Chapter 57

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" What the world needs is an Emergency Boss. An Emergency Czar. An Emergency Commander. A true Master Of Disaster. One person completely responsible for the anticipation, immediate reconnaissance, and urgent execution of rescue and relief efforts around the world. "

- Steven Van Zandt

(Rouen, France, 2:00 PM)

The sun had come over the mansion as the Kree-Lizard boy had busily washed all the clothes along with his mother which they had decided to work in this afternoon. He kept sneezing from the bubbles as the elderly half-Kree blonde went laughing at him. She was taking and folding the dried clothes which they had been staying under the sun. The brunette woman came and decided to help them. Karena carried the basket of clothes as Carol and her son smiled at her.

" Thank you, Karena, " she said and felt pleased at the French woman.

" You're welcome, Madame Danvers, " Karena replied. " You two just need an extra hand for these clothes. "

" Wow, that's helpful, " the hybrid commented.

" Karena, I was wondering where Jared and Allen have gone? " Carol asked.

" They're in Spain, " the brunette French woman answered while folding the other new batch of clothes. " Those enemies have been bombarded the streets of Seville few days ago. "

" That's bad, " the boy sadly sighed. 

 " Well, it is. We tried to stop them, but the tensions against the Kree-Lizard army become more intense and dangerous. "

" Wait, I remember that day I found you, " he added and snapped his fingers.

" Really? "

" Yeah, that was two years ago. You were on the streets. "

(TWO YEARS AGO: Streets of Rouen)

The buildings near the Seine River were still standing in the midst of the invasions as some had completely damaged and ended up in debris of wood and cement. The Kree-Lizard legion were still guarding and roaming around the city for any intruders from the Rebel Forces or the MTF would dare to penetrate. The mixed race people were taken away as they were being transported to a New York bound aircraft.

On the highway going to Paris, Karena Lesproux was dressed in a cloak and spying around the checkpoints going to the city. Her mission was to gather information from the enemy territory and infiltrate them as soon as possible. She turned to the direction and headed to another main street. The guards sternly glared at her and blocked her way. One of them was a blue-skinned Kree lieutenant who crossed his arms. 

" Excusez-moi, quel est le but de votre visite ici? (Excuse me, what is your purpose of your visit here?) " he asked.

Je cherche un parent qui habite ici. Je veux dire, mon oncle ...(I'm looking for a relative who lives here. I mean, my uncle...)" she said to make an excuse.

The reptilians and the blue or pink people exchanged glances and found her dubious of her answers. Karena waited for their murmur to finish and sighed. The Kree lieutenant was still frowning at her. 

  " Êtes-vous sûr de rendre visite à votre oncle, humain? (Are you sure you're visiting your uncle, human?) "

" Oui oui! Il est malade et cloué au lit. Il a bientôt besoin de mon aide. Si je ne lui rend pas visite, il mourra. (Yes, yes! He is sick and bedridden. He needs my help soon. If I don't visit him, he will die.) "

The blue man signaled his troops to inspect the visitor. Karena looked uncomfortable and heavily sighed as she never wanted to experience being checked. The crowd were ready to discover something from her. Finally, it's about time for the Frenchwoman to fight back. She removed her cloak and released her pistols. The Kree and the lizards were pointing her weapons at her.

Karena instantly shot the guards into their heads as she pulled the both triggers of her guns. The incoming wave of the soldiers had come to stop her. The brunette Frenchwoman was still firing at them. Suddenly, she was losing her bullets while checking on them.

" Quel est le problème? Vous perdez vos balles? (What's the matter? Are you losing your bullets?) " the reptilian soldier taunted and laughed. 

" J'ai encore mes grenades pour t'achever! (I still have my grenades to finish you off!) "

    The brunette lady evilly smirked and threw her grenades to the soldiers as they got exploded. She quickly ran away and headed to the other streets as she was searching for a place to stay. Karena panted, but she kept running. Suddenly, she saw another wave of invaders chasing towards her. Karena found a sniper rifle and inspected for any remaining bullets. Her face grimaced when she found nothing. Then, she heard a gunshot from a distance and started to flee from her position. Still running and dodging around, she felt a gush of blood coming from her leg and angrily mumbled. Karena was surrounded by a group of Kree and Lizards pointing their weapons at her. A French-speaking Kree woman stood in front of the brunette and placed her hands on her waist. 

