Narrowing It Down

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"What would the Cape be afraid of for us?" Jason asked.

"I'm not sure. The Cape is only taking heroes. It hasn't done anything else." Tim said.

"We're always fighting crime and put into danger, maybe the Cape is scared of the danger?" Tim guessed.

"We can't be sure." Jason said.

"But we can find out places where Scarecrow's fear gas is and was." Batman said, clicking away at the computer.

"You can do that?" Stargirl asked.

Batman grunted, which was Bat-speak for 'Yes.'

Soon, several places popped up in Gotham, Bludhaven, and also a few in Metropolis.

"Why is there fear gas in Metropolis?" Superman asked.

"This is the locations of all the times Scarecrow came over to your city." Red Robin explained.

"Hm. Those two were when I was Robin. That one was when I was first beginning as Nightwing. That one was my time as Batman. Gesh! Scarecrow must not like being by me!" Dick laughed.

"No one does." Jason said.

"Savage." Tim smirked.

"Thanks." Red Hood said.

"That aside, he's been there, thankfully less then ten times." Batman said.

"Why thankfully?" Flash asked.

"We don't have to go all over town finding his hideouts. All nine of them are on the edge closest to Gotham." Batman said.

"But that means Bludhaven and Gotham have to be searched at all locations." Nightwing said.

"I hate Scarecrow." Jason said as he looked at all the dots that marked the locations in all of Gotham and Bludhaven.

There were so many!

"How long does it take for Scarecrow's fear gas to go away naturally?" Stargirl asked.

"Why?" Red Robin asked.

"Maybe if we had that we could find out when the Cape was sprayed." Stargirl said.

Red Robin blinked.

"Within the human body, it takes up to 72 hours to evacuate naturally. If on clothing it depends on the dosage." Batman said.

"What's on this is still pretty strong. The Cape had to be dosed approximately three months ago." Tim said.

"That means we can rule out Metropolis, Scarecrow hasn't been there in a year, so no updated fear gas, just the older stuff. The older gas certainly wouldn't last this long." Red Robin started typing away.

He narrowed the dots to in Bludhaven and Gotham to the last three months.

There was still a lot of places.

"If we're going on our hero theory, then we'd have to see who was in Gotham and Bludhaven in the last three months." Superman said to Batman.

Batman nodded once.

"Whoever was in Gotham or Bludhaven in the last three months, step up to the front here." Superman said.

Nearly 75% the league stepped up.

"Whoever was in Gotham step to your left. Whoever was in Bludhaven step to the right. And whoever was in both stay in the middle." Batman instructed.

Only seven heroes stepped into the Gotham side, three were left in the middle, and everyone else went to the Bludhaven side.

Batman glared at Nightwing.

"It's not my fault that I like people." Nightwing said.

"How are you a social butterfly from a family of anti-socialists?" Red Hood asked.

"You just called us a family!" Dick smiled.

"THAT'S what you're focusing on?! Not the fact that you have to go through all these places in Bludhaven, nor the fact that we have to look through all these heroes, but the fact that I called us a family?" Jason asked.

"I have priorities. And they are as stated: 1, Family, 2, Friends, and 3, Stopping crime." Richard said.

Batman sighed.

"Let's start this." Tim said.

"Wait a minute. If this stuff is so strong, wouldn't there be traces on them even if they are out of the Cape outfit?" Red Hood asked.

"Not necessarily. If they took a shower, that'd get most of the toxin off." Bruce said.

Jason grumbled.

"Good thought though. If they didn't take a shower from the last time they had the Cape on, then it'd be all over them." Tim said.

"Do a skin swatch then?" Steph asked.

"It wouldn't hurt." Tim said, looking at Bruce.

Batman sighed, "Fine."

"I'll go get Will." Tim said, walking away.

"So, this is all of the locations in Bludhaven?" Nightwing asked.

"Yes." Batman said.

"I'll go work on it." Nightwing downloaded the list and left.

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