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Jay awoke before Irene and Jackson, a smile on his face as he looked at his parents. The peace that he saw missing on their faces returning as the distance between them began to close. He smiled, moving quietly to leave Irene and Jackson alone. He left the room closing the door softly as Irene moved closer to Jackson in her sleep, her head moving to his chest, as she snuggled into his warmth. Jackson still asleep himself, wrapped his arms around the form, his mind falling away from the torments of the world as he caught the peace he hadn't received in the past five years. It wasn't until two hours later that Jackson had begun to slur from his slumber, the morning rays hitting his face as he squinted away from the light. Feeling a weight on him his eyes cast down. And there she was looking like a goddess, her form tangled with his, her hair sprawled out on the white pillow beneath, her long eye lashes incasing her lotus like eyes. His heart skipped a beat as he watched her, his hand moving to move a strand of hair out of her face which seemed to bothering her. He smiled as she snuggled closer into his warmth enjoying the contact that he had missed for the past five years. It wasn't until half an hour later did she stir from her sleep, shifting slightly as her eyes began to open, groggy with the after effects of sleep. She let out a deep breath grabbing onto to whatever she was hugging tightly, she smelt him before she saw him, her nostrils filling with his familiar scent. She shot up seconds later, her mouth ajar slightly as she looked at him. She quickly moved the duvet frantically "Did i squash my son." She let out as Jackson bit back a laugh. He watched her in amusement as she looked up at him, before jumping up and running to the other side of the door. He watched her, his eyes trained to her form, her shorts exposing her milky  legs for his imagination, his eyes trailed up her form, his eyes widening in realisation at the shirt that covered her, it was his. One he had given her after one of their nights together. He remembered the entire night as though it was yesterday. That wasn't the reality though, it was more like a life time ago. The way in which they fell into each other, the way he claimed her over and over again was something he missed. The way they moved from door to wall to breaking away to steal smiles. He missed it all. That night was a special one. He knew. He had done the maths in his head. That was the night she conceived Jay. That night was supposed to be where they walked together forever. That t-shirt was a reminder to him. A bittersweet night only because of his own actions. Irene watched as his eyes widened, mentally face palming for wearing his shirt. She looked at him seeing the way his eyes seemed to mist over. And she knew why. She was always able to read those hazel eyes, and the only thing she could see staring back at her was regret. Pure regret. She didn't need words, she could see it but her mind had always been stronger, overriding her heart that had no real say. Her mind was smiling in satisfaction but it was one that did not translate to her face. The hurt she saw in his face was tormenting her, the way it screamed 'I don't need anything but you' were words that she longed to hear. But she couldn't let him in. Once he realised he was losing himself in his own world, his face looked back up at her longingly. He watched her stare at him, seeing the softness in her eyes; something she hadn't done since she was back. They stared at each other as Irene's mind once again won against her weak and feeble heart. She dropped her head to the side grabbing some clothes that she had brought with her before running to the bathroom. He saw it though, in the corner of her eyes. The want to give in. The night before proving that there was still a part of him in her heart. And it was enough for the time being. It was enough to give him hope to fight. To fight for her. Something he should have done from the start. Prove to her that he wouldn't hurt her the way he did. Prove that he can restore her trust. Prove that he would keep her and Jay safe even from himself if needs be. But he would never let her go again. He would never let her leave the way she did again. And this was a promise he was adamant on keeping. Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, he got up stretching before leaving the room to use the other bathroom. It wasn't until ten minutes later he walked back in to his room. Irene who had just finished getting ready was turning only to crash into something hard. Jackson grabbed onto her in attempts to stabilise her but the force in which she collided him with him caused him to stumble backwards, his back meeting the floor as she closed her eyes, his arms wrapping securely around her to ensure she did not take anything from the impact. Her hands lay sprawled on his chest her head resting near his as she opened one eye meeting his. He watched as she moved off him hastily, both of them standing up as Irene smoothed out her clothes her eyes focusing on Jackson's bare feet, her eyes sauntering up as she gasped slightly as she saw his exposed toned abs. She turned around in a swift movement as she closed her eyes. He secured his towel suppressing the smirk as he watched her scurry out the room. He followed her moments later, coming out in a navy blue suit, a white dress shirt underneath,highlighting his muscular physique, his hair naturally setting to the side. As he walked out his eyes landed on her as he soaked in her picturesque form. She wore a white shirt with navy blue lines outlining the neck and the calfs of her arms she had paired it perfectly with blue smart trousers that flared out at the bottom. Her hair was tied into a low ponytail, with strands framing her beautiful face. He smiled as she interacted with Jay whilst laughing with his boys. He leaned away from the door frame uncrossing his arms as he stood next to her leaning over her slightly, he watched as she looked at him, her eyes widened. He looked good and he knew it. Her mind shouted in protest as her heart made the mistake of skipping a beat, beating loud enough that she was sure he able to hear it. The doorbell rang moments later Jackson moving to open it, he frowned seeing Suho stare back at him. Jackson's fist clenched as he gripped onto the door tightly. Suho staring at him in satisfaction. He forced his way past Jackson who contemplated pushing him back out, but Jinyoung held him back. He watched as Suho went up to a shocked Irene forcing her into a hug that made everyone uncomfortable. The relief when he moved away was visible on everyone's faces, the girls watching Jackson closely as the boys attempted to hold him back from punching the living day lights out of him. "Ahhhh so this is Wang's child." Jackson made attempts tic move but was beaten by Irene. "He's my child Suho. Don't you dare." She warned pushing his chest as her eyes flared, a murderous look present as he gulped holding up his hands in surrender "I didn't mean it like that Irene." "I'm not stupid, don't try and patronise me we aren't living in the nineteenth century where I'll easily be manipulated by your false exterior, drop the act because it's not doing anything for you." They watched as he laughed slightly, edging Irene further. "Ok I'll drop the act. I want you." He said abruptly, laughing at the faces he was getting. He smirked at Jackson walking up to him in a snide manner. "Did that press your buttons?" He questioned. A smug look plastered on his face as the boys attempted to restrain Jackson from murdering him. "Oh wait that's right she's not yours anymore....because you were stupid enough to let such a beautiful girl like her get away." He walked closer to Jackson brushing his suit as Jackson's jaw tensed. "I'll treat her better than you ever could. Mark my words Wang, I'll make her mine and force you to watch." He whispered in his ear. Irene looked at Jackson noticing the glint in his eyes. She moved around pushing Suho away and standing in front of Jackson "Don't talk about me like I'm an object." She seethed. "Sorry Babygirl." He said. Irene's face tensed, as did Jackson's. He was calling her by the name Jackson had reserved from when they were dating, the significance causing a weight on their hearts. "Don't call me that." She seethed as Suho ignored her. "Anyway Irene I'm here to take you to work. And then there's a award show later on, we are all needed there actually so I thought I'd let you all know." Irene looked at him sighing. "It's fine I can make my own way to work." "Nonsense, I'm heading to your office anyway so I'll drop you." Irene sighed, he wasn't even giving her leeway. She turned around, her eyes showing how much she did not want to be stuck in car with him, she moved to Jay kissing the top of his head. "Bye baby. I love you. Have fun with these lot." She said signalling to the boys and girls. "Don't burn anything down." She said to Joy before turning to Wendy  "if you can, get him ready for me later on." Wendy nodded as Irene said bye to them all grabbing her handbag and walking with Suho. She turned around abruptly however, her eyes looking into his as she smiled at him softly, trying to lessen the anger she could feel from miles away. She sighed as Suho held the door for her, their eyes remaining locked until the door closed with a soft thud. Silence ensued as the boys and girls looked at each other as Youngjae slapped Jackson in the back. "We all hate him it's okay." Jackson grabbed a file, brushing off Youngjae's hand before storming out. The others wincing at the force in which he had slammed the door.


Authors note:
Heyyyyyyyyy hope you guys enjoy this one. Let me know what your thoughts are.
I look forward to hearing back. Lots of love and best wishes to you all.

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