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Y/n leaned closer toward the mirror, applying her makeup closely. She smudged her lip product until it blended with her natural lip color.

She planned on doing some errands, but she wanted to get dressed up. She donned a lilac dress with intricate patterns painted throughout.

Y/n had been feeling depressed for the past few days, so she stayed home from school. Her parents wouldn't approve of her staying home, but what they didn't know wouldn't hurt them.

She had to pick up some groceries so she could make her meals for the next few days. In a small town, fresh produce would sell out quickly. She decided to go early in the morning.

It was 7:00 in the morning, and the farmers market would be open by now. Y/n grabbed a canvas tote from the closet, intending to use it to carry whatever produce she got.

She put her black boots on and left the house with her keys in hand. The market was shockingly close and she was able to walk comfortably.

She was luckily able to break in the shoes only a few weeks after having them. There was no way she'd get the same injuries she did from her heels.

As expected, the market was filled to the brim with people. She had to quickly get her ingredients before she got trampled.

Y/n walked over to a table with her tote open. She examined the vegetables laid along the table. It was nearing the summer season, so it was last call for the spring vegetables.

She picked up mushrooms, onions, and spinach and took them to the vendor. She fortunately had the correct amount of change, and was able to tuck the vegetables in her tote.

She grabbed a few more basic ingredients from other shops for general use. She made sure to pick up eggs and milk while they were still in stock.

As she walked away from the shops and throughout the market, she admired the nature nearby. The flowers and trees were in full bloom with green, pink, yellow, and red saturating her vision.

Y/n felt like she never appreciated the true beauty of nature all around her. She was so focused on others and all of her obstacles that she forgot to acknowledge her environment.

She felt that it was for the best that Joseph had broken off their 'relationship.' She needed to work on herself instead of looking for someone.

She still couldn't stand the thought of him with someone else. After a few days of processing, she still couldn't understand how he could act so sweet when he was with someone else.

Deep in her thoughts, Y/n stumbled on a lifted piece of the floor. She nearly fell to the floor, but was caught by her wrist.

Their bony fingers wrapped around her wrist, pulling her up. His cinnamon colored eyes glanced back into hers, as she regained her balance.

She hadn't expected to see him, but here he was. She might as well entertain some type of conversation with him

He broke eye contact anxiously, looking off into the distance. "Are you okay?" His voice was gentle, as if he was afraid to ask.

"Yeah.. I think so. What are you doing here, Dupin?" Y/n attempted to get over her embarrassment by changing the topic.

"Well, I had to make lunch and there was barely any ingredients. Descamps is coming over too, so I need to grab extra." He showed off his full bag of food items to her.

Her throat went dry when she heard his last name. Her luck was terrible, but at least it wasn't bad enough to see him again.

"Oh... sounds great!" She smiled, thinking about every way that she could end the conversation.

"Have you been doing alright? You haven't came to school in a few days!" He took a worried tone in his voice.

"Ah, I'm fine. Just needed a break." She tried to be as vague as possible, not wanting him to know her business.

"Also, I forgot to say, I'm sorry for not greeting you at my party! I didn't think you'd show up." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly as he blushed.

It was shockingly sweet of him to remember something that had happened a month or two ago.

A smile inched on Y/n's face as she responded back. "Trust me, I was a mess all night. I doubt you would've wanted to greet me."

She remembered back on the party, where she had kissed Joseph for the first time. He had been the only one to comfort her and understand her. It made her heart flutter to look back on.

He thought back on his words before responding. "Next time, come find me. You'll forget all about your 'mess-ups.'" He held his fingers up as air quotes.

His words left a warm feeling in her chest as they both grinned at each other. Dupin checked his watch before cursing to himself.

"I said I'd be back in five minutes, I think it's been around thirty." He facepalmed before he waved goodbye to her, running off into the opposite direction.

Y/n had never talked to him, so she didn't expect him to be so sweet. Maybe he would be a future friend of hers?

She realized that she got every ingredient she needed from the market, and she probably needed to head out as well.

She still planned on getting her poultry items from the butcher shop before they closed. Y/n began to pick up the pace when she realized how close she was.

After a long amount of running, she had finally made it to the shopping area. It definitely wasn't a good idea to run in those boots, because her feet began to feel sore.

She entered the store, expecting the usual middle-aged woman to be at the counter. Y/n was instead shocked by the sight of Michèle at the register.

Michèle looked up at her before rolling her eyes and keeping her attention on the shop's inventory. They hadn't spoke since their argument, and she was missing their friendship.

