Kaiko's Decklist and Question and Answers

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Kazue: YAY!! Its Kaiko-senpai's Decklist!!!

Kaiko: I haven't had any sleep this past night, so no explanation... Good night... *falls on ground sleeping*

Jinsei: *puts a blanket over Kaiko and leaves*

Grade 0

4x Shockwave Star-vader, Dysprosium (Stand)

1x Star-vader, Dust Tail Unicorn (Starting Vanguard)

4x Star-vader, Nebula Captor (Draw)

4x Star-vader, Paradigm Shift Dragon (Critical)

4x Star-vader, Stellar Garage (Heal)

Grade 1

4x Barrier Star-vader, Promethium (Perfect Guard)

4x Deception Star-vader, Nickel

4x World Seeking Star-vader, Boron (G1 Stride Enabler/Fodder)

Grade 2

3x Companion Star Star-vader, Photon

2x Shade Star-vader, Sulfur

2x Star-vader, Cold Death Dragon

3x Star-vader, Mobius Breath Dragon

3x Starholder Dragon

Grade 3

4x Destruction Star-vader, World End (Avatar)

4x Star-vader, "Яeverse" Cradle

Grade 4 (G-Deck)

4x Death Star-vader, "Omega Loop" Glendios

4x Death Star-vader, Venom Bloom Dragon

Jinsei: Now it is time for Question and Answers. *smiles*


Question and Answers!~

Q) To Maxios-

Maxios: Lel, did I T R I G G E R someone?


Maxios: *troll face*

Q) To Yza-
Everyone knows your a pervert! How do you feel?

Yza: Well, I feel fine

Rukia: *sigh* Your an idiot

Yza: A lucky idiot!

Rukia: Remind me again how I fell in love with you?

Yza: No clue XD

Q) To Kazue-
How many people did you kill?

Kazue: Kill people? I did no such thing!! *hiding a bloody knife in her bag* I JUST TORTURED THEM! *laughs insanely*


Kazue: Shush, or else I'll hang up your head in my garage

Kurakuya: *does a O_o face and runs*

Q) To Wyvon-
Speaking of police, did you phone them or tell your parents after that incident?

Wyvon: *freezes and lies* I told mom and dad

*whispers* Liar liar pants on fire

Wyvon: Shut up...

Q) To Payic-
When Yza asked you the question, what is your feeling?

Payic: I wanted to make him pay, but at the same time I realised that I attract ALOT of weirdos...

Riku: Thats normal, right?

Payic: No, its very strange *sweatdrop*

Q) To Ayato-
If you don't use Gold Paladin, you die! So what do you do?


Ayaza: He's happy?

Aya: I think he's on drugs


Ayaza: But your not Ya-

Ayato: *puts arms around Ayaza and Aya*

Ayaza: Hey!!

Aya: Is this a phase?

Ayato: 5 YEN FOR ANY WISH!! I am Yato!!

Ayaza: I think so?

Aya: This is not normal for Ayato...

Q) To Wyvon-
How did you live normally after *that* happened?

Wyvon: I just tried to continue smiling, and once me and Rino became friends, I felt just fine after

Rino: Hey, Wyvon, why didn't you tell me?

Wyvon: Because I didn't want you to worry about me, plus its a well, a secret

Rino: Huh... I see... But I guess its not anymore

Wyvon: Yea...

Q) To Maxios-
Why did you change your deck to Musketeer?!

Maxios: Because I was getting bored with Tachikaze

Rachel: And because of it be became kinda sloppy...

Maxios: Don't worry, I'll use Gaia Emporer soon

Q) To Yza-
Stop being so upset

Yza: Easy for you to say....

Ryu: *getting up from floor from laughing* Oh my God...

Q) To Rukia-
What did you do after Yza asked about the cup size?

Rukia: ...oh, you want to know?

Yza: *in despair corner rocking back and forth*

Rukia: Play the flashback!!

Rukia: *finds Yza's stash of hentai magazines* ....... *smiles*

Yza: *eating ramen, distracted*

Rukia: *takes the magazines and places it into a soup* Hey Yza, you want seconds?

