the regret she held for speaking her heart. He chose not to make her uncomfortable, his heart acknowledging the complement but his facial features remaining blank for her benefit which she was grateful for. She leaned back in the chair slightly, her mind dwelling on when he would cook for her, the way they would cook together. They were perfect. And then they weren't. They continued eating, Jackson plucking up the courage "How was work?" He watched as Irene stopped herself from saying what her defence mechanism wanted her to say, her mind going back to the words he uttered. "Tiring...hectic. Everything is a mess." She spoke. As he lay his knife and fork down sipping on his drink watching her, waiting for her to elaborate. "Things have changed. It's hard. Things are going wrong left right and centre, the remerge was supposed to be a smooth transition but they got me juggling that and now other stuff. They want me to take so much responsibility and I'm not ready for it. I'm not good at this. This was never the life I wanted."  He watched as she broke their eye contact. He don't know what possessed him that moment. But his hand reached out to hers, forcing her gaze back on him. "Your doing amazing love. The results is your vision. Think of that and nothing else. You'll do it, just like you always do. Have faith in yourself, your phenomenal." He watched as he saw something awake in her eyes. But it was gone as quickly as it came. Her hand moving out of his as she continued eating. "I'm not Jackson. I'm not amazing. I'm one big mess. And I'm making a mess of everything else. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm second guessing myself constantly. I'm not who I was. I left her behind." "No she's still in there. You don't just lose part of yourself, you've been forced to deal with different situations, you mean different things to different people and it's hard to keep the balance but thats one thing you've always done best. It's okay to lose yourself once in awhile, there's nothing wrong with it. She's in there. I know she is because I can see her staring back at me. Your strong Irene. Your a fighter. So do what you do best and fight." He said watching As her walls seemed to crumble. "I'm tired of fighting." She said her voice raising slightly, careful not to awake Jay. "It's all I've done for the past five years. I'm tired of it."She said, ripping her gaze to the side. "Let me hold the weight of your world then." He watched her laugh bitterly. "Hold the weight of my world? You dropped it last time..." he watched as she finished her food, grabbing his plate as she moved to the sink. "Irene let me-" "it's fine you cooked and looked after my son, it's the least I can do." He watched as she rushed to wash them, drying her hands five minutes later. She turned around, Jackson standing behind her grabbing her wrist pulling her closer as he wrapped his arms around her. He felt the tension flow from her shoulders, as she slumped against him. Her arms wrapping around him moments later as she allowed herself the comfort. Ten minutes later they broke apart, as he led her to his room. She left to get changed and so did he. They stood by the door moments later, as Jackson picked her up again. Too tired to fight she lay her head on his shoulder for a split second as he placed her on the bed tucking her in next to Jay. She grabbed his hand as he moved away. "Stay with us." She whispered, her heartbreaking at the smile he gave her. She watched as he climbed in on the other side, Jay in the middle, as Irene and Jackson stared at each other. "Thank you." He heard her whisper. "No thank you for allowing me this." He said. He watched as her eyes closed moments later, as did his. For once they felt and looked like a family. All three of them.


-Authors note...
HEYYYYYY!!! Hope your week' are going well. Here's the update that some of you have been waiting for. This is a long one. Let me know how you feel about it. I look forward to hearing back from you guys. Lots of love and best wishes to you all.

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