Chapter 59

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" Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

- John 8:32

Bladeus grabbed the document and began to sign to Vandark who caught on and began to narrate. The Kree-Lizard boy sat down when he took a chair and paid attention to the two.

SCP [REDACTED] The Armored Hero

This peculiar set of armor was discovered in the house of a murdered millionaire named [REDACTED] in the city of [REDACTED] in his private collection. Two agents were lost in its retrieval due to a surprise attack and the armor had to be subdued with high impact rounds. The suit of armor appears to be from ancient China, but with strange designs and made of a metal not yet discovered. The armor suit can communicate through sign language and is rather chatty when spoken too. A containment breach occurred with a newly acquired SCP and was subdued by the suit of armor now dubbed the armored hero after it saved four members of the Foundation staff from the aggressive SCP. The armored hero has been granted permission to roam the foundation as security detail. It is immune to any SCP influences on the mind and cannot be killed by physical means without extreme repeated blows like anti tank rounds. This makes it useful against monster and certain anomalous subjects. Its weapons are ghostly and can cause serious harm to physical and even armored beings.


The armored hero is fond of me even though I am only here temporarily and as a sign of our bond I will entrust him with these documents in case he finds the one who seeks me. My cosmic awareness tells me it's only a matter of time.

" I see, but what about the other document in this language? " the boy asked. " This is really cryptic. "

Vandark and Bladeus both examined the other document written in an alien language as they exchanged glances. The armor picked up the document and began to sign language slowly as the expert translated out loud.

" I have traveled far in my journeys throughout the cosmos and planet Earth for several light-years and centuries and so have the parallel travelers. One seeks me for answers while one seeks to destroy me. Funny even with time on my side, I am being blind-sided on my quest an awful lot. I have been to Russia, France, the Amazon Rain Forest, United States of America, Republic of Remnant, and so on yet I keep hitting road blocks towards my goals. Sadly, I do not have much time to see or help the places I visit."

The two kept exchanging glances as they began to shift through the remaining documents. The hybrid was speechless as he wanted to know further.

" He was just exactly like me..." the boy sadly muttered as he wept and found the Kree Eternal relatable to him. The author of those documents was also a wanderer just like the hybrid. " Go on, please..."

Bladeus picked up another document shifting through them until he came to the next on in the order. He once again signed as Vandark continued narrating, " During my stop in Russia, I had a close call with my fellow corrupted blue and pink skinned brothers along with their lizard friends and as such decided that hiding underground was a better option to avoid the armies on the march. It was there I met some odd but nice people and a giant bird. A nuclear powered Asian man on the run from his own government and a boom happy Egyptian man with an explosive touch and sense of humor. "

" Bombos...Nukeo? He met my friends! But why I couldn't see him!! If only I have a chance to take him with me!! " he loudly wept.

Bladeus began to sign and move like he was sadly sighing just without sound as Vandark continued, " My son, you are probably mad at this point. It was not yet time for us to meet. That is to happen in space or elsewhere on Earth. I'm sure you have many questions. I am so sorry for abandoning you from the MTF Containment Cell in California. I really wanted to see you, but those people warned me not to meet you, since you have the genes of the mad lizard in appearance, but still I have given you a gift. Your cousin Mar-Vell was with you after you escaped from the facility. "

" What gift?! I don't understand?! Cousin Mar-Vell?! I wish you were here...I wish you could have seen how I had suffered from 682, the MTF, and those bad people from everywhere! I have seen you in my dreams, but I can't see you in the flesh! I have been searching for you in years from Mar-Vell and the others! Why?! Are you afraid to meet me?! I just need your help! I need a....father who could be with me in good and bad times! A father who sees me happy or sad! A father who cares and helps! A father who teaches his child from what is right and wrong! I felt so alone and despised!! I just need you so badly!! "

Vandark went through some photos and pulled up three of the eternal in disguise talking to three colorful looking characters. A man dressed in steam punk clothes holding a pocket watch. A woman with clothes made of vines in the Amazon rain forest and a man with cold eyes, a handsome face, black hair and wearing a black robe.

" Is that him? "

The pictures had Kree letters on them when the armor translated to the scientist, " He says the Kree letters spell the word allies and list dates."

" When was the last time of this picture taken? " he asked and rubbed his eyes.