Yza: Hell yea!!

Rukia: *smiles and cooks paper into soup and serves ramen* Enjoy~

Yza: Thanks for the food!!

-minutes later-

Yza: Man, that ramen had a woody taste to it... Meh, ramen is ramen. Time to jerk off to hentai *looks for hentai mags* ...their gone... THEIR GONE!!

Rukia: Its in your stomach

Yza: *dies*

Yza: Your so mean Rukia... I even got an upset stomach after *continues to rock*

Rukia: He ate his hentai magazines. Although, I could've shot him a bunch of times in the balls

Q) To Maxios-
Do you think your Musketeers could beat Aqua's Maelstrom?

Maxios: Of course, I'll need to just do my best

Aqua: Bring it on, Maxios Blade!

Q) To Yza-
Sing Supernova Love Edit by Otaya Kurenai and Tetra Fang

Yza: Ah, so people loved my singing of the One Punch Man theme?

Rino: But this song is in japanese...

Yza: Lets duet it Rino!

Rino: It said for you to sing, so do it...

Yza: Aye... Lets go. *coughs and starts to sing, out of pitch* Afuredasu Kanjou ga Kono karada Tsukiyaburi Kimi ni deai hajimatga Next Stage
Koi ni shoujiki na Boku no kioki sagashite mo Hajimete kamo shirenai Shunkan Ignition
Tsumetai taido mo Samasenai hodo no ondo Ichido demo fureta nara Boku igai mienaku naru
Sono kimochi no namae wa ai da
Seigyo funou Atsui honoo Tomadoi wo yakiharai Kinou made no kankaku Wasuresaseru No one ever knows Kono ai wo Dokomademo shinksa sase Koete yuku Adam & Eve Kimi to boku...
Aishi sugiru koto Sore wo osorete wa ikenai Shinjiru mono dake ga Ikeru as Heaven
Hoka no dare ka to wa Tadoritsukenai basho made Taikiken kariku koe Kino machi chiisaku naru
Hora unmei Kasoku shite yuku
Shougeki do Saidai no Dekihoto ga Kiseki yobu Kimi wo aisu jibun wo tomerarenai No one ever knows Kono ai wo Sekaijuu Hibikasete Atarashii Adam & Eve Kimi to boku...
Afuredasu kanjou ga Kono karada Tsukiyaburi ...There's no need to escape Futari ina Kawatteku... Unmei no naka Chiisana hoshi umareru mitai ni
Seigyo funou Atsui honoo Tomadoi wo yakiharai Kino made no kankaki Wasuresaseru No one ever knows Kono ai wo Dokomademo shinka sase Koete yuku Adam & Eve Kimi to boku...
Nisemono no ai Kechirashi... Tashika na hikari Tsukuridasu you ni

Rino: I think you killed half of humanity

Yza: Thank chu!

Q) To Ayato-
How much Noragami did you watch?

Ayato: The irl me hasn't watched it yet, but here I friggin love the series

Ayaza: 4th wall, BROKEN.

Ayato: Shut up Ayaza and wear this Yukine costume!!

Ayaza: What about Aya?!

Ayato: She's already complied and is changing now


Ayaza: Goddammit Yza!! *struggles to not get the costume on*

Q) To Rukia-
Congratulations on getting Yza to be your boyfriend!

Rukia: Thank you!!

Yza: What she said XD

Q) To Maxios-
Who do you think will win the next two matches?

Maxios: I sure am popular today... Anyways, Wyvon vs Kane, Wyvon uses Granblue, Kane uses Royal Paladin. I think Royal Paladin will win. After that is Shika vs Rukia, which I think Royal Paladin will also win.

Shika & Wyvon: You hate us, don't you

Q) To Everyone EXCEPT Yza-
What would you do if Yza became a girl suddenly?

Backlion: Hit on her

Shika: Meh, its still Yza

Rukia: Feel awkward

Maxios: I have a younger sister

Wyvon: Now people can write incest fanfics about us

Rino: *sweatdrop*

Ayaza: My best friend is a girl? XD

Ryu: I'd give him panties

Kyle: Wow

Aqua: *clapping slowly*

Payic: More weirdos, yay

Mai: ........can someone turn me into a guy?

