Chapter 60

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" Yet it is in our idleness, in our dreams, that the submerged truth sometimes comes to the top. "

~Virginia Woolf


The Kree-Lizard boy was inside the MTF Containment Cell which he was still experiencing being experimented and harshly treated by any of the SCP objects and scientist every time they entered his station. He never harmed anyone of them, in fact he experienced being brutally wounded and injured in every activity. The boy had enough of these horrible acts which he never wanted to feel those things again.

Just then, he heard a loud explosion from a distance, which he got startled and afraid to meet one of the SCP. The boy found a table and hid under it, which he could be safe. There was a commotion from the outside when he again heard another shootings from the blue and pink skinned soldiers along with the lizards. The MTF soldiers were all brutally wounded and died. No one survived from the facility. Suddenly, he saw a tall blue Kree man with a dark hair and signaled his men to capture the hybrid boy.

The boy was really terrified and covering his eyes with his hands. The Kree-Lizard legion quickly captured him as he was wounded and helpless to defend himself. The invaders spoke in their own language which the boy could not understand what they were saying. He thought of breaking free and escaping from his captors, however it was too late for him to do that. The infiltrators put him in the cage and took him into the ship which they decided to make the Kree-682 hybrid clone a slave. He slowly turned his head around and saw the other slaves like him being taken into the den. The boy was nervously gulping in seeing those people being maltreated.

Then, he saw the same creature who tormented in his dreams, the real SCP-682 who served the Kree overlord. The boy was trembling in fear and thinking of escaping from his captors. The SCP was evilly grinning and readied himself to attack the Kree-Lizard boy. He wanted to leave as soon as he could, but he got wounded the indestructible lizard's spikes which he threw to the hybrid. Then, the boy received a slash on his right leg and tail when he was screaming in excruciating pain. The invaders loudly laughed at him which they found his pain as their entertainment. He was crying which he couldn't take the skirmish he had been experiencing.

Suddenly, he saw a bright blue flash coming from a distance. It blasted the soldiers as the other slaves saw it. The invaders were supposed to fight back, however they got terrified as they were being blasted away. 682 angrily hissed and loudly growled which he got away from the sudden commotion. The boy curiously looked at the radiance and noticed a masked blue skinned man wearing a red spandex suit with dark trimmings and a yellow star on his chest. The man released all the slaves. The Kree-Lizard boy approached him and felt shaking to meet the Kree man.

" Thank you for saving us, " he said. " How did you find us? "

" The overlord has taken all of you, " the masked Kree replied. " You could have been killed from his minions. "

" Minions? "

" Yes. For now, you should come with me? "

The Kree took the boy's arms as they both levitated and flew above the Earth. He was surprised to see himself going into space and widening his eyes. The stars and planets were floating on darkness as the sun greeted them. The two quickly flew beyond the solar system going to the interstellar space. The hybrid couldn't believe that he and his companion had gone faster through the speed of light. Finally, they reached the Milky Way Galaxy and went farther to the Large Magellanic Cloud.

" Who are you?! Where are you taking me?! " the boy curiously asked.

" You will find out, " the mysterious Kree man replied and smiled.

Into the outskirts of the other galaxy, a bright yellow star had appeared with planets revolving around it. The hybrid boy felt astounded in seeing the cosmic environment, as he couldn't believe in it in his very own eyes.

" This is the Kree Empire territory, " the man calmly spoke and pointed the planet. " This is planet Hala where our people had resided. I understood you have been tormented by our own corrupted brothers. The overlord wanted to expand our empire into a tyrannical colony. "

" You mean Earth is under him? "

" Yes, I really don't like why he makes such problems in your part, " he heavily sighed. " Our father asked us to finish his unfinished business in teaching him and his followers a lesson. "

" Our father?! His unfinished business?! " the boy repeated the man's words. " What are you talking about?! I'm just a clone of SCP-682 with Kree genes. I don't know why I have those. Secondly, some people like me or hate me. Why did you choose me in this journey and discover everything? "

" I'm so sorry for not explaining it to you fully, " the Kree replied. " If I tell you further, then you will get more confused. I just don't want to spill the beans about your future. I understood how I felt when the first time I met my father, before. I was just like you. "

" I see... I guess I have to figure it out, right? "

" Yes. By the way, you need to wake up. "

(Rouen, France, 10:00 AM)

The Kree-Lizard boy instantly woke up from sleep and scratched his head. He had a very unusual dream which he saw 682, the MTF people, slaves, and the Kree-Lizard legion, aside from being brought to intergalactic space by the mysterious Kree man. He had left his bed and instantly fixed his beddings. Then, he moved the curtains and opened the window as the bright sun and clear blue skies with white clouds. Looking at the clock, he realized he woke up very late in the morning. Rushing around the hallway upto the stairs, the residents noticed him and murmured. Going to the room near the garden porch, he saw his mother preparing breakfast on the table and smiling at him.

" It was so unusual for you to wake up very late, " she chuckled.

" Well... I just had a strange dream, " her son replied, took his seat, and noticed some platter of bread and grapes along with two cups of hot chocolate drink.

" Can you tell me about it? " Carol asked and held her cup.

" I was in the MTF Containment Cell when I got being experimented by those same people. Suddenly, I heard a loud noise from a distance when the Kree-Lizard people killed the MTF all over the place. I was so scared when I hid under the table and they found me. Then, they took me as a slave with some other people. They treated them badly and saw the monster who tried to hurt me in one of my dreams. "

" That is surely a strange dream, " she replied and took a bite of bread as she intently listened. " Anything else? "

" Well, there was a strange Kree man who rescued me and those people from those monsters. Then, he brought me into outer space as I asked him a lot of questions. The man said he never wanted to confuse me and told me to find out. What does this dream mean? "

Carol remained silent and looked puzzled as she secretly read her son's mind. She knew the activity from Dr. Vandark last evening had triggered his dormant Kree genes and caused him to have powers which were not yet trained and developed. Her son's dream was also the effect of that awakening, although the elderly half-Kree was still thinking to disclose the MTF's Project Marvel. She wanted to tell the truth, but still she never wanted to bring confusion to him.

" Kid, your dream has something to do with the unending invasion of our enemies, " she seriously replied. " You might be taken as a slave anytime soon..."

" What?! "

" I don't know when, but I'll try my best to protect you from them. "

" How about that mysterious Kree man? Has he something to do about me or my future? "

" Well, he's trying to let you see where his people had come from. Perhaps, he wants you to know the future between you and him. "

" Is he the Kree Eternal whom I have been looking for? "

" Probably, " Carol instantly replied.

" It's really weird, right? "

" Sometimes, dreams can be true like I told you before. It could be a glimpse of your future, but only you can follow and make a way to fulfill it. "

" But how about my nightmares with 682? "

Carol looked intently at her son, firmly held his right hand, and said, " Do you want to live that way or not? "

" No, I don't want to be in that hellhole, mother, " he spoke. " I never will be a shadow of that demon. "

" Good, you can change your curse into a blessing, like your actions in saving those people in the slave den and joining the fight with your friends. You have to be courageous enough to prove yourself as a hero despite of your appearance. Your true intentions matter than your looks. "

The Kree-Lizard boy sincerely smiled at his mother and said, " I guess the Kree man from my dream let me realize what will I do and think of my future, then. "

" You surely will do it. "

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