The last one listed was on the picture of this handsome robbed man with black hair. It was listed to about a week before the document on Bladeus was printed.

The picture was taken on December 20, 1996 before the invasion happened as Vandark translated. Then, he looked intently at the picture of the steam punk gentlemen his skin reacting with goosebumps. He walked over to his vault in the corner of the room and put in his code, reached in, and pulled out several pictures of the same man each dated at a different time: one from 1942 in the oval office, JFK assassination, and another from much farther back at the World's Fair.

The other picture in Germany revealed of the younger Captain Mar-Vell talking to a blue skinned man with long silvery-white hair. The two alien men in casual clothes witnessed the breaking of the Berlin Wall in 1989. The Kree-Lizard boy was astonished to see the Kree Eternal and his fellow pink-skinned one which he had never expected to see. It was the same man on the picture, but he revealed to be a handsome Caucasian and green-eyed.

" He...just...knew Mar-Vell..."

Vandark noticed the boy's teary-eyed expression as he gently rubbed his back and put the picture of the steam punk gentlemen on his conspiracy board tying a red yarn thread from it to the Kree Eternal and the word time traveler surrounded by question marks. Bladeus pointed to the woman wearing vines picture and signed excitedly when the paranormal scientist rolled his eyes.

" Yeah, okay...Bladeus... I doubt an primordial Greek goddess like Gaia is real. I study ghosts and ghouls not fiction."

" What should I do now? " the hybrid asked and called their attention.

The scientist walked over to a machine covered by a huge cloth and ripped it off revealing a machine with big light bulbs and many switches and lights looking like it came from a science-fiction movie. The boy rubbed his eyes and paid attention to his old friend.

" Ah, yes. I'm so sorry, we got distracted. Behold the God Complex Machine Mark II."

" How does it work? "

The boy looked at the machine and closely inspected it. Vandark walked around gathering papers for the machine his feet clacking on the floor as he gathered vials and various liquids.

" Well the original design was made to improve ones body through the use of epigenetic. but it had an effect in the mind. This version displays DNA sequences and tells me what they are then allows me to add or remove them harmlessly or so it should I only tested it a few times."

" I see..."

Vandark pointed to what looked like an apple with a strange red color and small seeds on the outside when he took a delightful bite. The Kree-Lizard looked puzzled and confused at what his friend was doing.

" I combined a strawberry and an apple."

" What's that for?

" Mmmmm...I was hungry...and science."

" I see..."

The boy got curious of what he was seeing. Bladeus grabbed two vials and mixed them together then heated the vial with fire breath, the mixture turned gold and glowed as he inserted it into the machine. Then, it gave off steam and whistled as the systems powered on. Vandark mixed two vials one blue and one red into one with black markings, turning it white and inserted it into the machine. It loudly hissed more steam as the control panel lit up. The scientist opened the chamber of the machine and gestured for the hybrid to enter.

" Let's see what DNA is under your skin. Let's end this nightmare, " Vandark said and typed the keys getting the machine ready.

" I hope so..." he slightly smiled.

He entered the chamber as he sat down. The boy waited for a long time which the machine got functioned. Inside his body, his Kree genes were struggling to unleash since the SCP-682 side was more dominant. The boy felt dizzy and lightheaded as his body began to fall down. Bladeus and Vandark noticed something to him which the boy fell down. They ceased the machine and brought him outside. The boy opened his eyes and still in his hybrid form, but in his mind something was changing.

" Dr. Vandark...Bladeus? What's going on? I'm seeing something.. It's not here in France! It's too bleak and dangerous!! " he loudly cried. " The Kree, the Lizards!! They killed all the people in a town!! "

" The machine causes psychic awakening!!! Fascinating!!!" Vandark began taking notes at a fast excited pace and then looked disappointed though. " You....uh did not change fully?! What happened?! "

" I don't know!! I saw danger!! "

" What kind of danger? Is it happening in real time or is it the future? "

" It's happening right now..." the boy rasped. " I'm seeing light coming...The enemies got exploded..."

Bladeus frantically made a gesture which Vandark turned to him. The armor pointed the Kree Eternal's photon blast which he recalled. The boy became more baffled in what he had seen and mentioned. Then, he turned to Bladeus and felt familiarly strange to see him.

