Impossible Clues

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Vixen shook her head.

Really, was Batman stupid sometimes?

Did having so many children around all the time take away some of his brain cells?

Give clues while unconscious.

Maybe he could do that, but Vixen for one could not.

Vixen pressed her necklace as she changed into cheetah.


Everyone was right about Batman.

He was insane!

Vixen huffed.

Her phone gave a buzz as it told her that it was now 11:00 pm.

She was going to patrol for a little longer and then turn in at 2:00 am.

Then she was going to go home and jump into her bed.

Unfortunately, she never got that far.

Vixen, thanks to her hearing, heard the whizzing of something coming at her.

She quickly jumped to her side as the thing flew past her.

Vixen went to where the thing landed in the wall.

A dart.

It had a clear, see-through vile that held a blue substance, a black feather on the end, and a very sharp point.

Vixen left the dart in the wall and quickly pressed her S.O.S. beacon.

Okay, she knew how the heroes were being kidnapped.

Now to see who was kidnapping them.

She ran up and on top a few buildings, but saw no one.

Vixen was about to go back to the location of the dart when she was tackled by something black.

The Cape!

Vixen tried to move, but her arms and legs were quickly tied up.

She gasped as she felt a sharp pain in her neck.

Another dart.


Vixen lost consciousness. 


"Vixen sent an S.O.S!" Flash yelled, who was watching the communications channel that night.

"Supergirl, Green Arrow, and Atom, I'm sending you to go help Vixen." Martian ManHunter said.

Said people nodded and ran to get to a plane.

They only hoped that they would make it on time.


When they got to the S.O.S. location, no one was there.

But you could definitely tell that a small fight broke out.

"I don't think Vixen won." Supergirl concluded.

"You don't say?" Green Arrow asked.

"What's this?" Supergirl pulled something from the wall of a chimney. 

She brought it over to the other two heroes.

Atom picked the dart up.

"This could be what it being used to kidnap the heroes." Atom said. 

"But this Cape has never left anything behind before." Supergirl said.

"No, he hasn't. He might have missed and forgot to retrieve this." Atom said.

"Uhm...not to be a bother, but I think we have some company." Green Arrow pointed his bow to a few rooftops from them.

The Cape!

"He must have came back for the dart!" Supergirl realized.

"Yeah. And if he had two darts, I think he has more!" Green Arrow said as the Cape started to run towards them. 

"Scatter!" Atom yelled.

The three heroes all ran in different directions. 

"Get back to the plane, you two! I'm almost there, I'll drive around and grab you if I have to!" Green Arrow's voice came through their com links. 

"Can I take you up on that offer?" Atom asked.

The Cape was chasing after him since he was the one who had the dart.

"One pick up, coming right up!" Green Arrow said.



The stupid heroes were there!

And they found his dart!

How was he supposed to get it back? 

Of course they would want to take the dart back for analysis. 

Then, his plan would be ruined.

He couldn't let them have that dart!


Green Arrow had the doors to the ship opened.

"Jump!" Supergirl, who was already one the ship, held out her arms to Atom.

Atom didn't question her.

He jumped.



They were in the ship with his dart!

And not only that, but they had weapons that could capture him.

Cursing, the Cape turned around and ran.


"Look what we found!" Supergirl smiled, flying into the main room.

"What?" Flash asked.

"A dart from the Cape!" Supergirl smiled.

"Are you sure it's from the Cape?" Nightwing asked. 

"He came after us when we found it. So, yeah, pretty sure." Green Arrow said.

"I can analyse what's inside." Barry said, taking the dart.

He disappeared.

"We didn't find Vixen however." Atom said.

"I think it's safe to assume that Vixen is on the name of the missing." Superman said.

A couple of the heroes nodded.

Flash came back into the main room a few moments later, holding the dart, which was now half full.

"Good news, there's some pretty distinct ingredients in here." Flash said.

"Bad news?" Batman asked.

"There's several places where you can get them." Flash pulled up a map of the world, multiple dots around the map.

Green Arrow groaned.

"We have to check them." Batman said, "Every place."

"There's so many though!" Nightwing frowned.

"Yes. And two places are in Bludhaven." Batman gave the co-ordinates to Nightwing.

Nightwing knew this wasn't going to be a fun day. 

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