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Pidge lead the small rag tag group of prisoners through the ship, tracking hunks lion. It had the biggest interior, and would hold the largest amount of people. It was within a nearby hanger, the other lions with them, and guarded heavy by the metal soldiers that still haunted her mind. She shuddered before pulling out her bayard, determined to get to the lions without notifying the flesh and blood soldiers of her presence.

Pidge grabbed two droids and pulled them backwards into the hall, quickly deactivating them. A feat she had learned from extensive study of them whilst captured. It wasn't as if she could forgot the creatures that had made her life hell. She roughly yanked the droids weapon from the robotic arm it was held by, some small part of her wishing that the robot could feel pain. She succeeded, but overbalanced, falling backwards into a spotted alien with a horn in the centre of his head. Pidge vaguely wondered if this was where the unicorn myth had come from, before giving a thankful nod as the much stronger alien righted her. She handed the guns to the alien, who immediately passed them to her father and brother.

Pidge held out a silent hand, clearing her throat as if to speak and frowning when a weak hiss sounded from somewhere near her vocal folds. She furrowed her eyebrows, pouting and unintentionally ruining the intimidating vibe she was giving off. Grumpily she turned back to the door, activating her bayard and jumping into the group. She swiftly decapitated one galra, swinging the gun it attempted to fire around so it could shoot another one. With only one galra left she threw herself on top of it, shoving her bayard through its heart. The watching aliens were stunned at the efficiency of the much smaller creature in front of them. But again pidge ruined the moment by rolling off her enemy and groaning loudly. The prisoners stepped into the room, glancing about wearily for a few moments before moving to help their saviour. Matt and Sam brought up the front and rear, guns trained on the door they had just come through. Pidge accepted the help of the now familiar many eyed alien, wincing as she was hauled to her feet. Gently she waved a hand towards yellow.

"Your lion shouldn't us use?" The unicorn alien mumbled, words muffled and mixed by her glitched translator.

"It looks like the yellow lion is bigger" Sam observed, looking to Pidge for confirmation, she nodded, glad that someone had caught on to her idea, she wasn't in the mood to play charades.

The prisoners moved closer to the lion, and pidge hoped desperately that the lion would accept these people. She knew that the lions were similar to themselves, and hunk would have no qualms with rescuing these people. Besides, the yellow lion had better defence, and she wanted the prisoners to be safe. But most importantly she wanted her family to be safe.

She left the prisoners in the capable paws of the yellow lion, which had mercifully allowed them entry.

Now she needed to find her team.

She turned her transmitter on carefully, listening as the other paladins spoke in hushed tones.

"How are we going to get out?" Hunk said, worry and anxiety filling his slightly trembling voice.

"We'll think of something, we have to get out, Pidge needs us to come back" Shiro said firmly. There were muffled sounds of agreement and pidge smiled as she managed to lock their location on her small data pad, tracking their online communicators. She was touched at her teams concern, it was nice to know that they were worried for her. Although she hoped she wouldn't get shouted at later for this.

It took several tense, excruciating minutes of painfully slow movement for pidge to reach the room the other paladins seemed to be located. Again, the area was surrounded by guards. Although they seemed to be more focused on watching for intruders rather than keeping an eye on their prisoners. Pidge smiled, she could use that to her advantage.

Pidge backed up, hoping that the galran war ship had some sort of ventilation system, if she could only get behind the guards. It was then that she spotted it. The air vents that she loved. She took a moment to hastily formulate the rest of her half-baked plan as she climbed into the vents. She needed to unlock the doors, and draw attention away from them so they could get out. It was a cruddy plan, and the chances of it actually working without error were slim, but that was odds she was willing to face if it meant protecting her team. She dropped quietly from the air vents, landing behind the Galra soldiers. She only had a few seconds to unlock the door and then get out before they noticed what she had done.

Quickly she activated her bayard and jammed it into the control panel. It spit out a few sparks and she quickly sprinted as fast as her aching body could take her through the crowd of Galra. She heard exclamations of surprise and wonder from her com link before she was distracted by the small army of oversized purple kittens. Her bayard made sharp whistling noises as it cut quickly through the air, and a Galra soldiers chest. Blood sprayed and she shrieked in both disgust and guilt, before jumping at another Galra who had tried to come at her from behind. She really hadn't thought this part of the plan through. And she realised this right as a Galra soldier managed to tackle her and pin her to the floor. The other paladins were yet to see her, as they had now joined the fight, making steady progress towards the hanger doors where they could feel their lions. Pidge suddenly realised that hers was on the other side of the ship, closer to the prisoner's bay. She also realised that she could do nothing to stop the sharp claws that were about to pierce her head. She stilled as she heard the sound of a gun firing, relieved when she turned to see matt holding the stolen droid weapon.

She jumped up quickly, giving a nod of thanks before grabbing his arm and dragging him back down the hallway and into the now crowded hanger. Together they took down soldiers, helped by the prisoners who had been freed earlier. When there was only a few left she turned to her brother and pointed at the lions and then back the way they had come.

"Your lion is somewhere else on the ship?" He confirmed and pidge nodded, already heading towards the exit. Matt looked like he wanted to follow, but seemed to decide elsewise as he looked back at the still fighting prisoners.

"Go, be safe" He said, before jumping back into the fray. Pidge smiled at his choice to stay and protect, she was glad that the Galra had not managed to take that trait from him. It gave her hope.

Hope that someday everything would be ok.

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