Kaiko: *sleeping*

Zeon: Am I in Sword Art Online 2?

Sanda: Did Wyvon do this?

Serena: Would Yza pervert on guys now?

Ayato: Better question, would he be a lesbian?

Aya: Even better question, why are we reacting to this? *sweatdrop*

Zak: My ears are bleeding

Riku: Congratulations?

Dax: Atleast he knows what a girls life is like

Rachel: I'm so confused

Sakura: *clapping slowly*

Neko: I need to learn about this

Inu: I'm not gonna even ask

Max: I'd say first, but I'm gonna answer seriously... Well, that was weird

Ghost Izo: ...and the idiot Yza strikes again...

Q) To Maxios & Aqua-
Who won?

Aqua: Take a guess

Maxios: Her named begins with an A

Aqua: Loser is a male and name begins with M

Maxios: *anime crying* I flopped

Aqua: Never under estimate Aqua Force!

Riku: You are officially my new idol

Q) To everyone-
One-shot time!!

I'm feeling Drunk and High
(Canon-ish as I'm introducing new characters here... Only the new characters are canon! The rest isn't!!)

"Remind me why we came here again?" Ayaza asked as he sat down.
"Because we were invited to? Plus Rino is cooking, soooo..." Yza laughed. Ryu had his camera in hand recording everything.
"Well I heard two people we haven't met yet is gonna come here." Zeon nodded as a blue haired boy with ice blue eyes, white jacket, grey pants and black shoes entered, looking around as a green haired female with middle lengthed hair and amber eyes with a red scarf around her neck. She also had a necklace with a coral gem in the middle and a purple jacket, underneath a white shirt and she wore a green skirt with a white frilly ending.
"Trio, your way to easy to make exicted." The female deadpanned as the blue haired boy, Trio, looked around with exictment.

Ah c'mon Tari, you only tagged along because you said: "There might be cute boys here!"" Trio laughed.
The green haired girl, Tari, sighed as she rubbed her temples and looked around.
"Why did I come here?" Kaiko groaned as he slammed his head onto the table.
"Ah, well its okay honey, we can have dinner together!" Kazue giggled.
"Jinsei..." Kaiko sighed as Jinsei took Kazue and dragged her away from Kaiko.
"NO KAIKO-KUN!!" She whined.
"Hah, he has a yandere." Backlion giggled like a girl.
"I just hope no one as strange as her turns up..." Kyle sweatdropped.

"RUGBY PLAYER AT YOUR SERVICE!!" Shika exclaimed as he wore a tux while pushing a silver trolly through the room as he ran around crazed.
"SHIKA WATCH OUT!!" Rino cried out as Shika entered a room and crashes and chaos could be heard as Wyvon ran in to see the destruction.
"Oh jeez..." He sweatdropped as Ryu ran over and filmed it.
"Shika!! Brooo!!" Ryu grinned.
"Whoops, sorry Rino." Shika said as Rino groaned, the cake mixture on the floor.
"Its okay... I guess we wont have dessert." Rino sighed.
"Dammit!! That was the only reason why I came here..." Wyvon anime cried as he looked through a cupboard and pulled out some brandy and opened it, taking a large swig, becoming drunk.
"Sorry Rino. Want me to help?" Shika asked as Rino shook his head no.
"I can do this on my own." He said.

"I walked in at the wrong time..." Rukia sweatdropped as she sat down.
"Meh, it's not that bad." Zeon chimed in. "Probably."
"It sounded like the Devil came onto Earth..." Yza laughed as Ayato appeared behind him, rabbit mask on.
"Hey." He said, before sitting down next to Zeon. Shika sat down across him as Trio and Tari took a seat next to each other. A couple of minutes of silent broke out.
"I need food." Yza cut through the silence as everyone started to yell and shout at on another for no apparent reason.
"Guys chill, good food takes time!"
"How did my comment make a war?!"