Y/n never meant for things to get out of control, but that was just the way that things went. All she could do was apologize and hope for the best.

She approached the counter with an unsure look in her eyes before beginning to speak. "Michèle, I'm sorry. I should've been a better friend to you and Simone, but I allowed my emotions to get in the way. I know it might be too late, but-"

Michèle cut her off with a sniffle, as Y/n gave her a reassuring hand on her shoulder. She could tell how much it had hurt her.

"Holding this grudge just makes me feel terrible. I miss being friends with you. It's not the same at school without you." Michèle mumbled loud enough for Y/n to hear.

The two couldn't bear to make eye contact until one of them decided to say something. Y/n noticed the opening to behind the counter and quickly went through.

Michèle stood up with a hopeful expression spread on her face. The girls had no obstacles between them currently, mentally or physically.

They wrapped their arms around each other, holding on for dear life. They felt like if they let go, the other would disappear forever.

After almost a minute long hug, they separated from each other. They missed being girls together. Being separated from each other made a disconnect in their lives.

"What have you been up to recently? I feel like I haven't heard much about you!" Michèle began to excitedly speak.

"Honestly, not much! Just regular school stuff, a few activities and things. What about you?" There was no way she would even mention Joseph's name, even if he was the one lingering her thoughts all day.

She gasped as she remembered something to tell her. "I started dating Laubrac! He's so dreamy, isn't he? I've always wanted a boyfriend who's so considerate and cool!"

Y/n felt jealousy creep in her body, but she pushed it away. Michèle had such a simple life in comparison with hers, and it frustrated her to no end.

She knew she shouldn't get upset at her, but more so at the universe. Hopefully, she'd get her 'happy' ending some time soon.

"That's great! I've been focusing more on school, and I'm starting to get better marks." Y/n spoke contentedly about her academics.

"Oh god! You need to tutor me in class! I've been failing Mrs. Giraud's tests!" She gasped, impressed by her improvement.

"I'll try! She grades strict because she dislikes girls anyway." Y/n rolled her eyes even thinking about Giraud. No matter how hard she studied, she'd never get a perfect grade in her class.

"I should probably get your order, it's almost closing time... You should come over soon!" Michèle paused for a moment before suggesting the possible idea.

Y/n nodded her head in agreement before placing her order. Michèle packed up her order, before giving her the price.

The price had been significantly lower than the previous times she had came to the store. "I think you rang up the wrong items, it's not the same price."

"Let's just call it a family and friends discount!" Michèle beamed at her before holding her hand out for the payment.

Y/n finished her payment, waving goodbye to her. "Thanks for everything Michèle! I'll meet you tomorrow morning for school!"

Michèle yelled a goodbye back at her before she closed the shop's door. As she took a few steps away, the sign in the window flipped from open to closed.

The sky was relatively empty that day, making her feel clear minded enough to keep going during the day.

The breeze ran through her hair as the sun shined on  her face. There was nothing more freeing than this feeling.

She was interrupted by the nearby sound of an engine coming near her. Y/n looked behind herself in curiosity.

It was Joseph on his bike, with a bag of pastries in hand. He almost sped past her, but recognized her face easily. He quickly stopped a few steps ahead of her.

He quickly took off his helmet, pushing back his chestnut colored hair. His black eyepatch still remained still while his eye held a worried expression.

He still looked good after breaking the news to her. It angered her that he could be so gorgeous and hurtful.

"Y/n, where have you been? You haven't shown up to classes in days!" He exclaimed, looking at her with an exhausted expression.

"Why would you be worried about me? Don't you have other girls you can play with?" She spat her words venomously at him, without a care for his emotions.

"I never joked about liking you. I always have, and I still do." He spoke desperately, trying to change what he had said days before.

"You have an amazing way of showing it! If you really liked me, you wouldn't hurt me!" She yelled at him, frustration laced in her voice.

They went silent as he stared down at his shoes with anguish. She knew that he would do something like this, but not this soon.

"Why can't you talk things out with me? It's like you want to make things difficult." She scoffed, gathering her stuff and preparing to walk off.

She hadn't expected much from him. He had regressed into what he was before they met.

"How can I get you to forgive me? How can I get you to listen?" He murmured towards Y/n, in the hope that she would give him a definite answer.

She looked away from his gaze, trying to avoid tears welling up in her eyes. "I'm not ready to forgive you or even speak to you. You have to leave me alone."

She walked off, resisting the urge to look behind her. She knew he wouldn't follow her, he respected her too much to do it.

Their reconciliation would have to wait for another time. Y/n had to grow and recover before she could speak to him without being emotional.

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