" Wait...are you the armor? Have we met.. " he paused and asked. " Why I can see the Kree Eternal's mind? What's going on with me?! Why am I seeing such trouble somewhere else?! I don't understand what's going on?! "

Bladeus turned to Vandark as he got a hint of the hybrid's sudden discovery of his inherited Kree secret ability.

" What's happening?! " the Kree-Lizard tremblingly asked.

Vandark looked shock as Bladeus explained the situation, " No... what do you mean another Kree Eternal unlocking?! "

The armor heard of the boy's words as he pointed at the head, gesturing a light coming from his hands. He looked at the Kree-Lizard boy's hands began to flicker a little light.

" What's this?! " he exclaimed in fear. " I don't understand what's happening to me! There's light coming from my hands! I'm so scared! Let them go away! Let them go away! Please make it stop!! "

Bladeus noticed him as he remembered his encounter with Methu-Selah from several years ago. He saw the same light coming from the Kree Eternal's hands. The scientist tried to calm the hybrid boy down frantically.

" What's happening to me? Why I'm having these?! I never wished to have these! I wanted to see the Kree Eternal, but I'm seeing things! "

" There are some side effects, Svet. We knew you are a recessive Kree despite of your other SCP side. Maybe, the epigenetics activated some of the Kree DNA features. We need to run some tests."

" I'm part Kree? " he widened his eyes in shock. " I don't understand?! Why?! "

Bladeus gave the boy an obvious look and shrugged as Vandark nodded, " Yeah, Svet. Your blue blood did not tip you off? "

" I already had blue blood, but I didn't know why the MTF kept and plotted to kill me! All I knew is I'm a clone of that dreaded demon! After all these years, why did they keep the truth from me?! " he bitterly wept and wailed. " I just really don't know! I'm so sorry!! "

Bladeus and Vandark sadly sighed and looked at him in despair and confusion. The boy cried as he covered his face in sadness which it took him a long time for him to pacify himself. After all the long journey he had, he never realized something was very special in him, although he already knew that the Kree and Lizards were the enemies of this planet. Discovering his true identity made him to be more baffled than ever. It took a long time for him to be pacified.

The bearded paranormal scientist raised his hand and gestured to the armor who left the room and returned with what looked like a first aid kit, but it said sad person emergency kit. He opened the kit and removed a mug, some hot chocolate, a stress ball and some mint candy. Then, he brewed the hot chocolate using hot water from the bubbler and handed the stuff to the hybrid.

At first, the boy struggled himself to accept who he really was, although he had no idea how he could manage himself. He was afraid to use his hidden Kree powers which some people would think that he could be more dangerous than ever. Vandark sat beside him and rubbed his back, understanding the confusion and fear of the Kree-Lizard boy's future. The boy wiped his eyes and remained silent as he took a stress ball. Then, he drank his hot chocolate and kept looking at his hands. He was afraid to tell his mother about what happened. He looked at Vandark and composed his words in his mind, before he would speak up. The paranormal scientist showed empathy with a hint of anxiety which he got worried that the enemies would find out of the boy's sudden coming out of his Kree abilities. Bladeus pointed to the hybrid's hands and moved around the room making laser shots.

" What would anyone find this? The enemies will capture me, because of what I discovered, " the Kree-Lizard asked. " I'm so scared of having these. What will my mother react and discover what I am?! I just don't know how to express this, even the MTF who has lied to me all these years. I just don't know what I am now...I am becoming more afraid of myself, Dr. Vandark..."

The scientist heavily sighed, " I'm sorry my machine did this to you, Svet."

" It's not your fault, " he replied. " It's my idea of getting rid of that demon, but I don't know if I could find that Kree Eternal. What if he gets scared in seeing me like this?! "

The boy sadly sighed as his mother arrived and entered the room. Carol looked concerned and crossed her arms. Vandark and Bladeus turned their attention to her.

" Kid, what's going on? " she called.

" Nothing, mom! Nothing! " he wryly smiled and turned to Vandark and Bladeus. " I helped these guys for making weapons against the enemies! But before that, they got me some answers about the Kree Eternal."

" Are you sure? "

" Yeeaah...."

The Kree-Lizard lied to his mother which he never wanted to tell of his sudden discovery. Carol read her son's mind and knew what was going on, but she decided to play along.