"Here!!" Rino shouted as he pushed Shika's trolly with a plate of food and a cover over it to them, Wyvon following him drunk. He placed the food in the middle of the table as he took off the cover, a enticing aroma filled the room as the hotpot bubbled slightly as it was hot.
"That looks amazing!!" Yza exclaimed.
"I hope this doesn't become Food Wars..." Ayato deadpanned.
"It really whetd your appetite..." Ryu's stomach growled as Ayaza was the first to grab his chopsticks and start take the hotpot's contents into his bowl.
"Thanks for the food." He said as he started to eat it quickly, Rino taking a seat and Wyvon aswell as everyone bar Rino started to chow down on the meal.
"There's like this tang in the food..."
"Its good. A bit too good..."
"Another masterpiece Rino!"
Thats when, things became weird. REALLY weird. Trio stood up and started to take off his clothes, slowly stripping down into no clothing as he became fully nude, and ran around cheering randomly. Rino blinked at his behaviour as Yza suddenly grabbed Rukia's chin and they had a hot make out session like in the movies.
"Okay, that's really random..." Kyle sweatdropped as Kaiko finished eating and had a pang in his stomach as he stood up and shouted,
"I'M GONNA ADMIT IT! I AM ACTUALLY HARAMBE!! HARAMBE!!" Kaiko screamed as Ayato threw off his mask as he pounced on the table as Ayaza did the same, Ayato shouting,
Ayaza replying with, "NARUTO!!"
"I LOVE YOU!!" They exclaimed at each other, as Ayato pounced on Ayaza as they started to kiss and roll around on the floor.
"W-what did I just witness?" Rino's eyes twitched as Kyle stood up and said, "EVERYBODY DANCE NOW!!" He started to dance like a gay guy.
"Tango, love?" Zeon asked to Backlion as he nodded back, a rose in Backlion's mouth as the two joined hands and did the tango, Wyvon being a drunkhard and drunkely hugging Rino.
"W-what the heck?" Rino's eye twitched as Ryu walked over to Tari and said,
"Hello lady."
"Hello guy I don't know." She replied.
"Do you feel strange?" He asked calmly.
"Yes." She replied as Ryu nodded and slammed his lips against hers, dropping the camera.
"What the heck?!" Rino exclaimed as he was anime crying from the sheer madness that was happening. Shika then gave in to whatever was happening to everyone and ran to the wall, making out with it.
"Baby I love you..." He muttered as he rubbed his body against the wall.
Rino shook as it made no sense whatsoever now. From the gay dancing Kyle, to the tangoing Zeon and Backlion, Ayaza and Ayato making out and doing a Naruto skit, Kaiko shouting he was Harambe, Trio running around naked, Yza and Rukia having a hot make out scene, Ryu suddenly kissing a stranger, Shika making out with the wall and Wyvon squeezing him to death, Rino couldn't help but rub his eyes, hoping this was all a bad nightmare.

Oh boy was he wrong.

After a couple of hours, everyone came to their senses as Ayato and Ayaza blinked, they were shirtless and they screamed at each other, Backlion spitting out the rose immediately as Zeon panicked, Tari bitch slapping Ryu, Trio taking his boxers and slipping them back on after his run naked, Kaiko coming back as Kazue was holding on by his leg as he sighed. Kyle blinking at what happened, Shika looking at the wall with a "I hate you" glare, Yza and Rukia continuing their hot make out session either way, and Wyvon letting go of the anime crying Rino.
"Help... Me... Please."

Rino: W-why did I have to see everyone do that?!


Yza: I really enjoyed that kiss... *perverted laugh*

Kaiko: I was screaming I was Harambe... Dear God...

Kyle: Atleast I showed off my dance moves

Shika: I MADE OUT WITH A FUCKING WALL!! *anime cry*

Ryu: The ship master kissed a girl...

Trio: I ran around naked...

Tari: Ew, how did I accept his kiss?!

Rukia: It wasn't that bad

Wyvon: Lol, Ryu got everything on tape

Backlion: I had chapped lips for a week because of that rose

Omg... XD



Idk even know what I wrote anymore.... XDDDDD

Please leave your questions, requests, truth and dares in the comment section or pm me them! Because it makes life easier on me...

Thats all, Fox out!

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