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Two Years Later (2011)

"Turn my television on Matilda," Judy croaked from her bed and I walked inside her bedroom, feeling immediately saddened at the sight of her. She was now bed bound after suffering a bout of pneumonia and was getting weaker and weaker each day.

Slowly turning on her television, I skipped nonchalantly through the channels trying to find something that wasn't a repeat of a TV show from the 90s. Finally settling on some morning TV show, I sat next to Judy's bed and watched the hosts talk excitedly about their next guests.

"What is this crap? One Direction? Who the hell are they?" Judy crowed and I laughed at her crudeness- she still had her sense of humour.

I turned my head back to the television screen, not really bothered about who this 'One Direction' was; life in Cornwall was repetitive and dull and I had stopped caring about what else was happening in the world. In my mind, the little village I was staying in was my whole world. I knew every single person- even grumpy Bill who worked at the newsagent.

Five young boys walked out and sat down on the sofa by the hosts who were exclaiming excitedly about the success of their first single and album. I still didn't have a clue who they were, the only music I found myself listening to were old vinyls that Judy had stowed away in the house. The idea that modern music was still a thing made me chuckle- it seemed so long ago since I had listened to anything remotely 21st century. It reminded me too much of Harry.

"Look Matilda!" Judy exclaimed which snapped me out of my trail of thought and my eyes went back to the screen. I wasn't quite sure why Judy was pointing to the screen until my eyes lay on one very familiar face.

"It can't be him," I replied back, my heart beating slightly faster in my chest as I stared at Harry who was now a seventeen year old teenager, but looking just as beautiful as before. Rubbing my eyes, I stared at his face again, trying to understand what I was seeing. Harry was in a band?

"It's him! Oh he's looking so well!" Judy cooed over him as I sat in shock, staring at his emerald eyes that I knew so well, "He fulfilled his dream Matilda! Aren't you happy for him?"

I didn't reply, instead I watched as he replied to the questions the interviewer was giving with a grin on his face. He was happy... without me. The boys next to him spoke animatedly about the crazy year they had experienced, but my eyes were glued to Harry's face.

Walking over to the television, I looked into his eyes and for a split second I thought he could see me; his eyes met mine and I saw a slight hint of sadness in them. But that sadness was gone within a second as someone cracked a joke and he laughed loudly along with everyone else.

The interview was over and I was left to sit and process what was going on- Harry was doing amazingly well. Some sick, jealous part of me had always hoped that he regretted his decision. But it was obvious that he was the lucky one out of the pair of us.

Once Judy was asleep and stable, I left the house to go to the library which was practically someone's front room but it had a computer. A kind old lady named Margret only allowed me thirty minutes on the almost prehistoric computer but I thanked her immensely.

My fingers brushed against the keys as I typed in Harry's name, but I paused before I pressed the search button. I didn't know if I wanted to know about him, about his new life. His life without me. But I was too damn curious for my own good.

Hundreds of articles popped up, all with pictures of Harry's face plastered on them. A few were congratulating his band on their success but most were circulated around the drama that surrounded him. Dating a woman almost twice his age. The girls that were threatening to kill themselves over him.

As I read and read, I couldn't help feeling like I wasn't reading about my Harry. This man was someone completely different, he was nothing like the boy I had met in a cardboard box.

I kept looking, kept digging as if I was looking for something. I was looking for my name, I was looking for any indication of his past. But there was nothing other than a happy family and a good set of grades, no mention of the weeks he spent running from haunted memories.

Closing my eyes, I shut down the browser and lent back in the chair; it was like he had forgotten about me. Or had been forced to forget about me. Why hadn't anyone dug up that part of his life? Surely that would have made a great headline?

The sea breeze acted as my comforter as I walked back home slowly, unsure of how to even take the news. Should I just have forgotten about Harry? Standing at the end of a road, I decided to take a slight detour and found myself on a bus to the nearby town.

As the bus trundled along, I noticed that someone was holding out a newspaper with five, now-familiar, faces on it and I turned away, trying my hardest not to cry. With the money I had earned working three different jobs, I walked into the nearest electronics shop and bought an iPod as well as a pair of headphones.

My first purchase- Up All Night (The Album) by One Direction. The whole way home I let myself become enveloped in his smooth voice, finding myself actually enjoying the music. Despite not knowing who the other boys were, I could always pick out Harry's voice. Always.

I was looking for a message from Harry. But I couldn't find it.

So this is slight distortion of the truth and now you can kinda understand why I said this was half alternate universe and half reality based. Obviously I know Harry wasn't a runaway (to my knowledge at least) and he didn't shoot someone in the leg (to my knowledge) but in this story he has. What's going to happen now after Matilda knows that Harry is in One D? You'll have to wait and see :)

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