" Okay, " she nodded and turned to the paranormal scientist. " I hope you guys never disturbed the other sleeping residents, here. Right? "

Vandark shrugged and raised his eyebrow, " My lab is sound proof. Also it's pretty deep in this mansion. How did you get in here past my security doors?"

" Just used my seventh sense, well anyways. You boys should take care of yourselves, " she smiled.

" Seventh sense you say? Interesting choice of words."

" It's a Kree ability, I can sense my son is lying right now, " she intently smiled and turned to her boy.

" Sorry...." he nervously chuckled.

" What's wrong? "

" I have powers, mom..." he replied. " But not as SCP-682, but something else..."

" Is that true? " the elderly half-Kree woman turned to the scientist.

Vandark scratched his head nervously, " Yes, ma'am. Glowing hands. I'm still not sure what that means though."

Bladeus made pewing motions with his hands again as Carol scratched her chin and intently looked at her son.

" Let me see, " she replied and took her son's hands. She felt the energy from the Kree Eternal as the boy widened his eyes in shock. " You don't have the Light Soul, yet, but you're starting to have photon energy. "

" What do you mean? "

" Your Kree ability is slowly unleashing, " she replied. " I sense Methu-Selah is within you, even he's in a different country right now. "

The boy was surprised to what he had heard from his mother as Bladeus got astounded. Vandark began to shake with excitement as he moved around at a fast pace.

" Fascinating... they are related? When and how?! What?!"

" Well, I have just said..." Carol replied as the boy remained silent.

" Mom, I felt strange...It's like we have met each other before...." he replied and slightly smiled with a hint of anxiety and fear.

" I think this is the way to find the Kree Eternal. You're starting to have clairvoyance. "

" Clairvoyance? "

" Like you sense someone in another place. "

" Like a more powerful version of my sixth sense?!" Vandark continued in awe.

" Yes, " she nodded.

Bladeus removed his head armor piece revealing a human like face made out of blue fire like haze. Then, he knelt in respect, reached into his head and pulled out a blue glowing stone.

Vandark grabbed the stone his face excited beyond words, " Bladeus has produced a chunk of Catachromium! its a psychic enhancing metal that is produced by spirits..."

" This reminds me of the Tesseract, " Carol replied.

" Tesseract? " the boy curiously spoke.

" The Space Stone, Kid. "

Vandark took the stone and grabbed a hammer as he began to beat the stone into a piece of metal in an attempt to make a necklace. Then, he kept banging the stone fully in and Bladeus blew fire over it sealing the stone in. The armor grabbed the heated necklace and generated cold with his hands cooling it down.

" Why are you boys doing it? " she asked.

" If Svet were to wear this, it could amplify and enhance the control of his new psychic ability, " he explained.

" I'm going to keep it for him. For now, he has to use it. " Carol added and assisted her son to wear the necklace.

" Mom, do I have to? " the hybrid asked.

" Kid, this would protect you from being discovered by your enemies of who you really are. "

Bladeus began to sign in a serious manner when Vandark translated again, " He says that the Kree Eternal was nice to him. He knows you and Svet are nice people so he produced some Catachromium for you. I find that sentence fascinating since spirits rarely ever produce this metal. He must have deep respect for you two."

" Really? " she asked.

" Mom, he met your friend back then, " her son replied. " He knew him. "

" Tell him, he's in Ethiopia fighting against his fellow brothers in Hala along with the lizards. We will accept this. " Carol said and turned to the scientist. " Jusis, we need to talk later. "


" Ms. Danvers, so your son is actually an experiment from the MTF some decades ago, " Vandark surmised and scratched his beard. " But yet, I wonder, will he ever receive a new body from the Project Marvel like you have mentioned earlier? "

" Yes, " Carol nodded and tucked her son with a blanket, watching him sleeping. " Methu-Selah and I had donated our DNA which we had decided to find our son. This boy is the true recipient of that body. In fact, I have already known something within him. "

" Interesting, " he smiled. " I hope he could get better after he transforms. Will you ever tell him the truth in full? "

" Well, I must say he will be. It's not the right time to tell him. "

" Another question, ma'am. Svet is just the boy's nickname or alias. If he receives that new body? What will be his name? "

" Amnon..." she intently answered. " Methu-Selah predicted the boy's real name in his dream. I was supposed to name him, Joseph Danvers III. "

" How about, Amnon Joseph Danvers? "

" Yes, that's perfect for my son..."

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