Self Hatred

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Pidge sighed and jogged slowly from the room. She needed to stay awake, just a little longer, and then she could sleep. The race back to her lion was mercifully peaceful, all the ships Galra focused on the fight that was beginning to wind down.

"Almost there team! Only a few more to go"

"Their engines are down Shiro, and the prisoners I found in the hanger are loaded into my lion, we can leave whenever you're ready!" Came hunks mildly panicked voice.

"Take that, you see that Keith? Betcha can't do that!"

"Already did it, and with more skill" Keith responded back. Lance went to argue but was promptly shushed by Shiro. She attempted to laugh, but it came out breathless and raspy, the sound barely there at all.

"Woah did you guys hear that?"

"Yeah, I did hunk buddy"

"Was that-?"

"Pidge is that you? Are you on the ship?" Pidge finally reached the cock pit of her lion, and flying top speed from her previously made hole. The other paladins continued to call for her, and her lion let out a might roar.

"Green!" Several voices shouted at once, relief evident in the voices of her teammates. Pidge smiled, watching as the faces of her teammates came into view. Unfortunately she was unable to turn hers on, voice activation being key to bring up the holo screen, she would have to fix that later, and make sure there was a non-vocal way of starting up the video feed.

Green flew slowly, barely moving at all as pidge struggled to pilot her. She was just so tired.

"Pidge! Look out!""

Pidge jumped to attention from her slumped position on the controls just in time to remove herself from the way of an incoming asteroid. The small hit of adrenalin allowing her to remain focused for the short flight to the hanger.

Pidge sighed and groaned as her exhaustion came back to hit her at full force, almost causing her to crumple to the floor right then and there. Her hanger was the farthest from the common area. Luckily she knew a short cut. She smiled as green lifted herself closer to the roof, allowing pidge to practically step into the castles ventilation system. Pidge loved the air vents, and the best thing about them? They were slippery, and if she removed her over armour, the paladin flight suit slipped easily on the smooth metal. Making traveling almost like sliding on a long, alien slide.

Despite her quick progress, it would appear that she was the last to reach the commons, as she could hear the voices of the other paladins and the prisoners from beneath her.

"Shiro!" Came the muffled shout and pidge watched as her brother, father, and space dad came together in a tight hug. Hunk crying as he watched the heart-warming scene unfold. She too watched instead of joining them. How could she face them, covered in the blood of all those she had killed today? How would they live with her, when she couldn't even begin to live with herself after what she had done?

It was Keith that noticed her first, and who reached up and helped her down. She grasped the strong hand, trying not to notice the questioning gaze of the red paladin. A colour that was more fitted to her at the present moment, the colour painted all over her body. Instead she fell into his arms, allowing the bewildered Keith to hold her weight. Said teen shot a desperate look to hunk, who was still watching the interaction between the male Holts and Shiro. Almost as if sensing Keith's eyes he turned, concern blossoming as he spotted the completely limp green paladin. Hunk tapped lance and the shoulder, alerting him to the situation. Together they stepped forward to help Pidge who seemed to be going into shock.

"Get her to the kitchen, she needs to drink something" Hunk whispered, noticing the young girls chapped lips.

Once in the kitchen, Hunk held a full glass out to pidge, who stared at it blankly.

"Guys, what do we do?" Lance said, gently rubbing the unresponsive girls' hands with his own.

"I'll get the princess, she'll know what to do" Keith said, choosing the princess as he didn't want to interrupt the reunion.

Keith returned with the princess and Coran, who both knelt down and completed the semi-circle barrier that surrounded the green paladin. Pidge just stared down at her hands, seeing the faces of the Galra soldiers she had killed today. Lance followed her gaze and noted the splattered blood.

Gently he grabbed her hands, wetting his sleeve with the glass of water and beginning to wipe some of the blood from the other girls' arms.

"I'll get more water" Allura whispered, standing up and filling a bowl.

Together they slowly wiped the blood from her hands, arms, and suit. Leaving only the blood on her face. Pidge began to focus on them individually, her eyes finally meeting with those of her teammates. She followed Corans hand as it moved towards her face. She flinched when the wet cloth touched her cheeks, but seemed to relax after a few moments, before her body seemed to catch up to her mind.

Pidge shuddered and gagged as the faces of those she killed flashed through her mind. The Galra outside the prisoner bay, the 3 in the hanger, all the ones she had killed while escaping. She saw again the blood of the first Galra, spraying from the wound she had given him. She wondered if he had a family, a family she had torn apart in order to get her own. She had finally succeeded in her goal, she had rescued her father and brother, yet she didn't want to see them. She was not the daughter they remembered, she didn't even go by the name they remembered. She wasn't worthy to be called their family.

Lance handed her water and she reached out to grasp it, but lance helped guide it too her lips. She supposed it was for the best, her hands were shaking enough to slosh the liquid over the sides. Greedily she gulped it down, wanting nothing more than to drown herself in the liquid. Gently squeaks drew her eyes from the cup and into her lap, where the mice sat attempting to get her attention. When she reached out to them she paused, seeing blood that wasn't actually there splattered across her hand.

"Why are you helping me? I'm a monster" She managed to breathe, before her hands dropped down again. She heard her team talking to her, and the sound of a shocked yell before she drifted into sleep.

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