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The closer we got to the house the more I could make out; the place was vast- far too large for any practical use. Large trees loomed over it, casting foreboding shadows over us as we cautiously traipsed over to the salvation. I had my fingers crossed that the place was uninhabited.

"Don't look so nervous," Harry whispered reassuringly as we neared the front door and I took in a large breath in an attempt to calm my raging nerves.

Instead of making his way to the front door, Harry went straight to the window and I held my breath. I was expecting someone to come out at any second and scream at us.

"Nothing, all the furniture has been covered in plastic sheets so I believe that this is a holiday home," the smug grin on Harry's face was annoying but I was beyond caring at that point. Relief washed over me like a tidal wave.

Harry wasn't discreet entering the mansion, he simply smashed the window and climbed in much to my horror. Slowly, I followed his trail and made my way into the silent house.

It was creepy, all the furniture had been covered in white plastic sheets to protect them. I didn't like the vibe of the place, it felt like we had stepped into a horror movie. I was almost waiting for a masked killer to jump out at any second brandishing a knife.

"Look what I found!" Harry came out of the kitchen holding a bottle of wine triumphantly and I rolled my eyes- but even I had to admit that we deserved it. We had endured a long day.

Grabbing the bottle of him, I pressed my lips to the cold glass and closed my eyes in delight as the liquid slid down my throat. I almost felt immediately relaxed.

"What do you bet on me downing this bottle in ten seconds?" Harry winked at me as I held the bottle in my hand.

"I got no money," I replied back, tempted to have another drink of the delicious wine; I suspected that it cost a fortune but that didn't stop me craving it.

"But you do have lips. If I finish the bottle in ten seconds you have to kiss me," his gaze never left me as I stared at him in shock, I didn't know he even thought of me like that.

"Are you sure that you aren't already drunk?" I raised my eyebrow at the smirking boy and he shook his head defensively.

Grabbing the bottle off me, he jabbed it into his mouth and began to swallow the red liquid. Playing along with his charade, I counted down from ten, feeling confident that the fifteen year old teenager couldn't stomach a whole bottle of wine.

But to my surprise, he smashed the empty bottle against the wall before I had even reached three seconds and all I could do was stare at him in shock. How did he do that?

"I've won," he said in a slightly deeper voice, "Now I get my reward."

He took steps towards me and I began to breathe heavily, I wasn't used to such directness from such a young man. Harry looked so much older, he felt so much older than he was. To me, he was on exactly the same level as me.

Before I could protest, he pressed his warm lips into mine and I soon sunk into the kiss. The sweet taste of wine filled my mouth as our tongues met, and a fiery passion burned between us. In that moment I could think of nothing more than us- our mouths and the fuzzy feeling in my stomach.

Pulling away, Harry wiped his mouth on his sleeve and he looked down at the floor to avoid eye contact. In one second, the heat of the kiss had faded away and awkwardness hung over us like a canopy. Why had we done that?

The dizziness of the alcohol faded away from me and I became extremely sober and aware. We had just done something very confusing. Something that had ruined the platonic friendship we had formed.

"Sorry about that, I don't know what fell over me," Harry mumbled and I nodded, unsure of how else to response. It seemed obvious to me that he had no feelings for me; to him I was just another girl. And in theory I should have felt the same way about him. So why did I feel so disappointed that he regretted the kiss?

"We should stock up on food and look what else they have here," for the first time in our companionship I became the adult and suggested the next plan of action. In one small action, we had wrecked any chance of us having a normal relationship. Somehow I had gained feelings for this boy without realising. And that made everything complicated.

Ooohhhh why did Harry want to kiss her? And is this house really as safe as it appears? You'll have to wait and see ;)

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