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After the initial shock of seeing Harry had settled in, I began to think about the prospect of ever meeting him again. His life was so extraordinary that I doubted he would ever want to be reminded of his dark past, meaning he probably never wanted to see me again.

"How could I even get in touch with him?" I asked the air around me and placed my head in my hands, feeling myself being overcome by emotions. I was happy for Harry, but also deeply upset that he had gone onto so many great things and had left me behind like an unwanted pet.

At Judy's house I had no internet and even if I did have WiFi- I didn't have a smartphone. So, after much deliberation- I decided to write him a letter. It would give me closure, and if it had ever made its way to Harry it might have reminded him of my presence.

Picking up a pen and some paper, I started to write, pouring my heart into the words.


It's Matilda, from two years ago. We ran away together if that doesn't jog your memory I don't know what will- running away is a pretty hard thing to forget. Not to mention all the memories we had like hitchhiking with James (that was his name right?)

Anyway, I saw you on the TV. Congratulations! You may be wondering why I'm writing you a letter. I'm still at Judy's, in Cornwall, and she doesn't have WiFi. I listened to your album though, it was really good... Not really the type of music I imagined you playing though.

Can I ask you something? That sounds stupid because you can't exactly say no. Why did you leave that night? I think and think but I can't understand why you didn't say goodbye. I know you were upset, and irrational- but going to London?! I was worried sick about you. I was so worried...

Life here has pretty much stayed the same, I have a job though- I work in that cafe that we got stuck in when it rained. Do you remember that day? You might not, your life is probably too exciting now to dwell on the past.

This was just a kind of 'hello, I'm still alive' letter. Please reply Harry. I miss you.


Your Matilda.

I stared at the paper for a second, unsure of what I had just written. I had so much planned to say in my head, so many emotions that I wanted to portray to him but all I could come up with was a cheery, slightly pathetic letter recounting the past.

Going down the stairs slowly, I didn't know how and where to send the letter to. Would Harry even receive it, or would one of his management read it first? Judy was sat on the sofa and I went to sit next to her.

She was like my grandmother and I had grown to love her dearly, she filled a hole that had formed when my mother kicked me out. She cared for me unconditionally and had never once raised her voice at me.

"I want to speak to Harry," I said to her as she stared out the window wistfully,"I wrote him a letter."

"Throw it in the bin," she said, her expression still remaining as serene as ever.

"What?" I asked, turning to face her with shock. She had always said that Harry and I made a great couple.

"You need to move on Mat, you can't keep digging up the past. Harry has moved on, he's even dating. What have you done but dwell on the past, and recount the memories you shared for what- two weeks?" As much as her words hurt, they were true. Harry had taken over my life even when he had left.

"Well how can I move on?" I replied back glumly.

"Move on, literally. Move out of this place Matilda and go somewhere exciting and new. You're nineteen not a granny like me. Go to London and live your life to the fullest!" She had a glint in her eye that told me that she was recounting her youth and the crazy things she got up to as a young adult.

"I can't leave you," I said half heartedly; I knew I was making up excuses. Judy would be fine without me, but I didn't know if I would be fine without her.

"Nonsense, pack your bags and catch the night bus tonight. Just make sure you say goodbye, unlike Harry," she chuckled and I laughed as well although I felt like everything around me was going in slow motion. Moving, again.

I slowly placed my clothes in a bag, over the two years in Cornwall I had made enough money to go shopping again which I enjoyed. Looking around the room which I had known as my own bedroom, I felt like crying- both from sadness but also happiness.

I needed to get away from Cornwall- it was a dead end. I needed a fresh, new life that was full of action and excitement.

Looking one last time in the mirror, I took a deep breath and tried to control the panic that was rising inside of me. Walking down the stairs, I saw that Judy was smiling at me with a few tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I will miss you so much Matilda, but forget about me. Live your life," she whispered into my hair as I brought her into a hug.

"I will never forget you Judy, you are the nicest, most caring person I have ever met!" We hugged in the hallway for a few more minutes, wishing each other luck. I told her that if she ever had pneumonia again she should call and let me know, because I knew that the next time she wouldn't recover quite as fast.


Sitting on the bus, I plugged my headphones into my IPod and waited until music started to blare into my ears.

I was starting a new beginning.

And I was damn excited.

So Matilda is moving to London? Or at least moving away? What will happen to here there and who will she meet?

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