" C'est trop tard maintenant. Tu ne vas plus t'échapper. (It's too late, now. You're not going to escape anymore.) " she laughed.

" Pourquoi fais-tu ça? (Why are you doing these?) "

" Vous, les humains, n'êtes que des créatures dégoûtantes et rebelles. Vous ne vous soumettez pas au suzerain. (You humans are nothing but disgusting and rebellious creatures. You do not submit yourselves to the overlord.) "

 " Je préfère mourir que de vivre comme esclave. (I'd rather die than living as a slave.) " Karena indignantly replied and looked at her bleeding leg.

Bien! (Fine!) "

The Kree woman took her hammer as she was ready to execute the French lady mercenary. Karena angrily glared at the people around her which she thought to retaliate against them. Suddenly, there was a dark orb that blasted the enemies from a distance. The enemies exploded into smithereens and ashes when it was caused by a teenage mutant girl. The others were terrified at her when they ran for their lives. The female blue Kree ignored that girl when her mind fixed in killing the brunette. Without her knowledge, she was being distracted by the two insect Faunus couple who bit her. Karena was surprised to see it when suddenly she was being carried by a tall cloaked Kree-Lizard hybrid. 

" SCP-682?! What are you doing here?! Why are you saving me?! " she raised her voice in shock.

" I'm getting you out of here! " he cried. " You're not supposed to be here! "

" Let me go! Put me down! "

" I'm not going to put you down! You're bleeding! "

" Where are you taking me?! "

" Somewhere else safe. Let my friends handle them! "

" What?! "

" There's no time for chats! Let's go! "

  Karena got dumbfounded as she never realized a Kree-682 hybrid clone had rescued her from danger. She remained silent and in shock which she couldn't believe in what she was seeing. The two quickly headed their way to the forest and reached the mansion. Suddenly, an exiled blue skin Kree opened the door and assisted the boy in taking the injured woman down to the living room. Karena looked around the place as she saw a community of mixed race people living in this place.

" Svet, I have here some medical supplies, " the Kree said with a French accent and brought his belongings.

" Thanks, Pierre, " he nodded and took some alcohol, Povidone Iodine bottle, gauze, and then a basin of water.

The two men treated the injured woman's bleeding leg as Karena cried in pain. She realized how terrible and painful which she was experiencing. That incident made her to bleed. But thanks to the hybrid boy, she was spared from death. Moments later, Karena was sleeping when the boy went talking to the Insect Faunus couple and Pierre the Kree-French medic.

" Well, that Rouen incident was really horrible, " Tahu commented. " Those guys couldn't stop their acts. "

" We're wondering how come that girl survived that, " Michelle added. " Cassie made her way to hinder them. "

" Oh, by the way, where is she? " the boy curiously asked.

" Svet...Bad news..."

" You won't like this..."

" What?! "

" She got away! " the couple cried in unison.

" Wh-What?! Why?! " the Kree-Lizard boy raised his voice and became anxious. " Elder Rasputina will kill me if she finds out of her granddaughter left us! "

" What's wrong, Svet? " Pierre asked.

" I promised her to take care of Cassie, but I guess she wants to find Shade wherever he is! Now what I'm going to explain this to her! "

  " Well, maybe you can tell her the truth, " the wasp man shrugged. " You can let her know why. Perhaps, this is for good reasons. "

" You're right..." he sighed. " If Cassie returns, I'll let her talk to her grandmother. She deserves this..."

" About the other girl, " Michelle added and pointed at Karena. " Do you think she's our side? "

" I guess so. Right now, we'll let her rest. "



" There, this is how I get here, " Karena smiled and turned to the Kree-Lizard boy and his mother. " Thanks to him. "

" You're welcome, Karena, " he smiled back and finished folding the clothes. Then, he looked at the sunset. " I guess we should be preparing dinner. Right, mother? "

" Right, Kid, " Carol nodded. " We can't let these people wait for a long time. "

" Surely, we won't starve them to death, " he laughed and walked along with the two women back to the mansion.

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